Tag Archives: denazification of ukraine

Collapse of Collective West’s Hybrid Blitzkrieg Operation Citadel 2.0

The goals of the Ukrainian army’s offensive in the summer of 2023 and the size of combat groups formed to carry it out are to a certain extent comparable with what the German military fielded for its Operation Citadel in 1943. This gives us the grounds for calling Kiev’s offensive in the summer of 2023 Operation Citadel 2.0.

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Belgorod Attack Helps Kiev to Disguise Its Military Disaster in Bakhmut

Two days after the Russians took control of the Donbass’ key city of Artyomovsk (Bakhmut), pro-Ukrainian saboteurs invaded the undisputed sovereign space of the Russian Federation and created moments of terror among local civilians.

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Is US-NATO on a Collision Course with Russia? The Kremlin’s New Deterrence Strategy

Amid incessant NATO aggression and escalation of hostilities within Russia, now also including US-backed Kiev regime terrorists targeting schoolchildren, Moscow has started revamping the doctrinal approach to the use of its strategic arsenal.

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The Value of Russia’s Contract Army in Modern Warfare

Modern warfare is very difficult to wage. Especially a long war. On the one hand, the population of any country is easily excited and demands severe punishment for the insidious enemy, smashing his capital to rubble in response to the theft of a chicken from our territory. On the other hand, people like war only as long as the losses associated with it do not personally concern them.

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Ukrainian Nationalists Who Tortured Russian Soldiers on Video Captured by RSF

Earlier, a video was circulated on social media in which several armed Ukrainians were seen torturing and shooting captured Russian soldiers, prompting calls for Kiev to address the issue.

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Intrepid Ground Reporter Finds Russians Welcomed as Liberators in West Propagandized Henichesk City

Propaganda has been spread on the Wikipedia page of Henichesk, stating the following: “On 24 February 2022, Henichesk was captured by the Russian Army in the 2022 Russian invasion of Ukraine. It was where the famous incident occurred where an old woman confronted Russian soldiers and said ‘Put sunflower seeds in your pockets so they grow on Ukraine soil when you die,’ as well as the death of Vitalii Shakun blowing up a bridge to stop their advance.”

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Professional Assessment re Russia’s DeNazification Operation in Ukraine

It’s hard for everyone. Our guys are dying. Citizens of Ukraine are dying. But the hardest part is for the military, acting both in reserve, both Russian and Ukrainian, who have gone through “hot” conflicts. I’m grinding my teeth from impotence, I’m not personally sure — could I have carried out the Commander-in-Chief’s order had I been in the ranks today.

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