Iran releases video of downed U.S. spy drone–looking intact

Iran releases video of downed U.S. spy drone–looking intact
By Laura Rozen | The Envoy

Iran’s Press TV on Thursday broadcast an extended video tour of the U.S. spy drone that went down in the country–and it indeed appeared to look mostly intact.

American officials have acknowledged that an unmanned U.S. reconnaissance plane was lost on a mission late last week, but have insisted that there is no evidence the drone was downed by hostile acts by Iran. Rather, they said, the drone likely went down because of a malfunction, and they implied the advanced stealth reconnaissance plane would likely have fallen from such a high altitude–the RQ-170 Sentinel can fly as high as 50,000 feet–that it wouldn’t be in good shape.

But Iranian military officials have claimed since Sunday that they brought down an American spy drone that was little damaged. And now they have provided the first visual images of what looks to be a drone that at least outwardly appears to be in decent condition, in what is surely another humiliating poke in the eye for U.S. national security agencies.

The Pentagon declined to comment on the released images Thursday, a Defense Department spokesman told Yahoo News. But military analysts said it appeared to them to be the American drone in question.

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