Tag Archives: jill stein

Watch the Debate We Should Have – Trump, Stein & Clinton

Not everyone at Veteran’s Today goes all the way for Donald Trump, and his beautiful wall along the US border with Mexico.
As most of us know, the US Election Debate is a sham just like the primaries leading to it because the whole charade is controlled, and directed by a corporation that is owned and operated by the same people who control and finance both the Democratic and Republic political parties.
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76% Americans Want Four-Person Debates: Clinton, Johnson, Trump, Stein

Independent candidates want the corporation in-charge of rigging the US presidential debate to include them in the whole process. As ridiculous as that may sound, at least they are doing their best to circumvent the corporatists’ mechanism to maintain their grip on  American politics.
A sizable 76% of those surveyed Americans agree with the inclusion of these independent presidential candidates to the next series of presidentiable debates. This is, of course, based on their assumption that the United States they have now is still the same government they have more than 200 years ago.
Continue reading 76% Americans Want Four-Person Debates: Clinton, Johnson, Trump, Stein

‘Forget the lesser evil, fight for greater good’ | Jill Stein

The Green Party is gaining momentum after Wikileaks’ bombshell exploded at the DNC primary.

However, instead of exploiting the Democrat fallout for herself at her party, Jill Stein is offering the Green Party presidential nomination to Bernie Sanders, who we think is just a pseudo-reformist.
Continue reading ‘Forget the lesser evil, fight for greater good’ | Jill Stein