Tag Archives: russian smo

Singapore Inadvertently Reveals Direct US Involvement in Ukraine

It’s an axiom that the United States is deeply involved in the Ukrainian conflict. In fact, the warmongering elites in Washington DC initiated it a decade ago, just as they either started or are covertly behind virtually every single conflict in modern history.

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‘Give War a Chance’ – A ‘War That Even Pacifists Can Get Behind’

More than a year into Russia’s Special Operation, the initial burst of European excitement at western push-back on Russia has dissipated. The mood instead has turned to “existential dread, a nagging suspicion that [western] civilisation may destroy itself”, Professor Helen Thompson writes.

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Belgorod Attack Helps Kiev to Disguise Its Military Disaster in Bakhmut

Two days after the Russians took control of the Donbass’ key city of Artyomovsk (Bakhmut), pro-Ukrainian saboteurs invaded the undisputed sovereign space of the Russian Federation and created moments of terror among local civilians.

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