The Rothschilds are Jesuits

The Jewish Encyclopedia (Vol. 2, p. 497) admits that: “It is a somewhat curious sequel to the attempt to set up a Catholic competitor to the Rothschilds that at the present time (1905) the latter are the guardians of the papal treasure.”

If this latter statement is true the Rothschilds control in addition to their own fortune the immense liquid resource of the Catholic Church, which is second only to the Rothschilds’ in wealth and power.

The Two Babylons – Part VII

Original source for “Guardians of the Papal Treasure”:

“If you are not an American you will understand why your country is on its present course, as it too is controlled by the Jesuit General through his select Jesuits, Knights of Malta, Shriner Freemasons, the Knights of Columbus, and the Illuminati’s Masonic, Cabalistic, Labor Zionist, Sabbatian Frankist (named after the Black Pope’s baptized Jacob Frank), Jewish House of Rothschild. For the Order controlled the infamous House of Rothschild since no later than the French Revolution and Napoleonic Wars, after which Jesuit-led Crusade the Rothschild family was surnamed the “Guardians of the Vatican Treasury.”

  • Eric Jon Phelps, “Vatican Assassins”, 3rd Ed., p.90

The real power structure

“The Treaty of Paris of 1763 designated King George III “Arch-Treasurer and Prince Elector of the Holy Roman Empire.” And “according to the Encyclopedia Judaica [sic] the Rothschilds bear the title “Guardians of the Vatican Treasury.”
The Vatican Treasury, of course, holds the imperial wealth of Rome. Imperial wealth grows in proportion to its victories in war — as the Jesuit empowerment Regimini militantis ecclesiae implies, the Church-at-War is more necessary than the Church-at-Peace.
According to H. Russell Robinson’s illustrated Armour of Imperial Rome, Caesarean soldiers protect themselves in battle with shields painted red. Since the soldiery is the State’s most valuable resource (the Council of Trent admitted this in preferring the Jesuits to all other religious orders), it is easy to understand why the red shield was identified with the very life of the Church. Hence, the appropriateness of the name Rothschild, German for “red shield.”
The appointment of Rothschild gave the black papacy absolute financial privacy and secrecy. Who would ever search a family of orthodox Jews for the key to the wealth of the Roman Catholic Church? I believe this appointment explains why the House of Rothschild is famous for helping nations go to war.
It is fascinating that, as Meyer Rothschild’s sons grew into the family business, the firm took on the title Meyer Amschel Rothschild und Sohne, which gives us the notariqon MARS. Isn’t Mars the Roman God of War, whose heavenly manifestation is “the red planet”? There is powerful cabalah here, and there’s hardly an acre of inhabitable earth that hasn’t been affected by it in some way.”

  • Tupper Saussy: “Rulers of Evil”, p. 160-161

“International finance and banking are NOT primarily ‘Jewish’. Many of the most powerful banking interests in the world are run by ‘Gentiles’. One of the most powerful forces in international banking is the Knights of Malta, a Roman Catholic military order controlled by the Jesuit Superior General. Sadly, even a certain segment of the ‘alternative media’ helps to propagate the LIE that ‘the Jews’ run international banking.
Interestingly, one of the titles of the Rothschild banking dynasty is ‘Guardians of the Vatican Treasury’. ‘The Jews’, as a people, have been used for centuries as a ‘scapegoat’ by these international banksters and their secret societies, such as the Jesuit-controlled Knights of Malta. To label ‘the Jews’ as running banking, Hollywood, etc, is to throw out the proverbial ‘red herring’ designed to throw us off the scent of the ‘real controllers’.”

“The Jesuit General has been the most powerful man in the world since Pius VII restored the Order or “Company” in 1814. Because of the Order’s suppression by the Pope in 1773, the Jesuits began the Bavarian Illuminati with one of their soldiers, Adam Weishaupt.
The Illuminati absorbed the Jewish House of Rothschild creating a colossus of wealth around the world, subject to the Jesuit General. With this financial arm in place the Jesuits then made war on the Vatican including the Pope, the Roman Catholic Monarchs of Europe and the Order of the Dominicans.
This Inquisition and Crusade was called “the French Revolution and Napoleonic Wars”. For twenty-five years, the Jesuit General’s Masonic agents, particularly in the person of Napoleon Bonaparte, conducted war. Bonaparte also punished the Knights of Malta, driving them from their island home to Russia.”

  • Eric Jon Phelps: “Vatican Assassins”, 2nd Ed., p. 582

“The Jesuits, now formally suppressed by the Pope, were allied with Frederick the Great of Prussia and Catherine II of Russia. The Jesuit General was in control of Scottish Rite Freemasonry and now sought an alliance with the Masonic Baron of the House of Rothschild. To accomplish this he chose a Jesuit who was a German Gentile (not a Jew) by race and a Freemason by association — Adam Weishaupt.

  • Eric Jon Phelps: “Vatican Assassins”, 3rd Ed., p. 401

“The Rothschilds were Jesuits who used their Jewish background as a faûze to cover their sinister activities. The Jesuits, working through Rothschild and [financier Nicholas] Biddle, sought to gain control of the banking system of the United States.”
[…] “The Jesuits used Biddle and Rothschild to gain the upper hand in American banking because they knew they could then control the people and effectively re-write the Constitution according to papal law. Jackson was trying to stop them. ”
[…] “We have already seen that the Rothschilds were the banking agents for the papacy’s Church.”
[…] “These three financial families, the Rothschilds, Morgans, and Rockefellers all do the bidding of the Jesuit Order because of Jesuit infiltration in their organizations. They do whatever is necessary to destroy constitutional liberty in America and to bring the pope to world domination.
As we look back over the 20th century, we see how successful the Jesuits have been. They have continued to squander the wealth of America and continually attack its great constitution and civil liberties. Daily, the power of the pope in Vatican City increases. One day they will achieve total power again.”

  • Bill Hughes: “The Secret Terrorists”, p. 16+17

“Seldom is it mentioned: that the Rothschilds, along with other western bankers and industrialists, financed the rise of Hitler as a bulwark against the Soviets.
The ultra-right wing falsely describes the Rothschilds as “Jewish bankers” when, in fact, the Rothschilds are interwoven with the Catholic Church, and, jointly with the traditional mafia and the American CIA, interlocked with the Vatican Bank, which was pro-Nazi.” – Sherman H. Skolnick: “The Rockefellers and the Rothschilds” (article)[link to]

“… the Jesuits were driven to co-operate with the other two international brotherhoods, the Freemasons and the Jews [Rothschild’s Illuminati], in the destruction of the Spanish Empire.”

  • Salvador de Madariaga, Spanish Statesman: “The Jesuits”, 1820

“During the Order’s Suppression from 1773 to 1814 by Pope Clement XIV, General Ricci [Eighteenth Superior General of the Society of Jesus, 1758 – 1775] created the Order of the Illuminati with his soldier, Adam Weishaupt, uniting the House of Rothschild with the Society of Jesus.”

  • G. B. Nicolini: “History of the Jesuits: Their Origin, Progress, Doctrines, and Designs”, (London: Henry G. Bohn, 1889) pp. 356, 357.

“Jesuit Adam Weishaupt, 1748 – 1811
Founder of the Illuminati, 1776
Born at Ingolstadt, Germany, in the heart of Roman Catholic Bavaria from which originated the Order’s Thirty Years’ War (1618-1648), Adam Weishaupt, a White German Gentile, was educated by the Jesuits; in 1775 he became a notorious professor of the Vatican’s murderous Canon Law, including the evil, Counter-Reformation Council of Trent.
Since Pope Clement XIV’s Bull of Extinction was not enforced in Lutheran Germany, the Order flourished at its University of Ingolstadt, out of which Weishaupt established the Illuminati in 1776 and joined the Grand Orient Masonic Lodge in 1777. He united the magnificent financial empire of the Cabalistic, Masonic, Jewish House of Rothschild, the “Guardians of the Vatican’s Treasury,” with the opulence of the international and secret, anti-Jewish Race, primarily White Gentile Society of Jesus.”

  • Nesta H. Webster: “Secret Societies and Subversive Movements”, (South Pasadena, California: Emissary Publications, 1988; originally published in 1924).

“Weishaupt and his fellow Jesuits cut off the income to the Vatican by launching and leading the French Revolution; by directing Napoleon’s conquest of Catholic Europe [as the Order would do with Hitler]; by the revolt against the Church, led by such priests as Father Hidalgo, in Mexico and Latin America; by eventually having Napoleon throw Pope Pius VII in jail at Avignon until he agreed, as the price for his release, to reestablish the Jesuit Order.
This Jesuit war on the Vatican was terminated by the Congress of Vienna and by the secret, 1822, Treaty of Verona. . . . Ever since, the Rothschilds have been the fiscal agents of the Vatican.”

  • Emanuel M. Josephson, Jewish American Physician & Historian: “The “Federal” Reserve Conspiracy & Rockefellers”, 1968

“You’ll also find ex British Intelligence officier Dr John Coleman expose how the Rothschilds and even the Rockefellers wealth simply doesn’t come close to some of the members of the Committee of 300 which is controlled by the Order of the Garter, Pilgrim Society, all inner cores of the SMOM!
[…] The Jews were bought into positions of power within Banking back in 1066 by the Norman Anglo-Saxon Monarchs. For this they accepted being controlled. Remember that the Law of Banking is known as International Maritime Admiralty Law. This Maritime Law was based on VATICAN Canon Law.
All the “War Banks” known as Central banks get controlled from SMOM controlled Switzerland. The Federal Reserve pays the Bank of England which finally ends up in the Swiss Bank of International Settlements. All you need to do is study the SMOM and its members then look who’s who in Banking.”

Suspicious decorations and obedience

“Early in the 19th century the Pope approached the Rothschilds to borrow money. The Rothschilds were very friendly with the Pope, causing one journalist to sarcastically say “Rothschild has kissed the hand of the Pope. . . Order has at last been re-established.”

“Carl Mayer (Kalman) Rothschild (*1788-†1855, Oesterreich)
He even granted Pope Gregory XVI cash injections and was received on January the 10th 1832 in audience, the kiss on the hand allowed and the Order of Saint George awarded.”
[link to] [translated]

Amschel Mayer Rothschild Wears a Maltese cross. After all Amschel Mayer was the first son of the old Rothschild, Mayer Amschel, and took over the head office in Frankfurt.
Mayer Carl of Rothschild Only the decoration to the left could be Jewish – the others rather not.

The Sovereign Military Order of Malta SMOM

“The Jesuit controlled SMOM has a permanent observer status at the UN. Who created the CFR which created the UN?
The Jesuits control the CFR.
The Rothschilds are simply Court Jews for the Papacy and always will be unless they play up, then the Papacy will simply annihilate them by any means necessary. If you look at whats going on in this world properly you can see the Roman Catholic control quite clearly.
The Rothschilds have been under the Black Pope’s thumb since the 18th Century. Be careful of the many diversionists out there playing with your mind. The Jesuit ALWAYS control both sides.
When you put money in the bank does the bank own that money or can you remove it and place it in another bank or under your mattress? Yes if there’s a crash you can loose your money but the Jesuit will never loose his money.
Remember the whole banking system is fully controlled by the SOVEREIGN MILITARY ORDER OF MALTA and has been for eons. Switzerland is their Banking HQ closely followed by ‘The City’, NYNY and Dubai. Rothschild is subordinate to the JESUITS and the SMOM commanders period.
You need to understand how the Jews were granted the positions of power within the SMOM Banking. Look to 1066 and the agreement with them being ruled by the Norman Anglo-Saxon monarchs. These Jews have their uses to the Jesuit, the Jesuit isn’t stupid, he will utilise what he can to make his power cemented and stronger. The 4th vow Jesuits are the most organised of any order known and the most powerful.
What do you hear daily?
ROTHSCHILD, ROTHSCHILD. What didn’t you hear about much at all until recently? THE JESUITS and THE SUPERIOR GENERAL. For that matter the SMOM still are kept pretty much quiet in the infowars.
The Council on Foreign Relations was created by the Sovereign Military Order of Malta back in 1921 after their creation of the Royal Institute of International Affairs in 1919. Both of these control the 1868 corporation known as the United States. Both are arms of the SMOM via their inner cores within ‘The City’ known as Pilgrim Society, Order of the Garter and Committee of 300. The CFR created the United Nations. Now notice how the SMOM have PERMANENT OBSERVER STATUS within the United Nations.
Look to the likes of New York Jesuit Joseph O Hare who’s a CFR! It is correct theres many Labor Masonic Zionists within the CFR but remember also they are MASONIC which itself means subordinate to the Jesuit Superior General who controls all of Freemasonry, again thanks to Adam Weishaupt.
If you look at ‘The George Town Law Journal, Vol 71: pages 1179-1200’ you will see its stated the Norman and Anglo-Saxon Kings own the Jews. It states that Jews are controlled by Gt Britain. It also states the Talmud is now law of the land as of 1066 and its enforced by the Popes and Kings. This is what you would call the Uniform Commercial Code.” – golddragnet – member of ATS Forum
It is accurate to posit that Australia, New Zealand and Canada are not independent, sovereign countries. However, these nations are not owned and run by the UK; they are owned and run by the House of Windsor Crown Temple syndicate within the City of London Corporation. The head signatory of the Crown Temple syndicate is Elizabeth Windsor (Queen Elizabeth II of England).
It should not be forgotten that the most powerful financial syndicate in the Western World is that of the European Rothschilds. The Rothschilds, because of their power base inside the City of London Corporation, have a controlling membership of the London Crown Temple syndicate, and they also have executive control of the Vatican and the Mafia though the P2 Masonic Lodge in Italy.
The financial affairs of the new UK coalition government in London are also Rothschild-controlled. The line management here is understood to be Jacob Rothschild > Nathaniel Rothschild (N.M.Rothschild & Sons Limited, New Court, St Swithin’s Lane, London EC4P 4DU) > Oliver Letwin > George Osborne (British Chancellor of the Exchequer).
Queen Elizabeth II fronts for the Rothschilds. She is the largest landowner on Earth. She is Head of State of the United Kingdom and of thirty one other states and territories, and is the legal owner of 6,600 million acres of land, one sixth of the Earth’s land surface. A conservative estimate of the value of the Crown Temple syndicate’s land holding, under the Queen’s signature, is £17.6 trillion.”

  • See more at:

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73 thoughts on “The Rothschilds are Jesuits”

    1. Their tongue struts through the earth and so the people turn and PRAISE them, and no fault may be found in them. (may not be criticized). Psalm 73:9-10
      The slang word ‘Jew’ is for Judah. Judah means PRAISE IN Hebrew.
      But the Jews are NOT PRAISED. They are greatly despised in fact, and wrongly so. The red herring of the Jesuits accomplished this injustice by pointing the finger of intrigue and conspiracy at the Jews. The Babylonian Vatican escapes with the PRAISE. No newspapers dare vilify and condemn, or heap scorn on the Vatican.
      If the Jews claim they are Jewish, then they are lying and are not really Jews according to anti-Semites. When it comes to who killed Jesus Christ then they who claim to be Jewish are most definitely the Jews. Anti-Semites have brains like scrambled eggs and spaghetti. They cannot make up their minds, so they have two bob each way (an Australian term). That is why they are easy to ‘deceive’ to the point of ‘convinced’. Easily sucked in they are dead wrong.
      When you read Rev 3:9/2:9 make sure you notice that the synagogue church of Satan are impostors and most assuredly not Jews. These impostors are not an ‘apostolic’ church either which is a New Testament Church that they claim to be. Revelation 2:2. The Jews are an Old Testament Church that definitely does not claim to be ‘apostolic’. Always put Rev 2:2 in evidence with Rev 2:9 and 3:9.
      The Catholic Church claims to be Apostolic in its Nicene Creed statement of beliefs. These Latin words are included in it ( I am writing this in lower case by the way and look what happens – it is changed or over-ridden somehow): ET UNAM SANCTAM CATHOLICAM, ET APOSTOLICAM ECCLESIAM. These words self capitalized showing how much clout this Roman Catholic Church has. Do it yourself sleuth – start using your otherwise gullible brain.
      What this church is lying about is that it is a Christian N.T. Church when it is not. It is the church of Satan. It sings hymns to its BVM in Latin naming her Lucifer – another Latin word which essentially is Venus to them. But Lucifer is Satan.
      ‘Upon your walls, O Jerusalem, I have set watchmen; all the day and all the night they shall never be silent. You who put the LORD in remembrance, take no rest, and give Him no rest until He establishes Jerusalem and makes it a PRAISE in the earth.’
      Isaiah 62:6-7.
      The Georgia Guidestones are signed R. C. Christian. The initials R.C.C stand for the Roman Catholic Church. R. C. Christian is really ‘Roman Catholic Christian’ in its full name. Hidden in plain view, they are right in ya’ face. They love to say they are Christian whereas they are Satanists of Satan’s synagogue/church.
      No SECRET is hidden from them Ezekiel 28:3, but the Pope is not infallible – wise as a ‘god’. Ezekiel 28:2. Don’t tell him your secrets – in the confessional. There may be a camera identifying you as you walk out of that dark little space. Peter.

      1. I see you had to double post that long ridiculous comment huh Peter?
        I know you’re either a liar, a shill or just misinformed. One of the three. The “Jesuits” would not and do not have an anti white and anti European agenda. The JEWS, the Zionist elite do and have been on record about it for centuries. The Jews run the banks the media immigration in every European nation and are at the forefront of every radical left agenda the world has ever know.
        You’re wrong or lying. The Jesuits are, to anyone who knows a thing about this, under the rule of the Zionist Jews. So just stop. Perhaps you’re a Jew who doesn’t want to hear that information.

      2. Peter…
        The Book of Fairytales and Satanic lies seems to be your favorite ! Who is the dumb one around here ? Grow up man and become a human in stead of a crumbling sheep on your knees…

    2. Their tongue struts through the earth and so the people turn and PRAISE them, and no fault may be found in them. (may not be criticized). Psalm 73:9-10.
      The slang word ‘Jew’ is for Judah. Judah means PRAISE IN Hebrew.
      But the Jews are NOT PRAISED. They are greatly despised in fact, and wrongly so. The red herring of the Jesuits accomplished this injustice by pointing the finger of intrigue and conspiracy at the Jews. The Babylonian Vatican escapes with the PRAISE. No newspapers dare vilify and condemn, or heap scorn on the Vatican.
      If the Jews claim they are Jewish, then they are lying and are not really Jews according to anti-Semites. When it comes to who killed Jesus Christ then they who claim to be Jewish are most definitely the Jews. Anti-Semites have brains like scrambled eggs and spaghetti. They cannot make up their minds, so they have two bob each way (an Australian term). That is why they are easy to ‘deceive’ to the point of ‘convinced’. Easily sucked in they are dead wrong.
      When you read Rev 3:9/2:9 make sure you notice that the synagogue church of Satan are impostors and most assuredly not Jews. These impostors are not an ‘apostolic’ church either which is a New Testament Church that they claim to be. Revelation 2:2. The Jews are an Old Testament Church that definitely does not claim to be ‘apostolic’. Always put Rev 2:2 in evidence with Rev 2:9 and 3:9.
      The Catholic Church claims to be Apostolic in its Nicene Creed statement of beliefs. These Latin words are included in it ( I am writing this in lower case by the way and look what happens – it is changed or over-ridden somehow): ET UNAM SANCTAM CATHOLICAM, ET APOSTOLICAM ECCLESIAM. These words self capitalized showing how much clout this Roman Catholic Church has. Do it yourself sleuth – start using your otherwise gullible brain.
      What this church is lying about is that it is a Christian N.T. Church when it is not. It is the church of Satan. It sings hymns to its BVM in Latin naming her Lucifer – another Latin word which essentially is Venus to them. But Lucifer is Satan.
      ‘Upon your walls, O Jerusalem, I have set watchmen; all the day and all the night they shall never be silent. You who put the LORD in remembrance, take no rest, and give Him no rest until He establishes Jerusalem and makes it a PRAISE in the earth.’
      Isaiah 62:6-7.
      The Georgia Guidestones are signed R. C. Christian. The initials R.C.C stand for the Roman Catholic Church. R. C. Christian is really ‘Roman Catholic Christian’ in its full name. Hidden in plain view, they are right in ya’ face. They love to say they are Christian whereas they are Satanists of Satan’s synagogue/church.
      No SECRET is hidden from them Ezekiel 28:3, but the Pope is not infallible – wise as a ‘god’. Ezekiel 28:2. Don’t tell him your secrets – in the confessional. There may be a camera identifying you as you walk out of that dark little space. Peter.

    3. jesuits are of darkness they love intrigue and murder. While they may manipulate a handful of jews to be their face and or do their dirty work the jewish people as a whole are not as a matter of belief and conscious the same or connected in any way. That is was and has always been a chrisitan and a jesuit lie. This will be revealed at the appropriate time

      1. Wrong. Dead wrong.
        On Thu, Mar 23, 2017 at 11:21 PM Covert Geopolitics wrote:
        > truth commented: “jesuits are of darkness they love intrigue and murder. > While they may manipulate a handful of jews to be their face and or do > their dirty work the jewish people as a whole are not as a matter of belief > and conscious the same or connected in any way. Tha” >

      1. This is and was already foretold. And this is what will happen to them, as Jesus yes told you, they pose as Jews, but are not_ they are pagan

        2 Because thy heart is lifted up, and thou hast said: I am God, and I sit in the chair of God in the heart of the sea: whereas thou art a man, and not God: and hast set thy heart as if it were the heart of God. 3 Behold thou art wiser than Daniel: no secret is hid from thee. 4 In thy wisdom and thy understanding thou hast made thyself strong: and hast gotten gold and silver into thy treasures. 5 By the greatness of thy wisdom, and by thy traffic thou hast increased thy strength: and thy heart is lifted up with thy strength. 6 Therefore, thus saith the Lord God: Because thy heart is lifted up as the heart of God: 7 Therefore behold, I will bring upon thee strangers the strongest of the nations: and they shall draw their swords against the beauty of thy wisdom, and they shall defile thy beauty. 8 They shall kill thee, and bring thee down: and thou shalt die the death of them that are slain in the heart of the sea.

        oops, I guess u missed that phony freemason Francis. Happy Trails

  1. They control the Earth Grid via their Gothic architecture and catheter ( cathedral ) placement. They probably follow some magical prepagan practice personally but in groups use the Babylonian Talmud / Zoroastrianism and metaphysical pursuit of alchemy which ties the macro / celestial solar mechanics to the micro / chemical / cellular / atomic geometry . Man exists between these two extremes and is the key to the 9 dimension paradigm. We live in 3D, physical reality and as such are the front line to 4D and sequential higher dimensions. 3 is fractal to 9.
    Giordano Bruno was burnt for not accepting the holy trinity after a 7 year trial as a heretic defying vatican rule. Ternary logic rules hologram computer programming. The overtone or harmonic differential.
    Robert Morningsky summed up the planet situation best. He said the Ra-Ka became the Ra-Shields / Rothschilds who hold the Orion Empire franchise for banking and commerce over planet Earth, and they are supervised by franchise reps called the Ra-Ka-pharoahs or Rockefellers. The jesuits are the boss of all the secret police and 3-letter spy agencies ( including Hollywood actors ). These people are in soul training to become priest assasssins like Robert Mugabe; Uncle Bob. Sociopathic psychopaths!

    1. ternary logic rules”?
      Could you please explain what you mean by this, and what programming system uses ternary logic?

    2. Darren. The function of a priest is to penetrate all secrets.’
      So says the Catholic Encyclopaedia.
      Also Ezekiel 28:3. No secret is hidden from them.’ The apex or summit of all secret societies, intelligence agencies and the confessional. Indeed they are wiser than Daniel, but not Solomon. This proves they are only ranked amongst mankind, not higher.
      The prince of Tyre – aka the Pope, claims to be ‘wise as a god’ which is bible lingo for ‘infallible’. Ezekiel 28:2. But he will die like a man, to prove he is no god. Ezekiel 28:9-10.
      The king of Tyre is Satan. He is said to have been created perfect in wisdom. Ezekiel 28:12. That would mean superior to Solomon, because Satan is not of mankind, but a higher spirit being. The hierarchy is therefore established.
      It is also established in Isaiah chapter 14. RSV.
      The kings and leaders of the nations are called ‘SHADES’. Isa 14:9. RSV. Same verse also states their weakness.
      They are weaker than the stronger king of Babylon Isaiah 14:3 who is called the ‘sceptre of rulers’ Isaiah 14:5.
      The ‘sceptre of rulers’ is an echelon of authority, or king of kings, or emperor, above the leaders and kings of this world.
      Ultimately it is Satanic. Isaiah 14:12 KJV.
      The elected ‘shades’ rule in the shadow of this unelected ‘sceptre of rulers’ under Satan, pulling the strings of those democratic puppet governments and monarchies. The hierarchy is again established.
      This ‘sceptre of rulers’ – king of Babylon is pinpointed again as ‘This is the great city that ‘reigns over the kings of the earth’. Revelation 17:18. KJV. This is the great city that sits on seven hills. Revelation 17:9. Rome does. Jerusalem does not. Rio de Janeiro does, but is not great. This points the finger at Rome, the Vatican – not Jerusalem.
      The sceptre of rulers – king of Babylon, IS A MAN who will make the earth tremble and reduce cities to rubble. Isaiah 14:16-17.
      The ‘sceptre of rulers’ king of Babylon will smite the peoples in rage with blow after merciless blow, unceasing, and rule the nations in anger with unrelenting persecution. Isaiah 14:6-7. He will make the earth tremble, destroy its cities, and make the world like a desert. Isaiah 14:16-17.
      This abomination of desolation will be unleashed as the legacy of the Vatican New World Order under Satan, which is being strongly urged on us, propaganda wise, now.
      How has this come about? Religion is the sheep’s clothing that this wolf wears. Through religion, the minds of the peoples of the nations have been infiltrated, through freedom of religion. Thereby the Roman Catholic church has gained its influence, using religion as their opiate of the masses – Marx.

  2. Greetings, thank you. I would like to contact you about my experience with arch- bishop casey of the Denver archon 🙂 archdiocese. This article has connected with me. THX.

  3. The Atlantis Blueprint” book by Colin Wilson(I start re-reading it)is all about the ancient sites(like an Earth grid)since the demise of Atlantis,with the Great Pyramid at the center.

  4. Ignatius Loyola was a ‘marranos’ from Andalusia Spain. Many jews converted to christianity to avoid persecution. This ‘secret society’ became a very important political tool for the vatican as they countered the Protestant Reformation, and their power and influence increased exponentially to the point where they became the power behind the throne.
    It has been said that the jesuits were responsible for the assassination of President Lincoln, McKinley, and JFK as well as the poisoning of earlier presidents.

    1. And I stood upon the sand of the sea, and saw a beast rise up out of the sea, having seven heads and ten horns, and upon his horns ten crowns, and upon his heads the name of blasphemy.
      And the beast which I saw was like unto a leopard, and his feet were as the feet of a bear, and his mouth as the mouth of a lion: and the dragon gave him his power, and his seat, and great authority.
      And I saw one of his heads as it were wounded to death; and his deadly wound was healed: and all the world wondered after the beast.
      And they worshipped the dragon which gave power unto the beast: and they worshipped the beast, saying, Who is like unto the beast? who is able to make war with him?

    2. The crime of the century (20th) was the assassination of President John F Kennedy 1963. A book written by John Kwitny named Pope John Paul ‘The Man of the Century’.
      What is interesting is that the crime of the century was perpetrated by the office of the ‘Man of the Century’ the name of Kwitny’s book.
      Very fitting like lock and key.

    3. No, Jesuits are not Jews. There are very few Jesuits of Jewish descent and the Jesuits in fact banned Jews from their order starting in 1593 lasting until 1946. The Jesuits wrote much anti-Semitic literature in their magazine La Civilita Cattolica. See here:
      Also, the Khazar theory of Jewish decent is not true. Only the leaders of 8th century Khazaria converted to Judaism and it was for political purposes only.

  5. The Jesuits were infiltrated by Jews / Satanists, just as the Vatican has been infiltrated by Jews / Satanists………Rothschilds are SATANISTS…….not Jesuits…………Jesuits are one of many groups that the Rothschild / Satanists control…………and to Darren -macro / celestial solar mechanics to the micro / chemical / cellular / atomic geometry – know that God controls all matter, the God not of the false Christian Protestants, nor the false Jews, nor the false Muslims, not the false Scientist / Atheists, nor of the Deists, Taoists, or any of the others, but the ONE TRUE GOD of the HOLY ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH……….Truth is Truth……We are all living in a struggle between good and evil, between the Devil and God, not obtained by way of blind faith but by being witness to the TRUTH…….. nothing else matters.

    1. TRUE. The Rothschild that runs the Bank of England who is also guardian of the Vatican Treasury is a devout Roman Catholic who also happens to be Jewish by race – but a Catholic Jew. Jewish by race, Catholic by religion. The Catholic Church is Satanic, the church of Satan. Deuteronomy 32:17,21 RSV. Demons are no gods. Idols are no god. Idols are demons’ is what these verses are telling you by simple substitution. So yes! Rothschild is Satanic.
      The Roman Catholic Church is the Babylon of Revelation, sitting in the great city on seven hills. Rev 17:18 Rev 17:9.
      Babylon is a land of (graven) images and they are mad over idols. Jeremiah 50:38 RSV. Babylon is idolatrous and therefore demonic.
      Flee Babylon, where Satan as Lucifer is your ‘god of truth’, for Satan is the father of lies only (mixed with truth perhaps to further complicate your delusion). Don’t just flee Babylon. Know where to flee to. Ho! Flee Babylon. Escape to Zion. (the Mountain or government of God. Zechariah 2:6-7 (Living Bible).

    2. Idols are statues and crucifixes and rosary beads in the Roman Catholic Church identified as Babylon. Satan lies truthfully, and truthfully lies. Very convincing and cunning.

      1. Idols can also be cars, football, celebrities and many other things. The RCC is an abomination before Yahweh. John 8:44 tells us that satan the edomite jew comes from the father of lies.

  6. If we are to beleive that the jews are not as involved.. then
    Israel are clearly a central part of the hidden hand. Doesn’t add up!

    1. Of course it is. Today’s modern rogue terrorist state of Israel has nothing to do with the literal and spiritual nation of Israel of the Bible. Those claiming to be3 Jews today are Turko-Mongolian Khazar impostors posing as Jews who secretly practice the occult and follow the hideous and vile teachings of the Babylonian Talmud of orthodox Judaism.
      Crypto-Jews founded and still run today the Roman Catholic Church, which is not Christianity at all, but a merger of Babylonian, Greek and Roman paganism with select and distorted teachings of the bible to create the occult monster known as the roman Catholic Church. It is of the devil, pure and simple. It is symbolized by Mystery, Babylon eh Great, Mother of Harlots and Abominations of the Earth of Revelation 17 and 18. It soon will be destroyed in a single day. Let it be so!

      1. Looking at an old map of the world, the North Eastern United States was once called Tangut – The Russians called this area Israel. North America used to be called India Superior so what gives? Is this ‘planet’ that we inhabit actually the Israel that is spoken of and all those mellinated beings that inhabited it were all Hebrews?
        There is also the subject of King OG. Why was he also on Noah’s Ark if he was considered a Demi God( A carrier of Satan’s seed)?

    2. Absolutely, but I guess whether you are a Nazi, Christian Neocon, a racist Talmudic financier, a Saudi prince oil baron, or a Jesuit of the Holy See, it all spells the same thing…Zionist pedophilic drug smuggling, money-laundering mafioso. Israel is the Promised Land of the chosen racist mystery religions, and the criminals who front their secret society affiliates today. It’s enough for a person to want Jesus to come back, only…not as a total pussy, Amish martyr type…but as an ass-kicking superhero. I’ll keep my fingers crossed.

      1. Actually, I think all the decent human beings on the planet need to become ass-kicking superheroes, yes….then the” Zionist pedophilic drug smuggling, money-laundering mafioso” will have little power.

      2. New Zealand was discovered around 0 AD via a great fleet from the East, who went to Easter Island first. The South Island became the Waka (Ark) of the Rainbow Covenant of a legendary superhero called Maui. It was pointed South. About 1200 years later the Maori tribes invaded and genocided this whole nation called Waitaha (Water bearers of the Tribes of Israel through the desert). They then reversed the direction of the Waka from peace to war. They set in place “the beginning of time” for the new Aeon of Pisces at castle Hill. The new beginning of time was responsible for binding the human God particle of human salvation (Jesus Christ) to the Earth. The North Island to do this was called the sacred fish. (Messiah). The Egyptian Ankh had as the space in the vesica pisces “the Aeon of Pisces”. Meaning all Egyptian electromagnetic energy, as per the Ark of the Covenant, was devoted to the formation of the Aeon of Pisces. And the human saviour Jesus Christ. The New Zealander who discovered all this stuff, beginning 1978, has to deal with massive NZ Government and Police and Judiciary corruption. He went to Germany, to get there he had to be prepared to fight against German Army, Police and neo nazi gangs alone etc. He was deported from there under guard and drugged to not being able to talk, walk etc accompanied by falsified documentation to have him killed in NZ. In Germany when he threatened the German economy with semi destruction if he wasnt given what he went there for, a great power came upon him and the words “it is done”, came out of his mouth, that were words not of his mouth, but of the great power of God. He got lucky because the Judge who heard the case recognised his father as the Judges greatest professional boxing hero as a child. (the memory of the fathers name as his greatest hero as a child) Is very high Christian image, that stopped the NZer from being electrocuted death and zombie mind state. Very lucky boy. Earlier the NZer in about 1982, has been taken through the crown of his head very suddenly into a field of white light where Gods allied army of WW1 were present, with fixed bayonets and gas masks, this would probably have been into the Crown of Christ, where such armies reside, and whose field commander is the Archangel Michael. The NZer was then taken over the bayonet points of milions of men and then taken into one single point that burst into lightening bolts throughout all space. The experience was of pure peace fulfillment. So anyway what was discovere after this was that the Waka of the Covenant, the South Island had been reversed in direction, also removing the Christ power from sight. So the image is of Christianity being removed from the earth eternall. In New Zealand. New Zealand is totally run by Satanist Paedophiles.In the Police, Military, Government and Judiciary etc. Very well disguised as they have totally corrupt media. So massive propaganda takes place to cover up the paedophile satanist network. They were running under Nick Smith, a child sex rape club from Nelson. Nelson was where the Waitaha water pearers peace nation had their capital. So it is a bit like the pardophile satanists taking over Washington, london and the Vatican. The author Gregg Hallett maintains that the Zionists have claimed the South Island for themselves from the New World order and the Chinese to get the North Island. This stuff is just being exposed now. There are hundreds of such stories from the NZer who as a Zen Buddhist Monk, chose the path of the torture stake as his practise of perfection. Meetoing up with God and Jesus Christ several times, etc. The fact is that New Zealand as the beginning of time, so established, is probably the most satanically dangerous country to the worlds people, hidden behind the royal paedophile zionist false mask. It is so corrupt that an International task force should be sent in to set in place a temporary new Government, while the swamp is being drained. The satanists paedophiles are country putting 1080 poison across the country killing all the native birds, disguising it as “pest free NZ by 2050”. See Poisoning paradise on youtube. The Waitaha said as law. That without birdsong there is no garden. NZ had been set up as the garden, belonging to the restored male and female, by virtue of the Christ sacrifice, at the time of the Christ sacrifice. An international task force needs to be brought in to stop the helicopters doing this. Because what that means is that if the birdsong is destroyed, then the garden set in place by the Christ sacrifice is destroyed. Which effectively means a total satanic takeover of the garden, that effectively no longer exists.

      3. Kim
        There are an awful lot of Jews moving in to NZ, making it their second or third home.
        The coming of Christ some 2000 years ago was written in text, only it is Thoth that had to make this and idea to bring all nations together, because he was having a lot of problems trying to convert people. Krissha was then born to save the world, and what followed was blood…. There have been three births of ‘Christ’ written from 3 different religions and dating back over a thousand years each before ‘Christ’ was even born. All of them were born and died around the same time and all three rose again after the third day.

    3. Isaiah 47:1-7. Come down, sit in the dust [ like a serpent ] O Virgin daughter of Babylon, . . . . . . I [ God ] was angry with my people, I gave them into your HAND. You showed them no mercy, on the aged your yoke was exceedingly heavy.”
      Goes on to say: – You shall no more be MISTRESS OF KINGDOMS. [Think Virgin Mary.]
      This is the hidden HAND. The ‘Black Hand’ was involved in the shooting of Archduke Ferdinand which is said to have set off the First World War.
      Daniel, now do some research into what the ancient Roman ‘Vexillum’ looked like – yes a HAND. The study of flags is called vexillology. Originally flags were a totem called a ‘standard’.
      Under Constantine this became the christianized ‘labarum’.
      The symbol on the Labarum is a capital P (Gk-Rho) overstamped with a small X (Gk-Chi). This symbol is called the CHIRO which is the Greek word for HAND.
      A letter bearing the Roman Pope’s signature is called a CHIROGRAM.
      The Chiro can be seen inquisitively on the back of priests vestments worn at the Mass service. It is an unexplained mystifying curiosity to most Catholics to whom it has never been explained.
      The Roman Empire inherited the Greek world empire which was famous for the PHALANX (phalanges – finger), all pertaining to the HAND.
      The ‘hidden hand’ of history to the present has been the Roman Empire, not completely extinguished as an empire, but still existent as a church – gone underground as a religious wolf, with the Latin language of Law.
      If it can be seen that the Roman Empire was the physical body that perished, with its soul living on as a church preserving the Empire, then it can be seen that if the soul can reunite with its body, it will be revivified, brought back to life.
      The perished Roman World Empire, which survived underground as a church, when resurrected then becomes the Global Roman World Empire with its totalitarian Caesar or Pontifex Maximus, or Pontiff, when enough bridges have been built to break down barriers like national sovereign borders and monetary units and religious differences and language if possible. A modern Babel we think of as the New World Order.
      It will not be nice. Read the whole story of the King of Babylon and his brutality and rage over the subjugated peoples and his near extermination of the planet earth under his ‘god’ known as Lucifer in Latin, Venus or Satan, starting at Isaiah Chapter 14:3 which goes on for pretty much the whole chapter. Read it in the RSV for greater clarity. Lucifer in the KJV is here rendered more closely as Venus. That is ‘Daysar, Son of Dawn’ which clearly means the morning star or Venus – a female goddess.
      It will also cover in the RSV the ‘SHADES’ – all who were leaders and kings of the nations including presidential democracies, which are or were shadow puppet governments of the earth under this system, or governing in its shadow. Isaiah 14:9 RSV.
      The HIDDEN HAND is ROMAN, UNIVERSAL and CATHOLIC. It’s time to ‘come out’ is yet FUTURE – but getting closer.
      See the pictorial evidence of Cardinal Tim Dolan standing between Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump as the referee, umpire and most eminent person of the three, saying to the American people: – “I give you these two to choose from. Elect from these.” While he hovers above such peasant ritual, superior to these and exempt from election.

      1. At its coming out from the background, its emergence from the underground, it will declare itself alive again, back again. The whole world will marvel. It’s mortal wound will have been healed.
        It’s demonic leader will emerge from the bottomless pit called Abaddon in Hebrew, Apollyon in Greek, which means Destroyer in English.
        Sold as Lucifer in Larin Hymns to the Virgin Mary and Regina Coeli in Latin Hymns to the Queen of Heaven. This will be the goddess Venus represented as Mary speaking from heaven. It may be sold as the fifth Kingdom of peace that will last forever under the reign of God that smashes the statue of Daniel in the feet destroying the image of Babylon dynasty.
        It will fight Jesus returning to the rescue of his chastened chastiised people instead, calling Him an alien invasion from outer space, a seduction used by Bill Clinton to unite the peoples in a common cause based on fear – into the approaching New World Roman Empire.
        There is life in outer space, but it is Spirit life. His Majesty Jesus will conquer Satan’s Roman World Rule, as our champion when he daunts this enemy of Hs people, which is to rule in great wrath knowing that his time is to be short. This story of our rescue is best told in Psalm Chapter 46 the whole short chapter. Read it in the Living Bible where the meaning is greatly clarified to be more easily understood. It jumps out at you. It is the ‘good news’ gospel to Anglo-Saxon Israel. So good in fact that Shakespeare took his pen name from this Psalm 46 chapter, where 46 words in from the start we find ‘shake’, and 46 words back from the end we find ‘speare’.
        I have covered first – the really bad news, and followed it with the extraordinary good news. Which way would it have been preferred?

      2. Correction: ‘Daystar, Son of Dawn’. Isaiah 14:12 RSV.
        Error: ‘Daysar’.
        When the Vexillum, Standard or Totem, became the Labarum it became a flag. Though the CHIRO Greek for HAND was obviously still emblazoning the HAND, no change really at all, it was sold as the monogram CHR for Christ, to Christianize it so called.
        Really nothing changed. Interpretation is twisting, distorting, mangling the truth, also called SPIN to make lies acceptable to fool the people into seeing something that is not there. It still goes on big time today as we realize. The people, as sheep in a hypnotic trance, were sold a dud.
        Comprehension lays truth bare. Anyway, that’s how the Roman Empire laundered the Chiro – the Hand into the christianized Labarum to appease the people, that something, unchanged in reality, had changed.

    4. Hi Daniel. You might be interested in the person called ‘the Virgin daughter of Babylon’ who is cast down into the dust (like a serpent) without a throne. Isaiah 47:1.
      This occurs after the Vatican sets up their Queen of Heaven, Regina Coeli, also said to be ascended into heaven (by their dogmatic feast of the Assumption celebrated 15th August same feast date as for Lucifer and mentioned in 1 Kings 12:32,33 twice so read on). She may be assumed or even believed to be ruling and speaking from heaven, absolutely by her heavily deceived and superstitious devotees, duped by the Vatican. But please notice that this feast is called an Assumption with a capital A. Why absolutely believe something assumed? A ventriloquist for the Marionette can then make her speak NWO global rule politics from Outer Space where she is assumed to dwell called heaven.
      She is believed to be Co-Redemptrix equally, only more so, than Jesus Christ said to be her son. What I have just explained coincides with Isaiah 14:14 perfectly. So two verses after the King James Bible mentions Lucifer in Isaiah 14:12 as ultimate World Ruler, she is identified by the doctrine of an Assumption.
      The point of all this is Isaiah 47:6 where God says, “I was angry with my people. I gave them into your HAND. You showed them no mercy etc . . . (abortion, gay marriage, idolatry the ritual of which is eating flesh and blood sacrificed to idols by transubtantiation which is sorcery – an abomination – and cannibalism of eating human, sacrificed at the Mass, flesh, and drinking blood like a vampire. They open their mouth wide and hold out their tongues, at least they used to, as children of the sorceress and offspring of deceit. The sorcery is transubstantiation. They poke out their tongues to receive the body of Christ which is cannibalism).
      This is the ritual of idolatry, that Jezebel (Revelation 2:20) urges God’s people to commit, called eating food offered in sacrifice to idols – to provoke their God to anger. The sacrifice is the Mass, the eating is cannibalism, the food is flesh and blood communion, the idol is the crucifix. This ritual is called ‘the deep things of Satan’ or ‘the secret things of Satan. Revelation 2:24. Parts of the Mass are called ‘the Offertory’ and ‘the Secret’. So ‘offered’ and ‘secret’ are also covered. This is devil worship dressed up as Christianity, or more succinctly Roman Catholicism.
      Now to the HAND of the Virgin daughter of Babylon. Did you know that the ancient Roman Standard was a kind of totem pole before flags came into vogue. The Roman Standard was called the Vexillum, and was a 3D effigy of an actual HAND.
      Under Constantine it became a Christian flag called the Labarum, but nothing changed really, because it contained the Greek letters P and x overstamped. In Greek P is Rho and x is Chi.
      Together they spell out Chiro, and Chiro is the Greek word for hand. Though still the original HAND remodified, the blind is that as a Christian flag the Labarum of Constantine containing the ChiRho now stands for CHRist.
      America with its Virgin Mary Land, with the Pentagon, is nothing more than Washington D.C. a puppet regime of the Vatican ‘sceptre of rulers’, ‘king of Babylon’, the Vatican City of Rome, sitting on seven hills, which reigns and has dominion over the kings and leaders of the nations of the earth. Revelation 17:18,9.
      The kings and leaders of which are called ‘shades’ (Isaiah 14:9 RSV) or puppet marionettes, vassals or dummy governments elected by the scarecrows or strawmen buffoons Psalm 135:13-18 / Psalm 115:3-7 RSV as God calls them Isaiah 10:1-5 RSV/ASV.
      In Isaiah 10:1-5 we are taking about idolatrous crucifixes, made using wood, hammer and nails, sometimes instead brass, gold or silver. God calls it a scarecrow in derisive fashion because it is an insult to him. Google ‘images of scarecrows’ and see for yourself what form they take, and those who trust in them are the same.
      Hi Daniel. You might be interested in the person called ‘the Virgin daughter of Babylon’ who is cast down into the dust (like a serpent) without a throne. Isaiah 47:1.
      This occurs after the Vatican sets up their Queen of Heaven, Regina Coeli, also said to be ascended into heaven (by their dogmatic feast of the Assumption celebrated 15th August same feast date as for Lucifer and mentioned in 1 Kings 12:32,33 twice so read on). She may be assumed or even believed to be ruling and speaking from heaven, absolutely by her heavily deceived and superstitious devotees, duped by the Vatican. But please notice that this feast is called an Assumption with a capital A. Why absolutely believe something assumed? A ventriloquist for the Marionette can then make her speak NWO global rule politics from Outer Space where she is assumed to dwell called heaven.
      She is believed to be Co-Redemptrix equally, only more so, than Jesus Christ said to be her son. What I have just explained coincides with Isaiah 14:14 perfectly. So two verses after the King James Bible mentions Lucifer in Isaiah 14:12 as ultimate World Ruler, she is identified by the doctrine of an Assumption.
      The point of all this is Isaiah 47:6 where God says, “I was angry with my people. I gave them into your HAND. You showed them no mercy etc . . . (abortion, gay marriage, idolatry the ritual of which is eating flesh and blood sacrificed to idols by transubtantiation which is sorcery – an abomination – and cannibalism of eating human, sacrificed at the Mass, flesh, and drinking blood like a vampire. They open their mouth wide and hold out their tongues, at least they used to, as children of the sorceress and offspring of deceit. The sorcery is transubstantiation. They poke out their tongues to receive the body of Christ which is cannibalism).
      This is the ritual of idolatry, that Jezebel (Revelation 2:20) urges God’s people to commit, called eating food offered in sacrifice to idols – to provoke their God to anger. The sacrifice is the Mass, the eating is cannibalism, the food is flesh and blood communion, the idol is the crucifix. This ritual is called ‘the deep things of Satan’ or ‘the secret things of Satan. Revelation 2:24. Parts of the Mass are called ‘the Offertory’ and ‘the Secret’. So ‘offered’ and ‘secret’ are also covered. This is devil worship dressed up as Christianity, or more succinctly Roman Catholicism.
      Now to the HAND of the Virgin daughter of Babylon. Did you know that the ancient Roman Standard was a kind of totem pole before flags came into vogue. The Roman Standard was called the Vexillum, and was a 3D effigy of an actual HAND.
      Under Constantine it became a Christian flag called the Labarum, but nothing changed really, because it contained the Greek letters P and x overstamped. In Greek P is Rho and x is Chi.
      Together they spell out Chiro, and Chiro is the Greek word for hand. Though still the original HAND remodified, the blind is that as a Christian flag the Labarum of Constantine containing the ChiRho now stands for CHRist.
      America with its Virgin Mary Land, with the Pentagon, is nothing more than Washington D.C. a puppet regime of the Vatican ‘sceptre of rulers’, ‘king of Babylon’, the Vatican City of Rome, sitting on seven hills, which reigns and has dominion over the kings and leaders of the nations of the earth. Revelation 17:18,9.
      The kings and leaders of which are called ‘shades’ (Isaiah 14:9 RSV) or puppet marionettes, vassals or dummy governments elected by the scarecrows or strawmen buffoons Psalm 135:13-18 / Psalm 115:3-7 RSV as God calls them Isaiah 10:1-5 RSV/ASV.
      In Isaiah 10:1-5 we are taking about idolatrous crucifixes, made using wood, hammer and nails, sometimes instead brass, gold or silver. God calls it a scarecrow in derisive fashion because it is an insult to him. Google ‘images of scarecrows’ and see for yourself what form they take, and those who trust in them are the same.

      1. Correction: – last paragraph.
        In Jeremiah 10:1-5 RSV we are talking about a idolatrous crucifixes, made using wood, hammer and nails, sometimes instead brass gold or silver. God calls it a scarecrow in derisive fashion because it is an insult to him. Google ‘images of scarecrows’ and see for yourself what form they take, and those who trust in them are the same – and vote.

      2. Peter,
        I believe that Henry VIII told the Vatican to go and practise their teachings elsewhere and formed the church of england, the protestants were born. Much blood was spilled thereafter and although there was this ‘separate’ from the RCC the crusades and colonialism was undertaken by using the cross as a starting point in indoctrination of the masses( the slaved or colonised peoples). This wholly benefited the monarchs of the UK and the elite.
        Yes it is true that the vatican helped finance the war against germany but then rothschild lent the vatican a whole lot of money anyway. It is money that just passes hands ensuring that the wealthy remain where they are.

  7. They’re all the same to me. They stand between the People and control over their own lives and their ability to protect the planet. No religion, govt or bank is more important than that..
    Global Direct Democracy Now. No POLITICIANS to buy. One person, one vote.
    Global Fair Trade NONMONETARY, Sharing economic system. No more money or banks.
    Time for the first real democracy and civilization in EARTHS LONG HISTORY. THATS ALL THAT MATTERS.

  8. That’s utopian wishful thinking that requires integrity to man’s systems that have never existed because of the inherent depravity of man.
    Moreover, not everyone is equal in intellect, wisdom, knowledge, understanding and moral character.
    Democracy is mob rule in which the majority of demon-possessed morons impose their wicked and depraved wills upon the minority of noble, virtuous and righteous people. You can have that insanity after we’re gone late next year. The elect are leaving this God-forsaken earth once and for all.

  9. There can be no doubt that Jesus was anointed and crowned King of Israel, but the gospel authors have concealed this for political reasons.”—Robert Graves. <a href="" rel="nofollow ugc">

  10. The Rothschilds are “Jesuits” and I’m black. Perhaps they infiltrated the jesuits, but its always the zio-Jews. Period and any other take on it is disinfo and controlled opposition. I will NEVER believe that Christians are spearheading the destruction of white western Europeans by flooding Europe with blacks and Muslims. Sorry. But JEWS, certainly would,

    1. Their tongue struts through the earth and so the people turn and PRAISE them, and no fault may be found in them. (may not be criticized). Psalm 73:9-10
      The slang word ‘Jew’ is for Judah. Judah means PRAISE IN Hebrew.
      But the Jews are NOT PRAISED. They are greatly despised in fact, and wrongly so. The red herring of the Jesuits accomplished this injustice by pointing the finger of intrigue and conspiracy at the Jews. The Babylonian Vatican escapes with the PRAISE. No newspapers dare vilify and condemn, or heap scorn on the Vatican.
      If the Jews claim they are Jewish, then they are lying and are not really Jews according to anti-Semites. When it comes to who killed Jesus Christ then they who claim to be Jewish are most definitely the Jews. Anti-Semites have brains like scrambled eggs and spaghetti. They cannot make up their minds, so they have two bob each way (an Australian term). That is why they are easy to ‘deceive’ to the point of ‘convinced’. Easily sucked in they are dead wrong.
      When you read Rev 3:9/2:9 make sure you notice that the synagogue church of Satan are impostors and most assuredly not Jews. These impostors are not an ‘apostolic’ church either which is a New Testament Church that they claim to be. Revelation 2:2. The Jews are an Old Testament Church that definitely does not claim to be ‘apostolic’. Always put Rev 2:2 in evidence with Rev 2:9 and 3:9.
      The Catholic Church claims to be Apostolic in its Nicene Creed statement of beliefs. These Latin words are included in it ( I am writing this in lower case by the way and look what happens – it is changed or over-ridden somehow): ET UNAM SANCTAM CATHOLICAM, ET APOSTOLICAM ECCLESIAM. These words self capitalized showing how much clout this Roman Catholic Church has. Do it yourself sleuth – start using your otherwise gullible brain.
      What this church is lying about is that it is a Christian N.T. Church when it is not. It is the church of Satan. It sings hymns to its BVM in Latin naming her Lucifer – another Latin word which essentially is Venus to them. But Lucifer is Satan.
      ‘Upon your walls, O Jerusalem, I have set watchmen; all the day and all the night they shall never be silent. You who put the LORD in remembrance, take no rest, and give Him no rest until He establishes Jerusalem and makes it a PRAISE in the earth.’
      Isaiah 62:6-7.
      The Georgia Guidestones are signed R. C. Christian. The initials R.C.C stand for the Roman Catholic Church. R. C. Christian is really ‘Roman Catholic Christian’ in its full name. Hidden in plain view, they are right in ya’ face. They love to say they are Christian whereas they are Satanists of Satan’s synagogue/church.
      No SECRET is hidden from them Ezekiel 28:3, but the Pope is not infallible – wise as a ‘god’. Ezekiel 28:2. Don’t tell him your secrets – in the confessional. There may be a camera identifying you as you walk out of that dark little space. Peter.
      And of course you Kraut Adolf would be wanting the Pope to rule the NWO. Right? Isaiah 14:3-21

  11. Guess who founded the Jesuits ? Research this and you know everything. Christianity is “Judaism light” for Goyim to bow them down to their jewish king

    1. San Ignacio de Loyola founded the Jesuits Order as far as I know, I can only say that religion is a personal matter, I am not against any race, color, language, we don’t choose where to be born. And also can say that religions are the main reason of the worst wars in the World History. I don’t mind names, all are the same, for normal people it brings peace and confort and for greedy ones is the perfect place to have power and cover terribly things like killing in the name of “God” or abuse children without paying for it. Everyone is free in believe what is better for his convenience and act as a a good human being or become a menace to the rest.

  12. Be very careful when attacking Jews as people. The majority of them are being duped by the real 13 families whose history goes back much further than those families listed on most of the 13 families list. I am including the list of the original 13 families that rule the world.
    NWo Family – Royal Red Dragon Bloodlines in Charge
    Gregg Hallett
    Sun, Oct 7, 2012
    Subject: New World Disorder It’s a Family Thing
    Its a Family Affair with the Elites
    attachment, destruction the catholic church,
    In other writings by Albert Pike, this includes all Christianity, Islam and Even Atheism.
    Aside from all the Political rhetoric and commentary which is simply a distraction. The reality aside, USA Presidents are chosen and groomed from childhood literally, and with 100% chance of being elected/appointed since all are family bloodline.
    The use of Illegal Immigration or even Immigration is SPECIFICALLY to infest one country with another by plans established by The Vatican, Fabian Society, Knights of Malta, Illuminati, to destroy the sovereignty of the targeted country or land mass setting up the necessary conditions step by step, stage by stage to once and for all set up a one world government, currency and religion.
    these are facts not speculation in any way. Below is the reality. FDR, His cousin, Churchill and Japanese elite planned Pearl Harbor between 1925 to 1930 time frame to justify war with Japan leading to the next threat, Communism that was to surface after the 1950’s. Black, Gray and Red Pope’s controlling the Jesuits are the evil planners for the world servers.
    The details contained in the Jesuit produced, “Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion” and many other planning documents to support this one plan is controlling the world events. The World Servers, controlled by a much more secretive society divided the world up into the following areas for control: Religion, Philosophy, Education, Science, Politics, Harmony/Beauty/Arts and Economics/Finance. Each of these specific areas have 6 sub areas also controlled by the “secret Society” in question and making the world divided into 49 different areas for control purposes and each has its own “Chronology of Events and Milestone” Not Speculation, these are facts and until people understand this reality they will NEVER understand why events are happening the way they are now.
    A major coup of the US is coming and for the fourth time in our history.
    the reality: As spoken behind closed doors to three specially chosen congressional committees:
    [Instruments = All American People
    Infest America with Aliens = weaponized immigration as planned for over a century.
    1933: failed US Military overthrow, as whistleblower Major General Smedley Butler, USMC to Congress stopped it.
    March 4, 1939 – Quote from a report of the secret committee by President Roosevelt,;
    “I am making no concessions to business, or for relief. I have a military machine sufficient to stop any organized revolt. I am putting MY PEOPLE ahead of all instruments. I’ll have had a full understanding with Chamberlain, and we will destroy this unemployed condition with a WAR, and a WAR only. To Hell with the American people, as far as a Democracy is concerned. It does not exist. It never did, and we will never let it happen that way. I am going to crush business, infest America with all the aliens possible, and in the last analysis, declare Martial Law, and confiscate everything I need for a true and forceful Dictatorship. My New Deal is a failure, and I know it, but no one else will tell me that I must discontinue my present activities, and program.”
    From the Secret Audience with the Military Appropriation Committee;
    The Ways and Means Committee;
    The Special War Finance Committee;
    This copy was presented to me by mail through Senator Lundeen.” The Red Fog over America” by William Guy Carr, 1955.
    In 1841 Clinton Roosevelt [ancestral cousin to FDR] published in America “The Science of Government Founded on Natural Laws”, This was nothing more than a plagiarized version of the teachings of Professor Adam Weishaupt of Frankfort University, Germany, the renegade Jesuit priest who arranged for the agenteur of the Illuminati to infiltrate into French Freemasonry in 1776 so “The Secret Power” which directed the World Revolutionary Movement, and the Conspiracy of Satan, at that time could use Freemasonry to further their secret plans and ambitious and at the same time cloak their diabolitical purpose. This document was then passed to Karl Marx for him to plagiarize and as recognized in history; was the “Communist Manifesto” but not written by Karl Marx but plagiarized from the document that was given to him by Mazzini who was a member of the Illuminati also plagiarized by Clinton Roosevelt from Adam Weishaupts original plans written on May 1, 1776,
    The fact that FDR’s New Deal, his NRA, and other political policies and economic devices fitted perfectly into the “Long Range Plans”, of the Illuminati proved the continuity of the conspiracy from 1841 to 1945. It has been explained that Roosevelt made known his secret plans to establish a dictatorship in American in March 1939 when he gave a secret audience to some of his governments special committee. It has also been mentioned that Roosevelt was kept a virtual prisoner from after Yalta until his death presumably to prevent him telling the truth in the event his conscience troubled him when he realized that he was about to meet his maker.
    ITS ALL IN THE FAMILY and it goes back to Ancient Egypt, Ancient Mysteries Religions and Synagogue of Satan. Ancient Mystery Religions, worship of Baal, hide and became the Roman Catholic church, the Vatican Created the Religion of Islam and raised Muhammad the Prophet, Bloodline all the way to Queen Elizabeth II, and even in the 1920’s using Al Benna, a FreeMason formed The Muslim Brotherhood. Its all part of the Luciferian Plan.
    Ring in Nimrod the start of the Ancient Mystery Religions and worship of Baal……….who became Nephilim and originator of the Ancient Mystery religions as in his connections to the returning fallen angels.
    our Elections? Its all a scam from the Declaration of Independence to establish a national debt and put us into a 70 years bank cycle 3 times in our history. All wars set up by false flags as evidence confirms. The reality. Elections? Never, they are and have always been appointments to the USA, Inc.
    Bush Family Tree
    It’s A Family Thing: Finds that Romney and George W. Are Cousins
    An online family-history database has found that the GOP candidate has some very influential Republican relations.
    By Elizabeth Dias | @elizabethjdias | December 20, 2011 | +
    Cousin love? The online ancestry site,, has found that Mitt Romney and George W. Bush are related
    Believe it or not, Mitt Romney and George W. Bush are cousins — 10th cousins, twice removed, that is. Historians at, the world’s largest online family-history resource, have discovered that Romney is actually related to six past presidents — more than any other 2012 GOP contestant. Franklin D. Roosevelt is his eighth cousin, twice removed, and both Calvin Coolidge and Herbert Hoover are his 10th cousins. Then there is his sixth cousin (four times removed) Franklin Pierce, and both 10th cousins Bush I and II. Three out of these six were even (gasp!) Democrats.
    (MORE: Top 10 Campaign-Debate Moments of 2011)
    It turns out that presidential candidates often have Commander in Chief relatives, and this election cycle is no different, finds after six months of research. Jon Huntsman is also related to FDR, Coolidge and the Bushes. And yes, his bloodline mirrors Romney’s because they too are cousins: Romney’s great-great-grandfather Parley Pratt, an early Mormon missionary, is Huntsman’s great-great-great-grandfather. The Romney-Huntsman–George W. Bush connection comes through Anne Marbury Hutchinson, who was a religious-freedom advocate in early 1600s. Rather fitting, since all three of them are still quite open about their faiths, be they Mormon or Evangelical.
    Rick Perry has just one presidential relative: Harry Truman is his fifth cousin four times removed. But Perry shares Lone State pride and blood with Sam Houston, the famed President of the Republic of Texas from the 1830s. While Houston resigned as the governor rather than swear allegiance to the Confederacy, notes the report, Perry has many relatives who fought for the South during the Civil War.
    True, in the end, America is the land of individuals — not of family trees. It’s who you are now, who you’ve made yourself to be that matters. But, in a roller-coaster primary season, a little “Oh yes, as my cousin FDR once said …” probably doesn’t hurt either.
    MORE: Top 10 Political Gaffes of 2011
    Related Topics:, family tree, george bush, George W., Jon Huntsman, Mitt Romney, president, relatives, Rick Perry, Politics
    Read more:
    Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II Buckingham Palace London SW1A 1AA
    Dear Your Majesty The Queen,
    Not only are you related to Churchill, but you are also related to Hitler, Stalin and the Rothschilds.
    Your grandfather’s brother was Winston Churchill, making him your great-uncle. Churchill was first cousin with Adolf Hitler’s father.
    Stalin was second cousin with Adolf Hitler’s father.
    Churchill and Stalin were second cousins.
    Hitler’s great-grandfather was your g-great grandfather. Stalin’s great-grandfather was your g-g-great-grandfather. Churchill, Stalin, Hitler and yourself are all descended from Rothschilds, and all of you are illegitimate stock. With these connections, your great-uncle Winston Churchillwas a major instigator in police corruption, the attack on Pearl Harbor and gifting the United Nations to his second cousin Stalin, who was also second cousin with King George V, your grandfather. Within these pages lies the fourth volume of your family history.
    Yours sincerely,
    Greg Hallett
    Greg Hallett – Whale
    Who Exactly Are The Rothschilds? Amazing…
    Muhammad the Prophet is also in this bloodline; from King Edward IV….marriage to the Muslims Kings.
    The Royal Red Dragon Bloodlines 2009 Part 1 of 10
    The attachment, comes from “Roosevelt’s Communist Manifesto” by Josephson, 1955
    This is from another source
    13 insider Illuminati families
    All controlled through the Jesuit Order and their Knights of Malta & Teutonic Knights all based in missile protected Borgo Santo Spirito in Rome.
    Pepe Orsini – Italy
    Henry Breakspear – Macau, China
    This is the true power finally.
    This is the Guelph and the Ghibelline power over mankind.
    The Cecil family were controlled by the powerful Jesuit family known as the Pallavicini.
    Maria Camilla Pallavicini is far more powerful than Queen Elizabeth II.
    The Queen and Prince Philip are totally subordinate to the Papal Bloodline the Breakspear Family and their Jesuit UKHQ at 114 Mount Street.
    Please go and study who funded Elizabeth I that astronomical amount of money to fight the Spanish, yes Pallavicini.
    The most powerful man right now in the conspiracy over this World is a Roman by the name of PEPE ORSINI of the powerful Roman Papal Bloodline the Orsini also known as Orso and the ancient Maximus family.
    There is no one more powerful than this figure who is really the Grey Pope.
    The Papal Bloodlines are the secret shadow hieracy of the Jesuit Order even behind the Black Pope touted at the #1.
    These powerful bloodlines are the Breakspear, Somaglia, Orsini, Farnese & Aldobrandini.
    You’ll notice David Rothschild marrying into the Aldobrandini with the pretty, Princess Olimpia Aldobrandini.
    Another real head of this is Henry Breakspear who resides now in Macau in China.
    Many of the Papal Bloodline heads now live in Asia and India. What does that tell you?
    The current Black Pope, Adolfo Nicholas was bought forward for the position due to the Jesuits bringing about of Asia as the next power player of the agenda.
    Both this Black Pope and the white Pope aren’t of Papal Bloodline, they are both commoners.
    I’ve named the most powerful families on the planet. I’ve named the Grey Pope the one inbetween the white and black but unseen
    Saturnalian Brotherhood – The Real 13 Zoroastrian Bloodlines of the Illuminati
    House of Borja
    House of Breakspeare
    House of Somaglia
    House of Orsini
    House of Conti
    House of Chigi
    House of Colonna
    House of Farnese
    House of Medici
    House of Gaetani
    House of Pamphili
    House of Este
    House of Aldobrandini
    These Egyptian Ptolemaic Dynasty Rulers are in Full Control of the Company of Jesus, High Grey Council of Ten, and the Black Pope
    This is some good info on the Black Pope:
    The ‘Black Pope’, Superior Jesuit General (The President of the World), speaks at Loyola ‘Military Fortress’ University in his un-ratified 14th Amendment ‘Little Rome’ D.C United States Corporation.
    A corporation under International Maritime Admiralty Law (Uniform Commerical Code) based upon Vatican Canon Law and perfected by the Roman Empire.
    He lies about his power, he’s over the Pope as of 1814.
    He only serves and works with the shadow Jesuits being the Papal Bloodline Orsini’s, Breakspear’s, Aldobrandini’s, Farnese’s, Somalgia’s.
    Adolfo is not of Papal Bloodline, some Black Pope’s have been.
    The next in power beneath the Jesuits is the Bourbon, King Juan Carlos of Spain. The Roman Monarch of the World, The King of Jerusalem and SMOM Military Navigator.
    This is the true World’s power system right now.
    Adolfo serves as a military General protecting the Zoroathrianism and Mithraism mystery schools.
    The Jesuits were created by the Papal Bloodline Farnese during the reign of Farnese Pope Paul III.
    Loyola was commissioned by Alessandro Cardinal Farnese.
    Last Edited by Open Your Eyes on 6/15/2010 at 12:37 AM
    The Borgia crime family created the Jesuits!!
    After the terrible reign of Pope Alexander VI, the Romans were disgusted with the Spanish and vowed that there would never be another Spanish Pope. This animosity toward the Spanish was further aggravated by the Sack of Rome in 1527 in order to prevent the divorce of Henry VIII from Catherine of Aragon.
    The Borgia answer to this Spanish animosity was the creation of the order of Jesuits—a quasi religious/military strike force whose members were totally dedicated to their Spanish leader who bore the military title of general.
    Like the White Pope, the general is elected for life and the Jesuit dynasty is a parallel or pseudo Papacy….Of course, the general is content to run the show from behind the scenes so as not to arouse the age-old Italian hatred for the Spanish.
    The Jesuit general is referred to as the ‘”Black” Pope at the Vatican because he always dresses in black.
    The Jesuits were officially founding in 1540 by Pope Paul III. Ignatius LIEola became their first general.
    Don Francis Borgia was the great-grandson of Pope Alexander VI, and co-founder of the Jesuits. On his mother’s side he was descended from King Ferdinand of Aragon.
    The Spanish control the Vatican through the Jesuits.
    For the past 500 years, the Spanish Inquisition has controlled the Vatican by means of the Jesuits. All the Jesuits answer to their general in Rome, and he in turn is content to run the show from behind the scenes, without any publicity or public acclaim so as not to arouse the age-old Italian hostility to the Spanish…
    The Merovingians
    This bloodline and its offshoots includes a long line of pharaohs in ancient Egypt, including Rameses II (1295-1228 BC), who is considered to be the greatest pharaoh of all.
    He was his country’s master architect (sacred geometry) and his name can be found on almost every ancient shrine. The gold mines of Nubia made him rich beyond the imagination. This bloodline also includes the extraterrestrial-human hybrids who ruled Sumer, Babylon, Greece, and Troy, and which, today, rule the world.
    One common link in this bloodline is Philip of Macedonia (382-336BC),who married Olympias, and their son was Alexander the Great (356-323BC), a tyrant who plundered that key region of Greece, Persia, Syria, Phoenicia, Egypt, Babylon, the former lands of Sumer, and across into India before dying in Babylon at the age of 33.
    During his rule of Egypt he founded the city of Alexandria, one the greatest centers for esoteric knowledge in the ancient world. Alexander was taught by the Greek philosopher, Aristotle, who in turn was taught by Plato and he by Socrates. The bloodline and the hidden advanced knowledge have always gone together.
    This key bloodline comes down through the most famous Egyptian queen, Cleopatra (60-30BC), who married the most famous Roman Emperor, Julius Caesar, and bore him a son, who became Ptolemy XIV.
    · She also bore twins with Mark Anthony, who has his own connections to this line and its many offshoots
    · This bloodline also connects to Herod the Great, the “Herod” of the Jesus stories, and continues to the Roman Piso family who, as I explain in The Biggest Secret, wrote the Gospel stories and invented the mythical figure called Jesus!!
    · The same bloodline includes Constantine the Great, the Roman Emperor who, in 325AD, turned Christianity, based on his ancestors’ stories, into the religion we know today
    · King Ferdinand of Spain and Queen Isabella of Castile, the sponsors of Christopher Columbus, who instigated the horrific Spanish Inquisition (1478-1834) in which people were tortured and burned at the stake for in any way questioning the basis of the religion their various ancestors had created
    More than that, the most used version of the Bible was commissioned and sponsored by another strand in the same bloodline, King James 1st of England.
    Just a coincidence, nothing to worry about! The line of James, according to genealogy sources listed below, can be traced back to 1550 BC and beyond and includes many Egyptian pharaohs, including Rameses II.
    The bloodline moved into France and northern Europe through the Franks and Meroveus or Merovee, who gave his name to the Merovingian bloodline, and it continues with the rest of the Merovingian clan like Clovis and the Dagoberts who connect into the elite secret society, the Priory of Sion and the Rennes-le-Chateau “mystery” in Languedoc [Provence], Southern France. Many books have been written recently which claim that the Merovingians are the bloodline of “Jesus”.
    Some of these authors have just been mistaken, others have blatantly sought to confuse and mislead. The Merovingians are a key bloodline, yes, but it has nothing to do with Jesus, who was invented by an earlier family in the same line, the Pisos. Authors like Sir Laurence Gardner (Bloodline of the Holy Grail and a favorite of Nexus Magazine and its owner, Duncan Roads) MUST know this and yet they still connect the Merovingians to “Jesus”. Why??
    The Merovingians were Goddess Diana worshippers, as are so many in this line to the present day. They founded the city we call Paris and on one of their former sites of Diana ritual, Princess Diana was murdered in the Pont d’Alma tunnel (meaning “bridge or passage of the Moon Goddess”) on August 31st, 1997. As The Biggest Secret points out, the Windsors, another Merovingian bloodline, were very much involved in this ritual murder.
    From the Merovingians, this bloodline’s connections to the present day include: Charlemagne (742-814), who ruled as Emperor of the West in the Holy Roman Empire; a stream of French kings, including Robert II, Philip Ist, II and III, and Louis Ist, II, VI, VII, VIII, VIIII, XIII, IX, XV, and XVI.
    The latter married Marie Antoinette of this same bloodline and both were executed in the French Revolution. But they produced the son who became Daniel Payseur, who, as The Biggest Secret explains, was taken to the United States where he became the secret force behind the Morgan and Carnegie empires and owned vast amounts of real estate, banking, and industrial holdings.
    This bloodline also connects to the de Medici family which supported Christopher Columbus and produced Catherine de Medici, the Queen of France who died in 1589. Her doctor was Nostradamus: It includes Rene d’Anjou, Duke of Lorraine, and the House of Lorraine which employed Nostradamus and Christopher Columbus.
    The bloodline relatives of the de Medicis and the House of Lorraine, Queen Isabella of Castile and King Ferdinand of Spain, were also sponsors of Columbus when he “discovered” the Americas.
    This bloodline also includes:
    1. the Habsburgs, the most powerful family in Europe under the Holy Roman Empire
    2. Geoffrey Plantagenet and the Plantagenet royal dynasty in England
    3. King John, who signed the Magna Carta
    4. King Henry Ist, II, and III, who were extremely close to the Knights Templar, as was King John
    5. Mary Stuart and the Stuart Dynasty, including King James Ist of England, sponsor of the King James version of the Bible
    6. King George Ist, II, and III
    7. Edward Ist, II, and III, Queen Victoria
    8. Edward VII
    9. George V and VI
    10.Queen Elizabeth II
    11.Prince Charles and Elizabeth’s other offspring, Anne, Andrew and Edward
    12.Princes William and Harry from Charles’ “marriage” to Princess Diana
    13.US Presidents, George Washington, John Adams, John Quincy Adams, Thomas Jefferson, Franklin Delano Roosevelt, and George Bush are all named in the charts as strands of this bloodline was passed on to the year 2000 US presidential favorite, George W. Bush Jr., and his brother, Jeb Bush, the Governor of Florida
    In fact if you go deeply enough into the genealogical research you will find that ALL the presidents are from this line.
    Genealogical sources, like the New England Historical Genealogical Society and Burkes Peerage, have shown that 33 of the 42 presidents to Clinton are related to Charlemagne and 19 are related to England’s Edward III, both of whom are of this bloodline.
    A spokesman for Burkes Peerage, the bible of royal and aristocratic genealogy based in London, has said that every presidential election since and including George Washington in 1789 has been won by the candidate with the most royal genes. Now we can see how and why. United States presidents are not chosen by ballot, they are chosen by blood!
    This same bloodline also includes:
    · key Scottish families like the Lords of Galloway and the Comyns
    · Marie-Louise of Austria, who married Napoleon Bonaparte
    · Kaiser Wilhelm II, the king of Germany at the time of the First World War
    · Maximilian, the Habsburg emperor of Mexico, who died in 1867
    On and on it goes into country after country. This bloodline connects into every surviving royal family in Europe, including King Juan Carlos of Spain and the Dutch, Swedish, and Danish royal lines.
    And this is just ONE of the reptilian bloodlines and just SOME of its offshoots.
    There are others which connect with these names and span the same period and beyond to thousands of years BC. Detailed family trees of the above are available on:

  13. NWo Family – Royal Red Dragon Bloodlines in Charge
    Gregg Hallett
    Sun, Oct 7, 2012
    Subject: New World Disorder It’s aFamilyThingwww.MorningLiberty.comIts a Family Affair with the Elites attachment, destruction Writings by Albert Pike, this includes all Christianity, Islam and Even Atheism.
    Aside from all the Political rhetoric and commentary which is simply a distraction. The reality aside, USA Presidents are chosen and groomed from childhood literally, and with 100% chance of being elected/appointed since all are family bloodline.
    The use of Illegal Immigration or even Immigration is SPECIFICALLY to infest one country with another by plans established by The Vatican, Fabian Society, Knights of Malta, Illuminati, to destroy the sovereignty of the targeted country or land mass setting up the necessary conditions step by step, stage by stage to once and for all set up a one world government, currency and religion.
    these are facts not speculation in any way. Below is the reality. FDR, His cousin, Churchill and Japanese elite planned Pearl Harbor between 1925 to 1930 time frame to justify war with Japan leading to the next threat, Communism that was to surface after the 1950’s. Black, Gray and Red Pope’s controlling the Jesuits are the evil planners for the world servers.
    The details contained in the Jesuit produced, “Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion” and many other planning documents to support this one plan is controlling the world events. The World Servers, controlled by a much more secretive society divided the world up into the following areas for control: Religion, Philosophy, Education, Science, Politics, Harmony/Beauty/Arts and Economics/Finance. Each of these specific areas have 6 sub areas also controlled by the “secret Society” in question and making the world divided into 49 different areas for control purposes and each has its own “Chronology of Events and Milestone” Not Speculation, these are facts and until people understand this reality they will NEVER understand why events are happening the way they are now.
    A major coup of the US is coming and for the fourth time in our history.
    the reality: As spoken behind closed doors to three specially chosen congressional committees:
    [Instruments = All American People
    Infest America with Aliens = weaponized immigration as planned for over a century.
    1933: failed US Military overthrow, as whistleblower Major General Smedley Butler, USMC to Congress stopped it.
    March 4, 1939 – Quote from a report of the secret committee by President Roosevelt,;
    “I am making no concessions to business, or for relief. I have a military machine sufficient to stop any organized revolt. I am putting MY PEOPLE ahead of all instruments. I’ll have had a full understanding with Chamberlain, and we will destroy this unemployed condition with a WAR, and a WAR only. To Hell with the American people, as far as a Democracy is concerned. It does not exist. It never did, and we will never let it happen that way. I am going to crush business, infest America with all the aliens possible, and in the last analysis, declare Martial Law, and confiscate everything I need for a true and forceful Dictatorship. My New Deal is a failure, and I know it, but no one else will tell me that I must discontinue my present activities, and program.”
    From the Secret Audience with the Military Appropriation Committee;
    The Ways and Means Committee;
    The Special War Finance Committee;
    This copy was presented to me by mail through Senator Lundeen.” The Red Fog over America” by William Guy Carr, 1955.
    In 1841 Clinton Roosevelt [ancestral cousin to FDR] published in America “The Science of Government Founded on Natural Laws”, This was nothing more than a plagiarized version of the teachings of Professor Adam Weishaupt of Frankfort University, Germany, the renegade Jesuit priest who arranged for the agenteur of the Illuminati to infiltrate into French Freemasonry in 1776 so “The Secret Power” which directed the World Revolutionary Movement, and the Conspiracy of Satan, at that time could use Freemasonry to further their secret plans and ambitious and at the same time cloak their diabolitical purpose. This document was then passed to Karl Marx for him to plagiarize and as recognized in history; was the “Communist Manifesto” but not written by Karl Marx but plagiarized from the document that was given to him by Mazzini who was a member of the Illuminati also plagiarized by Clinton Roosevelt from Adam Weishaupts original plans written on May 1, 1776,
    The fact that FDR’s New Deal, his NRA, and other political policies and economic devices fitted perfectly into the “Long Range Plans”, of the Illuminati proved the continuity of the conspiracy from 1841 to 1945. It has been explained that Roosevelt made known his secret plans to establish a dictatorship in American in March 1939 when he gave a secret audience to some of his governments special committee. It has also been mentioned that Roosevelt was kept a virtual prisoner from after Yalta until his death presumably to prevent him telling the truth in the event his conscience troubled him when he realized that he was about to meet his maker.
    ITS ALL IN THE FAMILY and it goes back to Ancient Egypt, Ancient Mysteries Religions and Synagogue of Satan. Ancient Mystery Religions, worship of Baal, hide and became the Roman Catholic church, the Vatican Created the Religion of Islam and raised Muhammad the Prophet, Bloodline all the way to Queen Elizabeth II, and even in the 1920’s using Al Benna, a FreeMason formed The Muslim Brotherhood. Its all part of the Luciferian Plan.
    Ring in Nimrod the start of the Ancient Mystery Religions and worship of Baal……….who became Nephilim and originator of the Ancient Mystery religions as in his connections to the returning fallen angels.
    our Elections? Its all a scam from the Declaration of Independence to establish a national debt and put us into a 70 years bank cycle 3 times in our history. All wars set up by false flags as evidence confirms. The reality. Elections? Never, they are and have always been appointments to the USA, Inc.
    Bush Family Tree
    It’s A Family Thing: Finds that Romney and George W. Are Cousins
    An online family-history database has found that the GOP candidate has some very influential Republican relations.
    By Elizabeth Dias | @elizabethjdias | December 20, 2011 | +
    Cousin love? The online ancestry site,, has found that Mitt Romney and George W. Bush are related
    Believe it or not, Mitt Romney and George W. Bush are cousins — 10th cousins, twice removed, that is. Historians at, the world’s largest online family-history resource, have discovered that Romney is actually related to six past presidents — more than any other 2012 GOP contestant. Franklin D. Roosevelt is his eighth cousin, twice removed, and both Calvin Coolidge and Herbert Hoover are his 10th cousins. Then there is his sixth cousin (four times removed) Franklin Pierce, and both 10th cousins Bush I and II. Three out of these six were even (gasp!) Democrats.
    (MORE: Top 10 Campaign-Debate Moments of 2011)
    It turns out that presidential candidates often have Commander in Chief relatives, and this election cycle is no different, finds after six months of research. Jon Huntsman is also related to FDR, Coolidge and the Bushes. And yes, his bloodline mirrors Romney’s because they too are cousins: Romney’s great-great-grandfather Parley Pratt, an early Mormon missionary, is Huntsman’s great-great-great-grandfather. The Romney-Huntsman–George W. Bush connection comes through Anne Marbury Hutchinson, who was a religious-freedom advocate in early 1600s. Rather fitting, since all three of them are still quite open about their faiths, be they Mormon or Evangelical.
    Rick Perry has just one presidential relative: Harry Truman is his fifth cousin four times removed. But Perry shares Lone State pride and blood with Sam Houston, the famed President of the Republic of Texas from the 1830s. While Houston resigned as the governor rather than swear allegiance to the Confederacy, notes the report, Perry has many relatives who fought for the South during the Civil War.
    True, in the end, America is the land of individuals — not of family trees. It’s who you are now, who you’ve made yourself to be that matters. But, in a roller-coaster primary season, a little “Oh yes, as my cousin FDR once said …” probably doesn’t hurt either.
    MORE: Top 10 Political Gaffes of 2011
    Related Topics:, family tree, george bush, George W., Jon Huntsman, Mitt Romney, president, relatives, Rick Perry, Politics
    Read more:
    Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II Buckingham Palace London SW1A 1AA
    Dear Your Majesty The Queen,
    Not only are you related to Churchill, but you are also related to Hitler, Stalin and the Rothschilds.
    Your grandfather’s brother was Winston Churchill, making him your great-uncle. Churchill was first cousin with Adolf Hitler’s father.
    Stalin was second cousin with Adolf Hitler’s father.
    Churchill and Stalin were second cousins.
    Hitler’s great-grandfather was your g-great grandfather. Stalin’s great-grandfather was your g-g-great-grandfather. Churchill, Stalin, Hitler and yourself are all descended from Rothschilds, and all of you are illegitimate stock. With these connections, your great-uncle Winston Churchillwas a major instigator in police corruption, the attack on Pearl Harbor and gifting the United Nations to his second cousin Stalin, who was also second cousin with King George V, your grandfather. Within these pages lies the fourth volume of your family history.
    Yours sincerely,
    Greg Hallett
    Greg Hallett – Whale
    Who Exactly Are The Rothschilds? Amazing…
    Muhammad the Prophet is also in this bloodline; from King Edward IV….marriage to the Muslims Kings.
    The Royal Red Dragon Bloodlines 2009 Part 1 of 10
    The attachment, comes from “Roosevelt’s Communist Manifesto” by Josephson, 1955
    This is from another source
    13 insider Illuminati families
    All controlled through the Jesuit Order and their Knights of Malta & Teutonic Knights all based in missile protected Borgo Santo Spirito in Rome.
    Pepe Orsini – Italy
    Henry Breakspear – Macau, China
    This is the true power finally.
    This is the Guelph and the Ghibelline power over mankind.
    The Cecil family were controlled by the powerful Jesuit family known as the Pallavicini.
    Maria Camilla Pallavicini is far more powerful than Queen Elizabeth II.
    The Queen and Prince Philip are totally subordinate to the Papal Bloodline the Breakspear Family and their Jesuit UKHQ at 114 Mount Street.
    Please go and study who funded Elizabeth I that astronomical amount of money to fight the Spanish, yes Pallavicini.
    The most powerful man right now in the conspiracy over this World is a Roman by the name of PEPE ORSINI of the powerful Roman Papal Bloodline the Orsini also known as Orso and the ancient Maximus family.
    There is no one more powerful than this figure who is really the Grey Pope.
    The Papal Bloodlines are the secret shadow hieracy of the Jesuit Order even behind the Black Pope touted at the #1.
    These powerful bloodlines are the Breakspear, Somaglia, Orsini, Farnese & Aldobrandini.
    You’ll notice David Rothschild marrying into the Aldobrandini with the pretty, Princess Olimpia Aldobrandini.
    Another real head of this is Henry Breakspear who resides now in Macau in China.
    Many of the Papal Bloodline heads now live in Asia and India. What does that tell you?
    The current Black Pope, Adolfo Nicholas was bought forward for the position due to the Jesuits bringing about of Asia as the next power player of the agenda.
    Both this Black Pope and the white Pope aren’t of Papal Bloodline, they are both commoners.
    I’ve named the most powerful families on the planet. I’ve named the Grey Pope the one inbetween the white and black but unseen
    Saturnalian Brotherhood – The Real 13 Zoroastrian Bloodlines of the Illuminati
    House of Borja
    House of Breakspeare
    House of Somaglia
    House of Orsini
    House of Conti
    House of Chigi
    House of Colonna
    House of Farnese
    House of Medici
    House of Gaetani
    House of Pamphili
    House of Este
    House of Aldobrandini
    These Egyptian Ptolemaic Dynasty Rulers are in Full Control of the Company of Jesus, High Grey Council of Ten, and the Black Pope
    This is some good info on the Black Pope:
    The ‘Black Pope’, Superior Jesuit General (The President of the World), speaks at Loyola ‘Military Fortress’ University in his un-ratified 14th Amendment ‘Little Rome’ D.C United States Corporation.
    A corporation under International Maritime Admiralty Law (Uniform Commerical Code) based upon Vatican Canon Law and perfected by the Roman Empire.
    He lies about his power, he’s over the Pope as of 1814.
    He only serves and works with the shadow Jesuits being the Papal Bloodline Orsini’s, Breakspear’s, Aldobrandini’s, Farnese’s, Somalgia’s.
    Adolfo is not of Papal Bloodline, some Black Pope’s have been.
    The next in power beneath the Jesuits is the Bourbon, King Juan Carlos of Spain. The Roman Monarch of the World, The King of Jerusalem and SMOM Military Navigator.
    This is the true World’s power system right now.
    Adolfo serves as a military General protecting the Zoroathrianism and Mithraism mystery schools.
    The Jesuits were created by the Papal Bloodline Farnese during the reign of Farnese Pope Paul III.
    Loyola was commissioned by Alessandro Cardinal Farnese.
    Last Edited by Open Your Eyes on 6/15/2010 at 12:37 AM
    The Borgia crime family created the Jesuits!!
    After the terrible reign of Pope Alexander VI, the Romans were disgusted with the Spanish and vowed that there would never be another Spanish Pope. This animosity toward the Spanish was further aggravated by the Sack of Rome in 1527 in order to prevent the divorce of Henry VIII from Catherine of Aragon.
    The Borgia answer to this Spanish animosity was the creation of the order of Jesuits—a quasi religious/military strike force whose members were totally dedicated to their Spanish leader who bore the military title of general.
    Like the White Pope, the general is elected for life and the Jesuit dynasty is a parallel or pseudo Papacy….Of course, the general is content to run the show from behind the scenes so as not to arouse the age-old Italian hatred for the Spanish.
    The Jesuit general is referred to as the ‘”Black” Pope at the Vatican because he always dresses in black.
    The Jesuits were officially founding in 1540 by Pope Paul III. Ignatius LIEola became their first general.
    Don Francis Borgia was the great-grandson of Pope Alexander VI, and co-founder of the Jesuits. On his mother’s side he was descended from King Ferdinand of Aragon.
    The Spanish control the Vatican through the Jesuits.
    For the past 500 years, the Spanish Inquisition has controlled the Vatican by means of the Jesuits. All the Jesuits answer to their general in Rome, and he in turn is content to run the show from behind the scenes, without any publicity or public acclaim so as not to arouse the age-old Italian hostility to the Spanish…
    The Merovingians
    This bloodline and its offshoots includes a long line of pharaohs in ancient Egypt, including Rameses II (1295-1228 BC), who is considered to be the greatest pharaoh of all.
    He was his country’s master architect (sacred geometry) and his name can be found on almost every ancient shrine. The gold mines of Nubia made him rich beyond the imagination. This bloodline also includes the extraterrestrial-human hybrids who ruled Sumer, Babylon, Greece, and Troy, and which, today, rule the world.
    One common link in this bloodline is Philip of Macedonia (382-336BC),who married Olympias, and their son was Alexander the Great (356-323BC), a tyrant who plundered that key region of Greece, Persia, Syria, Phoenicia, Egypt, Babylon, the former lands of Sumer, and across into India before dying in Babylon at the age of 33.
    During his rule of Egypt he founded the city of Alexandria, one the greatest centers for esoteric knowledge in the ancient world. Alexander was taught by the Greek philosopher, Aristotle, who in turn was taught by Plato and he by Socrates. The bloodline and the hidden advanced knowledge have always gone together.
    This key bloodline comes down through the most famous Egyptian queen, Cleopatra (60-30BC), who married the most famous Roman Emperor, Julius Caesar, and bore him a son, who became Ptolemy XIV.
    · She also bore twins with Mark Anthony, who has his own connections to this line and its many offshoots
    · This bloodline also connects to Herod the Great, the “Herod” of the Jesus stories, and continues to the Roman Piso family who, as I explain in The Biggest Secret, wrote the Gospel stories and invented the mythical figure called Jesus!!
    · The same bloodline includes Constantine the Great, the Roman Emperor who, in 325AD, turned Christianity, based on his ancestors’ stories, into the religion we know today
    · King Ferdinand of Spain and Queen Isabella of Castile, the sponsors of Christopher Columbus, who instigated the horrific Spanish Inquisition (1478-1834) in which people were tortured and burned at the stake for in any way questioning the basis of the religion their various ancestors had created
    More than that, the most used version of the Bible was commissioned and sponsored by another strand in the same bloodline, King James 1st of England.
    Just a coincidence, nothing to worry about! The line of James, according to genealogy sources listed below, can be traced back to 1550 BC and beyond and includes many Egyptian pharaohs, including Rameses II.
    The bloodline moved into France and northern Europe through the Franks and Meroveus or Merovee, who gave his name to the Merovingian bloodline, and it continues with the rest of the Merovingian clan like Clovis and the Dagoberts who connect into the elite secret society, the Priory of Sion and the Rennes-le-Chateau “mystery” in Languedoc [Provence], Southern France. Many books have been written recently which claim that the Merovingians are the bloodline of “Jesus”.
    Some of these authors have just been mistaken, others have blatantly sought to confuse and mislead. The Merovingians are a key bloodline, yes, but it has nothing to do with Jesus, who was invented by an earlier family in the same line, the Pisos. Authors like Sir Laurence Gardner (Bloodline of the Holy Grail and a favorite of Nexus Magazine and its owner, Duncan Roads) MUST know this and yet they still connect the Merovingians to “Jesus”. Why??
    The Merovingians were Goddess Diana worshippers, as are so many in this line to the present day. They founded the city we call Paris and on one of their former sites of Diana ritual, Princess Diana was murdered in the Pont d’Alma tunnel (meaning “bridge or passage of the Moon Goddess”) on August 31st, 1997. As The Biggest Secret points out, the Windsors, another Merovingian bloodline, were very much involved in this ritual murder.
    From the Merovingians, this bloodline’s connections to the present day include: Charlemagne (742-814), who ruled as Emperor of the West in the Holy Roman Empire; a stream of French kings, including Robert II, Philip Ist, II and III, and Louis Ist, II, VI, VII, VIII, VIIII, XIII, IX, XV, and XVI.
    The latter married Marie Antoinette of this same bloodline and both were executed in the French Revolution. But they produced the son who became Daniel Payseur, who, as The Biggest Secret explains, was taken to the United States where he became the secret force behind the Morgan and Carnegie empires and owned vast amounts of real estate, banking, and industrial holdings.
    This bloodline also connects to the de Medici family which supported Christopher Columbus and produced Catherine de Medici, the Queen of France who died in 1589. Her doctor was Nostradamus: It includes Rene d’Anjou, Duke of Lorraine, and the House of Lorraine which employed Nostradamus and Christopher Columbus.
    The bloodline relatives of the de Medicis and the House of Lorraine, Queen Isabella of Castile and King Ferdinand of Spain, were also sponsors of Columbus when he “discovered” the Americas.
    This bloodline also includes:
    1. the Habsburgs, the most powerful family in Europe under the Holy Roman Empire
    2. Geoffrey Plantagenet and the Plantagenet royal dynasty in England
    3. King John, who signed the Magna Carta
    4. King Henry Ist, II, and III, who were extremely close to the Knights Templar, as was King John
    5. Mary Stuart and the Stuart Dynasty, including King James Ist of England, sponsor of the King James version of the Bible
    6. King George Ist, II, and III
    7. Edward Ist, II, and III, Queen Victoria
    8. Edward VII
    9. George V and VI
    10.Queen Elizabeth II
    11.Prince Charles and Elizabeth’s other offspring, Anne, Andrew and Edward
    12.Princes William and Harry from Charles’ “marriage” to Princess Diana
    13.US Presidents, George Washington, John Adams, John Quincy Adams, Thomas Jefferson, Franklin Delano Roosevelt, and George Bush are all named in the charts as strands of this bloodline was passed on to the year 2000 US presidential favorite, George W. Bush Jr., and his brother, Jeb Bush, the Governor of Florida
    In fact if you go deeply enough into the genealogical research you will find that ALL the presidents are from this line.
    Genealogical sources, like the New England Historical Genealogical Society and Burkes Peerage, have shown that 33 of the 42 presidents to Clinton are related to Charlemagne and 19 are related to England’s Edward III, both of whom are of this bloodline.
    A spokesman for Burkes Peerage, the bible of royal and aristocratic genealogy based in London, has said that every presidential election since and including George Washington in 1789 has been won by the candidate with the most royal genes. Now we can see how and why. United States presidents are not chosen by ballot, they are chosen by blood!
    This same bloodline also includes:
    · key Scottish families like the Lords of Galloway and the Comyns
    · Marie-Louise of Austria, who married Napoleon Bonaparte
    · Kaiser Wilhelm II, the king of Germany at the time of the First World War
    · Maximilian, the Habsburg emperor of Mexico, who died in 1867
    On and on it goes into country after country. This bloodline connects into every surviving royal family in Europe, including King Juan Carlos of Spain and the Dutch, Swedish, and Danish royal lines.
    And this is just ONE of the reptilian bloodlines and just SOME of its offshoots.
    There are others which connect with these names and span the same period and beyond to thousands of years BC. Detailed family trees of the above are available on:

  14. i am very concerned about jewish media hollywood.. 1950 jews would not dare put lyrics jesus f….ing christ in movies..or promote sodomy… we all know civil rights movement was jewish…and the kkk was evil as nazis and ussr, most believe jews behind est..of atheists state ussr.. you never see hollywood movie about evil ussr only nazis evil..and both are kkk.. so much of history of south to keep animals of pagan slaves under control fear..of kkk as jewish torah fear of breaking laws…stoned or catholics burn you at the stake..if read bible in your own language…fear..and ignorance.. banking yes… i understand catholics knew banking is needed for, let the jews…this way all will hate shylock the jew merchant of venice as shakespeare shows..greedy evil jew.. sad .. as rothschild said.. who rules world he who controls $$.. jesus did same..he let judas carry $ bag…and greed can get best of you.. we read abraham father of 3 religions was wealthy man…as job…or king david and all men of soon coming kingdom of on earth i feel very soon.. new testament all met in a rich ladies home lydia..famous for her dye of clothing… money can be for so much good..and the wrong use of $ is a root of evil… for sure.. shalom rabbi bob..

  15. U either worship the Phallus or Jesus Christ i this world .
    ALL Phallus worshiper follow same doctrine , Greek in Origin , picked up by Egyprians ( who tell the Greeks who came later that “your people came 3 times before “) .. they had been destroyed by Natural disasters ( or God ) .
    So Masons / jesuits / Zionists / Hindus , Muslim , Buddhist all worship different Satanic religions ( Sun worship)
    Where the Male , female & rebirth is the trinity
    Isis the whore brings her brother back to life but the phallus was eaten by the Niles Catfish SOOO she uses a Golden Dildo to create by normal violent birth
    THEIR Messiah aka Anti Christ
    And now we have the Phallus all over the world represented by the ” obelisk “

  16. The Rothschilds are agnostic Jews in oligarchic form – arguably the same hooligans who used the Bolsheviks against the last Russian czar..

  17. Jesuits are most def Crypto-Jews.
    Who is controlling massive third world immigration into all white homelands at the same time?
    Who controls Hollywood?
    Who controls the Media?
    Who controls Israel?
    Who controls the USA?
    Who were the leaders of the Bolsheviks?
    Who pushes fake Holohoax propaganda constantly?
    Who has a natural defense because of people being worried to be called Anti-Semitic?
    Who are the people that are supposed to be the leaders of the Kalergi Plan?
    Why does Freemasonry swear an allegiance to Israel?
    All Jews and because of Jews.
    According to the Kalergi plan, all races are to be mongrelized with the Jews as the leaders of the world over the mongrelized mass of humanity. If the master race was supposed to be Aryan White Europeans why would they be flooding their own countries with aggressive young male Negroes and Arab Muslims? Why does Israel sterilize black Jews? Jews are in charge and they have pitted everyone against each other while they sit in Israel laughing at the Goyim.

  18. God in Christ has triumphed over the “Babylon of the god of this world.” Has it occurred to any of these rulers that their “rule on earth is short?” Is there any record of their realization of this fact?”

  19. Israel was formed twice by taking over a land occupied by others.It supposedely belongs to The RothchildsThe Vatican is a Nation also.Hagee & Francis don’t support the Jewish need of Salvation or trusting in Jesus for same.

  20. HEY PETER AND DANIEL I REALLY LIKE YOU GUYS U ARE ALWAYS MAKING SENSE without a doubt the beast has been unmasked [PAPAL ROME] but the real question is are people aware? guys lets be the ELIJAHs of our generation and harvest souls for the ALMIGHTY

  21. Thank you …
    An attempt to make others aware of one of the most accurate …
    Points of view of …
    What the world is really all about …
    and what we are really doing and being in it …
    is greatly appreciated by me.

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