What if all those people whom we believe are fighting against the Cabal are themselves mere actors playing their part of the Grandest Script ever laid upon the Gullible?

What if Vladimir Putin is with the Cabalists just like his predecessor Gorbachev?

What if the whole show is just a monster’s clever adaptation to new realities wherein the Sheeples are beginning to empower themselves with information never available to them before?

We cannot expect the masters of mind manipulation to just sit there doing nothing while we are busy chatting in social media about how fucked up we all are. They must have expected something like this would happen and may have figured out the most suitable countermeasure.

Such countermeasure that would convince everyone that ended we have regain our freedom back, yet in reality the control systems are just being upgraded.

We must not forget that within a very short span of time they’ve been able to convince us that the Slavery System is gone, and yet we all know that it has expanded its scope and clout instead.

It used to be only the colored peoples of the planet, but right now it has made everyone subservient to somebody else. From ordinary laborers to professionals, private and public officials, presidents and paupers alike, we are all serving the same Slavery System, that very efficient mechanism which ultimately fed the caprices of the few at the top of the pyramid.

The slaves of the past were once housed and fed. Now, they have allowed the slaves to house themselves through a financial scheme that would take a lifetime to pay. The built-in limitations accompanying every legal right are cloaked with fats and sweeteners, e.g. right to vote and free speech.

Free speech can be muted just by shooting the messenger. The right to vote can be defeated even before the vote is cast by fielding politicians of their own choosing.

So if we can’t trust everyone, where do we turn to?

I can only suggest one — Yourself.

Empower yourself, and try living off the grid as much as you can. That’s when you begin to know freedom. Nobody, politician or not, can give it to you.

Consider everything else as mere entertainment, – a natural anomaly.

Otherwise, the whole thing will whack your brains out, and they have won.

Setting yourself free from the grid is a revolution unto itself. And if others would follow you then, we have won.

Enough for my short and mild rant.

Now, it’s time for me to share Pete Santilli’s, which would resonate perfectly with yesterday’s post, Bloodless Strive.

Putin Story Scripted – Russia Spent $ 6 Million with American PR Firm

September 15, 2013

Well folks, I’m back from a needed 2 week break and glad to be back in the grind of our lifetime.

I figured I would start the news-year off right by expressing my opinion and what appears to be a unique perspective on Vladimir Putin’s recent rise to global fame.


Over the past couple weeks while on vacation, I couldn’t help but tune in periodically to the so-called “Syria Crisis” in the main stream media; what we awakened recognize as a full scale pre-fabricated crisis initiation perpetrated by the powers-that-be to instigate another middle east war.

Please allow me to provide commentary from an outsider’s perspective, as I was merely peering into the current events coverage from the outside as I was basking in the sun on holiday.  The only reason I tried to stay updated by catching CNN coverage was because I believed the Syria Crisis was a potential catalyst for World War 3 — the implications were far too enormous for me to ignore entirely over my 2 week vacation.  As I was grabbing snippets of information over several days as the crisis unfolded, I felt as though I was being subjected to some of the most horrifying propaganda that the mainstream media has ever manufactured.   Yes; we’ve seen them operate as an obedient extension of the military industrial complex; and yes; as they did in Iraq, they simply read tele prompted scripts to convince the American public to open their wallets voluntarily to wage a trillion dollar war.  With the Iraq War history so freshly embedded in our memory, one would assume that the state-run media personalities would refuse to be duped once again.  You would readily assume that so-called journalists in the main stream media would never again let their government make them look like a propaganda tool.

Watching CNN made me feel like hurling in disgust.  Not just because they were so open and obvious about the agenda they were pursuing on behalf of their fascist masters, but because I couldn’t ignore the fact that we still have 100′s of millions of Americans who still naively trust their government; American business; and the main stream media.  I became horrified thinking about all the innocent, naive minds being skull plugged by the lies and salesmanship.

Ladies and gentlemen, if you ever wondered what the root of all evil is in the world, I think I have it figured out, and I’ll share it with you because I believe I’m right.  Lying to the public is not only legal, but essential in keeping a failed system operating with the energy of false confidence.

The elite cannot physically walk up to each and ever citizen with a pistol; demand that they take out their wallet and hand over all their money.  The only efficient method by which they can steal from us on a massive scale is get us to surrender our cash voluntarily.  Lying to the masses accomplishes a few things for the elite; it gives them a sense of moral character as they essentially steal from us wearing a suit & tie with lies propagated through the media; they can throw their elitist hands in the air and say “…what the heck, I am not doing anything wrong, I am exploiting capitalism as I receive fists full of cash being thrown at me as a result of my entrepreneurship and  corporate success…this opportunity exists for ALL Americans….I am wealthy because people have thrown cash at me….what am I suppose to do? Refuse to accept it?”

Those Americans who are too stupid to understand what is happening to their minds will permanently resign themselves to their role as subservient, gluttonous feeders of the system being shoved down their throat by the elite who know the secret code.  They have crafted a corporate brand of leaders who create jobs and prosperity via their system of perpetual lies.  They have us all convinced that the alternative is poverty and pain.

Today there are a select few of us who are now fully awakened to the realities of this failed; immoral, unethical system of theft, but we cannot stop there. We must recognize that the elite have now learned to lie to the awakened as well.  Within our community of awakened exists a large percentage of people who have just recently realized they were suckered by the main stream media, and I believe they are still malleable and naive — they are the easiest to lie to; all the elite have to do is gain their trust by telling them that they have been lied to “…so here’s the truth…”.  The bottom line:  It’s another set of lies wrapped up in a truth flag.

So, you are probably asking, “…what does this have to do with the Syria Crisis? and so what if the main stream media lies — I don’t watch CNN…”.   As I said, from an outsider’s perspective I will present this to you in the least condescending fashion:

They have us completely surrounded with every possible scenario of lies by purchasing each and every one of our minds.  If you are a conservative — done. We have a narrative that fits perfect with your anti-Russia, cold war mentality.

If you are a liberal peace-nick.  Bam.  Peace at all costs, led by the socialist-in-chief.

Independent?  Boom. Bi-partisan opposition  whipped up in a blender.

Conspiracy theorist?  ”Alternative media” fanatic?  Bam!  Alex Jones is bought and paid for, and every single alternative media underling regurgitates exactly what he is regurgitating — “aggregating” selective news without ever having to claim ultimate responsibility for propagating lies.

Are you a Russia-fearing prepper?  Ka-blam!  Gotcha covered with numerous reports about Russian troops on the ground and thousands of “confidential DHS insider” leaks.

No matter who you are, and what your perspective is as you analyze the Syria crisis, your mind is purchased.  Even Russia has mastered the fine art of skull plugging for profit.  Just think, both the U.S. and Russian military industrial complex cannot afford NOT to psy-op their populous.  Trillions of dollars are at stake for both sides.

Here’s the most disturbing thought:  There is so much money wrapped up in pre-fabricated conflict, that the Russians, Chinese, and Americans have allied in the propaganda war.  The name of the game is “Public Relations” (corporate code name for legal lying & skull plugging).

If you take a step back and wonder why each special interest group is thinking the way they are thinking in their analysis, you can easily determine that each sect is satisfied with a pre-purchased rendition of what is occurring in this Syrian crisis, but the bottom line is that we are always inching towards war.  No matter what your politics are, your mind is perfectly ripened to justify killing billions of humans and sending trillions in profits to both sides of the conflict.  Each of us is literally being painted into a corner, and the elite will soon surprise everyone with a one-world government solution.

This, my friends, is the higalian dialectic on steroids.  Problem – reaction- solution , and it is a fact that the awakened are not immune or exempt from the psy-op.  Every mind has been purchased. Period.

In the USA, we can follow the money trail through what we now know is a fascist system.  Mercenaries whip up a chemical false flag attack in Syria.  The intelligence community (secret Zionist code for lawless militant drug traffickers and war fabricators) covers all the bases: fake YouTube videos, CNN teleprompter scripting, and made up Presidential reports that give the Commander In Chief no other legal obligation than to bomb.   Corporations inject the media — like pumping a Foster’s Farm chicken with growth hormones — with the same styled imagery & heart string jerking sadness of dying babies who have been gassed.

In Russia, same scheme, different dialect of lies, but ultimately bough and paid for by the Russian military industrial complex.

Within moments of returning from vacation, I immediately said “…whoa…why is this Russia/Putin narrative being shoved in my face so hard?”  Before vacation I was talking about how I admired the conduct of the Chinese and Russians on the international diplomatic stage.  I now realize that’s exactly what they paid for.  The global elite are slowly whittling away at American sovereignty and prosperity, and we are witnessing the final nail in our coffin — convincing our citizens that we really are much better off conducting ourselves as obedient global citizens.  That our international diplomacy skills are old and obsolete.  That America is no longer an “exceptional” society under the most powerful & protective rules of Constitutional law in the history of mankind.

In order for both the Russian and US military industrial complex to win trillions, they must destroy the USA from within (we’ve seen this through our collapse), and then finalize the deal with final push from Putin.  The entire story has been scripted, and all facets of this story are covered.  Each of us will one day soon say that we had no other alternative than to act, and each of us will open our wallets and throw trillions to the elite.  We will beg them for global stability, and since the USA is in its final throws of incompetence, the majority of our Zombies will clammer towards a one-world government. A peace negotiated by all angry parties for the sake of humanity.

Is this all a conspiracy theory, or is it a fact that what I tell you — that there is so much money wrapped up in this scheme that they cannot afford to stop lying to you — then please consider that anything you believe about Vladamir Putin has been paid for.  The Russians have spent almost $6 million dollars with a public relations firm which specializes in lying to you for profit.  It has been reported that the Op-Ed piece published by Putin was crafted and placed in the New York Times by American PR firm Ketchum.  Let me repeat that:  Vladamir Putin’s handlers are an American corporation that gave him inside access to one of the US’s top media outlets.  Communist Russia has used capitalism to penetrate the American mind?  But, one could ask, “but Putin is trying to negotiate peace?  Isn’t that the desired outcome?”  Only if you look at the surface, but you have to realize that the stage is being set for the battle of Armageddon between the Russian Bear and the God Blessed Exceptional Amerikans.  It’s a slow trickle of thinking inserted into your brain, but don’t forget, $6 million dollars is being spent by the Russians for “PR”, and you bet your bottom dollar that they expect a trillion dollars back in war profits for their investment.

Don’t forget Obama’s help to the military industrial complex by signing the NDAA.  By doing so, he essentially gave them an open check book to pump lies into the media.  The 2012 NDAA repealed the Smith Mundt act which prohibited the US Military from using the media to propagate fake news stories in their psy-ops.

What’s the punchline?  Armegeddon is a very profitable venture.  The only way to fund it is to pre-fabricate chemical false flags, whip up tear jerking imagery of gassed babies, convince the world population that there is no other alternative than to open their wallets and throw money at the Pentagon, and line up a billion of our youngsters to get slaughtered fighting for “freedom”.

The end result:  Profits flow like a slot machine to the elite.  The people pay the bill.  A billion lives are wiped out (no biggy for the elite—especially if the troops are too stupid to be anything but obedient and patriotic). All sides of the military industrial complexes of Russia, USA, China win a couple trillion.  And worst of all, the elite actually pay billions to make us believe this is a better alternative than a collapse.  The fabricate the problem — exploit the human reaction to the horrifying events they create —- and then pay big bucks getting ready to offer the Zombies a solution.  Why?  Because they will win trillions.

It’s all a lie and it can never be stopped.  The best thing we can do is believe none of it, and resist their higalian dialectic to the death.  We will literally need to kill the elite (for humanitarian reasons) to stop them from lying.  We can do this, but time is running out.  Tell as many people as you can —not about the truth, but especially about the lies.


Be sure to tune in to The Pete Santilli Show on Monday September 16th at 10am PST / 1pm EST for our first broadcast back from the annual break.  Follow Pete on Twitter @SantilliMan, and please also “Like” our GuerillaMediaNetwork.com Facebook page.  We realize Twitter and Facebook have been compromised, but that won’t stop us from sharing critical information in the face of tyranny.

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  1. The proceeds from this book will be used to fund our next project, Towards Energy Emancipation… Find SpinGir 7×8 on youtube.

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