Tag Archives: Michel Temer

Plane Transporting Brazil Supreme Court Magistrate Crashes Near Rio de Janeiro

A small plane has crashed near Rio de Janeiro, carrying a Supreme Federal Court judge who was investigating the ongoing high-profile Operation Carwash corruption scandal in Brazil, sparking worries that nefarious intent may have contributed to the aircraft’s wreckage.  Continue reading Plane Transporting Brazil Supreme Court Magistrate Crashes Near Rio de Janeiro

Khazarian Cabal Succeeds in Sowing Turmoil in Brazil

The Khazarian corporatists working behind the scenes in Brazil succeeded in dividing the nation in their favor by installing a Wall Street friendly Vice President Michel Temer at the helm. This covert coup should allow them access to vast energy resource that is until now controlled by the government of Brazil.
This successful coup should also affect the integrity of the BRICS Alliance.
Continue reading Khazarian Cabal Succeeds in Sowing Turmoil in Brazil