The Next American Revolution Has Begun

This is something we can all fight with and win.

 The Next American Revolution Has Begun And This Is What It Looks Like

By Dan West /

 This is what real revolution looks like. This is the future. Ron Finley in South Central LA was tired of living in a food desert and he decided to do something about it. He took back control over his food supply and health, while also setting his community on a path towards resilience and independence.

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This is the way forward.
Decentralization of everything is the key to building a thriving local economy – an economy in which your prosperity and well-being are not left to the whims of central bankers or politicians.

“Growing your own food is like printing your own money.”

Ron Finley

You don’t need paper dollars to survive. You need food. So being able to provide healthy and locally grown food for yourself and your family is a good starting point in building a more resilient and free life.

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