Hillary Clinton to Stand Trial by January 2016

Hillary Clinton has been ordered to stand trial for racketeering. A great day for America.

5 thoughts on “Hillary Clinton to Stand Trial by January 2016”

  1. First off, this is a CIVIL matter, not a criminal matter. People don’t go to jail unless a government prosecutor elects to bring a case after a grand jury indictment. That’s not anywhere close to happening. In a CIVIL trial, there would simply be economic repercussions and that’s ONLY IF it’s a success. The Clintons are criminals and lawyers and have plenty of unsavory cohorts that they can keep on the payroll for as long as necessary to keep this at bay for a long time.
    Any Clinton in jail is just a fantasy. Don’t climax just yet!

  2. All I have to clear in my mind is: Are the laws of the land imposed on goym only or on anyone else who violates the laws and the constitution of the American land?

  3. Well here we are now at March 20, 2016 and she is still running around shooting her mouth off !!!!!

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