UNGA Approves A Resolution to “Legalize International Robbery”

By a majority of votes, the UN General Assembly has adopted a resolution that would oblige Russia to compensate losses inflicted on Ukraine during the conflict and has recognized the need to create a special “international mechanism” that would allow it to do so.

The resolution was supported by 94 countries in the 193-member world body vote on Monday. Some 73 more states abstained, while 14 countries voted against. Among others, those voting against the resolution included Russia itself, as well as China, Iran, and Syria.

“An international mechanism for reparation for damage, loss, or injury” arising from Russia’s “wrongful acts” in Ukraine needs to be established, the resolution says. The assembly’s members should create “an international register” that would include claims or data regarding damages, losses and injuries to Ukraine caused by Russia, the UN decided.

While the UNGA resolutions are not legally binding, they do carry political weight.


Russian lawmaker points to attempts to legalize ‘international robbery’ at UN platform

A special session of the UN General Assembly adopted a resolution to create an international register of damage that Russia allegedly inflicted on Ukraine

MOSCOW, November 15. /TASS/. Attempts are being made to legalize international robbery at the United Nations platform, Head of the Russian State Duma (the lower house of parliament) Foreign Affairs Committee Leonid Slutsky told TASS.

“It is another anti-Russian resolution that the West pushed through by arm-twisting and blackmail. In fact, attempts are being made within the UN to legalize barefaced international robbery. Neither the UN Charter nor other international laws authorize the UN General Assembly to demand reparations,” he noted.

Slutsky emphasized that the document, which was “politicized, one-sided and absurd” from the legal standpoint, would sooner or later “boomerang on its authors.”

“Serbia has the right to demand reparations from NATO members for the damage they caused by bombing Belgrade and the destruction of the country’s statehood, as do Iraq, Libya and Syria. Let alone the damage caused by the economic terrorism that the collective West uses when imposing illegal sanctions, to the disadvantage of the UN,” the Russian lawmaker stressed.

A special session of the UN General Assembly adopted a resolution to create an international register of damage that Russia allegedly inflicted on Ukraine. The document also recognizes the need to establish a mechanism for reparations. The resolution was passed by a vote of 94 to 14 with 73 abstentions. Russia’s Permanent Representative to the UN Vasily Nebenzya said that the resolution was aimed at legalizing the seizure of the Russian assets that had been frozen by Western countries earlier.


UN should pass resolution on US’ reparation of damage to many countries — Medvedev

“The end will be painful for the entire international community. We will do without such a ‘united nations’ organization,” Deputy Chairman of the Russian Security Council said

MOSCOW, November 15. /TASS/. Having passed the resolution on Russia’s “reparations” to Ukraine, the United Nations General Assembly should now call for the United States’ reparation of damage inflicted on Korea, Vietnam, Iraq, Yugoslavia and other countries, Deputy Chairman of the Russian Security Council Dmitry Medvedev said on Monday.

“They should adopt the same recommendation on total reparation of the damage inflicted by the United States on Korea, Vietnam, Iraq, Yugoslavia and many other countries that suffered from the Americans and NATO,”

he wrote on his Telegram channel, commenting on the UN voting on the resolution recognizing the necessity of establishing a mechanism for the reparation of damage done by Russia to Ukraine.

Otherwise, “it looks like the beginning of the United Nations’ agony as a key international institution for reconciliation,” he stressed. “The end will be painful for the entire international community. We will do without such a ‘united nations’ organization.”

According to Medvedev, the resolution is meant to legalize the West’s plans to use Russia’s frozen assets.

“The Anglo-Saxons are obviously seeking to scrape up a legal basis for stealing illegally arrested Russian assets,” he added.

The emergency session of the United Nations General Assembly on Monday passed a resolution on establishing an international register of damage allegedly inflicted on Ukraine by Russia and recognizing the need for a loss reparation mechanism. Ninety-four countries voted for the document, while 14 were against and 73 abstained.



While the international geopolitical theatrics are ongoing, Spy Chiefs from the US and Russia are talking in Ankara to tone down nuclear rhetoric, and adopt “risk reduction” measures because the US chickenhawks are just in it for MIC sales commissions, and of course, the opportunity to launder taxpayers’ money.

The White House did not deny the talks, with spokesperson Karine Jean-Pierre telling journalists that the contacts focused on “risk reduction.” Meanwhile, Peskov told the WSJ at the time that the British and American press tended to print “hoaxes.”

Türkiye emerged as a principal mediator during the Ukraine crisis. In late March, it hosted Russia-Ukraine talks, during which the two parties made significant progress towards settling on a peace agreement.

The negotiations were reportedly torpedoed by the UK, when then-Prime Minister Boris Johnson traveled to Kiev in April. According to Ukrainian media, he told President Vladimir Zelensky that Western nations would not support the proposed security pact that was discussed with Russia.


With the continuing failure of the Americans to take a decisive action against the Nazionists within the US, and the consistent attitude of several countries to please the US in any geopolitical fora, the rule of the global parasitic elite will continue into the foreseeable future.

They may not be as powerful as they once was, but they still could inflict significant influence in the crafting of invasive State policies that some countries already have the appetite to do so. The normalization of mass surveillance in the name of our biosecurity, for example, continues to develop behind the scenes.

One thought on “UNGA Approves A Resolution to “Legalize International Robbery””

  1. Whoever wrote this brief analysis certainly managed to add a deeper perspective to the Russia/Ukraine/U.S. tensions and conflictual narratives. The Medvedev quotes were superb, it shows clearly that it was not just a Putin concocted antagonism with the West but enjoys a broader backing within Russia !

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