260,000 Austrians Want Auxit from the EU

This could not have come at a better time, but the Austrians, like the Greeks, are beginning to wake up to the one-sided policies of the EU bankers and demanding that a formal debate on whether to stay or opt out from the EU should be commenced.

The Greek crisis is indeed just the trigger of what is to come, i.e. the inevitable disintegration of the bankers’ haven. These shenanigans don’t have to worry though. They still have TPP, TISA and TICKS up on their sleeves.
The march to a one world government will continue unless all members of the Banking Oligarchy are permanently eliminated.

Brexit, Grexit and Now Auxit? Petition Sparks Austrian EU Referendum Debate

Exit sign
The question of a European Union membership referendum must now be discussed in the Austrian parliament after a petition calling on Vienna to leave the bloc surpassed 100,000 signatures – the required amount to facilitate parliamentary discussion.
In fact, the petition secured well over the quota, with more than 260,000 Austrians – equivalent to 4 percent of the electorate — putting forward their names to put pressure on the government to have a debate on the matter.
The petition was initiated by 66-year-old Eurosceptic Inge Rauscher who, along with others, believes Austria would be better off economically, socially and environmentally if the country left the bloc.
Rauscher said she believed sentiment for a referendum was higher due to the current standoff between Brussels and Greek officials over debt-for-reform negotiations.
Euroscepticism on the Rise
Anti-European sentiment and a general sense of EU disillusionment is thought to be on the rise in Austria, with December’s Eurobarometer poll revealing that the country was the third most Eurosceptic nation, behind only Greece and Cyprus – countries badly affected by EU bailout and austerity measures.
While the political establishment in Vienna is generally supportive of EU membership, December’s poll showed that more than one-third (36 percent) of the country’s population had a negative view of the EU.
The trend in Austria comes amid a wider Eurosceptic movement in Europe, with strong anti-EU political parties operating in the UK, France, Germany, and more recently, in Greece.
British Prime Minister David Cameron has promised UK voters an In/Out referendum on Britain’s membership within a reformed bloc before the end of 2017, with the PM hoping to make alterations to the country’s agreement with Brussels.
Meanwhile, Greek voters will go to the polls on Sunday to vote on whether to accept creditors’ proposals for more debt relief.
While the vote isn’t related to EU membership, many European leaders have said that any Greek rejection of the creditors’ proposals could lead to an early exit from the single currency union and then potentially the EU itself.
One of the significant sources of funds for the fascist Nazionist Jesuit Khazarian Mafia is the healthcare industry which registered a whopping $3.09 trillion in 2014, and is projected to soar to $3.57 trillion in 2017, in the US alone.
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3 thoughts on “260,000 Austrians Want Auxit from the EU”

  1. I’m alramed at this article, not because of what it says, but th epicture that accompanies it, the picture is from the “no nulear at Hinkly power station protest last year 2014. So where does that fit in with grexit, Auxit etc. I expect this sort of crap from the BBC & Shill media, not from geopolitics…. or ar eyou yet another “shill site working for them”???
    Answer please as to why you have used a picture that is nothing to do with you rstory or i may have to warn thousands in my contact list, who will warn all their contacts too.
    Yours Harry

    1. Show us a link to a better and more appropriate picture and we’ll be glad to change it to your satisfaction.
      As far as we are concern, these are the same people wanting to leave the Eurozone. If we are mistaken, we are extending our deepest apologies.

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