Rare Footage of Russian Special Forces in Syria

While the US coalition of 50 countries that are supposedly fighting against terrorism in Syria is yet to show proof that it is doing so for the last 5 years, the Russian Special Forces on the ground published a rare footage of their operations which led to the defeat of Daesh terrorists, and the recovery of Aleppo sans air-power in the last 2 months.


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The US black propaganda of constantly blaming all terror bombings against Aleppo civilian targets to the Russian air sorties necessitated this type of covert operations on the ground.
Russian state TV channel reveals some details about Russian Special Forces operating in Syria
Ivan Yakovlev
On Sunday, Russian state VGTRK TV channel released a video that had somewhat lifted a veil of secrecy over Russian Ministry of Defense’s Special Operation Forces (SOF) and their role in Syrian war.
The reportage is focused on a commander of a SOF unit regularly operating in Syria, Colonel Vadim, whose first name might well be fictitious, while his last name is not disclosed at all. Speaking to a VGTRK correspondent, the commander reveals some details about SOF’s mission in Syria. Based on his words, the primary objectives of the operations carried out by his unit in this Middle Eastern country can be summarized as follows:

  • Providing the Russian Air Force with target designation which allows fighter jets and attack helicopters to carry out precise airstrikes on positions and movements of various jihadists groups;
  • Carrying out special operations in the enemy’s rear, that include intelligence data collection and liquidation of jihadist field commanders;
  • Destroying fortified positions of the jihadists and thus propelling Syrian Arab Army’s advance;
  • Supporting the SAA in crucial battles.

Colonel also described, in a few words, the level of secrecy that covers all of his unit’s operations.
“My wife does not even ask where I am heading when I leave,” he said.
“She does guess, I think,” he added answering the reporter’s question about whether Colonel’s spouse is aware of his assignments in Syria.
A significant part of the reportage is dedicated to description of process of SOF officers’ combat training. Every officer is being prepared to combat in basically any areas (deserts, forests, mountains, water), any weather conditions and in any season.
It is noteworthy to mention that, according to a decree signed by the President of the Russian Federation, Colonel was awarded with the highest Russian honorary title, “Hero of the Russian Federation” Gold Star medal.
Here’s an excerpt of the video:
The militants entrenched inside tightly. Wall strong. Wait, who decides to attack. Will meet from ambush. Our right on target.
Three more in the truck. Only went…. a direct hit to the cab of the truck. Two blows, back on his feet and run. Further work for snipers.
In the work– fighters of the Russian Special Operations Forces in Syria. Cameras on helmets, body armor wound with masking tape.
The aim of Russian Special Forces — militants-radicals.
Many of the militants in the Middle East, from Central Asia (former Soviet republics), at any time can return to us. A real fight. 90 meters– and there they are, those ISIS terrorists with beards, men with guns in their hands.
The footage of the thermal imager, our talking.
On the other side of the 10 terrorists of ISIL, one can see professionals, stretched out on the flank.
On the front flank of the three, I think it is not moving.
“It was the so-called suicide bombers armed with suicide vests. Very well equipped: communications, radio, weapons,  detonators.
The balls, which are stuffed with plastic explosive detonating cord, was placed in a convenient place for the execution of blasting. Cut the detonating cord to defuse the explosive device. He was also ready himself to be eliminated, he was destroyed by the first shot,”– said the Colonel of Special Forces of the defense Ministry.
On the helmet– the trail of debris. Mine exploded twenty feet away. On the table– the flag of their airborne (VDV), where he started. The man in front of laptop — the commander of Special Forces of the Ministry of defense of Russia.
For any information about Russian Colonel, the intelligence of ISIS is willing to pay hundreds of thousands of dollars. How many employees, what kind of car he goes with, how much speed it operates, what streets he moves.
Where the officer is, in most cases, even his wife doesn’t know. During the whole trip– and that two or three months, and six months or no connection with family.
Of those with whom you can communicate– command and a signaler in the conventional staff. The soldiers almost all the time in the rear of the terrorists, and because any radiation from cell phones, tablets, laptops to the Internet– a beacon to the enemy.
“The leaders of the terrorists often hide in their strongholds. May be in the localities where they hide behind the population”,– said the Colonel of Special Forces of the defense Ministry.
The reconnaissance of an area often takes a matter of hours.
“One of the most striking examples was destroyed one of the warlords terrorists. We received information that he moved among its divisions on the car with security. Went to the section of road in the night, organized the ambush. Waited two nights.
He appeared only on the third night. After the fire destruction of the outposts were trying to leave their leader to depart. Snipers were destroyed,”– said the Colonel of Special Forces of the defense Ministry.
They’re with a group in November of last year looking for a navigator shot down by the Russian Su-24 Major Constantin Murahtin.
“We were involved at the end of the search. He was on bipositional the space between the units of the Syrian army and militants. The militants also carried out an active search,” recalls the Colonel of Special Forces of the defense Ministry.
Always there in such operations, the Russian snipers. Roof, ruins. Here are two overlaid bags with stones in an abandoned building. One gunner, he’s a surveillance device with a wide angle, i.e. at a distance of miles see, for example, one window, and the headquarters of the militants entirely.
Second – shooter: he, on the contrary, – narrow angle, see detail every centimeter. In fact, to hit the target, often – a split second before the militants held in the shelter.
“Snipers for days observing the enemy positions and identify the commanders of characteristic features. Any commander in any branch behaves in a certain way. He had the presence of communication required, the radio station.
He is in the position instructs, gesturing with his hands. There was a time when some machine gunners of the enemy were not given an opportunity to the units of the Syrian army to occupy the commanding heights.
With the help of our snipers, they were destroyed, and the Syrian branch of the successfully completed task,” said Colonel of Special Forces of the defense Ministry.
To get to a place where loss of life is inevitable, lives are not risked by sending the so-called robots.
Some control points of the militants breaking in the middle of the desert. Tent, and under it– the catacombs. In such cases our night vision devices and laser sights. And it is only then that you can call. Full equipment– a military secret.
“Most importantly, our technical superiority. We used thermal imaging systems. The enemy is blind, and not see,” explained the Colonel of the Special Forces of the Ministry of defense of Russia.
The eyes and ears of the military observers. They seek out shelter, climb the building as close to the front benefit of the local architecture allows: roofs are often the so-called border behind which they hide.
Under the protective grid of observers for days looking for what building militants took out the shells, what was sent, where he went, who commanded it all.
Once found the target — targeting. Mistakes are unacceptable. Further, in the case of the gunner. They make their way to the target at a distance of several kilometers, lie somewhere on the sidelines. Immediately, a signal to pilots.
The gunners, observers, snipers, Special Forces soldiers– before heading out on a combat mission, they are trained in Syria, and at secret bases in Russia. Operations hone in around the clock regardless of weather conditions, even knee-deep in snow.
A large number of military action in Syria takes place in an open area where virtually no place to hide. So, according to a legend, in one of the buildings hiding the leader of the terrorist group, and with him several people guards. The most critical part is to come as close as possible to the target undetected. Further destruction of the terrorists — second.
Land on water in a suit with scuba gear to swim to the ship unnoticed, to climb, how high the high Board, with a height of four kilometers to parachute, oxygen masks, and even anti-tank complexes at 30 pounds each for Special Forces soldiers– a mandatory minimum. All the divisions report to the Minister of Defence.
“We feel that we have a huge state, which has equipped us, trained and sent to perform a task. Accordingly, we take a huge responsibility for these tasks. Our friendly comrades from Syria, we are seen as gods, I think that ten will win all. We need all these tasks to be performed accurately and on time,”– said the Colonel of Special Forces of the defense Ministry.
Heroism, courage, bravery– full list of achievements of the Russian Colonel did not fit even in a military order. The title of Hero of Russia, which was assigned to him by a decree of the President says, the merit of the whole unit. Lucky he that commands the best.

— o0o —

The operations in Syria will continue in Raqqa, the virtual capital of ISIS. That battle will be interesting to watch as terrorist forces from Mosul are said to be sent there, purposely to sustain the “regime change” operations against the Assad government.

One thought on “Rare Footage of Russian Special Forces in Syria”

  1. Definately a propaganda peice, but timed to give the ((( western powers))), and their unhappy subjects, a sharp push in the back. Well done the Russians.

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