Tag Archives: ethnic cleansing

Israeli-US Ethnic Cleansing Plan To Salvage “New Middle East” Model

In light of emerging evidence of an Israeli plot to ethnically cleanse as many as 2.4 million Palestinians from the Gaza Strip, the U.S. continues to deploy unprecedented reinforcements to the Mediterranean while steadfastly rejecting the consideration of a humanitarian pause or ceasefire.

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Americans Usually Support Ethnic Cleansing When Their Government Does

The purpose of ethnic cleansing is often misrepresented as being just a bigoted majority venting their common hatred against some minority, but it’s actually a crime by the state — that is, by the Government, the rulers — in order to get rid of enough of its opponents there so as to be able to remain in power ‘democratically’ — that is, by means of popular elections.

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The Painful Disclosure on Eugenics

For the ordinary mortals in most of us, the reality of governments involved in deliberately reducing the population by any means at their disposal is simply unacceptable, they must plunge into the most common escape of all, i.e. self-denial.
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