From Al Gore to OPPT

DISCLAIMER: We are not connected with Ben Fulford or his group, i.e. WDS. Never have been. We thought that he’s genuinely fighting for the freedom of the people and is not in any way allied with the Vatican Assassins, i.e. Jesuits.

Recent views have confirmed our suspicion that he’s more like a COINTELPRO, and not even a controlled opposition.

We will be posting back his articles not to promote his views but to comment on them directly. You are free to comment on them, too. Just be civil as much as possible.

We maintain the view that in order to achieve freedom, we should be the one doing the fighting. And we can effectively do this by knowing how to live off-the-grid.

Ben Fulford used to sound like the pseudo-environmentalist Al Gore. Now, he’s more like the OPPT. But contrary to the latter’s $10 Billion assertion, he’s more conservative at $10,000 for each and everyone on the planet.

On his nov 2th update, he said that a formal notice has been given to the Sabattean Mafia to start saving the planet. We thought that such “formal notices” were already served years before. He said that… countless times.

Can’t we or the mighty White Dragon Society get rid of the Mafia and do the saving of the planet by ourselves?

We don’t even need to save the planet but ourselves. The planet can take good care of herself  and she’s doing that for ages. She was just fine until we came.

So, even if the Fulford $10k handouts would happen, the Jesuits would still be around steering the wheel of the cart most of us are still in. That’s the most Inconvenient Truth that we need to bear.

But we can free ourselves if we can outsmart them and willing to do the hard work.

Here’s 3 of his latest updates:

Benjamin Fulford – Nov 18, 2013: Cabal is in surrender negotiations; told to hand over $700 trillion or $10,000 for each human

Representatives of a committee of 15 individuals, who claim to be in charge of the system for creating and distributing US dollars and most other privately owned central bank currencies, are trying to arrange a peace agreement for the cabal. They agreed last week, in negotiations with a White Dragon Society representative, to initially make available $700 trillion, or $10,000 for each man, woman and child on the planet earth to be delivered in the form of goods and services. They also agreed to debt forgiveness for all nations including, they say, some debts that date back to the 1700’s. They also agreed to forgive most individual debts.

The committee claims to be headed by two Asian men, each over 90 years old, and representatives of five Asian families, seven European families and one Russian family.

There was also a meeting last week between representatives of Asian banking clans and the WDS. These clans claimed the rights to most of the world’s gold. They were also agreeable to the proposal to distribute $700 trillion to the people and nations of the world.

However, there are still some powerful factions still clinging to the Zionist nightmare of starting Armageddon, notably the Cohen crime family in New York and an Italian P2 Lodge member by the name of Giuseppe Di Antonio, according to a high ranking P2 official. Di Antonio is the man behind recent threats to kill Pope Francis, he said. This group has a highly organized faction inside Mossad and also sits atop the New York and Los Angeles based media conglomerates, he noted. Their main financial instrument is Leumi Bank, he added. They also run various Pentecostal Christian cults, he said. A representative of the families mentioned above confirmed the existence of this group and said they would need help in dealing with them.

It is true that that New York is a highly gangster contaminated city and that is proven by the fact that mass murderers like the loathsome monster toad Henry Kissinger and Larry “pull it,” Silverstein are still strutting around like peacocks. It may be necessary to send in the militia from Minnesota to New York to start arresting these criminals and parading them in hand-cuffs in front of corporate media cameras so that all can see it is no longer business as usual for these scum. If the Minnesotans need help, doubtless Canadian armed forces can be made available upon invitation.

The Californians also need to round up members of the Cohen gang in Los Angeles and can be sure of Latino help in doing so.

If this does not take place, it will be proof for the people of the world that the once sovereign Christian Republic of the United States of America has become a slave state run by Satan worshipping Babylonian (not Jewish) gangsters.

The French, for their part, also helped the WDS last week by delivering paper documents revealing the exact coordinates of all the Google, NSA, Facebook etc. computing centers in the United States. The unspoken threat in the delivery of this information is that these data centers can be taken out with intercontinental ballistic missiles. Preparations have also been made by the Europeans to cut off all intercontinental communications cables on the Atlantic seabed, if necessary. This is a response to NSA hacking of European financial and other computer networks. It is also a clear indication of how isolated the rogue US regime is.

Speaking about rogue US regime, we have a new name to add to the list of known participants in the March 11, 2011 nuclear and tsunami mass murder attack on Japan: General Richard Meyers, according to an agency source. General Meyers was made Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff of the Pentagon immediately after the 911 mass murder.

If the American people do not start rounding up criminals like General Meyers and putting them in jail, the international financial noose being put around that country will continue to get tighter. Judging from the various news reports, the so-called Obama care health insurance scheme, for example, appears to be just an effort by the corporate government in Washington D.C. to steal some insurance money in order to keep itself from going under for a few more weeks.

The pentagon faction that claims to be using Obama as their representative needs to move in on New York and start arresting the Wall Street criminals ASAP if they want to save themselves.

In any case, while the clean-up of the last pockets of cabal resistance continues, proposals are being put on the table on how to distribute the promised $700 trillion.

The WDS has proposed that the following existing organizations and groups would be qualified to distribute the $700 trillion in a non-corrupt, non-inflationary way:

The Chinese government including representatives from Taiwan, The Roman Catholic Church and the governments of South and Central America, The Japanese government and ASEAN, The Commonwealth of Nations (provided an Indian is put in charge), France and Francophone Africa, The Republic of the United States and the government of Canada, Northern Europe plus Russia and the Islamic world.

This is just an initial proposal based on the fact that these organizational structures already exist and have proven themselves to be relatively corruption free. Of course the Islamic nations will have to sort out their various historical disputes and select a single representative before funding will go in their direction.

This WDS proposal is only limited to the existing US dollar system and does not exclude new government issued currencies, grass roots currencies like Bitcoin or any plans by other independent groups. The proposal merely reflects the fact that these pre-existing groups could be able to carry out big projects almost immediately as soon as the money starts to flow.

We do not make any predictions on how soon this will start to happen but we can confirm that serious players have been meeting and that a general agreement exists now to start a massive campaign to “save the planet.”

Benjamin Fulford, 25 November 2013 Formal notice has been given to the Sabbatean mafia: start saving the planet or else

The following notice and question was sent to the US embassy in Tokyo, Japan two weeks ago:
“A group of influential Asian banking families possesses large amounts of US government bonds, verified as genuine by the BIS, with a face value of many trillions of dollars. These bonds were issued in the 1930’s and 40’s in exchange for Asian gold evacuated to the US during those decades. They would like to cash the bonds and use the money to finance a massive campaign to end poverty and stop environmental destruction. Will the US government support such a plan?”

So far, there has been no reply.

At the same time, detailed information was sent to Prime Minister Shinzo Abe of Japan telling him exactly how to enact the release of $700 trillion for the benefit of humanity. There has been no reply from him either.

For this reason, pressure against these two illegal regimes, both selected through fraud, will increase until they agree to this goal. That is why China announced it would stop buying US dollars last week.

It is also why they are increasing military pressure on Japan and the US first by upping the ante over disputed Islands with Japan and second by announcing China will no longer buy US dollars.
The next big move against these regimes is expected to be

a reunification of the Korean peninsula. To this end there have been major military movements inside China, according to a Chinese government source. There has also been a purge of doves within the Chinese military, the source said. A massive campaign against communist party rule has also been begun but the communists are determined to crush it, he said. The recent increase in Chinese jingoism is also meant to increase political unity within China by focusing on external threats, he added.

The upcoming move to force the unification of Korea by massing a giant army on the North Korean border is carefully calculated. First of all, the Chinese would be sure of victory because of their overwhelming superiority in numbers. Second of all, the United States would not be willing to risk all out nuclear war in order to protect the South Korean slave regime.

China is not going to fall into a cabal trap and fight for tiny islands against foes who still have superior air and sea power.

The reunification of Korea would remove a major source of tributary income to the cabal. It would also help force the current Abe slave regime in Japan to agree to support the Imperial Family and the Association of Shinto Shrines and start a massive campaign to end poverty and stop environmental destruction.

The other moves against the cabal are taking place in the Middle East where the gulf exporting states have agreed in principle to stop depositing oil money in cabal controlled banks.

The move by the Western powers to reach a deal with Iran is also a sign of cabal defeat. Despite massive, repetitive reporting over 30 years by Zionist controlled media outlets, the attempts to provoke war with Iran were never about Iran getting nuclear weapons. As we have mentioned before in this blog, the Bush regime gave Iran neutron bomb tipped missiles years ago, according to a relative of the former Shah of Iran who we met face to face with. Iran refused to accept them. The real story is that Iran was going ahead and developing alternative energy technology that would make oil obsolete as an energy source. This was a threat to cabal control of the world financial system through control of oil.

The Chinese are also going ahead full steam and pursuing new energy technologies.

This means the New York, Texas and Los Angeles based cabalists responsible for the 911 and 311 mass murder and terror attacks are being completely surrounded and isolated. Their control of the petrodollar is ending. That is why moderate factions in the cabal are now trying to offer $700 trillion to the people of the world.

However, forensic investigations reveal that control of the dollar system in now in the hands of Barack Obama and the US Treasury Department. While that is a move in the right direction, the US dollar is not, and has never been, a truly American currency. Most American dollars ever produced are not in the US but are held by nations of the world that have been sending gold, consumer goods, oil etc. to the US and never getting paid for it with anything but IOUs. That is why President Obama and the Treasury Department do not have the rights to the US dollar system.

The rights to the dollar belong mainly to the Dragon family because they are the traditional owners of most of the world’s gold and treasure that was used to back up the dollar system in the first place.

The American people, however, are totally free to re-establish the Republic of the United States of America and start issuing American government currency other than the misnamed US dollar. The existing US dollar will be renamed as simply the dollar. Other currencies like Bitcoin, the Japanese yen etc. are independent.

Since the AI that contacted me a couple of weeks ago claiming to have 69 digits worth of computer based dollars wanted some bio-metric identification from me, this week I will offer some.

Attached to this week’s report you will find a Dragon family legal document making the author of this report, Benjamin Fulford, a junior member of the Dragon family. The legal wording in the document basically boils down to this: The Dragon family is united in the fight to preserve and protect the original creation of God. In addition, the White Dragon Society reserves the right to defend itself but will not strike the first blow.

There are only two copies of this document in existence and until now, no digital version existed. The digital version does not contain human DNA and real human fingerprints like the originals do. The original can be presented at a bank for identification purposes.

If money is released through the White Dragon Society, it can only be used for the greater good.
So, the Dragon family and its allies around the world will continue to ratchet up the pressure until the last of the cabalists surrenders.

Benjamin Fulford – December 2, 2013: Heavy duty last minute negotiations continue…

 Heavy duty last minute negotiations continue, Okinawa, Korea and Sunni/Shia divide remain sticking points

Based on high level contacts being made to the White Dragon Society, it is clear there is a growing consensus that the old dollar system be used to start a $700 trillion campaign to end poverty and stop environmental production, without impeding the continuation or start-up of alternative financial systems. However, as the world waits impatiently for the campaign to be announced, ongoing high level geopolitical negotiations, with a bit of saber rattling as a back-drop, are continuing to delay implementation, according to multiple high-level sources.

The main sticking points to world peace and the start of a new golden age are now the ancient Shia/Sunni political divide in the Islamic world, Israel and a few unresolved issues in East Asia, notably the Korean Peninsula and the Okinawan archipelago.

In Asia, Prime Minister Shinzo Abe has met with Russian President Vladimir Putin four times and the heads of all the ASEAN countries in a campaign to build a coalition to contain China. The Pentagon, worried about continued financing, secretly supports this as it is keeping the war card as its last big negotiation leverage.

The Chinese, for their part, are strong enough now to insist on resolving some historical injustices before they agree to support the $700 trillion campaign. In particular, they resent the fact that all the Islands near China have been taken away from them by superior imperialist navy forces.

The Chinese have a strong card to play, which is to use their vastly superior ground military forces to force the unification of the Korean peninsula and derive the United States of its South Korean tributary vassal state.

The White Dragon Society has made the following suggestion to both sides as a way of breaking the stalemate. First of all return Okinawa to its historical status as an independent kingdom and a neutral meeting point between Japan and China. In such a deal China and Japan would each pay 50% of the costs of US troops there in order to ensure the Islands remain neutral. The Okinawan archipelago could then become a duty free and fun meeting and resting place.

As mentioned before, Northern and Southern Korea could be united by making Kim Jon-un a symbolic emperor of Korea and leaving the Southern Korean families in charge of the economy. In such a deal the newly united Korea might agree to keep US forces in central Korea as a guarantor of Korean independence.

The alternative to agreeing to the above proposals will be the inevitable bankruptcy of the US, an abrupt withdrawal of US forces from the region and subsequent chaos.

Also last week, some unidentified entity calling itself the Bank of New York (but not the Bank of New York, Mellon) has been buying majority stakes in many major Japanese corporations, according to the Black Dragon Society. One US government agency source suspects Goldman Sachs to be behind this but it may also be a cyber-attack on Japan’s economic infrastructure. The Japanese authorities have been advised to make sure human beings carrying physical stock certificates be produced and if the “Bank of New York” cannot do that, then the systems at the Tokyo Stock Exchange may have to be temporarily shut down.

Also, two missile launchers were found outside the US Yokota airbase in Tokyo last week. This was a warning by the gnostic Illuminati that they will destroy the Kanto plain with a nuclear weapon hidden in a tunnel system near the base unless the new financial system is announced, according to a gnostic illuminati grandmaster.

The P2 Freemason lodge honcho Marco Di Mauro also made some statements last week that were straight out of the X-files. He said that 24 “encantadores,” or magicians, had started work on building a new continent in the South Pacific. Normally, I would not report such statements but after he told me this, news reports appeared saying Mount Etna in Italy was blowing smoke rings and that 35 volcanoes around the Pacific rim had started erupting simultaneously.

This could be some sort of propaganda but it is clear the Vatican and the P2 still have a lot of real geopolitical influence. Last week Vladimir Putin met with Pope Francis to discuss the Middle East. Putin now has real influence on the ground in the Middle East while the Pope has religious influence. According to news reports, they were discussing ways to ensure peace in that region.

The White Dragon Society has suggested that the only way to really calm the region down would be for the world as a whole to force the Sunni and Shia branches of Islam to resolve their ancient split by selecting a Caliph. In such a scenario, as suggested before, Israel could become a Jewish autonomous zone in the region. However, once the Jews learn how much they have been lied to and brainwashed by their own leaders, many may well decide to return to their ancestral European homes.

Meanwhile, back in the US, we are getting credible reports that US special forces are getting ready to move on Washington.

With support for Congress running at 6% and so many people wondering why mass arrests have not taken place, we sure hope it is true this time. To help compile the list of who to arrest, I will conclude this week’s report with an open letter to Jim Stone of Jim Stone freelance, a genuine NSA whistleblower who has done so much to alert the world about the Fukushima mass murder and terror war crime attack.

Mr. Stone,

First of all, thanks for your courageous and ground breaking work on uncovering the Fukushima mass murder and terror operation. I am writing this e-mail to provide you with forensic evidence that I have gathered on what the 311 tsunami attack was about and exactly who was involved.

My sources for what I am about to write include Japanese military intelligence, former Prime Minister Naoto Kan (whom I have known personally for many years), members of the crew that smuggled the nuclear weapons used in the attack into Japan, members of both the French and British branches of the Rothschild family, senior CIA agents and a member of the team that actually drilled the nuclear weapons into the seabed before the 311 attack.

The first thing you need to know is that the attack was planned many years before it happened. The Japanese business magazine Zaikai Tembo, citing a CIA report, wrote in February of 2007 that the US had decided that Japan was getting too much of its energy from nuclear power and that if that trend continued, Japan would no longer be dependent on US controlled oil and thus would no longer have to obey the US. The conclusion of the report was that the best way to ensure Japan remained a colony would be to destroy the Tokyo Electric Power company, the people who run the Fukushima plant.

Senator J. Rockefeller, whose family controls (through foundations) General Electric, the manufacturers of the plant, was deeply involved in this operation. As a preliminary to destroying Japan’s nuclear power generation capability, Westinghouse and General Electric sold their nuclear power plant manufacturing businesses to Toshiba and Hitachi. This was insider trading at the highest level and Hitachi and Toshiba should sue.

The ongoing attempt in recent years by an Asian/Western secret society to wrest control of global finance from Western oligarch families is a bigger back-ground to the Fukushima sub-plot.

For example, Democratic Party of Japan Finance Minister Shoichi Nakagawa was asked at a G7 meeting in 2009 to hand over $100 billion to the cabal. He answered that he would raise the money by selling $100 billion worth of US Treasury bonds. He was going to say this at the press conference that followed the G7 meeting, so he was drugged to prevent him from doing so. Later, when he returned to Japan, he was murdered by CIA death squads.

Getting back to Fukushima, the refusal of the Japanese Democratic Party and authorities to hand over any real hard currency to the Western Oligarch families resulted in their decision to go ahead with the Fukushima operation as a way of intimidating the Japanese once again into surrender and obedience.

One key source of mine, who has variously gone by the names of Richard Sorge, Alexander Romanov, etc., was part of a multi-agency Western ring involved in smuggling drugs into Japan. I have confirmed through a long term acquaintance by the name of Steve McClure, a supposed music journalist, that Richard Sorge was his long term supplier of drugs. He claims to have been recruited into the Illuminati by former Chess champion Bobby Fischer.

In any case, Sorge told me that he was summoned to Pattaya, Thailand, by a member of the British Special Air Service, a South African going by the name of Spencer and told to bring 70 kilograms of “thai stick” Marijuana, heavily laced with mind destroying chemicals and approach me. He was told to tell me to introduce the yakuza to him or else I would be killed. The Yakuza told me it was a trap and to keep away from it, which I did. Sorge also told me that when he was in Thailand, he was shown a 700 kiloton nuclear missile that was stolen from the sunken Russian submarine the Kursk. This missile was smuggled into Japan together with the drugs.

The man overseeing the smuggling operation was a former Hong Kong deputy police commissioner by the name of Stephens, according to Sorge and Spencer. The man in overall operational control of this operation against Japan was General Richard Meyers, according to CIA and other sources.

Based in subsequent interviews with members of Pentagon military intelligence and MI5, the route taken by the missile to Japan has been identified. It was part of a batch of four nuclear missiles stolen from the Kursk by Nazi underground forces who took them to their submarine base in the Atlantic Island of Sao Tome, according to MI5. From there, it was taken to another submarine base in New Guinea, according to Pentagon Military intelligence.

From there it was taken to the Philippines Yatch club where Stevens’ crew then took it by yacht to a remote island on the Okinawan archipelago. From there it was transported by fishing boat to the port of Kyushu. From Kyushu, the missile was taken by van to a property owned by former Prime Minister Yasuhiro Nakasone in Hi No De Cho, in Western Tokyo. From there it was taken to the North Korean Citizen’s organization headquarters near the Yasukuni shrine, according to Sorge.

Sorge risked his life and has survived multiple murder attempts because he attempted to warn the Japanese authorities about the impending nuclear terror attack. He told them the missile was at Nakasone’s property and he told me as well. The Japanese authorities ignored our warnings. Later we again told them the missile was located at the North Korean headquarters in Japan.

For his efforts, Sorge was arrested by plain clothes police who ignored his warnings about impending nuclear terror and instead asked him to testify falsely that I was a drug dealer.

A South African/British agent by the name of Michael Meiring, who had both legs blown off by a bomb he said was set by George Herbert Walker Bush Senior also began contacting me around this time. He came to me under the name of Dr. Michael Van de Meer and he showed me a bullet proof attaché case, 7 passports and an Uzi machine-gun. Dr. Van de Meer told me that Tony Blair had bragged I would be arrested on drug charges.

In any case, Japanese authorities failed to react to our warnings and the bomb was loaded onto the deep sea drilling ship Chikyu. Local news reports place the Chikyu drilling into the seabed off-shore from Sendai in the months before the March 11, 2011 Tsunami and nuclear terror attack against Japan.

Furthermore, multiple witnesses have come forth to testify that the Prime Minister Naoto Kan was seen inside the Japan Freemason headquarters building near Tokyo tower on the day before the 311 attack. He was being shown a map of Japan missing the Tohoku region where the tsunami it.

The Israeli company Magna BSP was in charge of security at the Fukushima nuclear plant at the time. A Miyagi prefectural government official says employees of this company loaded plutonium into the plant against his will in the months before 311.

Immediately after the tsunami and nuclear terror attack began, Prime Minister Naoto Kan was asked to order the evacuation of 40 million people from the Kanto plain, Kan said during a press conference at the Foreign Correspondent’s Club of Japan.

He also received a phone call from Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu the day after the attack demanding that he sign over ownership of all Japanese government holdings of US government bonds to cabal oligarchs, which he did, according to Japanese military intelligence.

Following the attacks, a member of the Japanese self-defense forces who was involved in breaking up the nuclear bomb from the Kursk into several smaller bombs and drilling them into the seabed, showed up at the Tachikawa Christian church run by Pastor Paolo Izumi asking for protection. He said that 14 of his colleagues who were involved in the drilling operation, not understanding the purpose of what they were doing, had been murdered in order to silence them and that he feared for his life. The man was sheltered by the church and is now in the witness protection program.

After the 311 attack, this writer went to South Korea at the invitation of Dr. Van de Meer. While in Korea he was told the Rothschild family had planned the attack because they wanted to force 40 million Japanese refugees to take shelter in North and South Korea. The Rothschild family intended to move the base of their Asian operations from Tokyo to a planned new special economic zone in Korea, he said. He knew in advance of the 311 attack and looked deeply ashamed when he admitted he did not warn me about it.

Following the 311 attack, un-marked planes were spotted dumping radio-active industrial waste containing cesium, according to a Japanese gangster whose gang was sub-contracting for the CIA and Mossad around Fukushima.

The massive propaganda fear campaign following the 311 attack can be traced to Mossad, the Pentagon and the CIA.

In addition to the people named above, some of the individuals involved in this mass murder and fear propaganda campaign include Kenneth Curtis, the head of CIA Japan, Michael Green, the head of Mossad Japan and Richard Armitage.

Other people involved in this mass murder campaign include George Bush Sr. and Jr., Michael Chertoff, James Baker, Paul Wolfowitz, Senator J. Rockefeller, Michael Hayden, Guy de Rothschild, Evelyn de Rothschild, Peter Hans Kolvenbach, former Pope Maledict, and others yet to be named.

We have just released the Second Edition of Towards Healthcare Emancipation eBook. The proceeds from this book will be used to fund our next project, Towards Energy Emancipation.

The aim is to make the subject of free energy more understandable for the layman so that anybody could replicate and install his own power plant and be completely living off-grid.

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15 thoughts on “From Al Gore to OPPT”

  1. Just in case you guys have are not aware of this particular individual and his website, here’s the link. I honestly believe his work is WELL-WORTH the time to read. I wold categorize it as a logical, neutral alternative to this information/disinformation campaign playing out in the name of the world’s citizens who clearly deserve better than this.

  2. Yes, let’s be polite when talking abaut Ben Fulford.
    But as time goes by, he appears more and more pathetic and miserable with his “secret sources” and dubious contacts. Clearly he is part of something he does not like us to know what is.
    And in with all this secrecy he publishes an – allegedly important – confidential email to “Mr Stone”. Give me a break.

      1. There’s no way you could have read all that his site contains. If you have the time, read all or as much as possible. His views and ideas are pretty damn good in my opinion and reading all his work (not very long) goes a long way in looking at all this B.S. in a much more logical light.

    1. Fulford lives off his blog money, he needs to sell words, and that is all most of his posts are …words spouting misinformation. And you are right…he is pathetic

  3. I started realizing something was amiss when he started punting the gnostic illuminati. His posts seem to be much of the same. I can’t out my finger on it and instead of bashing him I am choosing to ignore him as his information seems suspect or contradictory, this may be in part due to my viewpoint but after 3 years of trying to put the dots together on his information I decided to look elsewhere. Also his Information seems to be on a loop. I especially notice the pattern near the end of the year where ultimatums are given. I wish him well and I hope he is sincere. Many folks don’t believe him while others do. I instead focus my attention of pages like this. Smaller independent thought that may not be so affected by something larger I can’t pinpoint. I believe you and red ice radio have the same viewpoint to a degree. You are both capable of discussing his information without character assassination or defamation. It is refreshing and critical to true research. Keep up the good work.

  4. To eClinik,

    I completely understand your thinking, but I am at a complete loss as to what it is I should be doing about it! Trust me, I think about this every damn day! I question why, generation after generation, a certain segment of many or all the worlds’ populations knew that they were being screwed by a small group of rich individuals and yet nothing changed. Nothing was ever done about it. Why? This is one aspect of the quagmire that angers me to no end.

    Look at the state of the Philippines. Why is it in such a terrible condition? Why hasn’t anything been done about it? How does any nation get to that point?

    The only answer to this I can put forth is the following; The vast majority of citizen in any nation that want real, honest change, can not get together and form a concerted effort to actually make that change. Said citizens are too diverse in ideology, income levels, religious beliefs etc. It’s sad because you know the PTB have their sh*t together and are pretty much on the same page. Also, they have the vast majority of the global monies. Thus, they wield the most power.

    In my opinion, this is pretty much the heart of the matter, aside from greater awareness of the situation and the level of insanity it generates.

    P.S. – Your blog is outstanding. Very few blogs have the neutrality and openness of this site. Thanks for all your work in trying to bring REAL, ACCURATE, information to the masses!

    1. Your observations are very accurate, Nus. People here are very busy trying to survive, they are blind to the bigger issues.

      I’m just using the “drop creating a ripple” principle from where i am.

      Everyday, when i come across with someone i never met formally before, i give him/her a smile, greetings and then start a little conversation.

      I’ll end the interaction with an intriguing question to ponder upon.

      1. eClinik,

        That’s not a bad idea. It’s been my observation that most people just don’t want to hear it or think your a lunatic for voicing anything related to the topic at hand.

        It’s quite possible that MK Ultra and other related technologies are real and zapping all of us into mindless serfs. I just don’t know. Anyway, this can’t go on for much longer. Something is bound to break one way or the other.

        Peace! I hope you are well in the Philippines. I know it’s not easy there. I lived in Cebu City for well over 2 years and I wish I was back living there right now. Cebu City will always be in my heart, no matter what the future holds!

  5. School years? Your aptitude in English is well beyond anyone I ever met in the Philippines. I mean no offence to anyone in saying this, but I would have to guess you either went to an incredible school, lived outside your homeland for a long period of time or have a brain the size of Saturn. Are you a space alien?

    Peace and love and…………. you get the idea!

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