Category Archives: Hybrid WW3

The main problem is that people don't understand how dangerous the situation really is | Putin

When we posted the article about the St. Petersburg International Economic Forum [SPIEF] held in Russia, we focused more on the positive economic implications for its participants. But within the welcome speech by its host, Vladimir Putin, a dire situation was described and put into the world stage so that everybody understands that a slight mistake by Western leaders would mean an extinction level event.
Continue reading The main problem is that people don't understand how dangerous the situation really is | Putin

Our Prospects Against the Russians & Chinese in WW3 | Paul C. Roberts

The Saker reports that Russia is preparing for World War III, not because Russia intends to initiate aggression but because Russia is alarmed by the hubris and arrogance of the West, by the demonization of Russia, by provocative military actions by the West, by American interference in the Russian province of Chechnya and in former Russian provinces of Ukraine and Georgia, and by the absence of any restraint from Western Europe on Washington’s ability to foment war.
Continue reading Our Prospects Against the Russians & Chinese in WW3 | Paul C. Roberts

Saudi Arabia Press Fingers U.S. Gov't for WTC 911 Attack

The shit is now hitting the fan.
After the US Senate approved the bill allowing 911 victims to sue the House of Saud for 911 terror, the latter released to media an article pointing instead to the US government as the one behind the planning and execution of the WTC 911 false flag attack in 2001.
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The Calm Before the Coming Global Storm | Pepe Escobar

Major turbulence seems to be the name of the game in 2016. Yet the current turbulence may be interpreted as the calm before the next, devastating geopolitical/financial storm. Let’s review the current state of play via the dilemmas afflicting the House of Saud, the EU and BRICS members Russia, Brazil and China.
Continue reading The Calm Before the Coming Global Storm | Pepe Escobar

Eastern Countries Strive to Achieve Peace Even as Shadow WW3 Continues

The movement of military pieces continue unabated outside borders of Russia and China.
US Strike Group is still in the vicinity of the West Philippine Sea, while aerial skirmishes were recorded over the Baltic Sea.
Continue reading Eastern Countries Strive to Achieve Peace Even as Shadow WW3 Continues

China Calls Rothschild’s WW3 Bluff with Gold-Backed Yuan & 12,000 km Range Missile Test

Today, Chinese President Xi Jinping calls for “a joint battle command system that wins war” in response to constant Khazarian instigation for war, capitalist sourgrapers they all are.
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Iranian Canal & S-300 Missile Shield System Strengthen Iran-Russia Cooperation

Iranian cooperation with Russia has been a tremendous factor to the success of neutralizing the richest terrorist organization to date, i.e.  the CIA trained and Turk-Saudi financed Islamic State.
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Khazarian Mafia Attempts to Bring Down Brazil to Weaken BRICS

While the US Navy is trying to antagonize China in the Spratlys under the banner of protecting Asians from themselves, another group of embedded hitmen are hard at work at destabilizing the political infrastructure within Brazil by prosecuting its former president Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva using flimsy accusations bloated by Western leaning mainstream media.
Continue reading Khazarian Mafia Attempts to Bring Down Brazil to Weaken BRICS

Russia Will Use Tactical Nukes if Turkey & Saudi Send Troops into Syria

Today is the first day of the Syrian ceasefire with legitimate oppositions only.
To make sure that the UN-endorsed cessation of hostilities be effective, a coordinating center is being established at the Hmeymim airbase where the Russians are launching their regular air sorties against ISIS.
Continue reading Russia Will Use Tactical Nukes if Turkey & Saudi Send Troops into Syria

AP & NY Times Confirm ISIS Bankruptcy Due to “Coalition” Airstrikes

The Daesh ISIS terror enterprise is on the brink of bankruptcy, according to Associated Press though New York Times last February 16th.
According to these mainstream sources, the bankruptcy is brought about by “coalition airstrikes and other measures that have eroded millions from their finances since last fall.”
Continue reading AP & NY Times Confirm ISIS Bankruptcy Due to “Coalition” Airstrikes

Daesh Terrorists Sent Suicide Bombers to Damascus After Heavy Casualties

Over 80 were killed and almost 200 severely wounded when a car bomb exploded near a busy school street inside Syria during rush hour.
After the car bomb exploded, two men wearing explosive belts detonated themselves as crowds gathered after the first explosion.
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Daesh Terrorists Continue to Suffer Huge Loses in Syria, Execute Own Commanders

Yesterday was a very bad day for Daesh terrorists in Syria as the Syrian Army continues to recover more villages in Aleppo and Lattakia provinces from Daesh terrorists. In one account, at least 300 terrorists were decimated near the border with Turkey.
Continue reading Daesh Terrorists Continue to Suffer Huge Loses in Syria, Execute Own Commanders

The Race for Islamic State’s Administrative Stronghold City of Raqqa is On

The Syrian forces, backed by Russian Aviation forces and other allies, are now moving closer from at least 3 different directions into Daesh Islamic State advertised capital city of Raqqa.
This development is an emergency situation for the terrorists’ sponsors, e.g. Turkey, Saudi Arabia and the rogue elements in the United States government.
Continue reading The Race for Islamic State’s Administrative Stronghold City of Raqqa is On

Do you really think you can quickly win it? | Medvedev Warns Saudi & US

Back in December, the most advanced Russian T90As fully armored tanks are reportedly enjoying its baptism of fire in Syria, following the installation of the superior S-400 missile shield system. This is after Turkey shot down one Su-24 and its pilot inside Syrian territory, and should be understood as a very strong message to the world that the Russians mean business.
The other side seems not getting the message clear enough.
Continue reading Do you really think you can quickly win it? | Medvedev Warns Saudi & US

To Break Free from Khazarian Tyranny, Western Societies Need to March with Asia

The post-war Marshall Plan was funded with the Collateral Accounts from Asian historical treasures with a precondition that it must be used for peaceful post-war reconstruction.
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The Big Squeeze vs. Khazarian Mafia

The result of the well-coordinated operation to cut-off the Khazarian Mafia from the rest of the global economy is now undeniable. The fiat FED dollar denominated economy is effectively shut down as indicated in the free-falling Baltic Dry Index.
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Captured US Navy Boats Were Carrying Top ISIS Leader, USS Truman Intervened

A leaked Russian Ministry of Defense Report indicated that the two US Navy boats captured by the Iranians some time ago were actually carrying a high-ranking ISIS commander, and the reported missile firing on USS Harry S. Truman by the Iranians was actually related to the event.
Continue reading Captured US Navy Boats Were Carrying Top ISIS Leader, USS Truman Intervened

US Sailors Were Deliberately Baited to Sabotage Today’s Lifting of Sanctions vs. Iran

All smiles today at the press conference announcing the official lifting of the Western nuclear programme related military and economic sanctions against Iran Revolutionary Government. The attempted operation to sabotage the peaceful resolution to the Iran-US conflict has failed.
Continue reading US Sailors Were Deliberately Baited to Sabotage Today’s Lifting of Sanctions vs. Iran

Confirmed: 2 US Riverine Command Boats Didn’t Suffer Mechanical Failure on Iranian Waters

There were no engine troubles when two of the highly advanced RCBs “drifted” into Iranian waters, three days ago. How can two powerful military boats suffer from engine troubles all at the same time?
Continue reading Confirmed: 2 US Riverine Command Boats Didn’t Suffer Mechanical Failure on Iranian Waters

Here’s why Nazionists Launched Multiple False Flag Operations this Year

We have been annoyed at the successive barrages of shooting drama in parallel with actual militarized police exercises showcasing lone nuts, Islamist characters, punctuated by mainstream media nutheads’ idiotic tampering of the “crime scene.”
Continue reading Here’s why Nazionists Launched Multiple False Flag Operations this Year

Immortalizing Putin

For the first time in our recent history, somebody is standing up against the exceptionalist norms and, unlike JFK, is getting away with it.
Russian President Vladimir Putin is truly making his country proud and as expected the nationalist fervor enabled the country to survive all economic and geopolitical sanctions unleashed upon by its enemies, which ironically Putin endearingly calls their “partners”.
Continue reading Immortalizing Putin

IMF Backstabs Russia by Lifting Loan Ban vs. Debt-dodging Ukraine

States with standing, overdue loans do not qualify for a new IMF loan. IMF, in violation of its own rules, just lifted the ban on loan to states with overdue accounts, particularly Ukraine .
The Fund is said to be giving Ukraine a new loan tranche which includes condition of Kiev not to pay Russia.
Continue reading IMF Backstabs Russia by Lifting Loan Ban vs. Debt-dodging Ukraine

Putin's Resolve: ISIS Oil Refineries & 1,000s of Oil Tankers Destroyed

Vladimir Putin’s resolve to disable the Islamic State sources of funds has been proven time and again. Scores of Islamic State controlled oil refineries and thousands of Oil tanker trucks are being blown with cruise missiles and smart bombs.
Continue reading Putin's Resolve: ISIS Oil Refineries & 1,000s of Oil Tankers Destroyed

Massive Missile Testing as Terror Cells Activated Worldwide, Social Engineering or WW3?

Nuclear powered BRICS countries are testing their ballistic missile systems as well as Japan and the United States in almost the same time as terror attacks from Paris to Mali happened.
Continue reading Massive Missile Testing as Terror Cells Activated Worldwide, Social Engineering or WW3?

The Real Reason Why Russia Leaked “Ocean Multipurpose System: Status-6”

This is the real reason why Russia had to inform the other side that they will definitely experience the Bear’s Wrath if they’ll do it again.
They know exactly who shot down Russian Flight 7K9268 and killed 224 civilians on board. Continue reading The Real Reason Why Russia Leaked “Ocean Multipurpose System: Status-6”

Stealth Technology Disclosed Publicly by China to Cripple West Warmongers

After Russia flaunted its military’s capability to render any given target unusable for decades after destruction, China released its method of creating very thin material that could deny radar signal from acquiring its location, i.e. stealth technology.
Continue reading Stealth Technology Disclosed Publicly by China to Cripple West Warmongers

Final Assault for Allepo is Ongoing; ISIS Leader Confirms Receiving US Arms, Intel Aid

‘We saw US coalition jets transporting terrorists”, said an Iraqi military commander.
This is on top of the plan to put “boots on the ground” to create buffer zones between Russian led coalition force against Islamic State terror group.
Continue reading Final Assault for Allepo is Ongoing; ISIS Leader Confirms Receiving US Arms, Intel Aid

Terrorism Not Ruled Out by Kremlin re Flight 7K9268 Crash

Russian authorities are not ruling out terror attack, or other external forces as the cause of yesterday’s flight 7K9268 A321 disaster.
“External forces are the only possible reason of the deadly crash, Kogalymavia officials said Monday. Kogalymavia 7K9268 flight likely suffered substantial damages when it started to fall, officials said.”
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Did CIA & Mossad Shot Down Russian Flight 7K9268?

“It is technically difficult to target a plane on that level,” Ismail told reporters, saying it’s too early to give a reason for the crash. It’s not clear that the Islamic State group in Sinai has weapons capable of downing aircraft at such a height. “We have no evidence that anything unusual was happening on the plane before it crashed.”
“We didn’t receive any SOS signals from the plane,” Hossam Kamal, the minister, told reporters.
Continue reading Did CIA & Mossad Shot Down Russian Flight 7K9268?

Former Advisor to Ukraine’s Defense Minister Defects to Donbass

“I am Alexander Kolomiyets, a Major-General of the Ukrainian armed forces… My latest position was that of an advisor to the Ukrainian Defense Minister and a senior defense analyst,”

.. the General said during a news conference at the Donetsk News Agency headquarters on Monday.

Continue reading Former Advisor to Ukraine’s Defense Minister Defects to Donbass

Putin’s Chief Bodyguard Killed

Sources in Moscow are reporting on the death of Russian President Vladimir Putin’s personal chief bodyguard, General Viktor Zolotov. Ukraine journalist Alex Mochanov has also confirmed the rumours. 
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