Be Not Deceived

This is another update from the International Tribunal for Crimes of Church and State [ITCCS]…

In this Update:

– We the Jury broadcasts on May 4
– The Desperate Deception in Rome
– Domestic Terrorism and Treason by Roman Catholic Officials – An  Open Letter to Boston Cardinal Sean O’Malley


1. Our upcoming We the Jury blog radio program carries on the Common Law battle with front-line guests from Holland, America and Canada.

Catholic clergy are committing indictable treason by subverting child-protection laws in their own countries because of instructions from Rome. And family courts in Europe and the Americas are systematically trafficking children into the homes of known child rapists – an act of genocide under international law.

How are our newly-formed Common Law courts fighting these evils and pursuing convicted officers of church and state?

Tune in and find out this Saturday, May 4 at 4 pm EST, 9 pm GMT at


2. Commentary – Be Not Deceived
by Kevin Annett

The predictable but ridiculous gestures by the Emperor of Rome, Jorge-Francis, to refashion the image of his Catholic Church into that of a more “humble, just” body makes as much sense as a ravaging strip-mining corporation sponsoring an annual “Eco-Friendly Day”.  A smiling figurehead and a facelift don’t change the nature of the Beast.

But the crowd is fickle, and wired into its brain is a desperate need to find virtue in the power of its master. So even otherwise sage observers are caught up nowadays in the “Francis Frenzy” vomiting forth from Rome, and good friends of mine have asked me if I am “encouraged” by the new pope’s statements.

Well, no. For if the smiling Francis didn’t exist, he’d have to be concocted, right now. Pope Frank Bergoglio is as legitimate in his beneficence as a smiling Al Capone was as he posed at Chicago charity photo-ops.

Papal reforms? Not really. One doesn’t “reform” the oldest and most iron-clad corporation on the planet.

Predictably, there’s no talk at the Vatican these days of stopping its laundering of Mafia money, or abolishing the church laws that protect priestly child rapists. They’re still not saying where all those aboriginal kids they slaughtered are buried. Nor are reparations being made to atone for centuries of catholic-sponsored genocide, stolen land and plundered wealth.

This new Pope, who funded and buttressed the military junta of Argentina and thinks that women are not complete human beings, is in truth a poor candidate as a reformer, despite his smooth rhetoric. Jorge Bergoglio is a Jesuit, after all: those masters of deception who by their own fourth vow are to pose as all things to all people in order to “infiltrate, dissimulate and destroy all enemies of Rome”.

And yet beneath all the necessary spin-doctoring in the church of Rome these days, a fundamental break-up is unfolding in Roman Catholicism that would have happened even without the obvious crimes of Herr Joseph Ratzinger.

Like an aging Mafia Don, the papacy has made just too many enemies, done too many scams and ordered too many deaths. But even more to the point, the Vatican Incorporated has lost the capacity to manage its own crises.

According to Nicolo Machiavelli, such an incapacity to govern legitimately spells the death knell of any ruler, since retaining the confidence of one’s immediate subordinates is key to keeping power. And so it’s small wonder that Bishops in Ireland and America are already devising plans to loosen their ties with Rome and may even break off entirely into national churches, according to insiders in Dublin, Boston and New York.

These local Catholic hierarchs are protecting their assets, quite obviously, as the Vatican Bank is sliding under the waves of financial insolvency, and more of the papal rats are swimming from the floundering vessel. And as for the rest of us: well, any good rebel knows that the time to storm the Bastille is when the King has his hands full and his lieutenants are disunited.

Like a tiny match dropped on a properly-soaked building, our recent Common Law Court conviction of the Vatican hierarchy has come just at the right moment. Igniting a flame that is spreading now in more countries, our action directly compelled one pope’s resignation and has encouraged Bishops and even Cardinals abroad to rethink their allegiance to Rome.

The following Open Letter is more fuel added to this spreading fire. It was issued today to one of the Cardinals who almost beat Jorge Bergoglio in the papal elections:  Sean O’Malley of Boston, who is part of the “Autonomy” faction in the Vatican Curia and is a member of Bergoglio’s so-called “Reform Commission”.

Like all Catholic Cardinals, Sean O’Malley is actively subverting the sovereignty and the laws of the United States of America.


3. An Open Letter to a Traitor

Dear Cardinal Sean O’Malley,

I appreciate your time, considering how preoccupied you are politically these days.

Your own Massachusetts state legislature has just passed a new broader statute of limitation law allowing your many child-raping priests to be tried more readily. Following as this law does on the heels of the first-ever conviction and jailing of an American Catholic Bishop, William Lynn, for concealing child trafficking among his priests in Philadelphia, I’m sure you feel the water lapping at your own feet.

You and other members of the Catholic hierarchy are now in more than a quandry, and not only because you are actively subverting the sovereignty and the laws of the United States of America.

You church officials are now caught firmly between the law of the land and of God, and church law. The latter orders you to conceal child rape in your parishes, and to protect the rapist by not telling the police of this crime. If you don’t participate in such a criminal conspiracy, you face immediate excommunication.

And that fact alone means that you wouldn’t be in your position today if you hadn’t aided child rapists.

Of course, that papal law – Crimen Solicitationas – has been around since 1929, and none of you seem to have been that bothered by it up to now – that is, until William Lynn’s imprisonment. But now that you, Sean O’Malley, can conceivably go to jail for obeying church law and aiding in the torture and soul-murder of children, it’s a pimp of a different color, as they say in Boston’s south side.

So I understand why you’re part of Frank Bergoglio’s “Reform Commission” in Rome, and are trying to tip toe through the present mine field with the right words and gestures. But worse the luck for you, I have to piss on your parade a wee bit, Sean, with some more bad news.

By sending money to the Vatican, and obeying its laws, you, Sean O’Malley, are already an undeniable accessory to a crime against humanity, and to what American lawyers call “an international obstruction of justice”: the criminal interference of one government with the laws and internal sovereignty of another.

Of course, the Catholic church is an old hand at subverting and overthrowing other governments; but their Bishops have not until now been jailed for doing so. But now, your oath of office and actions are quite simply helping the Vatican subvert the laws and sovereignty of the United States of America. That makes you an indictable traitor and a terrorist, under domestic laws.

That fact alone means you can be arrested and put on trial at any time – especially now that a Common Law Court verdict on February 25 found your bosses in Rome guilty of these crimes and sentenced them to prison terms and public banishment. (

So Sean, listen up: you’re not being asked, but are rather required under the Law of Nations to stop enforcing the church law Crimen Solictationas by immediately identifying and defrocking any clergyman in your Diocese who has harmed or is harming children, or who’s aided those who have.

Under Article 25 of the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court, you are also obligated not to fund or subsidize institutions such as the Vatican which has ordered that you collude in this crime.

Ultimately, I know your bottom line, and how concerned you are about all the Citizens Arrests, occupations of Catholic church property, and the commercial liens issued against the wealth of your church and its officers. These same actions are going to commence soon in your own Boston Diocese, led by survivors of priestly torture.

I know you’re worried about all this, because recently you commented to a subordinate,

“I’ll eat shit publicly before I let any of those bastards occupy our Cathedral”

Well, I’d hate to be the one who reduced a Cardinal of Rome to the status of a coprophiliac, Sean, but life is hard. These matters aren’t in my hands anymore, as I’m sure you’ve known ever since a tornado and lightning struck the Vatican the day after our first public exorcism of your church in Rome in October, 2009.

But you do have a way out, Sean: you, and your fellow Cardinals and others with so much blood and crime on your hands. It’s this simple:

You, and your Bishops and priests in the Boston Diocese, must all agree to take a Public Oath of Protection to the community and its children whereby you unconditionally pledge the following, under God:

1. To disregard and publicly repudiate the Catholic canon law known as Crimen Solicitationas, and seek for its immediate repeal by the Vatican, along with any similar canon law statutes;

2. To actively protect children in your Diocese by immediately and without conditions expelling and defrocking any clergy or other employees who have harmed or are harming children, and

3. To refuse to fund or commercially engage with the corporation known as the Vatican or Church of Rome.

Taking such steps will undoubtedly cause your own defrocking, Sean, but as the Book says, You cannot serve God and Mammon. Remember?

There’s nowhere for you to hide anymore, Sean: not from civil justice, and certainly not from the sight and judgement of God and your victims. But you must act quickly, so that not another child is destroyed by your church’s standing policy of harboring and protecting active child rapists in its ranks.

The reclamation actions of our network will begin in the churches of your Boston Diocese, depending on your response to this letter, or lack of it. The choice is yours. We await your reply.


Kevin D. Annett, Field Secretary of The International Tribunal into Crimes of Church and State

Issued 28 April, 2013 to the Office of the Boston Diocese of the Roman Catholic Church.

source »

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We are very grateful to the following for the love and support they’ve given us for the period between March 26th and April 2013:

Peggy P, $20
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AHC, $50
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One thought on “Be Not Deceived”

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