Tag Archives: wds

OPPT Illuminati & Fulford Ties Cracked

Recent articles have proven links between OPPT and the White Dragon Society to which Ben Fulford serves as its “unpaid” spokesman.

Ben Fulford, as most of us know, is tied to the Gnostic Illuminati to which Alexander Romanov serves as its representative.

Romanov claimed earlier that his organization has moles in every intelligence organization on the planet. Furthermore, his organization was responsible for all the revolutions in Europe that toppled monarchies in the past 300 years, or so.

In the book The Vatican Assassins by Eric Jon Phelps, it was the military organization known as the Society of Jesus who were responsible for such upheavals. This makes the Gnostic Illuminati and the Jesuits one and the same. These experts of political intrigue also go by the name, Hidden Hands.

Wherever the Jesuits are, so is the suffering of the people. That’s why they have been vanished from all over the planet. Their successful come back is a testament to their cunning abilities to usurp the whole planet.

In the article below, the link between OPPT and Illuminati is being investigated in the same fashion as Jordan Maxwell would have done.

This finding will reinforce the first-hand claim of Dutchinse about an elaborate attempt to bribe all Alternative Journalists and bloggers in a massive campaign of fooling even the increasingly “awakened” segment of our society to effectively hijack the ongoing revolution.

Hijacking revolutions, this is the field of expertise of the Jesuits. Never ever forget that.


OPPT Illuminati & Occult Ties Revealed



March 18, 2013

OPPT, or the One People’s Public Trust has been getting a lot of attention over the past few weeks. It’s allegedly a trust set up by a small group of people, headed by a lady named Heather Ann Tucci-Jarraf who filed a slew of UCC documents that led to the foreclosure of the world’s governments, banks and corporations, thus, freeing mankind from government tyranny, debt slavery and corporate policy disguised as law.

There’s no doubt in most people’s minds that governments, banks and corporations are corrupt, especially given the current financial climate and extreme degree of government control over the lives of people around the world. So awareness is high and mainstream and the alternative media alike are relentlessly pumping out headline after apocalyptic headline shouting about how we’re on the edge of war and financial collapse, loss of freedoms through agendas like gun control and climate change, and imminent terror threats from enemies foreign and domestic.

Yet the people at OPPT HQ have not been arrested for attempting to overthrow the government? Anyway…

People are being force-fed fear-porn like never before so naturally they crave peace and security. Who in their right mind wouldn’t?

People are ready right now to leap off the edge of their seats and join the first freedom fighter claiming to have taken down the elites.

Enter OPPT. I first heard about them around two weeks ago and didn’t really pay much attention. But the din of “We’re Free! to DO and BE” kept pushing it from the periphery and into view. Freedom? The governments have been foreclosed on? The elite group of psychopaths enslaving humanity have been dethroned? You better darn well believe I was going to BE looking into that.

Optimistic, I rolled up my sleeves and started doing my research. But it didn’t take long for my mental siren to start wailing. The first thing that set it off was that they claim to have freed all of the one people on earth by using the elites tools of control against them on the one people’s behalf. They set up a trust and bonded everyone to it all without anyone’s knowledge or consent. Thus, giving them their rights back.

‘Scuse me? No one does anything on my behalf without my consent. No one bonds me to anything and no one gives me rights. You’re born with rights. Rights given are privileges.

So I lit the midnight oil, put the coffee pot on and dug in. Here are more of the things I found:

They’re promoting one people, one consciousness, one world government, one world digital currency, one this one that collective… everything — a “new paradigm.” Sounds like the New World Order or NWO the conspiracy theorists, myself included, have been investigating for years now. But it gets better – they’re piggybacking a religious or spiritual belief system on top of it and talking about “light beings” and other newage stuff.

I found quite a few inconsistencies in their documents as well. Their CVAC Filing (PDF) is a financing statement registered with the US government under the UCC, or Universal Commercial Code. Yes, that’s the same set of policy the elites used as one of the tools to enslave us. At the top of page 2, you see this:

This FINANCING STATEMENT covers the following collateral:

ALL RIGHTS RESERVED WITHOUT PREJUDICE: This DECLARATION AND ORDER is issued and entered to correct errors existing due to automated filing systems altering original DECLARATION AND ORDER, duly entered into International Law Ordinance, noticed by public registration, UCC Doc # 2012113593, with Receipt No. 1262529, October 22, 2012, 06:00:07 AM, amending UCC Doc. # 2000043135, the perpetuity, restated and incorporated by reference herein in their entirety as if set forth infull, only to include additional collateral; Any and all corrections herein made by the issuance of this original DECLARATION AND ORDER, restated in its entirety as follows, duly re-entered into International Law Ordinance, noticed by public registration, governing CVAC, incorporated by annex as follows:

Interesting. OPPT claims to have freed mankind from corporations and governments, yet the CVAC center (Creator’s Value Asset Center) is incorporated under the UCC as “governing CVAC“. Also interesting to note here is that the CVAC centers are widely said to be interim governments to help people with the transition to the new paradigm. The document clearly states “the perpetuity“. Perpetuity means forever, whereas interim means temporary or, in the mean time.

People who are truly free are self-governing, are they not? How can you be free from corporations and governments if you’re governed by a corporation?

In their Disclosure Announcement dated December 25, 2012, declaring us all free, at the bottom of page 2 and top of page 3, there’s mention of a digital currency system where about $5billion will be deposited for each person on the planet, with another $5bil as damages, and all tangible goods will be given a digital value and deposited as well. Keep in mind, this is for the whole planet, all 7+ billion of us.

Is this the one world currency the conspiracy theorists have been warning us about? How will they keep track of who uses what, the transactions and exchanges? At the very least everyone will need a card with a unique identifier on it. What about people who provide services like Internet access, sewer systems, upkeep of highways, etc. Will a little bit be taken out of everyone’s account to pay those people, how much will that be and how much is left? These questions are as yet unanswered. For a group of people replacing governments and economies and everything else worldwide, they do not appear to be very prepared to take on such a monumental task. Another interesting thing to note is that this is what we call a central bank. Isn’t that another one of the things they abolished?

There’s a ton more inconsistencies in all the documents that conflict with what they say their vision is. It’s right there for everyone to read. But read it with an objective eye and mind. If you read them from the vantage point of a believer in OPPT, you’ll be blinded by the message.

Now let’s get on to a few other disturbing things. First of all, let’s take a look at the oaths they swore when they appointed themselves as trustees over the planet and it’s resources. On this page, you’ll see the oath Heather swore, pledging herself as being benevolent, transparent and truthful to the one people. At the bottom of the pages you’ll see big red fingerprints over her signatures.

Have you ever wondered about the origins of this practice of sealing documents with a red thumbprint? A cursory search on Google will say it’s a blood oath that binds (bond, bonded) you to the terns of the document. But if you poke around in places you’ve been told not to look, you will discover that it’s an ancient occult blood-letting ritual that binds your body and soul to the terms. I’ll say it again, it’s an ancient occult blood-letting ritual.

Now, to be fair here, this is not unique to OPPT. There are many rituals in law that you yourself often perform. Writing your signature on a document means nothing. It’s just ink on paper. It’s the symbolic act of pledging your honor, or agreeing to it that makes it binding. But, I digress…

These people are also heavily into new age beliefs with roots in the occult, the mystery schools and ritual symbolism – a quasi religion if you will. When interviewed, the founders rarely talk of any of the specifics of the movement. It’s mainly about how they foreclosed, go look at the documents, and how we are all now free to BE and DO as we please. There’s talk about beings of light, people manifesting angels, etc. There’s also talk of the new awakening, ascending to another dimension. On a blogtalkradio interview, someone claiming to be close to the OPPT said there will be an announcement on March 21, 2013 where something huge will be revealed.

March 21 is the equinox, a date claimed by ufologists and the like to be the day of Ascention for about half of humanity, separating the wheat from the chaff, where some of us will ascend into the 5th dimension and the rest will be left behind. Sounds kind of ominous for people like myself who, not believing in all this will probably be left behind.

And speaking of dates of significance…

In the people’s trust logo further down this page, as well as in the peoplestrust1776.org domain name, the year 1776 is used. The original people’s trust in the U.S. was actually formed in 1781. Sources pushing the OPPT say that the year 1776 is used because it’s the year the American Revolution started and the Declaration of independence was ratified, signifying their freedom from British rule.

But 1776 was also the year the Bavarian Illuminati was founded on May 1st in Ingolstadt, Upper Bavaria. It was disbanded a few years later. But in modern use, the word Illuminati:

“…refers to various organizations claiming or purported to have unsubstantiated links to the original Bavarian Illuminati or similar secret societies, and often alleged to conspire to control world affairs by masterminding events and planting agents in government and corporations to establish a New World Order and gain further political power and influence. Central to some of the most widely known and elaborate conspiracy theories, the Illuminati have been depicted as lurking in the shadows…

And this is also interesting to note, the numbers 1,7,7 & 6 when added together equal 21, connected now to the date of ascention, the equinox and date of the big reveal out of OPPT, as well as this juicy little numerological revelation:

21, a number of mystical import, partly because it is the product of 3 and 7, the most sacred of the odd numbers, but especially because it is the sum of the numerical value of the letters of the Divine Name, Eheyeil, thus:

5+ 10+ 5+ 1 = 21.

It is deemed of great importance in the Cabala and in Alchemy; in the latter, because it refers to the twenty-one days of distillation necessary for the conversion of the grosser metals into silver.

– Source: Mackey’s Encyclopedia of Freemasonry

On December 25, 2012, a Tuesday, the spokesperson for the OPPT “movement” released an announcement declaring the world’s governments, banks and corporations that had been enslaving humanity had been foreclosed and their power, gone. All of humanity had been saved.

Heather herself says in an interview that I can’t seem to find now, but it’s out there transcribed somewhere that the foreclosures happened in mid October, 2012, but they decided to wait and make the announcement on Christmas day. This makes it a gift. But it also hijacks one of the most important days in Christianity, the anniversary of the saviour’s birth.

Given the heavy spiritual way the OPPT is being pushed, did they just symbolically claim to be the second coming of Christ, the new saviour of mankind?


I researched “light Beings” and where the belief came from. I found that in Angelology, a little known area of Theology, an ancient mystery school belief says that a character called Lamael, meaning “In the Light of the Source” is an archangel who would one day become the second coming of Christ who would reappear to save humanity from evil, likely on a Tuesday. The name has been misinterpreted by some to mean Lumiel, the character upon which the modern concepts of Lucifer and the Luciferian cult is based.

It’s believed that if this character Lamael were to manifest itself in real life, it would be a creature with the body of a lion and the head of man, or what we commonly know today as a Sphynx. And the first example of a Sphynx that pops into my mind is the one sitting in front of the Great Pyramid of Giza in Egypt.

Lamael the Sphinyx

The Sphynx, pyramids, the great pyramid in particular, are heavily used in Illuminati and secret society symbolism. From the infamous truncated pyramid on the U.S. one dollar bill with the all seeing eye, or eye of Horus, and “New Order of the Ages” below in Latin (new paradigm?), to the sphynx guarding the entrances of some Masonic temples and dozens, if not hundreds of others, it’s everywhere.

Now, even I thought I was postulating by connecting OPPT to the pyramids and illuminati symbolism, until I took a closer look at the logo in the letterhead of the documents posted at peoplestrust1776.org. The logo shows three rays of light shining on a pyramid. The center ray of light has the halo. So to anyone believing that the three trustees have shone light on the illuminati’s most revered symbol, I can see how they would see it as a great way to communicate their benevolent intent. Rah Rah Rah!

OPPT Logo Pyramids

But when you flip the image of the logo upside down by rotating it 180° it tells a completely different story.

Upside down OPPT Logo meaning

Now, the image of the pyramid is brought to the top, and clearly shows it from a more accurate spatial perspective. Imagine it in 3D as if you were taking an arial photo of the real pyramid from a few hundred feet above the ground and looking at a corner.

I thought “no way, that’s too obvious.” So I just had to know. I found the dimensions of the great pyramid online, used a bit of math to scale it down and built a cardboard scale model so that I could prove it to myself. It took about an hour for me to get the vantage point right using a camera and tripod, adjusting the height, the angle, etc. But when I loaded the image of my scale model onto the computer and used a protractor to measure the angles, and scale, sure enough, the pyramid depicted on the upside down People’s Trust logo has the same scale, dimensions and angles as the great pyramid of Giza, to within about 1°

The chances of the pyramid in the upside down logo having the same dimensions and angles as the real one at Giza are miniscule unless it was done intentionally, and even more miniscule when you consider the following photo I took of my computer screen while measuring the angle at the top with a protractor:

OPPT Hidden Illuminati Meaning

Notice how the angle at the top of the pyramid on the 180° rotated logo is 10° off of 90° causing the side of it to line up with both the 100° mark and 80° mark? And if you flip the protractor, it of course lines up the same on the other side.

Someone with solid skills in math and geometry took a lot of time to do this. Think about it – rotating the image 180° figuring out how to take a 3 dimensional exact-scale depiction of the great pyramid of Giza and tilting it so that it produces a 100 and 80 when measuring the angle at the top. The probability of this happening by chance while some graphic artist or logo designer was putting this together are close enough to nil to be considered impossible.

Logos and symbols are designed to communicate a message to those viewing them. Someone who doesn’t know the key to the code won’t be able to decode the message. In fact, they may not even realize there’s a message at all. But if you look long enough you’ll see the hidden meaning.

And now that we know about the 180° which signifies the opposite on a circle or rotation, and the painstakingly encoded 180?s in the pyramid itself, let’s continue with that theme of opposites and look at where the light is coming from.

In the upright logo, it’s coming from above the pyramid with a halo around it, depicting benevolence since it’s coming from the heavens. In the rotated logo, it’s shining up from a hole in the ground, depicting the opposite, a light from hell. Malevolence is defined as “Having or showing a wish to do evil to others.

Carry that theme of opposites back through everything I have written above about the conflicts and how what they say seems to be 180° or opposite to what their documents say.

Imagine if you offered these documents to someone you were trying to deceive, so that the papers were upright to them but upside down for you. In the logo, they would see the rays of light coming from the heavens and shining the light on the Illuminati. You, however, would see the logo in it’s true light, with the pyramid elevated in all it’s glory by light emanating from hell.

I don’t know about you, but it seems to me the mystery of OPPT’s true intent might be solved.

You have been notified.

*All images in the post above were used for critical analysis and educational purposes in accordance with U.S. Copyright law’s fair use provisions.

Paul Short


More on this subject:

OPPT or Co-Opted? Look Before You Leap

Winston Shrout – Truth About OPPT UCC Filing


We have just released the Second Edition of Towards Healthcare Emancipation eBook. The proceeds from this book will be used to fund our next project, Towards Energy Emancipation.

The aim is to make the subject of free energy more understandable for the layman so that anybody could replicate and install his own power plant and be completely living off-grid.

If you haven’t done so, please like our FB page to encourage others to learn more about our work.

Thank you very much for your valuable support.

Health & Medicine - Top Blogs Philippines

They Offered Me the World

Strange things are happening behind the scenes, even behind the Alternative Media. These involve bribing those who are behind the alternative sources of information and bloggers.

If some of you may have noticed, there were comments made on some of the articles we’ve posted, and these comments were about Illuminati Agents trying to recruit you and me through their own testimonials. I have approved some of these comments for transparency sake, i.e. that these people do exist.

Some of you have dismissed these pro-Illuminati comments as “funny”, but I would like everyone to know that similar messages have been persistently sent through our contact page, but have since classified them as spam.

At first I thought that this is just a normal reaction from the other side. i.e. buying out people who might be a thorn to their objectives. But what if I tell you that this is just a tip of a huge iceberg?

A big master plan is being carried out behind the backs of the alternative bloggers, and this has been cracked by Dutchinse, and this involves some of those we trusted until recently, like so:

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Let me assure everyone that we are not buying into any offer, ‘cause there have been many and in different forms, in the past.

I guess it’s still a blessing when you’re getting used to the kind of life we have here in the “Third World”.

While we aspire for something better, we have learned to accept what little things we already have. We are satisfied and comfortable just by seeing everyone in good health.

We would also like to take this opportunity to thank all those who supported us through donations, some of whom have been doing it regularly like Pamela F, Tom S, and many others.

We just want justice done for all people.

And nobody can buy us out.

We have just released the Second Edition of Towards Healthcare Emancipation eBook. The proceeds from this book will be used to fund our next project, Towards Energy Emancipation.

The aim is to make the subject of free energy more understandable for the layman so that anybody could replicate and install his own power plant and be completely living off-grid.

If you haven’t done so, please like our FB page to encourage others to learn more about our work.

Thank you very much for your valuable support.

Health & Medicine - Top Blogs Philippines


May 1, 2013 by

Ø Keenan personally delivers hard copies of UN Swissindo’s  acceptance of OPPT’s “Military Declaration”  to the office of President Yudhoyono of the Republic of Indonesia

Ø Having alerted the public and the authorities to the OPPT agenda, Keenan is moving on with his own work, while keeping an eye out for further fraud

by Michael Henry Dunn

JAKARTA, April 27, 2013 –  Neil Keenan is clearing the decks for imminent forward movement with the Global Accounts.  Since the Accounts have been the playground for a motley crew of crooks, banksters, and scam artists for most of the past sixty years, that means Keenan’s work these days involves a lot of mopping up: exposing hidden agendas of Global Account fraudsters; clearing up confusion over the nature of the Accounts and to whom they belong; and exposing the UCC filing fraud behind the “phony freedom” offered by movements such as OPPT, who are merely one of many groups laying false claim to Account assets.

The thousands of people who buy the false claim that all governments and corporations have been “foreclosed” and no longer exist run the risk of loss of property and/or freedom when they find that judges and  courts are well prepared to demonstrate the fraud behind these supposed UCC filings (see the “State Strategies to Combat Fraudulent UCC Filings” by the National Association of Secretaries of State).

Meanwhile, a prominent international lawyer (who was instrumental in assisting the Russian government to free itself from oligarchic control) made the following statements in a message to Neil Keenan:

“I have  selected clear provisions of the UCC itself that completely destroy all attempts to abuse and misrepresent it.  Its own provisions directly contradict all ways that “common law” theorists (like Winston Shrout or OPPT) try to use it. This proves that attempting to use it to obtain rights from third parties is criminal Fraud….You will have a concise and clear Legal Report, that you can show to anybody you are dealing with, to prove to them that OPPT are conducting criminal Fraud and have no rights nor legal standing.”

The Legal Report mentioned above will be published by Mr. Keenan in the coming days.

Those foolhardy few who decide to take OPPT up on the dangerous “Military Order and Declaration” that urges insurrection against the supposedly obsolete governments of the world run the risk of endangering their own lives as well as others.  Once Mr. Keenan became aware of the specific attempts by OPPT and their allies at UN Swissindo to encourage an insurrection in Indonesia (using a false claim to Global Account assets to gain credibility), his duty became clear.  He has been asked by Global Account stakeholders (i.e., the original Depositors of the assets) to order and manage the Accounts, beginning in Indonesia, where he has the confidence and support of the Elders who guard the assets.  Even a bungled and incompetent attempt to execute the OPPT Military Order could cost many innocent lives.  Therefore Mr. Keenan personally delivered a hard copy of the OPPT/UN Swissindo documents to the office of President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono, where he met with the president’s staff to explain the cause of his concern.

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As previously noted by this writer, authorities in the U.S. and Switzerland – where UN Swissindo also has an office – have also been notified, including U.S. President Barack Obama, Swiss Attorney General Michael Lauber, Indonesian Attorney General Basrief Arief, and the Office of the Qing Dynasty.  Neil Keenan is leaving the matter in their hands, to take whatever actions may be appropriate in accordance with the laws and national security concerns of the nations involved.

The question has been raised by some as to what difference there is between the rumored “mass arrests” of banking cabal figures in the United States, and the plan proposed by OPPT.  Those who have followed the work of Drake Bailey and the growth of the community-based American militia movement will be well acquainted with the difference between the two.  Any such arrests in the U.S. will be made by local law enforcement, armed with lawful warrants, accompanied by U.S. Marshalls, and backed up where necessary by military units, in keeping with the military oath to protect and defend the country against “all enemies, foreign and domestic.”  A legal reset to our founding documents would then take place, guided by the will of the people.

The OPPT simply proposes anarchy.  They state that the government no longer exists, and need not be obeyed. They “authorize” individuals to detain any and all “actors” in financial or government crimes, claiming the right to name such persons themselves, based on their own sublime certainty, with no need for recourse to judge or jury.  These words are taken nearly verbatim from their own documents.

This is a key difference between Mr. Keenan’s approach and the OPPT’s essentially anarchistic (and in fact fraudulent) “foreclosure” on our planet’s existing structure of finance and governance.  Keenan wants to reform from within by freezing out the banking cabal from their access to the Accounts, while responsibly placing into trade the heretofore stolen assets in the Global Collateral Accounts.  The re-filing of Keenan’s trillion dollar lawsuit against the cabal will give additional legal grounds for other moves against these criminals.  Humanitarian projects worldwide, the eradication of phony debt, and the implementation of free energy technologies will be the death-knell of the cabal, and signal a rebirth of freedom.

OPPT claims the assets will be allocated to their use by a fictitious group of Indonesian royals (figures who, even if they exist, have no ownership rights to the assets, but are merely placeholders and guardians of the property of other nations and families.)  An actual Indonesian royal made the following statement on Facebook, regarding what he called UN Swissindo’s ludicrous fraud:

“So I have this to say, for and on the record, in regards to OPPT’s claim of UN Swissindo and Indonesian royals holding 90% of the world’s gold (this is the bullshit they are currently spinning).  It’s ironic that they picked the Indonesian royal families for this scam, allow me to explain.

I am married to the granddaughter of the Sultan of Borneo, one of the major royal families in Indonesia of hundreds of years, well before the Dutch even discovered Borneo and Indonesia. It just so happens that my wife is on holiday visiting her grandparents for the past week, so a perfect time to ask.

So, for and on the record, I can state as 100% fact that the Indonesia Royal families do not hold 90% of the world’s gold, and the alleged royals making the Youtube videos claiming to be Swissindo do not say which family they are (there are many independent royal families from different islands, but they all know each other) which is disrespectful to other royals and not typical for the normally very proud royal families. Secondly those in the video are not recognized.

Lastly, common sense should prevail, in the Swissindo Youtube videos, the UN logo in the background is white paper cut out and glued onto a blue paper background, and the blue paper background is made up of many blue sheets of paper – I mean how dodgy is that? Is that not a red flag?

Indonesian Royals are independent from government but are a part of government in a sense that they make decisions and are consolidated with. While they may not be rich in western standards, in Indonesian standards they are millionaires who could certainly afford to have a proper background set made up if they were going to produce a video for the whole world.”

OPPT’s principals claim that the Accounts themselves “no longer exist” because the governmental and corporate structures that formed them have been foreclosed, and that the Assets belong by right to “the One People.”

Try telling that to the Empress of China (who now represents China’s historic claim to 85% of the assets in the Global Accounts) and her allies in the Chinese military and other power centers.

If you want to see how the OPPT approach worked in the past, you might want to read up on the bloody chaos of the French Revolution.  Those who want to tear down a whole system overnight have historically become tyrants in short order.

Mr. Keenan has a better idea: legally freeze the bad guys’ access to funds, and reform the system from within.  You can’t pay mercenaries with autographed photos of Dick Cheney.

There has never been a military coup against the United States government – even though the current corporate bastardization of the Founding Fathers’ framework may have richly deserved one – and it is apparent that the patriots in the Pentagon do not intend to set that precedent, if it can possibly be prevented.

However, as Thomas Jefferson reminded us early on in our history, the right of revolution always remains to a people oppressed beyond endurance….when all legal remedies have been exhausted.

Those victimized by the OPPT’s false promises can become passionately attached to the instant-freedom-and-wealth pipe dream, and may become enraged at those who puncture the fantasy.  It’s normally not Neil Keenan’s job to go around puncturing fantasies.  Most days, he’s busy with what is often (trust me on this one) the daily drudgery of moving the Global Collateral Accounts closer to the goal of being finally put to use for the betterment of humanity.  The upshot of Keenan taking the time to expose the many frauds perpetrated on the Accounts has been that millions of people have been allowed to see the OPPT’s agenda, nakedly explained by the OPPT itself in black and white: seize control of gold that does not belong to them, and use it to overthrow the governments of the world with their “Military Order and Declaration.”  Of course, no one is to be harmed during these insurrections, we are told.  Right.  Try telling that to the Tunisians, Egyptians, or Syrians.

There’s only one yardstick that matters in the end: changes on the ground.  The goals of humanitarian programs, eradication of phony debt, freedom from oppression, and environmental restoration come closer to reality every day through the hard on-the-ground work of Mr. Keenan and his many allies.

When it comes to the final takedown of the elite cabal power figures, will that play out peacefully?  We certainly hope so.  But that is not Mr. Keenan’s job.  We will leave that to the patriots in our military and intelligence communities, and to the responsible community-based actions of the vast American militia movement.  The cabal criminals will be brought to justice by the proper authorities.  Mr. Keenan’s work is to freeze their access to the Accounts….and to work with the Global Account stakeholders to put the funds to work for humanity.

And he has already resumed that work with full focus.  Expect good news soon.  And just to reassure everyone that Mr. Keenan still has what it takes to be the point man for the Accounts, here is some recent footage of the former star point guard “shooting the lights out” on a Jakarta basketball court.

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And just a last footnote regarding the “Rose Garden Scenarios” – remember, you can tell a scam in the first thirty seconds by the following tell-tale signs:

1.      First is a request for help – ‘Hey, we’re trying to free the world – are you interested?’

2.      Then they flash the cash…which has one real $100 bill over a stack of phony ones – ‘Hey, I left a huge stash of money in a locker in Indonesia…and with your help I can get it out and save the world!  Wanna help?  I’ll pay you six million dollars!”

3.      And then they want something from you up front – like, oh, say your signature on an Oath and Bond (with a nice friendly title like “Courtesy Notice”) wherein your assets are now part of the One People’s Public Bust….

Ask the NYPD cops in Times Square.  They’ve seen gullible marks fall for this kind of scam for decades.  Then see the list of links below with additional evidence of the true nature of the OPPT to share with others who may need this information.

Michael Henry Dunn


An up-to-date listing of information on the truth about the OPPT may be found at the following website:


The basis of OPPT is that Charles C. Miller, after a UCC filing in the year 2000, owned the Uniform Commercial Code and in February of 2012, “gifted it” through a UCC filing to Heather Ann Tucci-Jarraf:


PL 88-243, 77 stat 630 is the act that created the UCC, so Charlie is stating in the filing that he had “full right, title, interest and ownership to the UCC itself. Here is the the content of PL 88-243:


The infamous OPPT UCC #2000043135 OPPT are forever quoting, was never a OPPT filing – it was by Charlie Miller in 2000 long before OPPT even existed, the whole thing is based on a fiction!


So Charlie (possibly from prison) files and claims the UCC, for 10yrs does nothing, then gifts it his business partner: Heather Ann Tucci-Jarraf and Charlie Miller were business partners.


A full set of Public documents are posted for public viewing and can be found at www.peoplestrust1776.org

source »

One of the significant sources of funds for the Cabal is the healthcare industry which registered a whopping $2.7 trillion in 2011, and is projected to soar to $3.6 trillion in 2016, in the US alone. We believe that this is just a conservative figure.

You can join the fight against the Dark Cabal and accelerate its demise just by boycotting Big Pharma. You can effectively do this by downloading “Towards Healthcare Emancipation“, a fully illustrated do-it-yourself instructional eBook that will help you in implementing all eClinik methods that would negate the use of expensive medicine, avoid radioactive diagnostics and treatments in completely defeating cancer, AIDS and all other parasitic diseases. These methods, when faithfully followed, work 100% all the time. Find out more about this here.

We are very grateful to the following for the love and support they’ve given us for the period between March 26th and April 2013:

Peggy P, $20
Matthew W, $35
Pamela F, $100
David M, $30
Monika ME, $30
Levi H, $20
Rhoda D, $20
Rick G, $50
Keith H, $75

Rodrigue B, $49.95
Howard K, $5
Geoffrey D, $10
Mike R, $20
Clayton F, $5
Sheryl C, $25
Russ M, $20
Steven K, $20
Joyce D, $10
Chris A, $5

AHC, $50
Rodrigo B, $5
Linda H, $6
Terry B, $5
Chris A, $1
Kipp S, $10
Wendell I, $12
Edgar R, $10


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Here’s an update from Ben Fulford’s free blog. Take note that while he somewhat praised the Jesuits at the frontlines this is never a complete absolution of the Jesuit Heirarchy.

However, we should be  constantly reminded of the the Jesuits’ capacity to manipulate the mind. His connection to Gnostic Illuminatus, Alexander Romanov, who admitted to be part of the “Hidden Hand” that started the French Revolution, among others, should be a red flag.

We must remember that the Gnostic Illuminati sought to remove the bogus Queen of the Corporate United Kingdom in favor of non-Windsor Prince Harry. It turned out that the new Jesuit Pope is implicated to the recent death of Thatcher and impending resignation of the Queen. Are the Gnostic Illuminati and the Society of Jesus one and the same?

Another red flag should be Ben Fulford’s appearance on another Jesuit psyops site, Veteran’s Today.

It is also very useful to consider the latest update of the ITCCS at this time, which implicated the currrent Jesuit Pope to Argentinian Military Junta’s aquisition of Exocet missiles used against the Royal Navy under deceased Margaret Thatcher, to have a better picture of what’s been going on.

Whatever the case may be, we should trust our own capacity to weed out the evils in our society and seek to find, for ourselves, solutions on making life still worth living.

In the final analysis, we are the most powerful entity there is when united. Take some responsibility.

Why we must fight to the death against the fascists

by Ben Fulford

Anybody who is even partially aware knows that a fascist coup d’etat has taken place in the West. History teaches us that if we do not fight this take over to the death, we will be killed anyway. The only people who do not understand this are either part of the fascist regime or else so hopelessly dumbed down and brainwashed they can only be saved when the fascist propaganda machine is turned off. History also teaches us that if the people do become ready to fight to the death, fascists, who are cowardly bullies at heart, surrender almost without resistance.

To understand how and why we must overthrow the criminal regimes of the West, especially the United States, I believe Argentina makes a good case study because the group that took over Argentina is the same one that staged a fascist coup in the US after 911 and staged a slow motion take-over of the EU.

My father was Canadian Ambassador to Argentina during the dirty war and as a result I was a front line witness to those events. Although he was an atheist, he worked with the Catholic Church in a secret battle to save lives there.

The first thing to note is that the Jesuits have been slaughtered en masse several times in Latin America for helping the poor and downtrodden and thus learned to be very careful when dealing with the military wing of the Roman Empire in South America. To get an idea, please watch the movie “The Mission.” The Argentine dirty war, in which 30,000 people were kidnapped, tortured and killed, was just the latest in an ancient history of Roman military slaughter.

When I was there our next door neighbor was kidnapped twice. We had a 24-hour Argentinian special forces guard stationed at our house. One of them showed me his notebook from the police academy; it was filled with instructions on how to make bombs. He said he had been told to set off bombs so the military government could justify their fascist government by blaming it on the “terrorists.” He also said that he and his buddies grabbed leftists, hippies as well as “known criminals or troublemakers” and killed them in order to “make Argentina safe.”

Once, when some of the junta generals were at our house for dinner, my mother asked about the fate of some “leftists” who had recently been arrested. The general (I cannot remember which one) said “torture must not be handled by sadists, it needs to be done rationally and without emotion.”

During a bus trip down to the South of the country, me and a friend talked about things like Carlos Castaneda (of the Don Juan books) and marijuana. The bus was suddenly stopped by military policemen who came into the bus, pointed machine guns at us and dragged us off the bus. If I did not have a Canadian passport saying my father was a diplomat, we would have been tortured and killed. In our case, we were let go after they searched us thoroughly (and took whatever they liked). It turns out the police went after us because the lady sitting in front of us did not like our conversation and informed on us.

There were also cases at the time of things like people getting rid of rival suitors by calling the police and anonymously accusing them of being communists or the like.

My father risked his career to fight these fascists.

Here is a shortened version of the recollections of my father published in a local Ottawa, Canada news site by his colleague Pierre Beemans:

It was in a line-up at the supermarket on Holy Saturday that I learned of the death of Dwight Fulford, some four years ago…the news left me feeling that I had a chance to say goodbye and to remind him of why I held him in such high esteem.

It goes back to 1978, when Dwight was Head of Post in Argentina and I was in Buenos Aires as the working head of the Canadian delegation to one of those endless UN conferences on how to improve the world. As ambassador, Dwight was the formal head of delegation, but he made it clear when I checked in to the embassy that he had lots of other things on his plate and would be happy if he could show up for only the opening and closing sessions. Buenos Aires in 1978 wasn’t the happy place that I had first known in 1962. The generals were in power and the ‘Dirty War’ was in full swing: union leaders, journalists, student radicals, progressive priests, leftwing politicians and just about anyone with the wrong kind of books were being rounded up and questioned — if not jailed, tortured and tossed out of planes over the South Atlantic. A few militant groups, notably the ‘Monteneros’, were trying armed resistance but theirs was a hopeless cause.

Little of this touched the several thousand foreign delegates to the conference as we shuttled between our luxury hotels…Then he touched my arm and said, “Something’s come up at the Embassy. You might want to join me for this.” It seemed that a young woman and her 4-year old son had come into the Embassy early in the afternoon and, after closing hour, were refusing to leave and asking for protection…It seems that she had received two visits from the police asking her for the whereabouts of her husband, known to be a sympathizer of the Monteneros. She had told them that she hadn’t seen him for two years, that he was in hiding somewhere unknown, that she had received neither news nor money from him, and that she wanted nothing to do with him or his politics. The police didn’t believe her and in the second visit they told her that if she didn’t know, she certainly had ways to find out; if she didn’t provide them with an answer in 48 hours, she would be arrested and interrogated more ‘formally’, and she could say good-bye to her child. She and her son had left their house [and went to the embassy] with just the clothes on their backs so as not to arouse suspicion.

I asked Dwight if he believed her story. “Of course,” he replied, “this is happening every day in Argentina. Just the fact of coming here like this makes it impossible for her to return home. Their lives are in danger but they can’t stay here.” Dwight went out to the police guards outside the doors, told them he was locking up for the night, thanked them for their attention and wished them a pleasant night with their families. As soon as they were gone, we took the elevator with the woman and the child down to the basement garage. After the driver checked carefully, we bundled them into the ambassadorial limousine and drove away.

I asked Dwight where he was going to take them. “I don’t know yet,” he said, “and no need for you to know. I’ll figure something out. Good night and have a safe trip home.” Dwight was not a person for long speeches.

I learned some years later when our paths crossed again that he had found a place for them to stay while he made arrangements to get them out of the country. I gather it was worked out through the good offices of the Papal Nuncio. If he had been found out, of course, he would have been ‘ persona non grata-ed’ within hours, probably with an even frostier fate awaiting him on his return to Ottawa.

My father never talked about such things with us and he carried most of such stories to the grave with him. My mother recalls he once got a call from somebody thanking for saving his live and he did not even remember who the person was. The fact is though, he saved somewhere between 7,000 and 15,000 lives during his tenure as Ambassador to Argentina. He also saved large amounts of people from Fidel Castro’s concentration camps in Cuba during the early 1960’s. The only thanks he got from his government was to be taken off the fast track for promotion by the corrupt Prime Minister Brian Mulroney.

It makes me deeply ashamed the current Prime Minister of Canada, Stephen Harper, is cooperating with those same tyrannical forces by allowing the Canadian military to participate in criminal military actions in places like Libya. You can be sure, though the forces of justice will one day catch up with him.

In any case, although my father did what he could in the circumstances he was in, I believe we need to be more pro-active and take the battle to the fascists.

If the US patriotic military wishes to restore the Republic of the United States and fight for justice and human rights, then it is time to act.

Posted at 21:50 | Permalink |


Posted on April 23, 2013 by

JAKARTA – April 23, 2013:  Up front alert – this is not a news bulletin.  This does not contain the latest blow-by-blow between Neil Keenan’s team and the late not-so-great OPPT.  This is not a cunning stratagem doubling as an engaging dispatch from the front lines (though I’ve gotten rather fond of writing those).  You don’t need to read between the lines here to figure out which parts are Michael H. Dunn the choir boy and which parts Neil Keenan the warlord.

This is all choir boy – but it’s about my personal impressions of the warlord.

As perceptive readers will have noted (and as I candidly admitted early on), the “engaging dispatches” of the past two months were written by me, and vetted and improved upon (OK, let’s be honest – brutally toughened by) Mr. Keenan, with indispensable insight and editing suggestions provided by Jean Haines.  We are, after all, in a war (in the end-game of it, we believe, with the rewarding work of implementing global humanitarian programs just around the corner, but still for some days yet, yes, in a war), and there is an art to war, as the ancient Chinese strategist Sun Tzu has reminded us.  When at war, you do not tell your enemy what you are really doing.  Unless, of course, you want him to think you’re lying.  Nor do you tell your enemy where you really are.  (Do you really think we’ve been in Jakarta all this time?  Ha, ha, ha!  But, then….maybe we really are in Jakarta!  Or maybe we just hired a few dozen Indonesian extras to play the parts of prisoners and their families in a crowded courthouse holding cell, and flew them to the U.S. or some neutral territory so we could fool you all with a phony interview with Nelu Wibawa!  Seriously, folks – some people are now proposing this.)

By the way, we’ve moved our base of operations to Hawaii.

I wish.

For the sweet naïve folks who find all this art of war stuff terribly “3D,” and unworthy of an about-to-be-ascended “lightworker,” I can only say that if that’s your perspective, then the next time you play a game of chess you should immediately move your king into the most vulnerable position possible, to ensure the quickest possible checkmate, thus bringing a swift and merciful end to this brutal simulation of human conflict.  And if one of the many good police offers in the world answers your urgent 911 call, entering your home to apprehend a violent thief still on the premises, you really should immediately urge the officer (in keeping with your “5D” principles) to put down his weapon and call out to the violent thief to come meditate with you in your living room, in hopes of resolving this nasty conflict through the appropriate post-2012 method of mutual vibration-raising.

This analogy is apt, folks – the cabal is composed of violent thieves.  Violent thieves in suits, for the most part, but still violent thieves.  And Keenan is one of the cops answering the call to take them down – do we really want him to be a cross between the Dalai Lama and Mr. Rogers?  If he were, he would have been dead early on against the cabal – and a lot more of us would probably be dead by now too.

So, yes, a lot of these dispatches have had the art of war in mind.  Back in mid-March, when intelligence came to us from a high source of a credible threat against our team’s safety, I shared in one dispatch a snippet of dialogue from one of our editing sessions, in which Neil corrected my usage of the somewhat Shakespearean phrase “will have their throats cut” to what he informed me was the more plainly understood underworld terminology, “will have their throats slit.”  Yes, oh my goodness, mercy me!  Mr. Keenan knows the underworld!   That terrible man!  And he has friends in the CIA!  Heavens!  How can we trust him?  He grew up in Rhode Island and knows “good fellas” – and most of the time he sounds like one!  Shun him at once!  He is prone to making vulgarity-laced statements about picturesque punishments he would like to see meted out to those who oppose him – or even to those who merely annoy him.  Can we really allow such a low-vibrational being to be appointed guardian of the Global Accounts?  Surely, such a thuggish fellow must be merely a cabal front man, whose ultimate goal is to return us all to a rebooted financial slave system?

On the other hand (and this is probably news to most), he was also a friend of Pope John Paul II, has a highly developed extra-sensory gift, has been visited by the visible spirits of departed family, been blessed and chosen through Indonesian ceremony by high Elders, and is accompanied at all times by intensely vigilant white-faced guardian devas (who occasionally make themselves visible to him, which kind of freaks him out).  And he’s something of an authority on the ancient Thracian ruins of Bulgaria, and the voyages of Christopher Columbus.  Also worth noting is that he was one of the best basketball players of his generation in New England, setting numerous records in both high school and college, and playing pro ball in Europe.  His skills as a Golden Gloves boxer (29 and 0 in his day) recently came in handy on a street in Europe when he was attacked by knife-wielding assassins (with the help of an Army Ranger buddy whom God placed conveniently at the scene, the thugs ended up on the hospital).

One of my personal favorites among Neil Keenan stories is when George W Bush got on the phone with him, and Neil said, “Oh wait – I think I know you…aren’t you that cheer-leader from Connecticut?”

Dubya went ballistic.

Or when Queen Elizabeth II called Neil regarding an enormous cabal Federal Reserve note she was trying to steal, and Neil said, “Ma’am, you need to understand something.  You’re not my queen!  I’m Irish!”

And when Neil Keenan organized the epic “500th Anniversary of Christianity in the West” in 1992 in The Dominican Republic, he personally hosted Pope John Paul II, impishly daring to say things to His Holiness that make my still-Catholic hair stand on end, such as, “Hey, Father – stand here, would you please, and face the Caribbean Sea while you’re saying that blessing, ok?”

The Polish pontiff (who by this time knew Keenan was a loose cannon), rolled his eyes, and asked ‘why?’  To which Neil replied that he could then make a fortune by going down to the beach and filling thousands of little bottles with water, since the whole sea was now “holy water personally blessed by the Pope!”

And John Paul replied, “And what if I say ‘no?’”

Keenan didn’t miss a beat.  “Well, Father, then I’d have to sell “Pope on a Rope!”  “And that is?” asked John Paul.  “Well, of course, that’s just little soap figures that look like you, and then we put them on a rope for the bathtub, and people wash their private parts with them!”

As Keenan tells it, the Pontiff laughed long and loud.  And afterward, he invited Keenan repeatedly to visit him in Rome, and called him several times at home in later years, just to say ‘hello.’

So Neil Keenan goes through life pretty much laughing, joking, singing, flirting, or fighting – mostly fighting, these days, but walk through a Jakarta shopping mall with him, and it’s mostly joking and flirting.  But he’s an equal-opportunity flirt, calling out compliments to about two dozen different pretty shop-girls in a good-sized mall in one thirty-minute stroll.  Not a “swordsman” anymore – he just likes seeing them smile.

And when one of the Rothschilds calls us here in Jakarta (as happened last night) to tell us she hopes Jean Haines re-opens the comments on the blog so that this high cabal heiress can share her own Rothschildian thoughts with the world on our latest post, what does Neil do?

Flirts with her, of course…..

But the fighter comes out fast.  If we walk out of the mall to get a taxi, and he sees someone cut in line to cheat and grab a cab ahead of others who’ve been waiting, the unfortunate would-be cheater will be immediately subject to the warlord’s wrath, which is uttered with such force and such unconscious assumption of authority, that everyone on the scene just says “whoa!….let’s back off and do what this guy says, OK?”

Kind of like what’s happening with the Global Accounts.

And just what does Mr. Keenan actually say in his righteous anger?  Well, I’ll leave the exact words to your imagination, but it usually involves a threat to remove the offender’s head from his body, accompanied by a liberal mix of expletives, while dark scary rays shoot out of his black Celtic eyes.

And believe me, the offender obeys.  It’s kind of amazing to watch, time after time.  I mostly squirm during these encounters because (let’s face it) I actually am the diplomatic, poetic, peace-making, meditating, lyrical dude who all of Drake’s people think is diluting the ferocity of their beloved mad-man Keenan (not to worry, Drake and Co. – nobody can dilute this guy’s wrath, and every dispatch had his seal of approval….well, except this one, of course).

Or did it?  You figure it out….

To be honest, the guy drives me nuts a good portion of the time.  His energy almost never quits.  His joking almost never quits.  His goofy word-plays on our friend Inchul Kim’s various nick-names have been replayed for every taxi-driver and waitress in Jakarta for the last two months (“this is my friend Mr. Yuno – do you know Yuno?…you know?”), and if we get in a cab one more time and Neil tells the guy again to take us to Ethiopia, I think I’ll tear my hair out.

Well, for variety last night he did say “Sardinia,” so I guess I should be grateful for small favors.

These are all just my impressions, of course, and I’ve only known Mr. Keenan for a few months.  I’ve only read a few pages in that book, and I’m sure there’s many a private chapter of which I will never hear (and I’m not sure I want to).  But I’ve seen him at close quarters day in and day out under high stress for sixty days now, so make of it what you will.

If there’s a dominant impression I should leave you with, it is this: Neil Keenan is a winner.  He is a good guy who is determined to take down the cabal. He is smart, and cunning, and brutally tough, and he will not back down.  He is fiercely loyal to his friends, and possesses a killer instinct for finishing off an enemy that reminds me of Michael Jordan.  He does not quit.  He is totally fearless.  And he will win.

And so will we all.

Michael Henry Dunn

source »

One of the significant sources of funds for the Cabal is the healthcare industry which registered a whopping $2.7 trillion in 2011, and is projected to soar to $3.6 trillion in 2016, in the US alone. We believe that this is just a conservative figure.

You can join the fight against the Dark Cabal and accelerate its demise just by boycotting Big Pharma. You can effectively do this by downloading “Towards Healthcare Emancipation”, a fully illustrated do-it-yourself instructional eBook that will help you in implementing all eClinik methods that would negate the use of expensive medicine, avoid radioactive diagnostics and treatments in completely defeating cancer, AIDS and all other parasitic diseases. These methods, when faithfully followed, work 100% all the time. Find out more about this here.

We are very grateful to the following for the love and support they’ve given us for the period between March 26th and April 2013:

Peggy P, $20
Matthew W, $35
Pamela F, $100
David M, $30
Monika ME, $30
Levi H, $20
Rhoda D, $20
Rick G, $50
Keith H, $75

Rodrigue B, $49.95
Howard K, $5
Geoffrey D, $10
Mike R, $20
Clayton F, $5
Sheryl C, $25
Russ M, $20
Steven K, $20
Joyce D, $10
Chris A, $5

AHC, $50
Rodrigo B, $5
Linda H, $6
Terry B, $5
Chris A, $1
Kipp S, $10
Wendell I, $12
Edgar R, $10


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Massive Financial Secrets Revealed

They sought the utmost secrecy in offshore tax havens. But now some of the world’s wealthiest citizens are having their undisclosed financial records laid bare.

An unprecedented leak of documents is revealing the closely guarded investment information of more than 100,000 people around the world, including hundreds of Canadians.

In what is believed to be one of the largest ever leaks of financial data, the Washington, D.C.-based International Consortium of Investigative Journalists has received nearly 30 years of data entries, emails and other confidential details from 10 offshore havens around the world.

CBC News has partnered with the ICIJ over the last seven months to gain exclusive Canadian access to the information. Thirty-seven media outlets in 35 other countries are also involved.

“This secret world has finally been revealed,” said lawyer and international tax expert Art Cockfield, a professor at Queen’s University in Kingston, Ont.

MAP Tax haven data leak reverberates around globe

“I find it absolutely fascinating to get a look at this data dump. I think this is the very first time where people like myself, and maybe even government officials, have had access to this information.”

The files contain information on over 120,000 offshore entities — including shell corporations and legal structures known as trusts — involving people in over 170 countries. The leak amounts to 260 gigabytes of data, or 162 times larger than the U.S. State Department cables published by WikiLeaks in 2010.

“What we found as we started digging in the records is a pretty extensive collection of dodgy characters: Wall Street fraudsters, Ponzi schemers, figures connected to organized crime, to arms dealing, money launderers,” said Michael Hudson, a senior editor at the ICIJ, who worked with a team for months to sort through the information.

News tips

If you have more information on this story, or other investigative tips to pass on, please email in************@cb*.ca

“We just found a lot of folks involved in questionable or outright illegal activities.”

There was also plenty of information related to legal offshore dealings. Offshore investments aren’t illicit as long as they are not used to evade taxes or launder money.

As reported by CBC News yesterday, the files show that a Canadian senator and her husband, one of the country’s most prominent class-action lawyers, were beneficiaries of a confidential offshore account in the Cook Islands that was used to make investments via Bermuda.

The leaked data also contains revelations about:

  • Elite Russian scammers who stole $230 million from the country’s treasury in a deadly heist that sparked a diplomatic row with the U.S.
  • The fraudster hit with the second-biggest fine in history from Ontario’s stock-market regulator.
  • Top German, French and Swiss banks that set up thousands of secretive companies in offshore havens for such clients as Thai and Pakistani politicians.

In many cases, the leaked documents expose insider details of how agents would incorporate companies in Caribbean and South Pacific micro-states on behalf of wealthy clients, then assign front people called “nominees” to serve, on paper, as directors and shareholders for the corporations — disguising the companies’ true owners.

Often the companies were set up through intermediary law and accounting firms, as well, adding a further layer of anonymity for investors.

BUYING SECRECY Interactive: How offshore havens attract the wealthy

“These people have no idea whatsoever about the activities of the companies that they are apparently responsible for. Now, this is a complete travesty,” said John Christensen, director of the Tax Justice Network, an international coalition that campaigns against offshore finance.

“But it is actually crucial to this process of not revealing who the real person is behind the company.”

Sometimes these methods were used by figures with known links to organized crime, arms dealers and ex-mercenaries. In other instances, documents reveal tax dodgers funnelling money offshore, beyond the eyes and arms of their nation’s treasury.

Canadians at top

Many of the leaked records consist of emails between employees and customers of specialty firms that set up and administer tens of thousands of offshore companies.

One of those firms — Commonwealth Trust Ltd., based in the British Virgin Islands in the Caribbean — was founded and, until 2009, run by a Toronto native, Tom Ward. The company’s senior ranks included a number of other Canadians. It mainly sets up corporations in the BVI for the wealthy, charging around $2,000 a year per account for its services.

MAP Canada’s offshore account-holders

Another agency, Portcullis TrustNet, has offices on tropical islands around the globe, including in the Cook Islands near New Zealand, as well as the BVI, the Caymans, Mauritius, Samoa, Singapore and Hong Kong. A former senior manager at the company is a Canadian lawyer.

Not all the firms’ leaked emails are strictly business. There’s also hundreds of intra-office missives about cricket, after-work drinking plans and the latest internet memes.

“I am getting some very funny looks as I sit here crying with laughter at that one,” a TrustNet employee messages a co-worker after watching a YouTube video that was sent around.

Another colleague describes a recent Monday evening trip to the bar in an email to her mom: “What started out as being just one drink ended up being 3 double bourbons and hello?! Can I just get drunk?! Haha.”

Up to $32 trillion stashed offshore

Offshore tax havens have existed for at least 100 years. While there’s no firm definition, the International Monetary Fund says most of what it officially calls “offshore financial centres” are distinguished by:

  • A banking sector that primarily serves non-residents.
  • Low to no taxation on foreign firms and people.
  • Tight financial secrecy.

By those terms, there are up to 80 tax havens in the world, including such countries as Panama, Liechtenstein and Switzerland but also tiny island territories like Jersey, Malaysia’s Labuan, the Isle of Man and the Turks and Caicos.

Publishing decision

CBC Editor Jennifer McGuire explains why CBC News isn’t publishing all 450 Canadian names.

Worldwide, the Tax Justice Network estimates that between $21 trillion and $32 trillion of private wealth is held offshore, out of reach of national treasuries (a more conservative estimate by the Boston Consulting Group puts the figure at $8 trillion). The international organization says that translates to up to $280 billion a year in lost taxes — twice what the world’s richest countries spend combined on foreign aid.

Canada’s share of that, assuming it’s the same as the country’s proportion of global GDP, would be about $7 billion, or a quarter of the federal government’s projected 2012 budget deficit.

Countries have discussed ways to stem the tax drain to offshore havens for years, but so far have been unable, or unwilling, to fully plug the leak.

In last month’s federal budget, Finance Minister Jim Flaherty promised to set up a system for tipsters to report offshore tax cheats. Informants would get 15 per cent of the recouped tax in cases where the Canada Revenue Agency recovers more than $100,000. The government estimates it could recover hundreds of million in revenue. But the Tories also cut $47 million a year from the budget of the Canada Revenue Agency.

If you have more information on this story, or other investigative tips to pass on, please email
in************@cb*.ca. You can also send mail to: CBC Investigations Unit, 205 Wellington St. W., Toronto, Ontario, M5V 3G7

With files from Nicole Reinert

Source »

One of the significant sources of funds for the Cabal is the healthcare industry which registered a whopping $2.7 trillion in 2011, and is projected to soar to $3.6 trillion in 2016, in the US alone. We believe that this is just a conservative figure.

You can join the fight against the Dark Cabal and accelerate its demise just by boycotting Big Pharma. You can effectively do this by downloading “Towards Healthcare Emancipation“, a fully illustrated do-it-yourself instructional eBook that will help you in implementing all eClinik methods that would negate the use of expensive medicine, avoid radioactive diagnostics and treatments in completely defeating cancer, AIDS and all other parasitic diseases. These methods, when faithfully followed, work 100% all the time. Find out more about this here.

We are very grateful to the following for the love and support they’ve given us for the period between March 26th and April 2013:

Peggy P, $20
Matthew W, $35
Pamela F, $100
David M, $30
Monika ME, $30
Levi H, $20
Rhoda D, $20
Rick G, $50
Keith H, $75

Howard K, $5
Geoffrey D, $10
Mike R, $20
Clayton F, $5
Sheryl C, $25
Russ M, $20
Steven K, $20
Joyce D, $10
Chris A, $5

AHC, $50
Rodrigo B, $5
Linda H, $6
Terry B, $5
Chris A, $1
Kipp S, $10
Wendell I, $12
Edgar R, $10


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Update, 8april2013: ASIA BEWARE… YOU’RE NEXT!

·         Central bankers secretly stockpiling gold through third parties in anticipation of euro collapse

·         Greek assets – even whole islands – being secretly sold off to pay troika

·         Check for $300 million signed by CEO of major bank is used to defraud global gold reserves

·         United Bank of Switzerland selling US dollars at 20% discount in preparation for collapse, while UBS bonds are discounted more than 30% in global trade, as banksters try to dump fast for cash now

·         Cyprus theft of savings accounts was test run, coming soon to a bank near you

·         How Neil Keenan and the Alliance intend to prevent oligarchy’s plan for financial chaos

by Michael Henry Dunn

JAKARTA, April 5, 2013:  Word has reached Neil Keenan here that the banking cabal’s fear and desperation are now moving into what may be a final phase.  They tried triggering World War III and that didn’t work. They thought they could depopulate the planet through designer diseases, and that didn’t work.  They thought they could escape to vast underground cities, and (thanks to off-planet allies) that can no longer work.  Facing exposure, humiliation, and prison (if they are lucky) they are now down to their last desperate throw: to create financial chaos by collapsing world currencies and pulling off a vast Cyprus-style theft of middle-class savings in the U.S.  As global forces line up behind Neil Keenan, the Alliance, the Qing Dynasty, and the imminent “Changing of the Guard” to reclaim control over the Global Collateral Accounts, the oligarchs are desperately stockpiling gold in the hope that they can once more dominate an impoverished humanity by surviving the chaos that they themselves plan to trigger.

Not going to happen – they made the mistake of stealing from Neil Keenan.

Clearly, there’s more to it than that, and this fight for freedom has been secretly waged by thousands of men and women for decades.  But it may well be that historians will look back at the moment when the hapless Daniele Del Bosco absconded with $144.4 billion in bonds entrusted to Keenan by the Dragon Family as the turning point that set the final wheels in motion to bring down Financial Tyranny. As Del Bosco attempted to launder the bonds through the Italian government, the U.N., the World Economic Forum, and the so-called Office of International Treasury Control, Keenan relentlessly pursued the unfolding evidence that led to the Trillion-Dollar Lawsuit and the creation of the Monaco Accords, which are now supported by more than 160 nations.  Information continues to flow into Keenan on a daily basis from multiple sources, as witnessed first-hand by this writer.

Forces are now in motion to prevent this final dark plan from succeeding.  The cabal’s desperation is palpable.  It’s every man for himself, as the once monolithic Illuminati becomes merely a pack of vicious thieves – which is all they ever were in fact – fleeing from the justice they thought they would never face.  Meanwhile, the pressure on them increases daily as the avenues of escape are closed off one by one.  And military, militia, and intelligence cooperation is poised to make the long-awaited final sweep of the cabal power structure.

The cabal’s strategy down through the ages has always been the same: “out of chaos, order.”  They create the chaos, and then impose an ever more oppressive “order,” in order to degrade free human beings into debt slaves.  They lived by their twisted version of The Golden Rule: ”he who has the gold makes the rules.”  They amassed the gold reserves now known as The Global Collateral Accounts on the pretext of removing the cause of war (while slaughtering millions in a series of gold-theft wars).  In a century-long struggle, they succeeded in subverting their greatest enemy – a free American republic – into the bankster-controlled U.S.A., Inc., via their secret ownership of the Federal Reserve System. They triggered the Great Depression so they could buy America for a song while outlawing private ownership of gold.  The final phase of their grand strategy called for their rulership over a post-Armageddon remnant of mankind.  These plans have now fallen apart, and their grand goal of ultimate dominion has been reduced to a desperate struggle for survival.

Agency sources confirmed to Keenan in a face-to-face meeting in Jakarta this week that the bankster sect is planning a counter-attack in the coming weeks, hoping to get their last moves in before Keenan and the Alliance take control of the Global Accounts.  The disarray in their ranks is evident from the following reports that high-level financial contacts have provided to Keenan in conversations witnessed by this writer in recent days:

·         Josef Ackerman of Deutschebank, and other European central bankers, have reportedly supervised secret stockpiling of gold through vast purchases through third and fourth party front men. These purchases of precious metals are paid for with euros that will soon be worthless.  Ackerman’s gold buyers are authorized to purchase as much as 10,000 metric tons per month – a staggering amount.

·         So-called “bail-outs” will be offered to struggling European nations – bail-outs comprised of the same baseless euros – charging usurious rates of eighteen to twenty percent.  The struggling nations will ultimately be unable to pay, and the bankers will come calling to claim national assets and sovereignty for a pittance. This is already happening, of course, in Greece, where parts of Greece itself are being sold off to foreign buyers, such as a large section of the idyllic Greek island of Corfu.  Our source stated that if the Greek people knew what was really going on, “there would be a revolution tomorrow.”  The Emir of Qatar has been making regular buying trips to Greece for the last three months.  It remains to be seen if there will be anything left of Greece for the Greeks.

·         The euro itself is doomed: as noted here before, the gold reserves backing the euro have been leased with counterfeit notes issued by Mario Draghi’s European Central Bank.  Neil Keenan has massive documentation of this fraud, and will be coming after the ECB and Draghi in short order.

·         Sources report that United Bank of Switzerland is now selling US dollars at 20% discount in preparation for collapse, while UBS bonds are discounted more than 30% in global trade, as banksters try to dump fast for quick cash.

·         Attempts to defraud the Global Accounts are becoming ever more brazen, as a $300 million dollar bank draft bearing the signature of the CEO of one of the world’s largest banks was reportedly used in an attempt to persuade banks to bypass the usual four to six week waiting period for verification of such funds, so that funds supposedly based in Global Account gold assets could be withdrawn within five days of deposit.  By the time the fraud would be revealed (our source stated), the funds – and the fraudsters – would be gone.  This is but one instance, we are told, of multiple such attempts to raid the global candy store before the new sheriff shuts down the racket.

·         Multiple high-level sources have told Neil Keenan: “everyone knows you’re coming – you’ve got them running scared.”

As recently reported by Drake Bailey, the U.S. Department of Homeland Security is implementing Cyprus-style plans to seize bank accounts, and contents of safety deposit boxes, if any such are judged to be “of a contraband nature,” in the opinion of the agent.  This danger to ordinary Americans’ savings was confirmed to Neil Keenan in person this week by an intelligence community contact, who stated that DHS is planning to use mercenary forces comprised of foreign nationals to back this brazen destruction of the American middle class.  Pentagon and agency forces are lined up to defeat any such move, and it is expected that the vast American militia movement would immediately swing into action as well.  DHS is apparently one of the last lairs of cabal operatives, and should be a target of Alliance efforts in the coming days.  We hope and intend that violence will be avoided, but it may well be that the end game will be tough going.

The reason the control of the Global Accounts is so crucial at this critical turning point is simple: it is the cabal’s last available source of actual (as opposed to fiat) money.  Mercenaries don’t work for free.  Once the final agreements are signed, and Mr. Keenan and the Alliance take over management of the Accounts, the final framework for global financial reform will be in place.  This event is imminent.  Hard on the heels of the agreements, Keenan’s trillion-dollar lawsuit will be re-filed with final damning evidence in place, and the liens on the central banks will be re-imposed.  With this legal basis firmly established, other long-planned moves against the cabal will swiftly follow.

As the dust from this momentous Changing of the Guard settles, plans call for rapid implementation of emergency funds, eradication of phony debt, and careful development of humanitarian programs for the nations of the world.  These funds will not be distributed to governments or banks, but to foundations that serve the people, that stimulate national economies, rebuild infrastructure, implement free energy technologies (yes, they exist!), restore the environment, or provide health care and education.

It may well be asked by reasonable persons how it could possibly be that one man, Neil Keenan, could be so formidable and dangerous to the survival of a ruthless and murderous cabal, and avoid being killed by them.  Keenan has avoided mention of this topic in past posts, but I think it important that all those praying for his success should know that he has survived four such attempts in the last three years.  The protection around him has increased with each successive attempt, and Mr. Keenan himself inflicted heavy punishment on one assailant in Europe (the would-be assassin ended up in the hospital, while Keenan escaped with a scratch).  Attribute it to the luck of the Irish (though the Irish say that if it weren’t for bad luck, we’d have no luck at all), or to the prayers of millions, or to the guardianship of intelligence community allies, or to the protective devas invoked for him in Indonesian ceremony, but the fact is that Neil Keenan now laughs at the thought of danger, and is confident of success.

Of course, Keenan pretty much laughs at danger in any case…or even relishes it.  This reporter witnessed Keenan’s blithe response to an apparent attack by a black-clad female assassin in a Jakarta shopping mall only days ago:

  ARVE Error: need id and provider

OK, folks, we know how serious all this is, but do you expect Neil Keenan to stop being Neil Keenan?  As may be expected, the would-be attacker not only got off scot free, but was given a generous tip!

From Jakarta, where we find something to laugh about even on dark days…..(but it’s spring, and the days are getting brighter, and longer – here’s hoping we’ll look back on this April in years to come as a turning point for us all).

Michael Henry Dunn

One of the significant sources of funds for the Cabal is the healthcare industry which registered a whopping $2.7 trillion in 2011, and is projected to soar to $3.6 trillion in 2016, in the US alone. We believe that this is just a conservative figure.

You can join the fight against the Dark Cabal and accelerate its demise just by boycotting Big Pharma. You can effectively do this by downloading “Towards Healthcare Emancipation“, a fully illustrated do-it-yourself instructional eBook that will help you in implementing all eClinik methods that would negate the use of expensive medicine, avoid radioactive diagnostics and treatments in completely defeating cancer, AIDS and all other parasitic diseases. These methods, when faithfully followed, work 100% all the time. Find out more about this here.

We are very grateful to the following for the love and support they’ve given us for the period between March 26th and April 2013:

Peggy P, $20
Matthew W, $35
Pamela F, $100
David M, $30
Monika ME, $30
Levi H, $20
Rhoda D, $20
Rick G, $50
Keith H, $75

Howard K, $5
Geoffrey D, $10
Mike R, $20
Clayton F, $5
Sheryl C, $25
Russ M, $20
Steven K, $20
Joyce D, $10
Chris A, $5

AHC, $50
Rodrigo B, $5
Linda H, $6
Terry B, $5
Chris A, $1
Kipp S, $10
Wendell I, $12
Edgar R, $10


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V for Vendetta Shown in China

“People should not be afraid of their governments. Governments should be afraid of their people.”

Such were the words of “V” echoing across the Chinese airspace on the night the world created by the Illuminati is supposed to end.


Another posted:

If my memory serves me correctly, this was a prohibited film before. There were too many lines in it about people demanding freedom, and people helping each other to eventually break out [from oppression]. The whole film is saturated with these themes.

Someone else said said:

CCTV has broadcast ‘V for Vendetta’. This makes netizens believe, people shouldnt fear their government, the government should fear the people! Love the V mask!

Update #1: Reader @1dayinchina points out that should viewers get inspired by the film’s revolutionary message, the masks are on sale at your local Shanghai Carrefour.

Source »

BEIJING (AP) — Television audiences across China watched an anarchist antihero rebel against a totalitarian government and persuade the people to rule themselves. Soon the Internet was crackling with quotes of “V for Vendetta’s” famous line: “People should not be afraid of their governments. Governments should be afraid of their people.”

The airing of the movie Friday night on China Central Television stunned viewers and raised hopes that China is loosening censorship.

Source »

V For Vendetta has been broadcast in China – despite the plot revolving around a totalitarian government.

The film, which didn’t air on the big-screen when it was released, was shown on TV, raising hopes that the country is loosening censorship.

Television audiences across China watched an anarchist anti-hero rebel against a totalitarian government and persuade the people to rule themselves.

Soon the internet was crackling with quotes from V For Vendetta’s famous line: “People should not be afraid of their governments. Governments should be afraid of their people.”

The 2005 movie, based on a comic book, is set in an imagined future Britain with a fascist government. The protagonist wears a mask of Guy Fawkes, the 17th-century rebel who tried to blow up Parliament.

The mask has become a revolutionary symbol for young protesters in mostly Western countries, and it also has a cult-like status in China as pirated DVDs are widely available. Some people have used the image of the mask as their profile pictures on Chinese social media sites.

Beijing-based rights activist Hu Jia wrote on Twitter, which is not accessible to most Chinese because of government Internet controls: “This great film couldn’t be any more appropriate for our current situation.

“Dictators, prisons, secret police, media control, riots, getting rid of ‘heretics’… fear, evasion, challenging lies, overcoming fear, resistance, overthrowing tyranny … China’s dictators and its citizens also have this relationship.”

Source »

The sight of the film’s titular anarchist delivering a televised speech about “censors and systems of surveillance coercing your conformity and soliciting your submission” on CCTV-6, China Central Television’s movie channel – has set the Chinese blogosphere ablaze, with contributors expressing awe watching the film on official television and speculating whether this points to a more varied and less restricted media landscape.

The appearance of V for Vendetta on state television is just the latest of a string of released films with content which could easily bring discomfort to the Chinese ruling authorities. The Hong Kong film Cold War, which has secured 230 million yuan (US$ 37 million) in the mainland Chinese box office during its November run, revolves around the struggle between two assistant police commissioners aiming for the top job – a scenario which coincidentally mirrors the real-life factional fracas threatening the power-succession of the Chinese Communist Party last month.

V for Vendetta was screened, with its lines dubbed into Chinese, on CCTV-6 at 10:07 p.m. on Friday, with the channel’s official Weibo account running a message offering a synopsis of the film so that “film buffs could have some fun”. This post – which both acknowledges the existence of the film and points to a rough sketch of the story – was itself a breakthrough, as information of the film has been kept off officially-sanctioned internet search portals such as Douban or Baidu.

Continue reading »

This is another Ben Fulford Updates confirmation re his article indicating that the new Chinese leadership is all for reforms.

“The Chinese leadership transition is also still underway but the emerging consensus is that democratic and other reforms that the new generation carry out will resemble the Singapore model more than they resemble the US or European models.” more

Congratulations, China!

One of the significant sources of funds for the Cabal is the healthcare industry which registered a whopping $2.7 trillion in 2011, and is projected to soar to $3.6 trillion in 2016, in the US alone. We believe that this is just a conservative figure.

You can join the fight against the Dark Cabal and accelerate its demise just by boycotting Big Pharma. You can effectively do this by downloading “Towards Healthcare Emancipation“, a fully illustrated do-it-yourself instructional eBook that will help you in implementing all eClinik methods that would negate the use of expensive medicine, avoid radioactive diagnostics and treatments in completely defeating cancer, AIDS and all other parasitic diseases. These methods, when faithfully followed, work 100% all the time. Find out more about this here.

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UBS Goes Down – GS Update [2 Dec 2012]

Last September 2011, UBS CEO Oswald Grübel resigned amid rogue trading scandal. This was followed by the announcement of cutting down 10,000 of the workforce in October this year. This is just the tip of the whole story for in mid-February of this year, massive resignations in the banking cartels occurred.

Skeptics argued that all these resignations are normal occurrence in world finance and should not be tied in to wild conspiracy theories. However, the story about the Collateral Accounts is for real and authentic documents are slowly coming out in the open.

The latest documents below are coming from Keenan via Drake, and are showing how 980,000 kgs of 99.98% pure gold ended up in UBS control for decades. The legitimate claim regarding this specific collateral is more than enough to bring UBS down.

Among the articles that we have posted explaining how the Dark Cabal exploited the hard assets from Asia are the following:

  1. The Corporation: History & Revolution
  2. Chasing Filipino Dream for the World
  3. The Day A Village Vanished; 1126 Buried Alive

The Global Settlement that is long overdue involves billions of tons of gold, among other metals, borrowed by the West without the intention of returning the same as agreed upon and as decency dictates.

There was a time when these assets were used to finance black projects dealing with exotic technologies, e.g. free energy, anti-gravity, teleportation. But the most important of these activities and probably the most closely guarded secret is that which involve time travel.

Well-funded Organized Trolling Network would surely try to debunk these issues once again. But let us assure everyone that we fully understand these technologies: how they work and why they work. So, don’t even try 😉

Too many times, the Dark Cabalists attempted to alter future events but this one that is forthcoming could never be manipulated. All madness will come to an end by December 21, 2012 no matter what they would do. It is the time when human awareness reaches critical threshold.

The return of the assets requires cooperation of nations tired of wars and terror all for the glory of the few who are not even of this planet. Once these Minions of Evil are fully neutralized or eliminated, a massive redistribution of wealth that affects every living soul on this planet will follow.

The Holders of the Collateral Accounts know that this is the wisest thing to do as it ensures their safety when mankind as a whole will be fully empowered and not be cowered anymore. The collective spirit of free peoples around this planet is the most potent antidote imaginable against the forces of evil.

Humanity is not going back to the Dark Ages. We are moving forward whether the Jesuits and the bloodlines like it or not.


One of the significant sources of funds for the Cabal is the healthcare industry which registered a whopping $2.7 trillion in 2011, and is projected to soar to $3.6 trillion in 2016, in the US alone. We believe that this is just a conservative figure.

You can join the fight against the Dark Cabal and accelerate its demise just by boycotting Big Pharma. You can effectively do this by downloading “Towards Healthcare Emancipation“, a fully illustrated do-it-yourself instructional eBook that will help you in implementing all eClinik methods that would negate the use of expensive medicine, avoid radioactive diagnostics and treatments in completely defeating cancer, AIDS and all other parasitic diseases. These methods, when faithfully followed, work 100% all the time. Find out more about this here.

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Global Settlement Update [11/28/2012]

As the Cabal is being taken down from all fronts, financial, military and New Media, we are patiently awaiting for the release of the Global Settlement which would end worldwide poverty in 3 short months.

A few minutes ago we received a heads up from Drake pointing to an article by Jhaine about a response from Neil Keenan to disinfo agents making a last stand for their cabalist masters.

Who’s on First! – from Neil Keenan

Posted on November 28, 2012

Dear Jeanie,

I would rather not post a reply, but this is just a great opportunity to nail the disinfo people such as JJ (Smith) Outlaw. The document you are looking at is one big joke. I am going to take it with me when I visit with Edy Seno. Everyone who knows Edy realizes this is a big gaff, and of course we know who photoshopped this from a similar document put out in August that was discredited. No, it is not Scott this time, and it is time to stop kicking him. He looks like hell and needs a break, and if anything I was too tough on him, but he is the expert in such situations, and I am sure he will have lots to say as well on his own behalf.

Whoever put this together is a Clown, a Prankster, a Silly Fool, and I will try to share only a little of what is wrong here. First of all, Ray Dam is not affiliated with Edy Seno in any way.  Beyu Soekarno is not involved with Edy in any way. It is the OITC not IOTC. Flashing back in time to the ‘Scott War’, it was clear to me that they (Scott and Wagoner) after getting caught by me had to scurry to cover their tracks, so that no one would know what they were up to. They then ran to Beyu Soekarno telling him that I screwed up their Trade. In fact, however, it was those actually working with Beyu, wishing to use him, as well as my connections—without my knowledge and behind my back—who, when they weren’t allowed to do so, got him to sign a Cease and Desist Order, blaming me for everything. Then the Wagoner bunch ran to Edy Seno, who was in the hospital and lied and used Nelu’s name to get in to talk to him. They then proceeded to tell him that the case would not be refiled, so he should issue a Cease and Desist Order, which they just happened to have in their pockets at the time.

Seno did sign it.

Of course, you would think that left me standing without my pants, but to the contrary! I was in the position of strength: You see, Seno’s mandate expired in 1998! What this means is that none of the 2.5% Family Heritance Guarantee was issued to the Soekarno Trust at all. During the years the Mandate was valid the West never gave them a dime, yet the Indonesian Elders did continue to protect all the assets as though they were their own. Indonesia, gatekeepers and holders were wonderful to the actual owners over the years, even though they were beaten as well. In case you haven’t realized it, the system had been hijacked. No—in case you haven’t realize it—the system was set up initially so it could be hijacked. Thank God the Elders, who live on a different spiritual plane, not one of greed but one of integrity, stood strong and defended the assets and humankind from a potential disaster.

So how was the Soekarno Trust to get paid after the expiration of the Mandate?

By attaching it to my lawsuit. By making it valid. By making it part of the settlement!!!!

Let me say here, also, that Beyu is still out in the cold, and my connections might help him verify his assets. As a matter of fact, Bonsu Soekarno, Beyu’s brother, is possibly the most learned person in the history of the Collateral Accounts, and he would be most welcome to participate in the legal actions of the suit itself. He is remarkably brilliant in his understandings of the Collateral Books.

The publicity alone was driving the Cabal mad—even though it was only on the internet. If they separated themselves from me they had nothing. What could Wagoner do? He wanted Alex Lee Ling Soon, a highly respected Singaporean businessman, to pay his expenses so he could go on a fact-finding mission. Alex said, “NO!” He knows when he smells a Rat. He understood that Wagoner, a man who falsely identifies himself as the son of David Rockefeller’s sister, could do nothing. On the other hand, Wagoner told Seno and Alex that he would deal with the BIS and the World Bank—and every other damned place, too, including the Monaco Group, which he had no chance of ever getting close to.

What I am trying to say is that the scam or plan to remove me was on, but they had no weapons to fight with. You cannot go to a war with a Pop Gun, and this is what they had. Our friend Drake received phone calls from them crying hysterically in the middle of the night that I was ruining their reputations, but what sort of reputations do they think they had? Then Drake told them he was going to do his own due diligence, and when he did, what he learned and came back with stunned them so much they never bothered calling again. Sorry buddy, no one home!!!

This kept on for a while, and now we have this photoshopped document we saw months ago, which at that time was vetted as a fraud. It re-surfaces now and gives me a chance to actually respond to it. So I will make it short and sweet. This piece of crap has nothing to do with Edy Seno. Edy Seno is more than a business associate; he is my friend! The document is phony from top to bottom. There are so many holes in it you can drive a truck through it.

For instance, you do realize that the Soekarno Trust has nothing to do with the UBS, don’t you? And you understand that Edy Seno never signs anything without putting his thumbprint on it, right? If so, then you know something the composer of this piece of garbage did not know, and if you did not know, you know now.

I could easily go tit for tat with JJ Smith, who posted this on his site, but let’s let him live for another day. He is a disinfo agent—and most probably gets paid for doing it. At one time I spoke with him, but was told to stay far away from him, so I did.  There is so much more to tell you, but let’s cut it short because I’m very busy. Not my style, I know, but I am in Indonesia composing this response and meeting with the infamous Dr. Seno in a couple of days. As I have said, he is a friend, and we probably will have many laughs over this. As for JJ, he can role this phony Cease and Desist document into tubular form, and I’m sure he will then know what to do with it.

You know, though, it really is not funny that people who hope that someone, somewhere is being straight with them actually find out they are being nothing of the kind. For this reason I’ve taken the time to state the above—and remember if I do not win there will be no funds for anyone, because the mandate in this document has expired, and they have nothing to hang their hats on. There is no way for them to recover their losses, there is no way for them to recover a dime. Let me repeat in closing that the plan is to include Edy Seno, who is the real representative of the now-expired Soekarno Trust Mandate, in the final Settlement.

Do not worry, I am doing my best for all, and please do not believe such nonsense coming from those that really just wish to use us people without putting in the time, effort, and hard work.

I wish you all the best and pray that someday we all just might share a celebratory drink together once we raise our arms in victory.

Neil Keenan

Source »

The original Drake article…

Who’s On First?

by Drake

Response on 11/28/2012 to Jean Haines regarding Removing the Shackles post entitled:  “Soekanto to Keenan: Cease and Desist”

Here is Neil’s Response to the above:


Drake | November 28, 2012 at 12:55 pm | Categories: News | URL: http://wp.me

One of the significant sources of funds for the Cabal is the healthcare industry which registered a whopping $2.7 trillion in 2011, and is projected to soar to $3.6 trillion in 2016, in the US alone. We believe that this is just a conservative figure.

You can join the fight against the Dark Cabal and accelerate its demise just by boycotting Big Pharma. You can effectively do this by downloading “Towards Healthcare Emancipation“, a fully illustrated do-it-yourself instructional eBook that will help you in implementing all eClinik methods that would negate the use of expensive medicine, avoid radioactive diagnostics and treatments in completely defeating cancer, AIDS and all other parasitic diseases. These methods, when faithfully followed, work 100% all the time. Find out more about this here.

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A few months ago, the Keshe Foundation had invited governments from all over the planet for the release of free energy and other ultra-advanced know-how for the benefit of both the planet and its inhabitants.

Later on, the Keshe Foundation was basically claiming to have a Tesla weapon that could disrupt all types of communication and effectively end all wars.

Recently, they posted the article below which jives exactly with what we already know about the ongoing covert takedown of the Cabal.

The Peace Invitation

by MTKeshe

In response to what has been put on the Keshe thoughts group which is going on now on the internet at this moment:

Following our last call from the Keshe Foundation centre in Belgium for peace negotiations between the Iranian government and the government of Israel, we renew our call to both nations before the final move and total war between them.

The balance of the game has totally shifted in the last days in favour of Iran and Iran will win the war if any move is made against them by any nation, be it Israel or the US government.

Our cousins and brothers in all three nations, please accept our call for peace as we do not see a way out apart from total change of the map of the state of Israel if any military move is made by either country.

This checkmate position for Israel and the nations of the West is the result of their atrocities of past decades and is due to the wisdom of the Chinese and Russian leadership, the Syrian president and the foresight of the Iranian government and its religious leadership.

From now on the world will be a safer place for all of us as the bankrupt nations of the world calling themselves world super powers have been snookered into accepting the final checkmate by the peace loving nations of China, Iran and Russia.

Now world peace is nearly guaranteed and from the Keshe Foundation’s point of view we foresee the establishment of world peace through the wisdom of the Iranian, Russian and Chinese leadership.

We thank these governments for their wisdom and we offer our technology to support their move for the establishment of peace on the planet.

Let me explain what has happened and how the West will soon ask for peace talks which will result in a change of membership in the UN Security Council.

In their attempt to topple the Syrian government, using the excuse of its unjust leadership, the British and US got involved in the Syrian fighting and were planning through this intervention to topple the Iranian government as well. As they thought this time again as in the case of Libya no-one would stand in front of them to stop this continuous killing and robbing the nations of the Middle East of their central bank reserves, to replace their losses in the financial markets in the past years as was done in the Second World War by the Germans in respect to the European nations central banks.

Due to this checkmate the Israel nation will be forced into accepting the Iranian plan for the establishment of the state of Palestine with Jewish people as its citizens and consequently the UK and France will be forced out of the UN Security Council and these two nations will be replaced by Brazil and India.

In the coming months the US, UK and French past leaderships will be subjected to a full trial at the International Court of Justice for their unjust wars and for killing millions of people and for the human rights atrocities of the past thirty years.

Let us see how Iran, China and Russia made this amazing move and how the US, UK and Israel have been checkmated and have to accept the world peace put forward by these wining world peace nations.

First of all, if the present state of Israel does not accept the Iranian proposal for the establishment of the state of Palestine then it will cease to exist and will be merged with the new state of Palestine as has been for centuries. Thus the Iran leadership’s call for changing the map will be finalized and the nightmare of Israel attacking Iran will be over.

Israel, the UK and the US shot themselves in the foot by going into Syria and now they have to accept this change of policy in the Middle East, which will bring an end to war in this region for good.

What has happened is that as part of the joint military exercises being carried out by Syria, China, Russia and Iran, Iran is now sitting on Israel’s doorstep, bringing Israel’s worst nightmare to reality, and Iran can walk into the state of Israel any time they wish.

So if Israel goes ahead with its threat of attacking Iran while it has the Iranian military sitting on its borders, they with their short range missiles and trained army will literally walk through the state of Israel.

So this brings us to the call for peace between the present nation of Israel and Iran before this state ceases to exist and becomes part of the state of Palestine.

During these four state military exercises the US will not dare to attack Iran, China and Russia all at the same time, and in one move the US administration has become the underdog of the peace loving nations of Iran, China and Russia.

We congratulate the leadership of these nations who are working for the establishment of real world peace and not those who under the banner of world peace have caused so much suffering in the Middle East in recent years.

With this move, the economy of the west will start tumbling down as their economies based on the war-making machine come to a sudden halt, and in the coming weeks we will see the leaders of Europe change their address to the prisons of the international criminal courts for the crimes they have committed.

Maybe this is what was to be expected as the US as slave to the UK government could not get involved in more wars and lose more of its youth to end up in flag-draped coffins.

Now we all know why we started our teaching program from 21.9.2012, as from now we will all learn the real meaning of peace and can implement our ethos of the unity of mankind through the SSP program.

At the same time our calls goes to Iranians, Arabs and Palestinians of the region too, that use this opportunity to create everlasting peace and not make the mistakes of our Israel’s brothers in the past, you think that, now that you are free, it is your time to cause harm to others as you see it to be your right to do so for what they have done to you since late 1940’s.

Show the true meaning of words of the holy books and forgive and not forget that if forgotten then the same mistakes shall be made, if forgiven then this shows the maturity of the Palestinian’s reaching peace through sufferings , that they would not like to see no others to go through the same pains again and for them to do to the same atrocities to others, even to those who have harmed them are all of their own cosines and Children’s and son’s of Abraham.

Forgiving has sweeter and longer lasting taste, and with this forgiving we shall restore and end with banishment of tribe of Mohammad from obscurity and give them the equal seat on the table of the sons of Man. With this we hope all have received what they have asked for and from now mankind can live in peace and harmony on this past troubled planet.

We see and hope for a better future for mankind, now that the tools of war have come to ceased to exist and from now on we see the factories of war making machines will become to work much harder by producing the tools of the peace and systems for transporting the mankind in to the spans of the universe, for us to take the ethos of peace with us to teach and announce to others as to show we have matured enough that we can take our place in the peaceful universal community.

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One of the significant sources of funds for the Cabal is the healthcare industry which registered a whopping $2.7 trillion in 2011, and is projected to soar to $3.6 trillion in 2016, in the US alone. We believe that this is just a conservative figure.

You can join the fight against the Dark Cabal and accelerate its demise just by boycotting Big Pharma. You can effectively do this by downloading “Towards Healthcare Emancipation“, a fully illustrated do-it-yourself instructional eBook that will help you in implementing all eClinik methods that would negate the use of expensive medicine, avoid radioactive diagnostics and treatments in completely defeating cancer, AIDS and all other parasitic diseases. These methods, when faithfully followed, work 100% all the time. Find out more about this here.

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The Empire is Crumbling

Across the planet, people are rising up against the status quo. They are demanding massive reforms from their government, fair allocation of wealth and opportunities, and more profoundly, complete independence from the powers-that-be.

Venice Rally for Independence from Italy

Venetian protesters demand independence from Rome
Venetian protesters demand independence from Rome

Protesters have gathered in front of the central government in Veneto, Italy to demand an immediate referendum on the region’s independence from Rome. The reason is mainly economic, according to the rally’s organizer.

Demonstrators are presenting the local government with a resolution which demands an immediate referendum for the region to become its own country.

The new territory would include Venice, the surrounding region of Veneto, and parts of Lombardy, Trentino and Friuli-Venezia Giulia.

The rally, which was organized by the separatist Indipendenza Veneta party, drew large numbers of energetic protesters.

“The situation here is almost explosive, so today we have thousands of people who have gathered in front of the regional government and we’re going to present to them a resolution signed by thousands of participants to have a referendum for independence,” Chairman of the separatist Indipendenza Veneta Party, Lodovico Pizzati, told RT.

The territory would be known as the “Repubblica Veneta,” and would consist of around five million people. It’s a move that an overwhelming 70 per cent of local residents support, according to a poll conducted by local newspaper Il Gazzettino.

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Over A Million Protesters Demand Catalonian Independence

A million and a half people took to the streets of Barcelona, according to police estimates, to demand independence for the autonomous Spanish region of Catalonia as the country as a whole faces crippling debt.

At least one train and more than 1,000 coaches were chartered to bring supporters from all over the region to the march. The mob filled the streets with red and yellow Catalan flags, rallying under the slogan “Catalonia, a new European state,” chanting “what do the crowds want? A new European state! What do the people want? An independent Catalonia!”

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Lakota Sioux Nation Leaves America

Tribal territory of the Great Sioux Nation.

America betrayed them and all Native Peoples. Throughout US history and earlier, genocide was policy.

Historian Ward Churchill explained four centuries of systematic slaughter. It went on from 1492 – 1892. It continues today against Native culture.

Churchill estimated around 100 million Native People throughout the Americas “hacked apart with axes and swords, burned alive and trampled under horses, hunted as game and fed to dogs, shot, beaten, stabbed, scalped for bounty, hanged on meathooks and thrown over the sides of ships at sea, worked to death as slave laborers, intentionally starved and frozen to death during a multitude of forced marches and internments, and, in an unknown number of instances, deliberately infected with epidemic diseases.”

Destruction of their culture continues in new forms. “The American holocaust was and remains unparalleled, in terms of its scope, ferocity, and continuance over time.”

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Update Oct. 26, 2012:

Russel Means, a Native American who worked hard for the freedom of the Lakotah Nation, passed away on Oct. 22, 2012.

He was interviewed by RT in 2008.

Kingdom of Hawaii PSA announcing END of US rule- formal re-instatement of Hawaiian Nation

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This is a Kingdom of Hawaii PSA announcement proclamming the END of US rule and occupation of the Hawaiian Islands and the formal re-instatement of Hawaiian Nation. This means that King Dayne and Henry Noa shall take-over management of the Country along with the Kingdom of Hawaii House of Nobles and Representatives backed by the Kingdom of Hawaii Attorney General’s Office.

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Scottish independence: ‘Deal agreed’ on referendum

Scottish independence: ‘Deal agreed’ on referendum

Canadians Final Reckoning

A Special Communique by The International Tribunal into Crimes of Church and State (Brussels)  – Issued 23 September, 2012

This week, thirty two public summonses were issued to mostly Canadian citizens, including Prime Minister Harper and major church officials, calling them to account for colluding in or concealing unspeakable crimes against children.

These crimes include beating children to death, kidnapping and starving others, torturing them in medical experiments or making them infertile, farming them out to wealthy child rapists, and gang raping and exploiting them as slave labor.

These abominations occurred in Canada for over a century in detention camps misleadingly called Indian residential schools, run by catholic and protestant churches. Some of these crimes continue today in your country.

Your tax money and church offerings have for many years helped to sustain these crimes and protect the guilty.

Your police have buried the grisly evidence of these atrocities, and continue to prosecute and silence those eyewitnesses who try to share the truth.

And your politicians and courts continue to whitewash these crimes and exonerate the churches that killed off more than 50,000 children in what they still call Indian residential schools.

The time of your complicity in these crimes against humanity is ending. For an International Common Law Court of Justice has convened and has charged dozens of Canadians with responsibility for genocide and criminal conspiracy. Their trial begins on October 15.

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The Hush Up: Vatican Hopes Quick Trial Of Pope’s Butler Will End Vatileaks Saga

Update: Ex-Papal Butler Convicted; Sentenced to 18 months; Will Serve Term Inside Vatican

The Vatileaks – as they were instantly dubbed – gave an insight of the inner workings of one of the world’s most secretive institutions. The detailed exposés described rival churchmen sparking homosexual smear campaigns against each other and improper payments made to contractors. They showed numerous blocked reforms aimed at transforming the Vatican Bank – a body already notorious for its lack of transparency.

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Clinton Directed False Flag in Benghazi to Instigate WW III in Middle East

Susanne Posel
October 5, 2012

US Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton, is trying to buy time after having been questioned about the planned attack and coordinated US-sponsored al-Qaeda use to facilitate the murder of the late US Ambassador J. Christopher Stevens.

Except, there was no US Embassy in Benghazi. There was a “diplomatic office” or CIA-compound which was burned to the ground. The nearest US Embassy to the area is in Tripoli.

Stevens, hardly being a US Ambassador, but rather a gunrunner for the behind the scenes terroristic attacks by the Saudi Arabian nation on the Islamic world. Saudi Arabia adheres to Salafism, an extremist form of Islam that want all other forms of the religion wiped off the map. Stevens was ultimately killed by the same group he had provided guns and other armory for when they were employed by the US to commit the false flag attack on the CIA-compound in Benghazi.

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Welcome To the Collapse, Gas Shortage Begins In California, Gas Stations Closing

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More evidence of the systemic breakdown happening here is California. Gas shortages are happening to LA and is spreading to San Francisco. If you live in California it’s time to stock pile at least one tank’s worth of gas. You may not make it out…

Gasoline station owners in the Los Angeles area including Costco Wholesale Corp. (COST) are beginning to shut pumps as the state’s oil refiners started rationing supplies and spot prices surged to a record.

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Switzerland arming in preparation for European meltdown?

The Swiss Army is preparing contingency plans for violent unrest across Europe. A nation mostly famous for its banks, watches and chocolate fears it may face a massive influx of European refugees in the near future.

One of the world’s richest nations openly expressed concerns over the possible outcome of Europe’s continuing financial troubles, and is currently conducting army exercises against the possibility of riots along its borders.

In September, the Swiss military conducted exercises dubbed ‘Stabilo Due,’ with scenarios involving violent instability across the EU.

Switzerland has maintained an avowedly neutral stance for decades, and refused to join the eurozone when presented with the opportunity.

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Turkey Citizens Reject War with Syria

The Cabalists are itching for World War 3 in the Middle East but the people, seeing the outcome in Libya, are actively against it.

October 4 2012, Istanbul, Turkey – Tens of thousands of Turkish protest against the government and the prospect of a Turkish-Syrian war.

In Iceland, Revolution is Easy as 1-2-3!

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“In Iceland, the people has made the government resign, the primary banks have been nationalized, it was decided to not pay the debt that these created with Great Britain and Holland due to their bad financial politics and a public assembly has been created to rewrite the constitution. And all of this in a peaceful way. A whole revolution against the powers that have created the current global crisis. This is why there hasn’t been any publicity during the last two years: What would happen if the rest of the EU citizens took this as an example? What would happen if the US citizens took this as an example.”

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The Endgame Is Fought Intelligently By the Good Guys and Desperately By the Cabalists

When you push the wolves towards the cliff they would surely fight back. Desperation from the cabal side is at its peak right now. Multiple false flag operations have been poorly executed and continue to be so even today.

That’s the reason why the White Dragon Society has to tread this issue with utmost caution. They continue to sit down on the negotiation table with the Powers-that-Were for a peaceful resolution to the current impasse; with the former knowing it has the upper hand. Otherwise, what’s the point?

WDS counterparts across the globe are also conducting operations to effectively degrade and neutralize the Cabal’s power structure. Reports have it that a group of navy ships are in international waters serving as temporary detention platforms for arrested bankers and other criminals.

These ongoing intelligence and military operations have reached a point of no return, and will continue until its desired conclusion is attained such that the mainstream media will have no other recourse but to cover these paradigm shifting events.

The 3rd week of October is one timeline we can look up to.

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Philippine Cybercrime Law is worse than SOPA & CISPA,

Please help us junk this clandestine legislation…

One of the significant sources of funds for the Cabal is the healthcare industry which registered a whopping $2.7 trillion in 2011, and is projected to soar to $3.6 trillion in 2016, in the US alone. We believe that this is just a conservative figure.

You can join the fight against the Dark Cabal and accelerate its demise just by boycotting Big Pharma. You can effectively do this by downloading “Towards Healthcare Emancipation“, a fully illustrated do-it-yourself instructional eBook that will help you in implementing all eClinik methods that would negate the use of expensive medicine, avoid radioactive diagnostics and treatments in completely defeating cancer, AIDS and all other parasitic diseases. These methods, when faithfully followed, work 100% all the time. Find out more about this here.

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Putting the Final Pieces before the Grand Checkmate

Even with several mainstream confirmations of the Fulford Updates, skepticism towards the forthcoming Paradigm Shift still persists. One of the most palpable of these confirmations is the hundreds of CEO resignations around the globe that we, among others have documented with extremely elevated enthusiasm, last February of this year.

Today, another Fulford confirmation pops up at RT.com:

Denver International Airport does host an undergound megacity for the Dark Cabalists, but no more. Earlier, it’s one of those bunkers being shutdown using sonic weapon.

Drake also hinted that the mass arrests might and should take effect not later than May 31, 2012. All measures are taken to reduce disruptions to public services in the confines of three days, but not greater than one week.

The last paragraph of the above news clip does say so:

“The drills will take place between May 24 and 31. But it’s not all work: on May 27, the Russian paratroopers will get a chance to unwind at a baseball game in Colorado Springs.”

Of course, these patriots must enjoy the fruits of their heroic labor, i.e. final cabal takedown, right away. Good old American baseball between former Cold Warriors seems appropriate.

I understand emotions are running high at this point but we still have a job to do. Up to now, a great portion of our society still doesn’t know what we’re talking about here.

We all have something very important to do, i.e. get everyone ready!

One of the significant sources of funds for the Cabal is the healthcare industry which registered a whopping $2.7 trillion in 2011, and are projected to soar to $3.6 trillion in 2016, in the US alone. We believe that this is just a conservative figure.

You can join the fight against the Dark Cabal and accelerate its demise just by boycotting Big Pharma. You can effectively do this by downloading “Towards Healthcare Emancipation“, a fully illustrated do-it-yourself instructional eBook that will help you in implementing all eClinik methods that would negate the use of expensive medicine, avoid radioactive diagnostics and treatments in completely defeating cancer, AIDS and all other parasitic diseases. These methods, when faithfully followed, work 100% all the time. Find out more about this here.

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Something’s Boiling Hot in Red China

Recently, a rumor of a coup in China is circulating around a microblog called Weibo…

Which roughly translates to Google’s…

Lost in translation?

Here’s what’s in the papers yesterday…

“Over the night of March 19 and early morning of March 20, Bejing local time, a message about a large number of military police showing up in Beijing spread widely across microblogs in mainland China.” more

Early this week, a certain Bo Xilai was ousted from office…

Is this rumored coup part of the action taken by the White Dragon Society to pave the way for the implementation of Global Settlements and worldwide development packages?

While we don’t know exactly what these events really are, we have to remember that China together with Japan is at the forefront of the move to implement Global Settlements by way of knocking down the counterfeit financial structure of the Dark Cabal. Is the rumored coup a confirmation of the WDS plans to rid China of the Dark Cabalists? Or, is it otherwise, i.e. the cabalists are gaining the upper hand?

Perhaps, the articles below will shed more light to the issue…

Now it’s clearer who launched the attempted coup…

You can join the fight against the Dark Cabal and accelerate its demise just by boycotting Big Pharma. You can effectively do this by downloading “Towards Healthcare Emancipation“, a fully illustrated do-it-yourself instructional eBook that will help you in implementing all eClinik methods that would negate the use of expensive medicine, avoid radioactive diagnostics and treatments in completely defeating cancer, AIDS and all other parasitic diseases. These methods, when faithfully followed, work 100% all the time. Find out more about this here.

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