For knowing the details of the Collateral Accounts, Nelu’s ongoing incarceration has been one of the major causes of the delay for its release.
Based on the last Keenan update, the team is already at the point of opening the accounts, and such possibility could be the reason of the Cabalists panicky reaction in Ukraine and all those wrong bankers’ death.
NEIL KEENAN UPDATE | Peter Interviews Nelu At The Jakarta Prison
March 7, 2014 / Keenan Team
It is rare that one gets the opportunity to take part in a live event that almost compares to any of the James Bond movies or even maybe Mission Impossible, but thanks to Neil Keenan this was about to change into a Mission Possible.
On Monday, 3/3/2014, Neil Keenan very kindly invited me to go with him and Jo to visit Nelu in prison here in Jakarta and gave me the privilege to interview him.

Neil Keenan first went into the hospital section of the detention center to rendezvous with Nelu and hold his own private meeting. After some time Neil came down with Nelu and joined us.
My first impression was of Nelu’s lovely warm smile despite the hardship he had endured over the last few years. He was wearing his Hospital Blue Uniform, and all in all, he came across as a wonderful and sensitive person.
My first quest was to establish how things had developed prior to Nelu’s arrest and how this all turned into a fiasco of unbelievable proportions and resulted in his imprisonment.

Gentle One
Neil caught Rockefeller/Wagoner and Keith Scott going directly to Neil’s connections who at all times remained totally loyal and advised Neil as to what was going on. Nelu said Neil was clever enough at this time to advise Rockefeller/Wagoner that Keith Scott had all the connections to do his deal. Meanwhile, Scott told Neil that he had not gone behind Neil’s back and that he was being misled.

This dog fight led to Neil Keenan meeting with Jean Haines and also Drake Bailey after Keith Scott, Rockefeller/Wagoner and Winston Carmichael attempted to take Neil Keenan down and who had indecently contacted Jean and Drake. Meanwhile, David Wilcock and Benjamin Fulford were asking what the hell was happening. David was literally pulling his hair out while in the meantime, Jean Haines contacted Neil Keenan to see if he had his own side to this story.
It was at this stage that Neil Keenan very cleverly put Jean in touch with the foundation that Keith Scott had been communicating with behind his back. This then also resulted in Neil putting Drake Bailey in touch with the head of that same foundation who again found out about the Federal File on Keith Scott. Neil then had David Wilcock speak directly with the same foundation which confirmed the same information.
During this process, Neil had also been in touch with me (Peter Eyre) having already heard directly from the man himself, Keith Scott. I had also previously carried out my own investigation into proving that Keith was not a person with whom who one would like to be associated. For the record I also found out about Keith Scott’s activities in other countries. As a footnote to this, it became obvious to me that had Scott returned to some of his old stomping grounds, he would have been arrested. I find it rather sad that this man is still allowed to walk free on this planet.
I would also like to add that Keith Scott also sent information directly to me revealing private communications between himself and Neil Keenan which I thought was not only distasteful but was also undermining Neil’s entire effort by basically stabbing him well and truly in the back.
Taking in all of this and the fact that Neil was able to literally kick them all in the arse led them to make their own move on Nelu.
From my perspective, interviewing Nelu was a vital link into my own investigations (with so many dots to connect), and also being with Neil and Jo helped me to paint the final picture.
To continue the interview with Nelu:
Nelu told me that Neil Keenan returned to Europe after a meeting had taken place in Singapore with him, Neil and Alex Ling Lee Soon. Shortly after Neil’s return, Scott and Rockefeller/Wagoner created a family problem for Nelu. They advised Nelu’s family that Neil had given Nelu $35,000 (given by Alex) to further the cause, thereby disrupting the family because of Indonesian jealousy.
A further meeting, one without Neil, was then planned by Keith Scott, Rockefeller/Wagoner and Jack Singh, one of Alex Soon’s questionable confidants. The proponents of the meeting, Scott and Rockefeller/Wagoner, attempted to undermine the entire operation and circumvent Neil Keenan to seize the final outcome.
All this was happening while Neil was a continent away. This meeting was scheduled without Neil’s presence and he wasn’t even aware that it was taking place. (My note: From my perspective, Nelu always protected Neil Keenan’s integrity and acted on his behalf.)
Nelu went on to say that Alex Soon did not want this meeting. He was angered that Jack Singh was willing to meet with Scott and Rockefeller/Wagoner, because a friend of Rockefeller/Wagoner had deceived him in the past.
Nelu, managed to get Alex to see Rockefeller/Wagoner. Nelu said, “As we entered the conference room, I said hello to Alex, and he said, ‘Let’s get down to business.’”
Rockefeller/Wagoner gave a proposal to Alex, which had been circulating in the international community for twenty years. Alex looked at only a few of the papers, returned them and said, “This proposal didn’t work twenty years ago, so it certainly won’t work now. Perhaps you would like to give me your opinion on what you think of Neil Keenan?”
Rockefeller/Wagoner said, “I think he is a fool.”
Alex replied, “He may be a fool, but he’s the only person with any idea of moving this along in the correct way.”
Alex got up, feeling the meeting should not proceed any further, but then Rockefeller/Wagoner stated, “If you give me $150,000 now I can begin immediately.”
Alex said, “I’ll think about it,” and left the room.
A few hours later, while in Singapore, Rockefeller/Wagoner advised Nelu to contact Jack Singh to make contact with Alex to buy Rockefeller/Wagoner a plane ticket home. (From my perspective, I find it rather strange that a person who portrayed himself to be a Rockefeller had to borrow money to get home.) Alex Soon did regrettably pay for Rockefeller/Wagoner to get to Hong Kong, and it was at this point that the dirty dozen went to work trying to get Nelu to work for them without Neil Keenan having any knowledge whatsoever.
Yet again the money that was used by Nelu to go into the hills (as supplied by Neil and his group) to bring down notes to the bank would have possibly and legally opened up the global accounts long before now. From my perspective the dirty dozen caused immeasurable damage in the progress of releasing this money for the betterment of human kind.
It should be noted here that the money that Nelu brought down from the hills was genuinely authentic and were multi-denominational notes that were authenticated by the respective embassies. But additional notes were placed into Nelu’s bag, to which Nelu had no knowledge or authority over and were certainly not his. These notes were fake and were brought in by the Keith Scott group.
After Nelu received the notes in the hills and upon his arrival in Jakarta, he was accompanied by his father-in-law. They were to meet with a banking individual who would take Nelu to the bank. Unfortunately for Nelu that person was not a banking person but rather someone from the Drug Administration in Jakarta. The person from the Drug Administration then sat in Nelu’s car, looked at the notes and then left the car, whereupon the car was immediately surrounded by law enforcement officers who then took Nelu and his father-in-law into custody. It was this incident that put Nelu into prison where he currently remains.
(My note: All of this above comes down to the slime and grime emanating from one phone call from that low-life imbecile Keith Scott to Tina, who in turn called Dewi to implement their plan.)
It was explained to me after asking Nelu what he thought about his situation that he immediately responded by saying that he had been set up here in Jakarta and went on to say that a group of people here wanted him to work for them and not to work for Neil Keenan. This was all the work of that slime-ball Keith Scott.
Nelu further explained that the reason the dirty dozen wanted him to work for them was to fast track/side-track what was going on going behind Neil Keenan’s back, and in doing so, it would expedite their access to big money.
The group actually used their own way of trying to convince Nelu to jump sides by claiming that Neil was abusing him as well as Indonesia, and that if Nelu gave the notes to Neil, Indonesia would get nothing. In reality, Neil Keenan and his group had paid for those notes.
In Nelu’s own words: “Working with Neil was far more sincere than the other group. It was the other group that had arranged a new meeting point that led to the set up.”
Nelu clarified the fact that he thought he was going to meet someone from the bank in Jakarta and clearly that person had been intercepted to stop Nelu from dealing with Neil or the bank.
What I found out from Nelu during this interview was his respect and sincerity towards Neil Keenan and despite the immense pressure of being surrounded by police and the trauma of being interrogated, Nelu stood firm and did not cooperate with them in any shape or form.
Nelu told me that he was eventually charged with International Fraud whereby 83 of the 1,200 international notes in his possession were fraudulent, a fact that was unknown to him.
What I found incredible was the fact that all of this started around August, 2012, and it wasn’t until March, 2013 that he went to court and was charged and sentenced to 3.5 years in prison. The prosecution had actually sought 7 years but fortunately, this been refused.
It was determined during my interview with Nelu that he’s coming up for parole, hopefully within two months, and there appears to be no reason why he cannot be released based on his good behavior and his work in the detention center hospital. However, past experience has proven that this may not happen.
It should be noted that Nelu had also pointed out to me that prior to all of this he had been working with Neil for 1.5 years, i.e. around February 2011, assisting him in procuring the necessary documents and books to help Keenan’s trillion-dollar lawsuit in New York.
He explained that Neil had been offered private funding so that he could do a joint venture with Alex Soon, who so happens to be the nephew of the ex-Prime Minister of Singapore, Lee Kuan Yew.
Please understand the value of the documents obtained by Nelu and the fact that every man and his dog wanted to get their hands on them, hence what happened and continues to be happening to this very day. But that dog today could be none other than that Irish mongrel named Neil Keenan.
When one considers the immense pressure on Nelu to try and force him to do deals with other third parties, it is staggering to note that he still stood firm in protecting the only person he had any respect for, that being Neil Keenan.
Nelu never got brainwashed into dealing with such people as Jack Singh in Jakarta, who wanted Nelu to meet with Rockefeller/Wagoner but later found out that Rockefeller/Wagoner, was in actual fact the cabal.
It was also pointed out that Alex in Singapore had said that Neil Keenan might be a bit crazy but had a far more effective way of getting things done, and so the meeting in Singapore fell through and Nelu returned to Jakarta. My knowledge of the true situation is that Neil Keenan had proposed to Alex the use of his international lawsuit to assist the Soekarno Trust and Edy Seno despite the fact the Soekarno mandate expired in 1998.
In closing Nelu wanted me to thank those associated with helping him through his terrible ordeal, and most especially Neil Keenan for his determination and tenacity and the fact that throughout this period of time, Neil has stood alongside him and has been “my rock.”
Nelu stated “I would also like to say that I am deeply obligated to thank Jean Haines for her continual support both financially and in promoting my credibility through the media as a true patriot which I truly am.” Nelu made it clear to me upon me upon questioning him as to what would be his attitude towards Neil UPON RELEASE after serving more than two years in prison: “I was 100% behind Neil Keenan before this happened. Now I am 100,000% behind him.”
Nelu further stated that he is indebted to some very special people in my life, namely Inchul Kim, Michael Dunn, Jo, Drake Bailey, David Wilcock, Benjamin Fulford, Michael Calhoun, Lorraine Ferris and most especially Jean Haines whom I never knew existed and who came into my life in a time of need. Nelu told me to deliver this specific message to Jean Haines, “Thank you, Ms. Haines, you will not be sorry and finally Neil Keenan — I will be seeing you for at least 30 years. Thank you very much and thanks to all supporters for their very uplifting comments that gave me the strength and determination to finish this unjustified detention.”

In closing Nelu emphasized that it was his desire to allow Jean Haines the privilege to interview him, as Neil Keenan had previously arranged, upon release from prison as she had played such a major role in this fiasco.
I am sure we would all agree that Nelu is not only an immensely sincere person but also a true patriot to his own country and, in fact, to the world.
This interview was carried out by Peter Eyre in the visitor’s room in the Jakarta Prison in the company of Neil Keenan and Jo H. on Monday the 3rd of March 2014.
Peter Eyre
Middle East Consultant – Political Analysis – Investigative Journalist – Broadcaster
Member of the Neil Keenan Team
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My heart bleeds for Nelu and he has my deepest compassion. It is my sincere hope, along with many others that he is released soon. I know at times that words are pretty useless, but if you can pass on my words of encouragement I would be grateful.
They are reading this, John.