The ruling by the High Court in London permitting the WikiLeaks publisher to appeal his extradition order leaves him languishing in precarious health in a high-security prison. That is the point.
Continue reading The Slow-Motion Execution of AssangeTag Archives: US extradition
2024 is the Last Year of Free Speech and Democracy in the Western World
Don’t let the alarmist sound of this column’s title put you off. It is not a “conspiracy theory.” This column is a factual report as you will see if you read on.
Continue reading 2024 is the Last Year of Free Speech and Democracy in the Western WorldThe Imminent Extradition of Julian Assange & the Death of Journalism
Julian Assange’s legal options have nearly run out. He could be extradited to the U.S. this week. Should he be convicted, reporting on the inner workings of power will become a crime.
Continue reading The Imminent Extradition of Julian Assange & the Death of JournalismMexican President Vows ‘to tear down the Statue of Liberty’
Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador says he will pressure the US to drop charges against Julian Assange.
Continue reading Mexican President Vows ‘to tear down the Statue of Liberty’Julian Assange has no prayer against the ‘Empire of Lies’
Julian Assange’s extradition from the UK to the US will result in a show trial aimed at distracting voters.
Continue reading Julian Assange has no prayer against the ‘Empire of Lies’Assange Extradition Hearing Opens with Scathing Condemnation by Mainstream Media
The extradition trial of Julian Assange began with the prosecution reading out a damning statement from five leading mainstream media organizations that once partnered with Wikileaks.
Continue reading Assange Extradition Hearing Opens with Scathing Condemnation by Mainstream MediaAssange is Dying in UK Category A Prison, While UK Pedophiles Roam Free
Julian Assange did the whole world a big favor by publishing confirmatory evidence of an interlocking system aimed at concentrating power into the hands of the Deep State. Yet, only a few of those who believe in free speech have the time to do something to pressure the UK to release him immediately for the simple fact that he hasn’t offended any laws of any jurisdictions.
Without his efforts, and of those who were working with him, all of our own analyses of how the world truly works, are still “conspiracy theories” from the eyes of the public.
In the meantime, UK’s Pedophile Prince Andrew is still roaming free,

… and so are the lesser known pedophiles in England, who have victimized an estimated 19,000 children in a year, and in that island alone.
Sexual Exploitation “Epidemic” in England As Nearly 19,000 Children Identified as Victims
There’s a new official epidemic in England and it can’t be tackled with increased hand washing or a new vaccine. In the past year, nearly 19,000 children have been sexually groomed, according to official numbers. But some say the real figure is much higher.
Five years ago, 3,300 suspected victims of child sexual exploitation were identified by authorities. That number rose to a shocking 18,700 in 2018-2019.
Grooming was not officially recorded as an assessment factor during referral to social care until 2013.
Sarah Champion, the Labour MP for Rotherham, told the Independent that the grooming of children “remains one of the largest forms of child abuse in the country.”
“Too many times, government has said it will ‘learn lessons’, yet 19,000 children are still at risk of sexual exploitation.
The government has singularly failed to tackle this issue head on. Its approach has been piecemeal and underfunded.”
According to the Independent, the Home Office has begun an analysis of data regarding the cases and will use the results to inform new policy and prevention strategies, but the Queen’s Speech did not mention anything about a public review.
The Independent also reports that investigations into grooming gangs are ongoing throughout the country. In fact, abusers in Huddersfield have already been jailed.
Sammy Woodhouse, a victim from Rotherham, told the Independent:
“You hear this bullshit line, ‘lessons have been learned’, but they haven’t learned anything.”
Woodhouse, who isn’t surprised by the newly released numbers, helped expose a sandal in 2012 that involved the abuse of an estimated 1,500 victims.
“I still hear a lot about the authorities aren’t doing things as they should. It’s not very often I hear something good and for all different reasons—if the police won’t act on reports, people feel they’re not being listened to or supported properly, or information not being shared,” Woodhouse explained.
“I’ve said for years that this country’s in epidemic when it comes to abuse and exploitation. Authorities claim it’s under control but it’s not.”
Source: could they control that when even at the heart of the British Monarchy, pedophilia exists?
Where is justice for all of these? Should we just wait until these pedophiles die without being thrown to the Belmarsh Category A prison, just like what the UK Monarchy is doing to Julian?
Assange is Tortured, Drugged and Dying in Belmarsh
Belmarsh is a Category A prison – the highest level in the UK penal system – intended for “highly dangerous” convicts and those likely to attempt escape, typically befitting murderers and terrorists. While Assange meets none of those criteria and was initially locked up for a minor offense of skipping bail, he was nonetheless thrown in Belmarsh and punished as if he were a violent, hardened criminal. He now awaits proceedings for extradition to the US.
The explanation may be as simple as taking revenge against somebody who dared to speak truth to power, Smith believes, and to make an example for anyone who might follow Assange’s lead in fighting state and corporate secrecy.
“What is clear that what is happening to Julian is much more about vengeance and setting an example to dissuade other people from holding American power to account in this way,” he said.
[Assange] delivered a discussion, a debate about what transparency should look like in the digital age… The debate got quashed it never really happened, instead he’s being victimized… That’s’ why he’s in Belmarsh.
Going forward, Smith said it will be important to continue pressuring the British government to answer a litany of questions about Assange, his treatment in prison and his health, as well as to push for an “independent assessment” of the situation. Confined in one form or another since taking refuge in the Ecuadorian Embassy in 2012 and now denied the ability to defend himself in court, Assange should finally receive a fair hearing.
“This whole thing, really we need to be asking more questions. This needs to be held much more in the open… Julian has had his freedom compromised for nearly a decade now,” Smith said. “It’s completely disgraceful. This is bullying. He deserves better.”
It’s not only Julian Assange that’s slowing being taken away from us, but Chelsea Manning, too, who continues to defy Trump government’s wish to drop Assange for possible extradition to the US.
Chelsea Manning is being subjected to cruel, inhumane and degrading treatment, constituting torture by the US government over her refusal to testify against whistleblower website WikiLeaks, a top United Nations official has said.
UN special rapporteur on torture Nils Melzer accused the government of torturing Manning in a November letter, which was just released on Tuesday. In the letter, Melzer wrote that Manning is suffering “an open-ended, progressively severe measure of coercion” which fulfills “all the constitutive elements of torture.”
Manning, a former Army intelligence analyst, was arrested on May 16 after she refused to testify against WikiLeaks before a grand jury. She is still being detained at the Alexandria Detention Center in Virginia and is facing fines of $1,000 a day. in most Hollywood movies, the enemy cannot be defeated by just the effort of one man. That’s fantasy.
In fact, that type of storyline is deliberate to make us wait for that “lone savior who will come and redeem us,” when all we need is to realize that we are powerful enough to defeat the Deep State if we can get our acts together, stop patronizing the system they’ve put in place, and be ready to raise the pitchforks when the need arises.
Let this 2020 be a year for persistent worldwide exposure and condemnation of the high crimes committed by the Satanic Empires of the West. This is the very least that we can do for these idealist whistleblowers, who have sacrificed so much for humanity, while most of the world are taking selfies – the very object on which NSA whistleblower Edward Snowden is on exile, after warning us how our personal data are being collected for future use.
Breaking The Media Blackout on the Imprisonment of Julian Assange
The role of journalism in a democracy is publishing information that holds the powerful to account — the kind of information that empowers the public to become more engaged citizens in their communities so that we can vote in representatives that work in the interest of “we the people.”
Continue reading Breaking The Media Blackout on the Imprisonment of Julian Assange