NEIL KEENAN UPDATE | They’re Bugging Us!
March 26, 2014 /

After the swelling went down on his left ankle, two red marks became obvious. Hair in that area was gone. And what was confirmed to be an injection site was located.

So how did they get to Neil? Experts that we consulted with have concluded that it was a remote control flying robotic insect which likely infected Neil the evening of Tuesday, March 18th.
Neil is recovering nicely thanks to our experts including, instrumentally, Dr. Group. Neil has recovered all functions of his extremities, including his fingers and toes. The swelling is completely gone. He is now walking on his own accord, and is nearly 100%. It was, however, the most painful poison recovery he has encountered to date. And the back-to-back attempts reveal the murderous resolve of our enemy.

Neil is fine. We have established protocols to defend against these new types of attacks. The end is near. Their efforts have become desperate, but they fail time after time – not just because we are more clever, which we may or may not be, and certainly not because we have equal technology, which we do not, but because this is our time now.
Our opportunities, our survival, our moves and accomplishments seem to have become blessed by God, nature and fate. While we will continue to take every precaution that is reasonable and available, our real strength lies in our being right, which is our might. God bless Dr. Group and all who support our efforts. We will prevail.
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Lets hope all this crap being generated by THEM comes to an end very soon!