Category Archives: Ukrainian Crisis

The Shifting Tides of Power: Trump, Ukraine, and the Future of US Foreign Policy

In a world where geopolitical tensions continue to escalate, recent events have thrust the complex relationship between the United States, Ukraine, and Russia back into the spotlight.

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The Ukraine Conflict: A Looming Threat to European Stability

The ongoing conflict in Ukraine has evolved from a regional dispute into a potential powder keg that threatens to engulf Europe in a broader conflict. This article examines the complex dynamics at play, exploring the contrasting interests of the United States and Europe, and the dire consequences that could unfold if the situation continues to escalate.

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Collapse of Collective West’s Hybrid Blitzkrieg Operation Citadel 2.0

The goals of the Ukrainian army’s offensive in the summer of 2023 and the size of combat groups formed to carry it out are to a certain extent comparable with what the German military fielded for its Operation Citadel in 1943. This gives us the grounds for calling Kiev’s offensive in the summer of 2023 Operation Citadel 2.0.

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US on the Verge of Cutting Off Ukraine, Government Shutdown Imminent!

President Joe Biden has requested Congress to approve billions in additional funding for Ukraine. However, an increasing number of Republican leaders in the House are hesitant to support more aid for the government in Kiev. This budget standoff is pushing the US government closer to a potential shutdown.

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Gamed by Zelensky: Ukraine Uses Toxic Pick-up Tactics to Get What it Wants

Kiev has become adept at manipulating its supporters to bend to its whims.

How many times have Ukrainian President Vladimir Zelensky and his entourage dissed their Western friends for not meeting Kiev’s expectations?

In just the latest example, Zelensky adviser Mikhail Podoliak called Western institutions like the International Atomic Energy Agency, the International Red Cross, and Amnesty International “fictitious organizations that pollute our consciousness with absolutely rubbish assessments.” He also attacked the United Nations as a “rather absent organization” and a “public relations office or a lobby office to earn money for a happy old age for people occupying certain leadership positions.”

He’s starting to sound like your average anti-globalist, which isn’t exactly the team that’s sponsoring him. 

There’s a pretty easy explanation, though. It’s like when a dude who’s a solid two out of ten on the attractiveness scale wants to get with someone whom he considers to be a solid ten. So in an attempt to cut his object of interest down to his level, he starts making snide little insults suggesting that she isn’t that hot, like, “Hey, did you break your nose, or was it always like that?” It’s a notorious pick-up technique known as ‘negging’.

Ukraine is famously corrupt, and that corruption is routinely evoked as a reason why the EU can’t currently commit to making it a member. Kiev does say, though, that it’ll be ready to join the EU in two years – which is like an arsonist saying they’ll be ready to join the fire department in two years because they’re confident that their fire-starting habit will be squared away by then – even though they just burned down a building last week.

On top of being friend-zoned by the EU, there’s also the fact that NATO won’t make a firm commitment to Ukraine either, beyond using it to get the attention of the true object of its obsessions: Russia. So Zelensky’s entourage has started negging all of these major Western-led institutions, effectively saying, “We’re not corrupt… YOU’RE corrupt! All this talk about dating down and not being able to commit to Ukraine because of your lofty standards, but you’re not exactly great catches yourselves.” That’s the message.

On top of the negging, there’s also been the guilt-tripping. German Foreign Minister Annalena Baerbock wouldn’t cough up the Taurus long-range missiles that Zelensky wanted during a visit to Kiev this week, resulting in Ukraine’s top diplomat accusing Berlin of “wasting time,” and saying Kiev would get the weapons eventually anyway. Baerbock ended up offering €20 million ($21.5 million) as a consolation prize, which should buy Berlin about ten minutes of silence in the same way that parents pay off their mouthy kids with candy so they can watch their favorite TV show in peace and quiet. The root cause of the kid being a demanding, pretentious, spoiled brat is never actually addressed if you just keep appeasing him. And the root cause here is Ukraine’s total unwillingness to negotiate with Russia, with Zelensky saying he is “not interested” in talks with Russian President Vladimir Putin. Instead, Zelensky talks about the problem being “Russia remaining on Ukrainian territory” while totally ignoring the fact that he allowed his country to become a flop house for Washington’s aggressive regime-change interests. 

And beyond the negging and guilt-tripping, there have also been the not-so-subtle threats.

Zelensky hasn’t hesitated to threaten the EU while simultaneously demanding entry into it. One reason is that Poland, Hungary and Slovakia have imposed bans on dumping Ukrainian grain into their territory, after a similar EU-level measure expired last week. A glut of grain, which would flood the market and drive down the price of their own farmers’ supply, is particularly an issue for Poland ahead of its national elections this autumn.

“Ukraine is strongly against any further restrictions on the export of our grain,” Zelensky said in response to the continued ban. “Ukraine is fighting for life and for our common European values on the battlefield… if we have to fight for Ukraine and the foundations of our common Europe in arbitration, we will fight… If we need to fight on the platforms of international organizations, we will fight there as well.” Who knew that a guy getting showered with taxpayer cash from the entire Western world would turn out to be such a big defender of free markets? It’s kind of like when Team Zelensky effectively vowed to clean up Wall Street last year by threatening big Western financial institutions, like JPMorgan Chase, Citi, and HSBC, and their managers, with war crimes prosecution for engaging with companies that sell and trade Russian oil or gas or in Russian energy shares, like Gazprom, Rosneft, Lukoil, and Vitol. 

And just this week, Zelensky explained in an interview to The Economist that there’s a real danger to the EU from Ukrainians. He told the publication that if he doesn’t get what he wants in terms of aid, Ukrainian refugees might feel abandoned and if they feel “driven into a corner”, they could react unpredictability. No doubt Ukrainian refugees would appreciate Zelensky describing his own people as some kind of sleeper agents who could activate against the EU if he doesn’t get what he wants. 

Ukraine and the West are starting to look like a couple that persists in a toxic relationship strictly for appearances, worried about what all the neighbors would say if they ever split, and using each other as much as they can until it all ends in tears – or in World War III. 

Rachel Marsden is a columnist, political strategist, and host of independently produced talk-shows in French and English. Her website can be found at

‘Give War a Chance’ – A ‘War That Even Pacifists Can Get Behind’

More than a year into Russia’s Special Operation, the initial burst of European excitement at western push-back on Russia has dissipated. The mood instead has turned to “existential dread, a nagging suspicion that [western] civilisation may destroy itself”, Professor Helen Thompson writes.

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The Ukrainian Army is Run Not by the Generals But by the PR Department

What can you expect from a government headed by a comic actor named Zelensky? We see the answer to that question day by day in the way the Ukrainian armed forces are carrying out their much-anticipated spring counter-offensive: it is being stage managed by the Public Relations team with scant regard for their cannon fodder army.

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Belgorod Attack Helps Kiev to Disguise Its Military Disaster in Bakhmut

Two days after the Russians took control of the Donbass’ key city of Artyomovsk (Bakhmut), pro-Ukrainian saboteurs invaded the undisputed sovereign space of the Russian Federation and created moments of terror among local civilians.

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Zelensky and His Cronies Are Trying to Cover Up a Major Corruption Scandal in Ukraine

Last month’s shockwave of resignations among top Ukrainian officials, caused by numerous corruption scandals, ended as quickly as it began. At the start of February, it seemed that Defense Minister Alexei Reznikov would become the ultimate victim of the purge. His imminent departure was openly discussed in the Ukrainian parliament and hints were even dropped by the President’s office.

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Kiev Regime Flooding Black Markets with NATO-sourced Weapons

It has been at least a year and a half since the political West drastically intensified its weapons shipments to the Kiev regime. Ever since, the black markets have been flooded with Western-made arms and munitions, some of which have even started running out from NATO stocks.

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The War in Ukraine to Maintain the European Union Under Tutelage

It is difficult to admit, but the Anglo-Saxons do not hide from it. To paraphrase a famous quote from the first Secretary General of the Alliance, Nato was designed to “keep Russia out, the Americans in and the European Union under trusteeship”. There is no other possible interpretation of the continuation of the useless “sanctions” against Moscow and the vain and deadly fighting in Ukraine.

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Rice and Gates Demand USG Military Involvement in Ukraine

The latest demand by neocons that Russia must be wiped off the map is locked up behind a paywall at the CIA’s favorite newspaper, The Washington Post. In order to read what former Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice and former Defense Secretary Robert Gates wrote, I used a browser text reader to bypass the paywall.

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UNGA Approves A Resolution to “Legalize International Robbery”

By a majority of votes, the UN General Assembly has adopted a resolution that would oblige Russia to compensate losses inflicted on Ukraine during the conflict and has recognized the need to create a special “international mechanism” that would allow it to do so.

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Billions of USD Laundered as Aid to Ukraine Laundered Back to Democrats via FTX Crypto Platform

Did you ever wonder where all those billions of dollars were going in Ukraine? Did you ever wonder why anyone was trusting the elites in US politics like the Bidens with billions in funds going to Ukraine?

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Nuclear High Noon in Europe

On Monday, Oct. 17, the North Atlantic Treaty Organization kicked off Operation STEADFAST NOON, its annual exercise of its ability to wage nuclear conflict. Given that NATO’s nuclear umbrella extends exclusively over Europe, the indisputable fact is that STEADFAST NOON is nothing more than NATO training to wage nuclear war against Russia.

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Hard Decisions Will Have to Be Made vs Untrained NATO Proxies in Ukraine

Since the start of NATO’s involvement in Ukraine, it’s believed by those who fully understand the consistent pattern of Western unilateral aggressions against non-club members that they will use anybody to fight such wars for them, in this case, NATO will fight to the last Ukrainian, even those untrained ones to antagonize Russia.

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Russia Just Acquired Europe’s Largest Nuke Power Plant with A Stroke of Putin’s Pen

As a silent form of retaliation over the US/NATO bombing of the NordStream pipelines a few days ago, Russian President Vladimir Putin signed the order to transfer the control of the Ukrainian licensed Zaporozhye nuclear power plant to a Russian management.

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Putin Orders Mobilization of 300,000 Reservists for Potential Tactical Nuke War

The Russian President Vladimir Putin has deemed it necessary to mobilize additional 300,000 troops for the possible escalation of the US proxy war against Russia in Ukraine, as a potential result of the formal ascension of at least four regions of Ukraine into the Russian Federation, and for which may involve the use of tactical nukes, supplied by some NATO states, this time around.

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