Category Archives: Military Industrial Complex

A Return to Form: Expediting US Weapons and Military Supplies to Israel

Despite much grandstanding in the Biden administration about halting specific arms shipments to Israel over feigned concerns about how they might be used (inflicting death is the expected form), US military supplies have been restored with barely a murmur.  In a report in Haaretz on August 29, a rush of weapons to Israel has been noticed since the end of July.

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The Enduring Significance of Military Alliances in Global Politics

In the ever-evolving landscape of international relations, military alliances continue to play a pivotal role in shaping global politics. From ancient Greece to the modern era, these strategic partnerships have been instrumental in maintaining peace, deterring aggression, and sometimes, unfortunately, in waging wars.

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Singapore Inadvertently Reveals Direct US Involvement in Ukraine

It’s an axiom that the United States is deeply involved in the Ukrainian conflict. In fact, the warmongering elites in Washington DC initiated it a decade ago, just as they either started or are covertly behind virtually every single conflict in modern history.

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The United States Has Zero Deterrence vs Nuclear High-Altitude Electromagnetic Pulse

In his newly published book, Nuclear High-Altitude Electromagnetic Pulse, Steven Starr shows that all it takes is one nuclear explosion to shut down  the United States and throw the population back into the Dark Ages. 

The electric power grid would be destroyed along with the communications system, the cooling systems at nuclear power plants and all electronic devices. The reason is that civilian infrastructure is not protected from Electro-Magnetic Pulse (EMP).

The military has taken steps to shield its weapon and communication systems, but nothing has been done to protect civilian infrastructure. Bills mandating EMP protection have been defeated in Congress.  

Starr reports that only 4% of the US military budget is required to shield the power grid and civilian infrastructure. Instead, the Washington idiots waste trillions of dollars in pointless wars in Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, Serbia, Syria, Yemen, Palestine, and Ukraine.  

American cities would suffer no effects from blast and fire, such as would be produced by ground level detonation, but the consequences would be just as dire. Starr describes them in a summary on his website.

Effects of a Single High-altitude Nuclear Detonation Over the Eastern U.S.

“105 miles above Ohio, a single nuclear warhead explodes. Because it is far above the atmosphere, there will be no blast or fire effects felt on Earth, however, this high-altitude nuclear detonation will create a gigantic electromagnetic pulse or EMP.

“In one billionth of a second, the initial EMP E1 wave will cause massive voltages and currents to form within power lines, telecommunication lines, cables, wires, antennas, and any other electrically conductive material found beneath the nuclear detonation in a circular area covering hundreds of thousands of square miles.

“Within this region, under ideal conditions, the E1 wave will produce 2 million volts and a current of 5,000 to 10,000 amps within medium distribution power lines. Any unshielded modern electronic devices that contain solid-state circuitry, which are plugged into the grid, will be disabled, damaged, or destroyed. This includes the electronic devices required to operate all critical national infrastructure.

“Unshielded electronic devices within ground, air, and sea transportation systems, water and sanitation systems, fuel and food distribution systems, water and sanitation systems, telecommunication systems, and banking systems would all be simultaneously knocked out of service – and all these systems would be disabled until the solid-state electronics required to operate them could be repaired or replaced.

“The E1 wave will also instantly destroy millions of glass insulators found on 15 kilovolt-class electric power distribution lines. 78% of all electricity in the US is delivered to end users (residential, agricultural, commercial) through these 15 kV power lines. The loss of a single insulator on a line can knock out power distribution on the entire line.

“At the same instant, the massive voltage and current induced by the E1 wave will damage and destroy the relays, sensors, and control panels at 1783 High Voltage Substations, knocking out the entire electric power grid in the eastern half of the United States.

“One to ten seconds after the nuclear detonation, the following EMP E3 wave would induce powerful current flows in power lines including lines that are both above and below ground. E3 would damage or destroy many – if not most – of the Large Power Transformers and Extra High Voltage Circuit Breakers required for the long-distance transmission of about 90% of electrical power in the United States.

“The loss of Large Power Transformers and Extra High Voltage Circuit Breakers would mean that entire regions within the United States would be left without electric power for up to a year or longer. This is because Large Power Transformers are not stockpiled and the current wait time for their manufacture is 18 to 24 months; they must be custom designed and manufactured and about 80% are made overseas. They each weigh between 200 and 400 tons and must be shipped by sea and moving them to their final destination is quite difficult even under normal circumstances.

“Because nuclear power plants are not designed to withstand the effects of EMP, the solid-state electronics within their backup electrical and cooling systems would also be damaged and disabled. The failure of their Emergency Power Systems and active Emergency Core Cooling Systems will make it impossible to cool their reactor cores after emergency shutdown; this will quickly lead to reactor core meltdowns at dozens of nuclear power plants.

“To summarize, a single nuclear high-altitude electromagnetic pulse can instantly take out most or all of the US power grid while simultaneously destroying the solid-state electronic devices required to operate US critical national infrastructure – including the safety systems at nuclear power plants. Following a nuclear EMP, the people of the US would suddenly find themselves living in the conditions of the Middle Ages for a period possibly as long as a year – most Americans would not be able to survive such circumstances.

“For less than 4% of the US national defense budget, the US power grid and critical infrastructure can be shielded from EMP. However, the political will to implement this protection has not yet been found, so Americans remain very much at risk.”

The book is available from Amazon, Barnes & Noble, and Kindle. If you read it, you will be amazed and disgusted at the negligence and stupidity of the US government.  Thanks to the fools who govern us, we have zero national security despite the massive expenditures year after year, decade after decade.

People do not realize that the convenience and entertainment provided by their cell phones comes at great cost when measured by risk.  Nothing is secure in the digital age, not your identity, your privacy, your bank account, or your independence. The expansion of the digital revolution into money will mean that you can be denied access to your money for any reason including the exercise of free speech.  

All accumulated knowledge in digital form can be erased by one EMP. Try to imagine the consequences of such a loss.  These are new risks never before experienced on Earth.

Paul Craig Roberts is a renowned author and academic, chairman of The Institute for Political Economy where this article was originally published. Dr. Roberts was previously associate editor and columnist for The Wall Street Journal. He was Assistant Secretary of the Treasury for Economic Policy during the Reagan Administration.

Shadowy, Intelligence-linked Group Driving the US Towards War with Iran

Most of the world has watched the Israeli assault on Gaza in horror. As tens of thousands have been killed and millions displaced, tens of millions of people around the world have poured onto the streets to demand an end to the violence. But a few select others have taken to the pages of our most influential media to demand an escalation of the violence and that the United States help Israel strike not just Palestine, Syria, and Lebanon but Iran as well.

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The US Gets its War By Blocking All UNSC Efforts vs Gaza Ceasefire; Military Industrial Stock Prices Remain Muted

The US has been obstructing any proposed US Security Council resolution that calls for a ceasefire in Gaza, effectively impeding international attempts to put an end to the ongoing genocide in Gaza purposely to trigger another moneymaking venture for the military industrial complex that has just started today.

However, the price of any military-related stock remains unchanged.

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How Arab Regimes Fund Israel’s War on Gaza

Arab states that have normalized relations with Tel Aviv are among the leading cash contributors to Israel’s military-industrial complex. These Arab billions are now flowing into the Occupation state’s senseless war on Palestinians in Gaza, Jerusalem, and the West Bank.

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Exposed: Israel’s Shocking Deceptions and Overhyped Military Systems!

On August 2nd, Israel’s Ministry of Military Affairs announced that it had received approval from the US to sell David’s Sling to Finland, finalizing a lucrative deal worth $345.80 million (€316 million).

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3,000 US Troops Deployed to Middle East

The Middle East has witnessed a recent deployment of numerous American troops and extra naval resources by the US military. The objective of this deployment is to discourage Iranian forces following allegations by Washington that Tehran has engaged in disruptive actions such as harassing commercial vessels.

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NATO Looks to Asia – An Accident Waiting to Happen

Since the end of the Cold War, the North Atlantic Treaty Organisation has distinctly strayed from its original purpose. It has become, almost shamelessly, the vessel and handmaiden of US power, while its burgeoning expansion eastwards has done wonders to upend the applecart of stability.

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Ken Klippenstein, an investigative journalist at The Intercept, has exposed how the Pentagon very quietly launched a new internal division, dubbed the “Influence and Perception Management Office” (IPMO), in March.


DARPA’s AI Can Now Control Actual F-16s in Flight

A U.S. Air Force (USAF) colonel on Friday said he “misspoke” when he told a London conference that an AI-enabled drone turned on and “killed” its human operator during a simulated test after reports about his presentation went viral.

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Congressional China Panel Preps Proposals to Rapidly Arm Taiwan

The House committee dedicated to countering China is preparing bipartisan proposals for the fiscal 2024 defense authorization bill that would accelerate U.S. munitions production and arms transfers to Taiwan, its chairman told Defense News in an exclusive interview.

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Advocating World War 3 is Just Mainstream Punditry Now

Mainstream punditry in the latter half of 2022 is rife with op-eds arguing that the US needs to vastly increase military spending because a world war is about to erupt, and they always frame it as though this would be something that happens to the US, as though its own actions would have nothing to do with it.

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US Waiver for Chinese Alloy on F-35 Jets Exposes Dependence on Rare Earth from China

With a waiver allowing alloy of Chinese origins to continue to be used on F-35 fighter jets, the US military has exposed its dependence on Chinese rare-earth products, and China can opt to limit the export of such strategic resources to safeguard its national security, analysts said on Sunday.

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US Gov’t’s Modus Op: Create Problem, Blame Target Country, Impose Sanctions

Washington always justifies economic sanctions by evoking a military or security threat against either the US or any one of its allies. Then it actively works to prove the legitimacy of the threat – or to create the illusion thereof.  

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Pentagon’s Bonanza for Raytheon & Lockheed Martin Using Taxpayers’ Money

The provocation of war in Ukraine via a Victoria Nuland coup in 2014 was multi-faceted. It’s a systematic incursion of NATO forces on the border of Russia to open up for many aggressive possibilities including a Pentagon research and use of bioweapons specifically designed to target the Russian genome, and of course, to provide a windfall for Pentagon weapons contractors, and charged to US taxpayers currently suffering from an economic recession. – CG

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“This Land is Not a U.S. Base” | South Korea Massive Protest Ignored by U.S. Media

In America these days, almost any information about North Korea, be it rumor, fake news, or just plain silly, becomes fodder for the mainstream media. From TMZ to The Guardian, reporters know there is an insatiable appetite for anything that puts Kim and his regime in a bad or crazy light.

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US Plotting to Erode Southeast Asia’s Current Security Architecture

“Following Europe, a front is being put together to contain China. The so-called Taiwan problem is being deliberately worsened, and territorial disputes in the South China and East China Seas are being fomented,” the minister specified.

TASHKENT, August 24. /TASS/. In order to ensure its global hegemony, the US is trying to dismantle the established security architecture in Southeast Asia, Russian Defense Minister Sergey Shoigu said at a meeting of SCO defense ministers on Wednesday.

“As for the southern flank of our organization – Southeast Asia – then there we are also witnessing a set of complex transnational contradictions. Hot spots of tension are being shaped with a hard-to-predict scenario of unfolding developments. In order to ensure [its] global hegemony, Washington is attempting to break up the regional security architecture,” the top Russian military official said.

To this end, he noted, military-political blocs are being created such as QUAD and AUKUS.

“The countries in the region are drawn into cooperation with NATO. Following Europe, a front is being put together to contain China. The so-called Taiwan problem is being deliberately worsened, and territorial disputes in the South China and East China Seas are being fomented,” he specified.

According to Shoigu, “security in this region can only be ensured by joint efforts keeping in mind the interests of all states with the central role of ASEAN and other multilateral mechanisms of interaction”.

TASS is Russia’s leading state news agency, and on September 1, 2021, the agency celebrated its 117th anniversary.

‘Cost-Free’: Biden Admin May Soon Infuse the IMF with $650 Billion ‘for Ukraine’

Democrats in Congress and their globalist billionaire backers are lobbying the Biden Administration to deploy hundreds of billions of dollars into the International Monetary Fund (IMF). The initiative is being advertised to “save Ukraine” and impoverished nations, but it acts as an instrument to further centralize monetary power.

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America’s $1.4 Trillion “National Security” Budget Makes Us Ever Less Safe

This March, when the Biden administration presented a staggering $813 billion proposal for “national defense,” it was hard to imagine a budget that could go significantly higher or be more generous to the denizens of the military-industrial complex. After all, that request represented far more than peak spending in the Korean or Vietnam War years, and well over $100 billion more than at the height of the Cold War. 

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Putin Promises ‘Lightning’ Response to Strategic Threats

Russian President Vladimir Putin has warned outside forces against interfering in the Ukrainian conflict, promising a “lightning-speed” response to such actions, with the use of Moscow’s most advanced weaponry. President Putin warns that Russia won’t hesitate to use ‘weapons that no other country’ possesses to defend itself.

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$4 Billion and Counting: The D.C. War Machine Feasts on Ukraine

After going a full administration without a new war to fill their coffers, the D.C. defense industry has finally found their next big prize. After dismissing the prospect of diplomacy between Ukraine and Russia, the Biden Administration continues to flood Ukraine with an endless supply of military hardware, while using extraconstitutional means to perpetually lengthen the size and scope of America’s involvement in the Russia-Ukraine war.

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