Only one royal family holds the title for the whole Philippines, Borneo, Guam, Marianas Island, Hawaii, Da Nang Vietnam, Hong Kong, Taiwan, Kuril Islands, etc.
The Land of Maharlika was composed of the Philippines, Borneo, Guam, Marianas Island and Hawaii, and was ruled by a certain King Luisong Tagean [later changed to Tallano for fear of Spanish execution].
Other territories that were said to be paying tributes to the Maharlikan Kingdom include:
- Da Nhang – Vietnam,
- Hong Kong,
- Taiwan,
- Kuril Islands
King Luisong ruled the entire kingdom from Luzon [named after him], the northern part of what is now known as The Republic of the Philippines, a duly registered corporate entity within the Vatican-organized Corporatoracy.
This claim is supported by surveys made as early as 9th century, acknowledged by British monarchy in 14th century. However, some court documents, including the land title OCT No. T-01-4, indicate the Tagean [Tallano] Clan only owns the whole Philippine archipelago, but ignored the other parts of the Maharlikan Kingdom, i.e. Sabah Borneo, Marianas Islands , Guam and Hawaii — an early attempt of a major land grab by the British and other colonialists.
Even in the 1935 Philippine Constitution, the number of islands were further reduced from 7,169 to 7,100 only, by the oligarch controlled legislative.
“There will come a time that the poorest of the poor will no longer be squatters in this country.”
– Prince Julian Morden Tallano
Below is the original OCT T-01-4 issued on January 17, 1764 proving that a massive land-grabbing activities were conducted against the true and lawful owners of the Maharlikan lands, and the likes of Jose Tuason Olondriz (who continue to display his arrogance through his comment below) should be expelled back to where his bloodline came from.
Mr. Olondriz, this is the land title that proves you and your ilk are the real squatters in our beloved country:
With reference to the map below, even the shorelines where cut-off, a clear indication of willful distortion of historical dominion further eroding the integrity of the Land Registration Authority and the whole sovereignty of the Maharlikans.
This means that ALL LAND TITLES within the lost Kingdom of Maharlika ARE FAKE. This makes the likes of Ayala, Ortigas, Rodriguez, Villar, and most of the elite class of the country, as mere LandGrabbers. Their crimes were not brought to light for they have full control of all institutions, e.g. politics and government, schools and book publishing, mass media [print and TV], etc.
The heirs to the royalty are also demanding for the return of 617,500 metric tons of gold, and 500,000 pcs. of 10k diamonds, which were used to back up the peso, and the establishment of the Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas. This is the reason why $1 = Php 2 only after WW2.
The Royal Family intends to share their assets to every Maharlikan, so that not one of them is a squatter in his own country. Their sincerity towards this end can be viewed from their action whenever illegal settlers are driven away from urban centers like Greater Manila by business interests holding fake derivative land titles. With court injunctions, shanty demolitions were halted, only to be burned months later by those heartless souls who want their wicked will imposed.
Required Basic Learning
Before we continue on exploring the bits and pieces of our long forgotten, yet glorious past, please allow us to share our own insight on the issue of sovereignty and the importance of enlightened unity among the inhabitants of these islands that our long departed ancestors dearly called Maharlika.
The possibility of unity among Maharlikans depends largely on their ability to go beyond their religious differences. Both Christians and Muslims need to trace their roots before they were indoctrinated to monotheism. The worship of Nature is saner than idolatry.
Before Islam and Christianity came over and conquered the lands, we as a people were very spiritual and consciously connected to the Spirits of our ancestors and that of Nature herself.
We can all be spiritual but not religious, social conscious but apolitical. Animism is not the religion of cannibals as our ancestors have been portrayed in Western journals. Animism is the acknowledgement of the Truth that Nature herself is the real Supreme Being of All. Nothing could be higher, and every man / woman shares in her divinity.
Research if you may, and learn that the first version of Qur’an was written in Latin, just like the so-called Christian Bible. Why? Both were made by the same Jesuit authors at the Vatican. The purpose of having too many religions is to divide and conquer the entire global population. The Jesuits rule from behind the scenes.
Religion has nothing to do with Spirituality.
Religion is the worship of false idols organized for the control of Man… by man.
Its purpose is to control the Mind through hypnotism, e.g., whenever the priest raises his hands and you bow down in obedience — that’s slave training.
The constant repetition of the Lie done through periodic rituals makes the dogmas more believable — that’s a known effective method of indoctrination, i.e. brainwashing, the same method used extensively by the Nazis in Hitler’s time.

In the interim, it is imperative for all of us to stop calling ourselves Filipino, a Spanish slave name.
And if ever you still consider yourself a free individual, know that you are working for the Corporation known as the Government of the Republic of the Philippines.
All of those who are properly registered at the local Civil Registrar’s Office are part of the “human resources”, and your Birth Certificate that is being actively traded at the Stock Exchange is essentially your Death Certificate, as your human essence is effectively replaced by your person, a corporate representation of you.
Definitions: Corporation – derived from the Latin corpus, a dead body, or a corpse; Representative – representation is a method of masking the real thing with fiction, e.g. a congressman supposedly represents the population of a district, yet we all know that he’s there only for his own benefit and the vested interests of his sponsors.
You don’t really own anything in this world as all of your property is under a name of a corporation, i.e. your baptized name written in ALL CAPS. You’re just a tenant to your land paying regular rental fees to the local government unit. *Anything written in ALL CAPS and Normal Case are two different things based on the Law on Trademarks and Patents.
Periodic national and local elections are held to create the illusion of self-determination, democracy, and freedom of choice, yet nothing has happened in your favor since this Corporate Republic has been established in 1946, other than the systematic deterioration of the quality of life.
And if you are seeking to broaden your perspectives in the hope of finding a better way for us to move forward, start here.
The future is accelerating towards the destruction of medieval empires, artificial borders and national identities. Ultimately, the integrity of the individual and the Sanctity of the Soul will triumph over the Slave Mind, in the spirit of Universal Enlightenment.
Open up your mind and be an active part of the Great Awakening!
To help every Maharlikan [erroneously called Filipino] from the government imposed poverty.
One of the signatories of the above document, EJ Ekker, representing The Alliance, wrote the following…
By EJ & Doris J. Ekker
[Editor’s Note: This is the second in a series of articles based upon court documents revealing the hidden history of the Philippines. Every nation has, it seems, at least two versions of its history: what really happened, being obscured by the “doctored” version of what happened so that nearly all of the people have little access to the truth and most of whom will blindly defend the lie to their death.]
As we study the court documents related to the ownership of land in the Philippines, we are struck by the wisdom of Judge Enrique A. Agana who took responsibility for and wrote the ORDERS for the DECISION WITH COMPROMISE AGREEMENT of 1972, some eight years after the litigation was terminated by the AGREEMENT reached in 1964.
We believe that, had his ORDERS been followed by both parties, the government and the Tallanos, the Philippine Islands may well have become the “Pearl of the Pacific” and A “world financial center” if not THE “world financial center”.
In all of the world’s occupations and professions, there is no other that is so dedicated to arriving at TRUTH as a good Judge. At trial there are always at least two factions that are trying to lead the Judge, if not to mislead and fool him, and so his task is one of endless searching for TRUTH. True, there are biased, and even corrupted, Judges, but as you will soon find for yourself, Judge Enrique A. Agana was not among them.
At this time, 2003, Peace and Order are of paramount concern to Filipinos. Street crime is so rampant that most kidnappings, murders, car thefts, robberies, muggings and bank heists do not make the news. Raids, ambushes, and bombings, (not to mention the rural terror resulting from the constant “collection of revolutionary taxes”) by the Moro Islamic Liberation Front and the communist New People’s Army are accorded front-page coverage in the hope and expectation of military support from the United States. Had Judge Agana’s ORDERS been followed, virtually all of those problems would have long ago dissolved.
President Ferdinand E. Marcos hired a team of experts to come from Europe and plan the “infrastructure” of the Philippines, including a high-speed rail system from the northern tip to the southern tip of the main islands. We have personally met the man who contracted to print 50 numbered copies of the large book that was compiled after two years.
He was not allowed to keep a copy or the plates and it is said that Corazon Aquino, the American-selected President to replace the shanghaied Marcos, placed such a bounty on the books and/or their owners that they all disappeared. We have not been able to locate one or anyone that will admit to knowing where we might see one.
continue reading: Decision with Compromise Agreement of 1972
Heir Identity NBI Verification

Tallano Foundation Documents
- Letter of Administration
- OCT T – 01-4 – January 17, 1764
- OCT T-01-4 – Certification of Jose Santos, Pasay
- Transfer Certificate of Title No. T-408 – November 4, 1972
- TCT NO. T-408 – SEPTEMBER 7, 1964
- Certification – January 3, 1964 (Antonio Noblejas)
- Certification – December 10, 1980 (RD Victoriano Torres)
- Memorandum of the Encumbrance Affecting the Property in this Certificate
- ORDER – July 11, 2001 (Ernesto Reyes)
- Decision with Compromise Agreement – February 4, 1972
- Entry of Judgment – June 14, 1972
- Transfer Certificate of Title No. T-408
- Writ of Execution, Demolition and Possession Order – September 10, 1974
- Decision – November 4, 1975
- Certificate of Sheriff Return – November 7, 1974
- Clarificatory Decision – January 19, 1976
- Addendum Sheriff Return with Deed of Reconveyance Certificate – January 6, 1985
- Special Writ of Execution – January 28, 1987
- Sheriff Certificate of Turn Over / Reconveyance with Owner’s Certificate of Partial Satisfaction of Judgment – April 28, 1989
- Order of Third Alias Writ of Execution, Possesion and Demolition with Dismissal to Motion for Relief of the National Government – May 28, 1989
- Compliance to Third Alias Writ of Execution, Possession and Demolition – August 17,1989
- Order – October 19, 1989
- Sheriff Return with Reconveyance and Partial Satisfaction
of Judgment Certification – March 19, 1990 - Special Writ Of Possession – March 1991
- Resolution – June 5, 1991
- Sheriff Return with Certificate of Turned Over, Owner’s Confirmation of Partial Satisfaction of Judgment and Receipt of said Real Properties Turned Over – July 10, 1991
- Resolution with Writ of Mandamus – September 19, 1991
- Mandamus (Certification / Attestation) – October 9, 1991
- Certificate of Possession with Partial Satisfaction of Judgment – November 19, 1991
- Transmittal Sheriff Certificate of Return – December 18, 1991
Entry of Judgment – December 1991
- Order – September 1991
- Sheriff Return 1991
- ORDER_May 5, 2000
- Court Order – July 11, 2001
- Solgen Motion for Reconsideration – July 27, 2001
- Judicial Confirmation – September 26, 2001
- Order of Denial – October 8, 2001
- ORDER – OCTOBER 8, 2001
- Certificate of Finality – November 12, 2001
- Order – December 12, 2001
- Petition for Annulment of Judgment – April 9, 2002
- Comments and Opposition to the Petition – June 6, 2002
- Manifestation with Complete Compliance and Opposition – March 10, 2004
- Order – February 26, 2004
- Resolution March 2005
- Resolution – August 24, 2005
- Decision – August 28, 2006
- Decision – July 9, 2007
- In the Matter of the Issuance of the Letter of Administration – July 7, 1976
- SPA – June 19, 2006 (Mario Papa)
- ORDER – July 7, 1977 (Judge Reyes)
- Resolution – July 17, 2007
- ATTY. ADAZA (Press Conference)
- LETTER (Adaza – Binay)
- Transfer Certificate of Title No. T-498
- Notice of Judgment / Decision – May 8, 2009
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Wikipedia’s distorted account of Maharlika, which is also what grade schools are peddling to our young generations, can be read here.
Let it be understood that the writers and historians producing these materials came from the same families occupying said properties for several generations, which as land title OCT T-01-4 would indicate, are merely holding fake derivative land titles.
Treaty of Paris (1898)
The Treaty of Paris of 1898, 30 Stat. 1754, was an agreement made in 1898 that resulted in the
- Spanish Empire‘s surrendering control of Cuba and;
- ceding Puerto Rico, parts of the Spanish West Indies, the island of Guam, and the Philippines to the United States.
The cession of the Philippines involved a payment of $20 million from the United States to the Spanish Empire.[1] [It was the Tagean Clan which paid the $20 million in gold and silver, and not the Americans…, as per an account in the Decision with Compromise Agreement of 1972]
The treaty was signed on December 10, 1898, and ended the Spanish-American War. The Treaty of Paris came into effect on April 11, 1899, when the documents of ratification were exchanged.[2]
The Treaty of Paris signaled the end of the Spanish Empire in the Americas and the Pacific Islands (see also the German–Spanish Treaty (1899)), and it marked the beginning of the age of the United States as a world power.
The Spanish-American War, beginning on April 25, 1898 due to a series of escalating disputes between the two nations, ended on Dec. 10, 1898 with the Treaty of Paris negotiations, resulting in Spain’s loss of its control over the remains of its overseas empire.[3]
After much of mainland Latin America had achieved independence, Cuba tried its hand at revolution in 1868-1878, and again in the 1890s, led by José Martí, or “El Apóstol.” Martí returned to Cuba and participated in at first in the struggles against the Spanish government, but was killed on May 19, 1895.
The Philippines at this time also became resistant to Spanish colonial rule. August 26, 1896 presented the first call to revolt, led by Andrés Bonifacio, succeeded by Emilio Aguinaldo y Famy, who had his predecessor arrested and executed on May 10, 1897. Aguinaldo then negotiated with the Spaniards and was exiled to Hong Kong, where he continued to help with resistance from abroad.
The Spanish-American War that followed had overwhelming U.S. public support due to the popular fervor towards supporting Cuban freedom [4] as well as furthering U.S. economic interests overseas.[5] The U.S. was particularly attracted to the developing sugar industry in Cuba.[3]
The U.S. military even resorted to falsifying reports in the Philippines in order to maintain public support for U.S. involvement abroad.[6] The U.S. justified its participation in the war based on the principles of Manifest Destiny and expansionism, proclaiming that it was America’s fate and its duty to take charge in these overseas nations.[7]
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Predictably, the ultimate objective of the new colonizer is plunder of the nation’s natural resources, like so:
When the Great Depression happened in the United States, the Philippines on the other hand wasn’t affected.
Instead, the US relied on the Philippine economy throughout the depression era.
Thus, it is our duty to tell the real story of our people, and plant the seeds of freedom by freeing the mind first and foremost, in the hope that someday we will return to our roots and be truly free from the bondage of Western slavery and the continued domination of the exceptionalists egotistical mestizos.
(A Position Paper by HRH. Al-Sharif (Ashrf) Maulana Paduka Ahmad Carpenter Yu Tiamco Arpa-V Ibni Maharaja Adinda Taup Angging (Anddin) Zein (Zainal) Ul-Abidin ULRijal Bolkiah Tagean Al-Marhum Sultan Shariful Hashim Abu’Bkr Mohamad Shah of the Maharlika Sultanates)
“During the Majapahit Empire which is entirely part of Southeast Asia, and the capital surrounding the islands of Sulu, the name Maharlika was respected by the Datus and Rahas, and all the leaders of the society. The name also empowers strength, winning not only in battles, but in morals and love among people….Moreover, the word is deeply grounded within the Dravidian and Austronesian ancestral traditions and heritage of the peoples in the region.“
It is a historical fact that long before Spanish occupation of the Philippines, this great archipelago was ruled by Royal families and nobilities. However, this historical fact has been buried into oblivion and forgetfulness and had been passed on to the people’s consciousness as myths and legends that whenever one talks of a once great kingdom, the story seems so fantastical to warrant any belief.
To correct such a great mistake in history, there must be a collective effort on our part to bring out the true story. Such a herculean task must be begun so that every Maharlikan-Filipino can take pride knowing their historical roots and learning the giants whose shoulder we are all sitting.
Long before the Spaniards came to Philippines shores, the Philippine archipelago consisting of 7,169 islands with an area of 1,049,212,962 nautical square miles, including Guam and Hawaii was known as Maharlika. It was populated by Malays and ruled by the Tagean Tallano clans from the ninth to the fifteenth century. When the Spaniards started ruling the Philippines archipelago, they renamed it Hacienda Filipina.
Of the many kingdoms in Asia, Maharlika was one of them under King Luisong Tagean Tallano, the father of Raja Lapu-Lapu and Raja Soliman, the successors of King Marikudo of the Sri Vishayan Empire. Its principal products at that time were peanuts (mani) exported to Mexico and European countries and Herbal plants known as “Nilad” with some medicinal qualities which were exported to Mainland China. With the passage of time, the Chinese traders changed the name Maharlika to Maynilad or Maynila.
As in olden days, the kings and their families own their kingdoms and distribute portions to their subjects, especially to the members of the royal clans.
The reign of the royal family of the Philippines had started as early in the l3th century, about 200 years yet before the Spanish came to our shores. The noble family was headed then by the late King Luisong Tagean married to Lamayan Bowan.
According to the Philippine Historical Commission; the entire Greater Manila area was under the territories of Namayan then some five (5) centuries ago which was divided into seven (7) districts which included said Greater Manila areas including the former Karilaya Island (now Quezon province), which include the whole region of Kawit (now Cavite) and that lake region; the province of Laguna including portions of Batangas (Bumbon province before).
The origin of their inhabitants from mentioned places came from the noble family names Lacan-Tagean centuries ago and by his wife Lamayan Bowan. The noble tribes were the owners of said territories and they controlled the areas and inhabited it themselves for more than five (5) centuries ago and it was passed by more than ten (10) generations of their clans. Some of these were their children and grand children, like the names of Rajah Lacan-Tagean, the 11th son of Rajah Soliman who is married to Mary Anne Dent, the beautiful daughter of Alfred Dent, a British Lord. Rajah Soliman is the second son of the King who controlled the entire area of Manila and its suburbs including the provinces of Rizal, Bulacan, Cavite, Batangas, Laguna and Quezon.
Another grandson is Rajah Lakandula who took over Tondo during the untimely demise of Rajah Soliman. The 3rd eldest grandson is Rajah Gat Mauban who is married to the daughter of Bornean Sultan Abdul Kahar, the Sultan of Brunei. Rajah Soliman had a son named Prince Lacan Tagean that was adopted from his grandmother Margarett Acuña Macleod Tagean. The Prince was married to Princess Rowena Ma. Elizabeth Overbeck of Austria and in the same manner has a begotten son who is the Prince Julian Macleod Tallano who is married to Princess Aminah Kiram and their descendant Rajah Magat Salamat took over the area of Cagayan Valley, while Rajah Baginda, another grandson had covered the area of Bohol, and Rajah Lapulapu, the eldest son of the King took over the Island of Mactan, while Rajah Kolambo, the 8th grandson is the ruler of the Island of Cebu. Rajah Gat Mauban took the eastern part of the Province of Quezon including Mauban, Sampaloc and Lukban to protect the interest of his grandson Vicente Lukban.
For reference, Manila started some thousand years ago, born out from the very womb of Rio de Tagean (now Pasig) river. The seat of the most powerful Datu, the King Luisong Tagean, which was inherited by his son Rajah Soliman and later by his grandson Lacan Tagean and his Royal Family, was not in Manila but in Lamayan District, now the Malacanang Palace. The evolution of Tagean Clan into Tallano Clan served as catalyst in their claims and interest in land against the Spanish government until such time when foreign intervention, like the British Royal Government started in l76l, had successfully invaded and liberated the Filipino people from the Spanish colonization in October l4, l764. The American government took its role and settled the inhabitants’ perennial land problems by cessation treaty at the acquisition cost of U.S. Dollar 20 million. Such amount had been provided by Tallano Tagean Clan through the King’s son, Lacan-Tagean Tallano. One condition in the said accord, the British and the Spanish governments, and the US government as well, and any foreign dominion, should respect the inhabitants’ private ownership and interest in land. As a result of this treaty, another treaty, the Treaty of Paris, came into being, also containing the precondition that private rights and interest in lands in the Philippines would be respected.
The Treaty of Paris was signed April 4, l894. Upon signing it, the Spanish Royal Crown through its Queen sent Hermogenes and Miguel Rodriguez to the Philippines to assist the recovery of the Hacienda Quebega together with Hacienda Filipina by the Tagean Tallanos. Instead, they connived to carve out some of the best land for themselves. The Queen commanded them to cease and desist and reconvey from their landholdings the whole Hacienda Filipina, the archipelago with title OCT 0l-4 in the name of Prince Lacan Acuña Tagean-Tallano or to his son Prince Julian Macleod Tallano, the grandson of Alfred Dent, a British Lord and London merchant and part owner of Royal British North Borneo Company.
The court had ruled that the invaders were not the Spanish Royal Crown and neither the Great Americans but merely the Spanish Filipino mestizos who have vested interest to grab the archipelago.
A further evidence that the archipelago was the property of the Royal Family was written in Sung and Ming dynasty between the year l368 to l644 AD by the Chinese Emperor Yung Lo. As a symbol for the respect and due recognition of the Chinese Empire to the nobility of the King over his land ownership and rulership of the archipelago, the Chinese Emperor gave him a gift of silk cloth and several tons of precious metals like gold and jewels as a token of tribute to the Noble King whose name, King Luisong Tagean, was adapted in the naming of the largest island in his honor, the island of Luzon. Foreign traders regarded him as the sole ruler over the Archipelago; his ownership remained as an historic landmark; he never gained any resistance or opposition of any kind from various tribes of the inhabitants, meaning they directly admitted that the vast land of the archipelago was owned by the Tagean-Tallano Royal Clan, who discovered, rebuilt, glorified and fortified it for thousands of years. The inhabitants of the islands of Visayas and Mindanao acknowledged his rule by paying their share of their harvest from the lands they were tilling for and in behalf of the Royal Family.
King Luisong Tagean died in December 17, 1764 who left of nothing but noble teachings and his bounty of bullion of gold, 720,000 metric tons, as legacies to his royal children and descendants, and to the inhabitants of Maharlika Islands. He died nine (9) months after the issuance of the declaration of said treaty, died in peace and happiness. He died upon learning the positive fruits of his efforts which was the issuance of land title over the archipelago in his honor issued by the British Government embracing 7,169 islands and around 503,877 square nautical miles under OCT No. T-0l-4 and in the name of his grandson, Prince Lacan Tagean on January 17, 1764 and later to l6 year-old Prince Julian Macleod Tallano in 1780.
THE SPANIARDS. When the Spaniards came, full control of the islands remained with the descendants of King Luisong, specifically Raja Lapu-Lapu and his successors for Visayas and Mindanao and Raja Soliman and his successors for Luzon. Like conquerors of all kinds, the Spaniards started grabbing lands and distributed them to favored members of the conquering group, thereafter named Haciendas. Because of the land grabbing activities of the Spanish conquistadores, the descendants of King Luisong brought these questionable activities of the conquering armies of Spain to the attention of the Spanish Queen leading to the setting aside of many royal land grants and the issuance of titulo possessorio to become titulo de compra embracing the whole Philippine archipelago in favor of the Tallano clans.
THE BRITISH. In 1762, the British Royal Armies came to Manila with the purpose of defeating the abusive Spanish armies. Finally, in 1764 the British won over the Spaniards. The British Royal Government then issued a Royal Decree, Protocol 01-4 based on the Laws of the West Indies, amending the property rights of King Philip of Spain over the Philippines and granting ownership of the Philippine archipelago to the Tagean Tallano clans. After the signing of the peace accord between the royal governments of Spain and Britain, the Queen of Spain recognized the property rights over the Philippine archipelago based on the Maura Law.
THE TREATY OF PARIS. With the defeat of the Spanish Armada to the forces of the United States of America in the Battle of Manila Bay, Spain and America concluded the end of the War by signing the Treaty of Paris where the Philippines was sold for $20 Million U.S. Dollars. The winning bidder who paid the said amount in U.S. gold coins was DON ESTEBAN BENITEZ TALLANO, the predecessor in interest of PRINCE JULIAN MORDEN TALLANO. By virtue of the said payment, the Oficina de Cabildo recognized and affirmed Royal Decree 01-4 Protocol and registered as TITULO DE COMPRA in favor of PRINCE LACAN ACUNA ULRIJAL BOLKIAH (TAGEAN) TALLANO.
TORRENS TITLE. With the American administration in the Philippines, the ownership of the TALLANO CLANS was strengthened further by the passage of Act No. 496 which gave rise to the Torrens Title. Land registration proceedings based on the said law were undertaken which affirmed the ownership and title of the Tallano Clans over the Philippine archipelago on October 3, 1904 as Original Certificate of Title (OCT) 01-4. Furthermore, when Cadastral Act No. 2259 of 1913 was passed, again the cadastral court recognized the ownership and title of the TALLANO CLANS over the whole Philippine Archipelago, still as OCT 01-4.
A Torrens title is indefeasible which means it cannot be defeated by any claimant who has no title or whose title is issued later. It is also imprescriptibly which means that it does not prescribe. Even if a person who has no title or a fake title occupies a land duly titled for a million years, the titled owner of the land concerned can drive away any occupant who has no title or a later title over the land.
In the Philippines, there is no titled issued earlier than OCT 01-4.
DOCUMENTS ATTESTING TO THE EXISTENCE AND GENUINENESS OF THE TITLES OF THE TALLANO CLANS OVER THE PHILIPPINE ARCHIPELAGO. The following are the official documents duly certified attesting to and confirming the genuineness and validity of the TALLANO ownership and title over the lands embracing the Republic of the Philippines:
Registration of Decree 01-4 protocol by virtue of the Supreme Order of the Royal Crown of England was done through Case No. 571 of the Royal Audiencia decreeing that PRINCE LACAN ACUNA TALLANO TAGEAN is the owner in fee simple of certain lands known as HACIENDA FILIPINA on January 17, 1764 at 10:45 in the morning, by authority of King George III of the Royal Crown of England, signed by GOVERNOR GENERAL DOWNSSONE DRAKE, British Governor, Philippine Islands.
NUMBER OF ANNOTATIONS: There are about 19 pages of annotations describing the transactions involving the land registered under OCT T-01-4. Other than the ones quoted in the preceding paragraphs you have the following interesting annotations:
Entry ODC-074, S-2-7, 1899 confirms the previous mortgage of U.S. $20,000,000.00 and later paid with the money of General Miguel Malvar who paid the amount of U.S. $3,300,000.00 for the area of Tanauan, Batangas; General Antonio Luna acquired the whole San Miguel and La Paz, Tarlac and paid U.S. $2,000,000.00 for it and giving the land as a gift to his sweetheart Miss Luisita Cojuangco; Don Mariano Tayag acquired 1,500 hectares of Kuliat and Mabiga, Pampanga and paid U.S.$3,300,000.00 for it; Don Francisco Macabulos acquired the area of Sta. Ignacia, Tarlac and paid U.S. $2,400,000.00; Don Juan Ejercito acquired the area of San Juan del Monte Hacienda embracing up to Sitio, Manduluyong consisting of 3,154 hectares for U.S. $3,154,000.00 and the remaining un-acquired areas were retained by Don Esteban Benitez Tallano and paid the amount of U.S. $6,600,000.00 for the remaining balance of the loan. This was inscribed on February 7, 1899 by Benito Legarda, Ad Interin. Land Registrar.
Entry EDC-096, S-1900 Real estate mortgage by Don Esteban Benitez Tallano of a commercial lot of 250 hectares in Centro Intramuros in favor of Banco-Filipino Español for P1,500,000.00 for the establishment of the Manila Daily Bulletin which sum was received by Messrs. H. G. Farris and Carson Taylor Date of document is February 3, 1902 and inscribed on November 13, 1902 by H. K. Sleepper, Land Registration Officer.
Entry PLA-061, S-6-1, 1903. Deed of Assignment made by Don Esteban Benitez Tallano in favor of the Sultanates of Mindanao/Sulu of the direct bloodline lineage of the three Datu-Sultans of Mindanao/Sulu under the 1825 Sulu Sultan Jamalul Kiram-I (father of 1858-1861 Sulu Sultan Pulalun and cousin Maharaja Adinda Taup) heirs, relatives of Don Esteban Benitez Tallano, the whole lands of the provinces of Sulu, Lanao, Cotabato, and Zamboanga to prevent the escalation of hostilities in the South.
There are many more interesting annotations at the back of OCT 01-4 like Entry CLRO-01123, S-1904 regarding the yearly rental paid by the US Government to Don Esteban Benitez Tallano in Baguio City for the site now known as Camp John Hay.
OCT NO. 01-4 was certified true, correct and genuine and existing at the Office of the Register of Deeds of Pasig, Rizal with the caveat that the original document was forwarded to the Office of the Register of Deeds of Manila in 1960 for jurisdictional purpose. The certification was issued by JOSE D. SANTOS, Register of Deeds of the Province of Rizal at Pasig on March 4, 1965.
DERIVATIVE TITLES AND CERTIFICATION OF GENUINENESS AND THEIR EXISTENCE IN OFFICIAL FILES: There are two Transfer Certificates of Title based on OCT 01-4 they are TCT NO. 498 issued in the name of DON ESTEBAN BENITEZ TALLANO on June 7, 1932 by Register of Deeds TEODORO GONZALEZ of the Province of Rizal and TCT NO. 408 issued in the name of DON GREGORIO MADRIGAL ACOP on June 7, 1932 by Register of Deeds of the Province of Rizal, TEODORO GONZALEZ.
Certification issued by LAND REGISTRATION COMMISSIONER ANTONIO NOBLEJAS of the Land Registration Commission on January 3, 1964 in reply to a request of Solicitor General Felix Makasiar certifying that OCT-01-4, TCT Nos. 408 and 498 are in their files and genuine Torrens Titles and all other titles issued after OCT 01-4 and not derived from it are fake and fraudulent.
Certification of Acting Register of Deeds VICTORIANO S. TORRENS of the Province of Rizal dated December 10, 1980 in response to a subpoena duces tecum issued by request of Solicitor General FELIX MAKASIAR in relation to LRC/Civil Case No. 3957-P, before Branch 28 of the Court of First of Pasay City (now RTC Branch 111) stating that OCT 01-4 and TCT Nos. 408 and 498 are in their files, genuine and issued in accordance with law and with probative value.
TAX DECLARATIONS AND TAX PAYMENTS: The Tallano heirs declared the properties indicated in their titles and paid taxes for them, namely: 1) Tax Declaration No. 00111212-69 for OCT 01-4 in the names of Prince (Lacan) Tagean (Tallano) Ul Rijal Bolkiah with Don Esteban Benitez Tallano as Administrator, 2) TD No. 002-4450-69 in the name of Don Esteban Benitez Tallano with Benito Agustin Tallano as administrator for TCT No. 498; and 3) TD No. 003 (illegible) in the name of DON GREGORIO MADRIGAL ACOP. All real estate taxes were paid from 1948 up to 1969 when there was a request for a moratorium due to the pendency of the case.
COURT DECISION AND ACTIONS: There are two cases to talk about – the escheat proceedings, meaning for the government to take back the lands under OCT NO. 01-4 because of the absence of heirs and LRC/Civil Case No. 3957-P. The Government represented by the Solicitor General and the Tallano heirs entered into a compromise agreement. Not being contrary to law, the same was embodied in a decision of Judge Enrique Agana of Branch 28 of the Court of First Instance of Pasay City dated February 4, 1972. The same became final and executory. It was partially executed as shown by a number of sheriffs’ returns.
After a series of motions, Judge Agana rendered a clarificatory decision dated January 19, 1976. The same also became final and executory. On representation of the Solicitor General and some private parties affected by the decision, in 1991 a moratorium of the enforcement of the un-enforced portion of the decision was entered into by the parties to operate within a period of 15 years ending in January 2006.
In the meanwhile, the Pasay City Hall was burned including the records of this case. The Tallano filed for reconstitution. The Solicitor General and the other private parties were represented in the reconstitution case. The Regional Trial Court of Pasay City, Branch 111, decided in favor of the Tallano heirs. The decision also became final and executory because nobody appealed including the government.
Long after the decision became final and executory, the Government, surprisingly represented by the Office of the Solicitor General wants the partially executed decision declared null and void in a case filed before the Court of Appeals under CA-GR. No. 70014. This case is already submitted for final resolution before the said Court.
Considering the foregoing, it must be noted that in the said title, there is an important annotation of encumbrance found therein giving rise to the claim of the undersigned to the part of Maharlika which is reverted back to the undersigned’s forefathers, whom by blood lineage, rightfully belongs to them.
Being the progeny of the three Sultans of Sulu and Mindanao, does the undersigned have a valid claim?
The undersigned’s claim is valid.
The undersigned is the direct descendant of the rightful owner of Maharlika Mindanao/Sulu Negaras tracing his lineage to the Muslim Royal Families descending to Sultan Moh. Fad’lun (Faud Abdulla) known as the 1839-1861 Sulu Sultan Pulalun, who was the son of the 1825 Sulu Sultan Jamalul Kiram-I (Muwalil Wasit) and cousin Maharaja Adinda Taup (father of 1915 Sharif Sultan Imam Ul-Alam Arpa who replaced Sultan Kiram-II), them being the progenies of the three datu Sultans of 1752 Maharlika/Mindanao Sulu.
Sultan Pulalun was childless. Thus, the heir apparent to the Sulu Sultanate was handed down to his cousin, Prince and heir apparent, Maharaja Adinda Taup, who is the father of Sharif Imam Ul-Alam Arpa, the grandfather of the undersigned.
Maharaja Adinda Taup was the son of Brunei’s Nakhoda (Laksamana or Admiral) Sayyid Perkasa Angging who is the grandson of the second Brunei Sultan Ahmad. Sultan Ahmad has a nephew, Seri Ali, who later became the third sultan of Brunei. Although sultan Ahmad has a son, Prince Amir Alatas, the latter did not succeed after his father because they married in Mindanao and Sulu (they were supposedly going to Mecca for pilgrimage but was not able to reach Mecca, instead they settled in Mindanao and Sulu).
Prince Amir Alatas had a son, Brunei’s Nakhoda (Laksamana or Admiral) Sayyid Perkasa Angging. He was the very defender of North Borneo-Sabah, together with his brother, Nakhoda Sangkalang, against the usurper, Sultan Mobin. As recorded in Malaysian and Brunei annuals, because of their feat, North Borneo-Sabah was given to the Sulu Sultanate as a Tribute.
Nakhoda Sayyid Perkasa Angging then became the Maharaja in Sulu and his brother, Nakhoda Sangkalang, is the Maharaja in North Borneo. As Maharaja for Sulu, he maintains his seat of power at Subah Buaya, Siasi Sulu with his official flag bearing the emblem of a twin-headed crocodile symbolizing his twin authority from Brunei. He was known as Maharaja Anddin of Sulu.
Maharaja Anddin begot a son, Adinda Taup, cousin of Sultan Pulalun-Moh. Fad’lun. Adinda Taup then begotted a son, Sharif Imam Ul-Alam Arpa, the grandfather of the undersigned.
In 1915, Jamalul Kiram II signed the 1915 Carpenter Memorandum, surrendering his temporal powers to the American Government in exchange for a lifetime pension and amenities. However, what Jamalul Kiram II ceded was only his temporal power, the high spiritual power over the subjects was retained with the undersigned’s grandfather who became the High spiritual Leader of the Sulu Archipelago.
In 1967, the undersigned’s father, Sharif Carpenter Arpa I, established the Sultanate of Zamboanga (representing Mindanao) and Basilan (representing Sulu) and spearheaded the Royal Houses of Mindanao and Sulu in signing a manifesto for unity ratified by then Defense Minister Juan Ponce Enrile, now a senator.
Having now established his lineage from the Royal family of Maharlika Sulu and being then the direct descendants of the three sultans of Mindanao and Sulu whose ownership over the same was explicitly recognized and recorded in historical documents pertaining to therein, the undersigned has valid claims of ownership over the same and must be duly recognized as such.
To turn a blind eye to this fact is to forget our history. If our history then is forgotten, when our roots are buried in the rough sands of the sea, we cannot have a sense of national consciousness. And when we do not have a sense of national consciousness, we cannot have any identity and emerge as a truly proud nation. It is only when we recognize our past that we can create our future.
Im curious as to the authenticity of a specific piece of information stated in this article. PRINCESS LILIUKALANI KAMEHAHA, DID NOT BEAR CHILDREN to any Tagean clan member. She became the last Queen of Hawaii, born Lydia Kamakaeha. Not Princess Aminah Kiram Jumalul Alam. Where did you Mr Article Writer acquire this information? Other sites with information regarding the Tagean Clan, state that Princess Aminah Kiram is from Sulu.
This reality may be the hidden history of the PhilippineS prior to the coming of the Spanish colonial regime in 1521. And should be in the Philippine history books. The present Philippine history books cites that the Philippines prior to 1521 was animistic and had no government. It induces that its people were pagans and bicameral minded as the ancient cavemen. The Department of Education should look into the southern Philippine Muslim history as it tells the Sarsilas of the lost history past down from generations to generations. The Philippine Muslims even knows their individual family historical lineages.
DO NOT DELETE THESE HERE. We should learn this and should be in the SCHOOL LIBRARIES !! . WE like to buy this HISTORY book.
Remember, history may be true, however, tradition is truer. Now in the physical world, particularly from its creation history, the latter ordained by the master of Wisdom, we come to see that vast development of the Master’s off-springs descended into the present. Just like siblings in a family, some follows the legacy of father and some, of its mother. Why do you think we have the so called Cabal and why do you think we have the religious believers and some non-believers? Yet they were all ordained and all is under the Master’s will. Yet each side thinks of the other as devious. Who do you think made this world we all live, in concurrence to its laws, and who do you think made the so called law of God or religious law. The so called Cabal or world’s Elite have profound knowledge of our existence and religion was for our discipline to affect the world we live. And we on Religious laws whereby our social norms were derived. These are just all interconnected. It’s just like the sheep and the Shepard. The Sheep (base masses of people) rely on what the Shepard may provide and complaints for other amenities for its comfort, foods and livelihood getting fat and lazy while boasting a successful accomplished life. The enjoy greener pastures each time and is well provided by the Shepard. Some became deviant and go astray as the Shepard recoup them back to its group and is hoarded back and to its resting place for the night and feels the serenity of security. But in truth is not free. Inasmuch as the Shepard (Ellites), things are totally the opposites as they have to provide for themselves. And because they are such, they are free and may wander wherever so to provide for its stock. They may also decide for its stock of particularly for the ones that goes astray are selected for the slaughter house for the Shepard’s resources in order to provide for itself and the stock of sheep under its care. Doesn’t all these correlates in the real world? Knowing of profound knowledges and the state of being, is that Illumination? Isn’t being Illumined, being an Illuminati?
Your propaganda will get you nowhere. Unfortunately the LANDGRABBERS like us MEZTISOS already have established our modern society that we live in today and have paved the way for further success and education for all FILIPINOS alike. The Kingdom of Maharlika may have been a mighty and prosperous empire once in the past, as much as you would like to discredit the manner in how the Philippine Nation was created, it must be said that by hook or by crook the western nations have bettered this archipelago and developed the FILIPINO culture we all share today.
I suggest that before you post such opinionated and fragmented blogs about discrimination against The Kingdom of Maharlika by the ‘Spaniards and friends’ – by demonizing families of Spanish descent with your inaccurate remarks of LANDGRABBING; and claiming it as historical fact. Although it is completely irrelevant, please provide empirical evidence; such as merely stating proper dates in your actual blog of the ‘thievery’ which you refer to as LANDGRABBING for your blog to be taken seriously, otherwise it is just hearsay. These ramblings sound like those of a disgruntled and unhappy citizen pointing fingers hundreds of years in the past towards the Spanish Empire, which for obvious reasons cannot answer and will not be inclined to show any scrutiny on this incredibly petty subject. There is clear evidence to back up some of your claims, I suggest you utilize what is fact and cite these facts professionally before disguising your elaborate bitter story-telling as actual history – which Maharlikan or “Slave Named Filipinos” and all people alike can actually understand.
Your blog is a very biased attempt at chastising the western nations and the majority of people who live in the Philippines who have helped create a true identity that all of us FILIPINOS carry and strive in this modern day and age. Filipinos should not dwell on matters that cannot be altered and concentrate on the bright future ahead, and should not be compelled to absorb and dwell on any biased opinions such as the ones stated in this blog.
Human nature has always dictated the world in which we live in. Conquering land, creating and destroying empires, and imposing authority is how things have always operated since before recorded history. It’s important for all of us to understand and accept that we live in a constantly changing world, and to take full advantage of the opportunities now, because focusing on the aspects this writer dislikes is utterly useless to us.
Fucking bullshit you are talking about.. the western world distoys every thing my son..
be enlighthened we are all products of lies its about time we wake up and know that we are powerful beings just like how God created us in the beginning
So what have you done in allevate things other than adding insults to injury? Here is our creation history as understand, for enlightenment that correlates to the state of being in today’s world:
The Physical world and Man originated thru the existence of Hydrogen turning to nuclei into matter comprising of Neutron, Proton and electron. Its intelligence originated from light, form and shape referred to as Digitaria and the spiritual realm.. The combination of both is Man. The combination of both is intelligence to living things. The processes of manifestation came forth the storey of Osiris and his brother Seth (Abel and Cain) depicted in other story as Enki and Brother Enlil. Either way, both were sons of Ra- the sun God (existence-no beginning and no end.) whereby hydrogen emmulated into matter as the sun bringing forth evolutions/creation of planets and living organism, emerges the creation history Osiris/Enki and his opposing half-brother Seth/Enlil. Their father was the God Ra-sun God who had disapproved of man’s existence having not made in the dictates of Ra’s image. Moreover, when Osiris/Enki place his own dna into man to looked like him-Osiris/Enki, and not as Ra. Enki was banned from Ra’s heaven and declared Osiris/Enki t and remained on planet Lucifer. Seth/Enlil killed his half brother The latter known to be the Lord of storm whose descendants were the people of Babel who were not as human looking as we are today and more like of deformed heads and faces. Seth ran the world for his half brother Osiris/Enki and ran it as God. His people were, if not, the originin of the Hitittes, the most arrogant civilization that its Monarch and its family were poisoning each other for succession. Seth created religions suiting the nature of each culture. Till the three main religion of monotheism, the belief of only one God (his father Ra.) While Osiris/Enki (referred to as Lucifer) became the Lord of the underworld. Osiris wife Isis (Eve) had acquired Ra’s powers when Ra had challenged her to have pronounced his real name in giving her power to raise Osiris back . But instead only having able to have inception while hovering above Osiris. Thus Isis was revered as the Virgin Goddess of Fertility(also, referred to by the Roman Catholic Empire as the Virgin Mary. .Isis gave birth to Horus but Seth tried to kill him, too, by plunking one of Horus’ eye. An with this one eye, Horus watches over mankind whom he loves dearly as his father does. With Isis’s power far superior than Seth, Seth have to sucumbed and bringing peoples who died, in facing Osiris in the underworld Judgement.. Ra to this day sends solar winds and solar storms to try to destroy mankind. But Isis powers keeps protecting us while her son Horus-the one eyed all seeing eye of God (his father Osiris) watches over mankind. Osiris/Enki/Adam, his first wife was Lilith. Created at the same time in a clay became arrogant and dominating knowing of Ra’s successor within her womb that she had herself used by Malakas (angels). that Ra declared her becoming a demon called Saitan, and that 100 of her children from these fallen angels will die everyday. Three hundred or 3/3rds of angels became Saitan’s followers and causing confusion and chaos upon man to this day. Before Noah’s and the great flood, gentle angels came upon the daughters of man that Seth/Cain/Enlil disgruntled brought forth the flood that Noah had been told to prepare killing the offsprings of these angels with the daughters of man. Seth establishing religions and into monotheism ones, for some reason ends up bringing the souls of the dead to face Osiris and Isis for their Judgment. The same reason perhaps why the Saviour of the world referred to as Messiah/Jesus/Al-Mahdi/Matreya/Krishna etc.,etc.,etc…with the Triangular pyramid symbol whom man looks upon as sinister, is inter-related with Seth’s and Osiris. This Saviour Avatar will be the greatest Teacher ever of mankind establishing one unified core of all religions upon humanity. .
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My grand pop is Spanish too
He said your great great grand lolo takes land
What a DICK!!!
that’s too bad. You’re a product of Western colonialism.
You are right in some of your hypotheses but your theories are a bit distorted only because you have accepted in your heart that you are not a Maharlikan, no identity of your own but a byproduct of a mixed race which in your heart is very hard to settle and to accept what is, is the only way for you to have peace. But as for me the truth should prevail and the truth must be known to all. Many want to know their grassroots, to have an identity, to feel proud and to feel dignified by knowing who they were and who they are. We, the Maharlikans have a very rich culture and rich indeed. We can revive our glorious past but giving room to progress and to embrace new things to advance in knowledge. We must go forward, not backwards. Unity and respect for each other is a must to achieve true success and happiness. May call it a Utopia but can be achieved if we choose. It’s up to us. Mabuhay Maharlika!
Wake up! We all had been deceived & lied to by our modern society! There are people that wanted to control the whole world! The TRUTH is coming out soon! Wait for the Great Awakening!
If you could only shut up and research it yourself every foreign name that was mentioned here, i found recorded articles from their sites like albert dent whih was a British Lord. He was in a UK history site. <a href="" rel="nofollow ugc">
The Tallano Foundation documents within the article above can stand by themselves as to our “inaccurate remarks of LANDGRABBING; and claiming it as historical fact.”
I suggest you read them all.
As to your last paragraph, which after denying comprehensively about your mestizos massive land grabbing activities, you sought to justify their land grabbing actions by saying
“Human nature has always dictated the world in which we live in. Conquering land, creating and destroying empires, and imposing authority is how things have always operated since before recorded history.”
If this is how things should operate then why are you so concerned about people knowing the truth?
Is the Truth not to your advantage? Will your so called empire crumble at the sight of the Truth?
Aren’t the oppressed people of Maharlika, having more right to these lands, which by your own admission have been conquered by mestizos, deserve to know the Whole Truth to which your so called educational system is in perpetual suppression?
Would you then complain that this article, in its attempt to enlighten the people, i.e. victims of such conquerors, would spur them to action, so that they could recover what was theirs to begin with?
Eastern civilizations never sought to conquer the West, but the latter’s appetite for unwarranted aggression against the East is unparalleled even to this day.
We don’t need your sophisticated ways, culture and Satanic Religion for they have brought nothing but misery to our people and the world.
So go back to where you came from.
We don’t need you here.
Are these the accomplishments that you’re proud of?
[caption id="attachment_16629" align="aligncenter" width="474"] Economic Prosperity[/caption]
Very unintelligent, because these are not the works of Maharlikans, but the works of the arrogant mestizos who does nothing but all complaints.
I am so confused. If this Tallano family owns the entire Philippines and have all the documents to back up their claim, then why don’t they bring it to international court? And do they still think that they have a fighting chance (if their claim is true) in gaining ownership of their kingdom even if we are currently controlled by international corporations?
Maharlika indeed was the Kingdom you had mentioned , even far reaching the west coast of north and south America. At time of King Luisong, his kinships and consanguinities ruled territorial kingdoms wherein one kingdom was colonized and by Spanish atrocities that he southed the help of the British Crown that the latter issued a Royal Protocol Decree of ownership. That Decree was substantiated latter into the worldwide Torrens system of land title and was recognized by past government administrations, tacitly including Spain. The battle of Manila bay between Spain and America was no other than a Mock battle to justifying Spain’s withdrawal thru the Treaty of Paris of December 10, 1898. After America occupied the colonized Philippines, its ownership was substantiated into the Torrens Title. While parallel events occurred resulting into the sovereign Republic of the Philippines. We know once a sovereign UN charter member, a country may not be dissolve, almost impossible. However, the Royal family filed a case against the Philippine Republic since the 50’s and was given judgement by the Philippine Court on January 19, 1976; whereas, the Republic filed an appeal and the case was pending resolution. Until 2007, a sort of amicable settlement was reach wherein the Republic shall continue its sovereignty upon the Royal Family’s lands and awarded the latter some billions of dollars in damages. While the Royal Family shall adhere to the silencing of its title and organized itself into a foundation for the landless. However, in the said agreement, it is stipulated by both parties the exception of Mindanao and Sulu because the said region was already inherited by the Royal family’s relatives. His Highness is of this said relatives and is not silencing this title. Working towards recognition and for the Peace and Order of Mindanao and Sulu that had been so much in turmoil due to the tacit knowledge that the said region do not belong to the Republic of the Philippines, nor under its laws.
Yes, they did. An agreement signed between the Royal Family and the Philippines Government agreeing compensations but with the “Silencing of Title”. And not to include Mindanao as it was inherited and belonging to the heirs of the 1752 Sultans. Here it is:
(A Position Paper by HRH. Al-Sharif (Ashrf) Maulana Paduka Ahmad Carpenter Yu Tiamco Arpa-V Ibni Maharaja Adinda Taup Angging (Anddin) Zein (Zainal) Ul-Abidin ULRijal Bolkiah Tagean Al-Marhum Sultan Shariful Hashim Abu’Bkr Mohamad Shah of the Maharlika Sultanates)
“During the Majapahit Empire which is entirely part of Southeast Asia, and the capital surrounding the islands of Sulu, the name Maharlika was respected by the Datus and Rahas, and all the leaders of the society. The name also empowers strength, winning not only in battles, but in morals and love among people….Moreover, the word is deeply grounded within the Dravidian and Austronesian ancestral traditions and heritage of the peoples in the region.“
It is a historical fact that long before Spanish occupation of the Philippines, this great archipelago was ruled by Royal families and nobilities. However, this historical fact has been buried into oblivion and forgetfulness and had been passed on to the people’s consciousness as myths and legends that whenever one talks of a once great kingdom, the story seems so fantastical to warrant any belief.
To correct such a great mistake in history, there must be a collective effort on our part to bring out the true story. Such a herculean task must be begun so that every Maharlikan-Filipino can take pride knowing their historical roots and learning the giants whose shoulder we are all sitting.
Long before the Spaniards came to Philippines shores, the Philippine archipelago consisting of 7,169 islands with an area of 1,049,212,962 nautical square miles, including Guam and Hawaii was known as Maharlika. It was populated by Malays and ruled by the Tagean Tallano clans from the ninth to the fifteenth century. When the Spaniards started ruling the Philippines archipelago, they renamed it Hacienda Filipina.
Of the many kingdoms in Asia, Maharlika was one of them under King Luisong Tagean Tallano, the father of Raja Lapu-Lapu and Raja Soliman, the successors of King Marikudo of the Sri Vishayan Empire. Its principal products at that time were peanuts (mani) exported to Mexico and European countries and Herbal plants known as “Nilad” with some medicinal qualities which were exported to Mainland China. With the passage of time, the Chinese traders changed the name Maharlika to Maynilad or Maynila.
As in olden days, the kings and their families own their kingdoms and distribute portions to their subjects, especially to the members of the royal clans.
The reign of the royal family of the Philippines had started as early in the l3th century, about 200 years yet before the Spanish came to our shores. The noble family was headed then by the late King Luisong Tagean married to Lamayan Bowan.
According to the Philippine Historical Commission; the entire Greater Manila area was under the territories of Namayan then some five (5) centuries ago which was divided into seven (7) districts which included said Greater Manila areas including the former Karilaya Island (now Quezon province), which include the whole region of Kawit (now Cavite) and that lake region; the province of Laguna including portions of Batangas (Bumbon province before).
The origin of their inhabitants from mentioned places came from the noble family names Lacan-Tagean centuries ago and by his wife Lamayan Bowan. The noble tribes were the owners of said territories and they controlled the areas and inhabited it themselves for more than five (5) centuries ago and it was passed by more than ten (10) generations of their clans. Some of these were their children and grand children, like the names of Rajah Lacan-Tagean, the 11th son of Rajah Soliman who is married to Mary Anne Dent, the beautiful daughter of Alfred Dent, a British Lord. Rajah Soliman is the second son of the King who controlled the entire area of Manila and its suburbs including the provinces of Rizal, Bulacan, Cavite, Batangas, Laguna and Quezon.
Another grandson is Rajah Lakandula who took over Tondo during the untimely demise of Rajah Soliman. The 3rd eldest grandson is Rajah Gat Mauban who is married to the daughter of Bornean Sultan Abdul Kahar, the Sultan of Brunei. Rajah Soliman had a son named Prince Lacan Tagean that was adopted from his grandmother Margarett Acuña Macleod Tagean. The Prince was married to Princess Rowena Ma. Elizabeth Overbeck of Austria and in the same manner has a begotten son who is the Prince Julian Macleod Tallano who is married to Princess Aminah Kiram and their descendant Rajah Magat Salamat took over the area of Cagayan Valley, while Rajah Baginda, another grandson had covered the area of Bohol, and Rajah Lapulapu, the eldest son of the King took over the Island of Mactan, while Rajah Kolambo, the 8th grandson is the ruler of the Island of Cebu. Rajah Gat Mauban took the eastern part of the Province of Quezon including Mauban, Sampaloc and Lukban to protect the interest of his grandson Vicente Lukban.
For reference, Manila started some thousand years ago, born out from the very womb of Rio de Tagean (now Pasig) river. The seat of the most powerful Datu, the King Luisong Tagean, which was inherited by his son Rajah Soliman and later by his grandson Lacan Tagean and his Royal Family, was not in Manila but in Lamayan District, now the Malacanang Palace. The evolution of Tagean Clan into Tallano Clan served as catalyst in their claims and interest in land against the Spanish government until such time when foreign intervention, like the British Royal Government started in l76l, had successfully invaded and liberated the Filipino people from the Spanish colonization in October l4, l764. The American government took its role and settled the inhabitants’ perennial land problems by cessation treaty at the acquisition cost of U.S. Dollar 20 million. Such amount had been provided by Tallano Tagean Clan through the King’s son, Lacan-Tagean Tallano. One condition in the said accord, the British and the Spanish governments, and the US government as well, and any foreign dominion, should respect the inhabitants’ private ownership and interest in land. As a result of this treaty, another treaty, the Treaty of Paris, came into being, also containing the precondition that private rights and interest in lands in the Philippines would be respected.
The Treaty of Paris was signed April 4, l894. Upon signing it, the Spanish Royal Crown through its Queen sent Hermogenes and Miguel Rodriguez to the Philippines to assist the recovery of the Hacienda Quebega together with Hacienda Filipina by the Tagean Tallanos. Instead, they connived to carve out some of the best land for themselves. The Queen commanded them to cease and desist and reconvey from their landholdings the whole Hacienda Filipina, the archipelago with title OCT 0l-4 in the name of Prince Lacan Acuña Tagean-Tallano or to his son Prince Julian Macleod Tallano, the grandson of Alfred Dent, a British Lord and London merchant and part owner of Royal British North Borneo Company.
The court had ruled that the invaders were not the Spanish Royal Crown and neither the Great Americans but merely the Spanish Filipino mestizos who have vested interest to grab the archipelago.
A further evidence that the archipelago was the property of the Royal Family was written in Sung and Ming dynasty between the year l368 to l644 AD by the Chinese Emperor Yung Lo. As a symbol for the respect and due recognition of the Chinese Empire to the nobility of the King over his land ownership and rulership of the archipelago, the Chinese Emperor gave him a gift of silk cloth and several tons of precious metals like gold and jewels as a token of tribute to the Noble King whose name, King Luisong Tagean, was adapted in the naming of the largest island in his honor, the island of Luzon. Foreign traders regarded him as the sole ruler over the Archipelago; his ownership remained as an historic landmark; he never gained any resistance or opposition of any kind from various tribes of the inhabitants, meaning they directly admitted that the vast land of the archipelago was owned by the Tagean-Tallano Royal Clan, who discovered, rebuilt, glorified and fortified it for thousands of years. The inhabitants of the islands of Visayas and Mindanao acknowledged his rule by paying their share of their harvest from the lands they were tilling for and in behalf of the Royal Family.
King Luisong Tagean died in December 17, 1764 who left of nothing but noble teachings and his bounty of bullion of gold, 720,000 metric tons, as legacies to his royal children and descendants, and to the inhabitants of Maharlika Islands. He died nine (9) months after the issuance of the declaration of said treaty, died in peace and happiness. He died upon learning the positive fruits of his efforts which was the issuance of land title over the archipelago in his honor issued by the British Government embracing 7,169 islands and around 503,877 square nautical miles under OCT No. T-0l-4 and in the name of his grandson, Prince Lacan Tagean on January 17, 1764 and later to l6 year-old Prince Julian Macleod Tallano in 1780.
THE SPANIARDS. When the Spaniards came, full control of the islands remained with the descendants of King Luisong, specifically Raja Lapu-Lapu and his successors for Visayas and Mindanao and Raja Soliman and his successors for Luzon. Like conquerors of all kinds, the Spaniards started grabbing lands and distributed them to favored members of the conquering group, thereafter named Haciendas. Because of the land grabbing activities of the Spanish conquistadores, the descendants of King Luisong brought these questionable activities of the conquering armies of Spain to the attention of the Spanish Queen leading to the setting aside of many royal land grants and the issuance of titulo possessorio to become titulo de compra embracing the whole Philippine archipelago in favor of the Tallano clans.
THE BRITISH. In 1762, the British Royal Armies came to Manila with the purpose of defeating the abusive Spanish armies. Finally, in 1764 the British won over the Spaniards. The British Royal Government then issued a Royal Decree, Protocol 01-4 based on the Laws of the West Indies, amending the property rights of King Philip of Spain over the Philippines and granting ownership of the Philippine archipelago to the Tagean Tallano clans. After the signing of the peace accord between the royal governments of Spain and Britain, the Queen of Spain recognized the property rights over the Philippine archipelago based on the Maura Law.
THE TREATY OF PARIS. With the defeat of the Spanish Armada to the forces of the United States of America in the Battle of Manila Bay, Spain and America concluded the end of the War by signing the Treaty of Paris where the Philippines was sold for $20 Million U.S. Dollars. The winning bidder who paid the said amount in U.S. gold coins was DON ESTEBAN BENITEZ TALLANO, the predecessor in interest of PRINCE JULIAN MORDEN TALLANO. By virtue of the said payment, the Oficina de Cabildo recognized and affirmed Royal Decree 01-4 Protocol and registered as TITULO DE COMPRA in favor of PRINCE LACAN ACUNA ULRIJAL BOLKIAH (TAGEAN) TALLANO.
TORRENS TITLE. With the American administration in the Philippines, the ownership of the TALLANO CLANS was strengthened further by the passage of Act No. 496 which gave rise to the Torrens Title. Land registration proceedings based on the said law were undertaken which affirmed the ownership and title of the Tallano Clans over the Philippine archipelago on October 3, 1904 as Original Certificate of Title (OCT) 01-4. Furthermore, when Cadastral Act No. 2259 of 1913 was passed, again the cadastral court recognized the ownership and title of the TALLANO CLANS over the whole Philippine Archipelago, still as OCT 01-4.
A Torrens title is indefeasible which means it cannot be defeated by any claimant who has no title or whose title is issued later. It is also imprescriptibly which means that it does not prescribe. Even if a person who has no title or a fake title occupies a land duly titled for a million years, the titled owner of the land concerned can drive away any occupant who has no title or a later title over the land.
In the Philippines, there is no titled issued earlier than OCT 01-4.
DOCUMENTS ATTESTING TO THE EXISTENCE AND GENUINENESS OF THE TITLES OF THE TALLANO CLANS OVER THE PHILIPPINE ARCHIPELAGO. The following are the official documents duly certified attesting to and confirming the genuineness and validity of the TALLANO ownership and title over the lands embracing the Republic of the Philippines:
Registration of Decree 01-4 protocol by virtue of the Supreme Order of the Royal Crown of England was done through Case No. 571 of the Royal Audiencia decreeing that PRINCE LACAN ACUNA TALLANO TAGEAN is the owner in fee simple of certain lands known as HACIENDA FILIPINA on January 17, 1764 at 10:45 in the morning, by authority of King George III of the Royal Crown of England, signed by GOVERNOR GENERAL DOWNSSONE DRAKE, British Governor, Philippine Islands.
NUMBER OF ANNOTATIONS: There are about 19 pages of annotations describing the transactions involving the land registered under OCT T-01-4. Other than the ones quoted in the preceding paragraphs you have the following interesting annotations:
Entry ODC-074, S-2-7, 1899 confirms the previous mortgage of U.S. $20,000,000.00 and later paid with the money of General Miguel Malvar who paid the amount of U.S. $3,300,000.00 for the area of Tanauan, Batangas; General Antonio Luna acquired the whole San Miguel and La Paz, Tarlac and paid U.S. $2,000,000.00 for it and giving the land as a gift to his sweetheart Miss Luisita Cojuangco; Don Mariano Tayag acquired 1,500 hectares of Kuliat and Mabiga, Pampanga and paid U.S.$3,300,000.00 for it; Don Francisco Macabulos acquired the area of Sta. Ignacia, Tarlac and paid U.S. $2,400,000.00; Don Juan Ejercito acquired the area of San Juan del Monte Hacienda embracing up to Sitio, Manduluyong consisting of 3,154 hectares for U.S. $3,154,000.00 and the remaining un-acquired areas were retained by Don Esteban Benitez Tallano and paid the amount of U.S. $6,600,000.00 for the remaining balance of the loan. This was inscribed on February 7, 1899 by Benito Legarda, Ad Interin. Land Registrar.
Entry EDC-096, S-1900 Real estate mortgage by Don Esteban Benitez Tallano of a commercial lot of 250 hectares in Centro Intramuros in favor of Banco-Filipino Español for P1,500,000.00 for the establishment of the Manila Daily Bulletin which sum was received by Messrs. H. G. Farris and Carson Taylor Date of document is February 3, 1902 and inscribed on November 13, 1902 by H. K. Sleepper, Land Registration Officer.
Entry PLA-061, S-6-1, 1903. Deed of Assignment made by Don Esteban Benitez Tallano in favor of the Sultanates of Mindanao/Sulu of the direct bloodline lineage of the three Datu-Sultans of Mindanao/Sulu under the 1825 Sulu Sultan Jamalul Kiram-I (father of 1858-1861 Sulu Sultan Pulalun and cousin Maharaja Adinda Taup) heirs, relatives of Don Esteban Benitez Tallano, the whole lands of the provinces of Sulu, Lanao, Cotabato, and Zamboanga to prevent the escalation of hostilities in the South.
There are many more interesting annotations at the back of OCT 01-4 like Entry CLRO-01123, S-1904 regarding the yearly rental paid by the US Government to Don Esteban Benitez Tallano in Baguio City for the site now known as Camp John Hay.
OCT NO. 01-4 was certified true, correct and genuine and existing at the Office of the Register of Deeds of Pasig, Rizal with the caveat that the original document was forwarded to the Office of the Register of Deeds of Manila in 1960 for jurisdictional purpose. The certification was issued by JOSE D. SANTOS, Register of Deeds of the Province of Rizal at Pasig on March 4, 1965.
DERIVATIVE TITLES AND CERTIFICATION OF GENUINENESS AND THEIR EXISTENCE IN OFFICIAL FILES: There are two Transfer Certificates of Title based on OCT 01-4 they are TCT NO. 498 issued in the name of DON ESTEBAN BENITEZ TALLANO on June 7, 1932 by Register of Deeds TEODORO GONZALEZ of the Province of Rizal and TCT NO. 408 issued in the name of DON GREGORIO MADRIGAL ACOP on June 7, 1932 by Register of Deeds of the Province of Rizal, TEODORO GONZALEZ.
Certification issued by LAND REGISTRATION COMMISSIONER ANTONIO NOBLEJAS of the Land Registration Commission on January 3, 1964 in reply to a request of Solicitor General Felix Makasiar certifying that OCT-01-4, TCT Nos. 408 and 498 are in their files and genuine Torrens Titles and all other titles issued after OCT 01-4 and not derived from it are fake and fraudulent.
Certification of Acting Register of Deeds VICTORIANO S. TORRENS of the Province of Rizal dated December 10, 1980 in response to a subpoena duces tecum issued by request of Solicitor General FELIX MAKASIAR in relation to LRC/Civil Case No. 3957-P, before Branch 28 of the Court of First of Pasay City (now RTC Branch 111) stating that OCT 01-4 and TCT Nos. 408 and 498 are in their files, genuine and issued in accordance with law and with probative value.
TAX DECLARATIONS AND TAX PAYMENTS: The Tallano heirs declared the properties indicated in their titles and paid taxes for them, namely: 1) Tax Declaration No. 00111212-69 for OCT 01-4 in the names of Prince (Lacan) Tagean (Tallano) Ul Rijal Bolkiah with Don Esteban Benitez Tallano as Administrator, 2) TD No. 002-4450-69 in the name of Don Esteban Benitez Tallano with Benito Agustin Tallano as administrator for TCT No. 498; and 3) TD No. 003 (illegible) in the name of DON GREGORIO MADRIGAL ACOP. All real estate taxes were paid from 1948 up to 1969 when there was a request for a moratorium due to the pendency of the case.
COURT DECISION AND ACTIONS: There are two cases to talk about – the escheat proceedings, meaning for the government to take back the lands under OCT NO. 01-4 because of the absence of heirs and LRC/Civil Case No. 3957-P. The Government represented by the Solicitor General and the Tallano heirs entered into a compromise agreement. Not being contrary to law, the same was embodied in a decision of Judge Enrique Agana of Branch 28 of the Court of First Instance of Pasay City dated February 4, 1972. The same became final and executory. It was partially executed as shown by a number of sheriffs’ returns.
After a series of motions, Judge Agana rendered a clarificatory decision dated January 19, 1976. The same also became final and executory. On representation of the Solicitor General and some private parties affected by the decision, in 1991 a moratorium of the enforcement of the un-enforced portion of the decision was entered into by the parties to operate within a period of 15 years ending in January 2006.
In the meanwhile, the Pasay City Hall was burned including the records of this case. The Tallano filed for reconstitution. The Solicitor General and the other private parties were represented in the reconstitution case. The Regional Trial Court of Pasay City, Branch 111, decided in favor of the Tallano heirs. The decision also became final and executory because nobody appealed including the government.
Long after the decision became final and executory, the Government, surprisingly represented by the Office of the Solicitor General wants the partially executed decision declared null and void in a case filed before the Court of Appeals under CA-GR. No. 70014. This case is already submitted for final resolution before the said Court.
Considering the foregoing, it must be noted that in the said title, there is an important annotation of encumbrance found therein giving rise to the claim of the undersigned to the part of Maharlika which is reverted back to the undersigned’s forefathers, whom by blood lineage, rightfully belongs to them.
Being the progeny of the three Sultans of Sulu and Mindanao, does the undersigned have a valid claim?
The undersigned’s claim is valid.
The undersigned is the direct descendant of the rightful owner of Maharlika Mindanao/Sulu Negaras tracing his lineage to the Muslim Royal Families descending to Sultan Moh. Fad’lun (Faud Abdulla) known as the 1839-1861 Sulu Sultan Pulalun, who was the son of the 1825 Sulu Sultan Jamalul Kiram-I (Muwalil Wasit) and cousin Maharaja Adinda Taup (father of 1915 Sharif Sultan Imam Ul-Alam Arpa who replaced Sultan Kiram-II), them being the progenies of the three datu Sultans of 1752 Maharlika/Mindanao Sulu.
Sultan Pulalun was childless. Thus, the heir apparent to the Sulu Sultanate was handed down to his cousin, Prince and heir apparent, Maharaja Adinda Taup, who is the father of Sharif Imam Ul-Alam Arpa, the grandfather of the undersigned.
Maharaja Adinda Taup was the son of Brunei’s Nakhoda (Laksamana or Admiral) Sayyid Perkasa Angging who is the grandson of the second Brunei Sultan Ahmad. Sultan Ahmad has a nephew, Seri Ali, who later became the third sultan of Brunei. Although sultan Ahmad has a son, Prince Amir Alatas, the latter did not succeed after his father because they married in Mindanao and Sulu (they were supposedly going to Mecca for pilgrimage but was not able to reach Mecca, instead they settled in Mindanao and Sulu).
Prince Amir Alatas had a son, Brunei’s Nakhoda (Laksamana or Admiral) Sayyid Perkasa Angging. He was the very defender of North Borneo-Sabah, together with his brother, Nakhoda Sangkalang, against the usurper, Sultan Mobin. As recorded in Malaysian and Brunei annuals, because of their feat, North Borneo-Sabah was given to the Sulu Sultanate as a Tribute.
Nakhoda Sayyid Perkasa Angging then became the Maharaja in Sulu and his brother, Nakhoda Sangkalang, is the Maharaja in North Borneo. As Maharaja for Sulu, he maintains his seat of power at Subah Buaya, Siasi Sulu with his official flag bearing the emblem of a twin-headed crocodile symbolizing his twin authority from Brunei. He was known as Maharaja Anddin of Sulu.
Maharaja Anddin begot a son, Adinda Taup, cousin of Sultan Pulalun-Moh. Fad’lun. Adinda Taup then begotted a son, Sharif Imam Ul-Alam Arpa, the grandfather of the undersigned.
In 1915, Jamalul Kiram II signed the 1915 Carpenter Memorandum, surrendering his temporal powers to the American Government in exchange for a lifetime pension and amenities. However, what Jamalul Kiram II ceded was only his temporal power, the high spiritual power over the subjects was retained with the undersigned’s grandfather who became the High spiritual Leader of the Sulu Archipelago.
In 1967, the undersigned’s father, Sharif Carpenter Arpa I, established the Sultanate of Zamboanga (representing Mindanao) and Basilan (representing Sulu) and spearheaded the Royal Houses of Mindanao and Sulu in signing a manifesto for unity ratified by then Defense Minister Juan Ponce Enrile, now a senator.
Having now established his lineage from the Royal family of Maharlika Sulu and being then the direct descendants of the three sultans of Mindanao and Sulu whose ownership over the same was explicitly recognized and recorded in historical documents pertaining to therein, the undersigned has valid claims of ownership over the same and must be duly recognized as such.
To turn a blind eye to this fact is to forget our history. If our history then is forgotten, when our roots are buried in the rough sands of the sea, we cannot have a sense of national consciousness. And when we do not have a sense of national consciousness, we cannot have any identity and emerge as a truly proud nation. It is only when we recognize our past that we can create our future.
Final and Executory Decision at the Pasay Municipal Court favorable to the Royal Family and the Philippine Government appealed till settlement was reached in 2007. Compensation was affected to the Royal Family as understand and the signing of the silencing of title and with the exception of Mindanao/Sulu, as belonging to Muslim Royal relatives of 1752 and to its present heirs.. The latter not bond by the silencing of title and is fee simple owner of Mindanao/Sulu, still working towards amicable agreement as by its stand.
Cause there is no more proof, the place was burn where the the files was kept. The only thing they have is what the Talleno got on their posession. And it’s not enough to prove it.
International court is still biased.
According to recorded history, the whole philippine archipelago is owned by a king but subject to the republic of the philippines as government. threfore, the mindanao and sulu are under the government of the republic of the philippines.
Please visit His Highness’ Resolution at and see how it fell under the the Republic’s administration.
Are you the Sultan of Sulu that is working with the Vatican to further enslave the Maharlikans?
I went to your website and you seemed to be trained by the Americans. Indeed, your views are pro-Americans. Maybe you have forgotten or just plain ignorant about the atrocities of the Americans during their occupation of this country……….Death By American Bombing
And Other Democide
Please visit or and Facebook: hrh carpenter yu tiamco arpa-V
Hrh Carpenter Yutiamco Arpa-v
January 12 at 6:36pm ·
(A Position Paper by HRH. Al-Sharif (Ashrf) Maulana Paduka Ahmad Carpenter Yu Tiamco Arpa-V Ibni Maharaja Adinda Taup Angging (Anddin) Zein (Zainal) Ul-Abidin ULRijal Bolkiah Tagean Al-Marhum Sultan Shariful Hashim Abu’Bkr Mohamad Shah of the Maharlika Sultanates)
“During the Majapahit Empire which is entirely part of Southeast Asia, and the capital surrounding the islands of Sulu, the name Maharlika was respected by the Datus and Rahas, and all the leaders of the society. The name also empowers strength, winning not only in battles, but in morals and love among people….Moreover, the word is deeply grounded within the Dravidian and Austronesian ancestral traditions and heritage of the peoples in the region.“
It is a historical fact that long before Spanish occupation of the Philippines, this great archipelago was ruled by Royal families and nobilities. However, this historical fact has been buried into oblivion and forgetfulness and had been passed on to the people’s consciousness as myths and legends that whenever one talks of a once great kingdom, the story seems so fantastical to warrant any belief.
To correct such a great mistake in history, there must be a collective effort on our part to bring out the true story. Such a herculean task must be begun so that every Maharlikan-Filipino can take pride knowing their historical roots and learning the giants whose shoulder we are all sitting.
Long before the Spaniards came to Philippines shores, the Philippine archipelago consisting of 7,169 islands with an area of 1,049,212,962 nautical square miles, including Guam and Hawaii was known as Maharlika. It was populated by Malays and ruled by the Tagean Tallano clans from the ninth to the fifteenth century. When the Spaniards started ruling the Philippines archipelago, they renamed it Hacienda Filipina.
Of the many kingdoms in Asia, Maharlika was one of them under King Luisong Tagean Tallano, the father of Raja Lapu-Lapu and Raja Soliman, the successors of King Marikudo of the Sri Vishayan Empire. Its principal products at that time were peanuts (mani) exported to Mexico and European countries and Herbal plants known as “Nilad” with some medicinal qualities which were exported to Mainland China. With the passage of time, the Chinese traders changed the name Maharlika to Maynilad or Maynila.
As in olden days, the kings and their families own their kingdoms and distribute portions to their subjects, especially to the members of the royal clans.
The reign of the royal family of the Philippines had started as early in the l3th century, about 200 years yet before the Spanish came to our shores. The noble family was headed then by the late King Luisong Tagean married to Lamayan Bowan.
According to the Philippine Historical Commission; the entire Greater Manila area was under the territories of Namayan then some five (5) centuries ago which was divided into seven (7) districts which included said Greater Manila areas including the former Karilaya Island (now Quezon province), which include the whole region of Kawit (now Cavite) and that lake region; the province of Laguna including portions of Batangas (Bumbon province before).
The origin of their inhabitants from mentioned places came from the noble family names Lacan-Tagean centuries ago and by his wife Lamayan Bowan. The noble tribes were the owners of said territories and they controlled the areas and inhabited it themselves for more than five (5) centuries ago and it was passed by more than ten (10) generations of their clans. Some of these were their children and grand children, like the names of Rajah Lacan-Tagean, the 11th son of Rajah Soliman who is married to Mary Anne Dent, the beautiful daughter of Alfred Dent, a British Lord. Rajah Soliman is the second son of the King who controlled the entire area of Manila and its suburbs including the provinces of Rizal, Bulacan, Cavite, Batangas, Laguna and Quezon.
Another grandson is Rajah Lakandula who took over Tondo during the untimely demise of Rajah Soliman. The 3rd eldest grandson is Rajah Gat Mauban who is married to the daughter of Bornean Sultan Abdul Kahar, the Sultan of Brunei. Rajah Soliman had a son named Prince Lacan Tagean that was adopted from his grandmother Margarett Acuña Macleod Tagean. The Prince was married to Princess Rowena Ma. Elizabeth Overbeck of Austria and in the same manner has a begotten son who is the Prince Julian Macleod Tallano who is married to Princess Aminah Kiram and their descendant Rajah Magat Salamat took over the area of Cagayan Valley, while Rajah Baginda, another grandson had covered the area of Bohol, and Rajah Lapulapu, the eldest son of the King took over the Island of Mactan, while Rajah Kolambo, the 8th grandson is the ruler of the Island of Cebu. Rajah Gat Mauban took the eastern part of the Province of Quezon including Mauban, Sampaloc and Lukban to protect the interest of his grandson Vicente Lukban.
For reference, Manila started some thousand years ago, born out from the very womb of Rio de Tagean (now Pasig) river. The seat of the most powerful Datu, the King Luisong Tagean, which was inherited by his son Rajah Soliman and later by his grandson Lacan Tagean and his Royal Family, was not in Manila but in Lamayan District, now the Malacanang Palace. The evolution of Tagean Clan into Tallano Clan served as catalyst in their claims and interest in land against the Spanish government until such time when foreign intervention, like the British Royal Government started in l76l, had successfully invaded and liberated the Filipino people from the Spanish colonization in October l4, l764. The American government took its role and settled the inhabitants’ perennial land problems by cessation treaty at the acquisition cost of U.S. Dollar 20 million. Such amount had been provided by Tallano Tagean Clan through the King’s son, Lacan-Tagean Tallano. One condition in the said accord, the British and the Spanish governments, and the US government as well, and any foreign dominion, should respect the inhabitants’ private ownership and interest in land. As a result of this treaty, another treaty, the Treaty of Paris, came into being, also containing the precondition that private rights and interest in lands in the Philippines would be respected.
The Treaty of Paris was signed April 4, l894. Upon signing it, the Spanish Royal Crown through its Queen sent Hermogenes and Miguel Rodriguez to the Philippines to assist the recovery of the Hacienda Quebega together with Hacienda Filipina by the Tagean Tallanos. Instead, they connived to carve out some of the best land for themselves. The Queen commanded them to cease and desist and reconvey from their landholdings the whole Hacienda Filipina, the archipelago with title OCT 0l-4 in the name of Prince Lacan Acuña Tagean-Tallano or to his son Prince Julian Macleod Tallano, the grandson of Alfred Dent, a British Lord and London merchant and part owner of Royal British North Borneo Company.
The court had ruled that the invaders were not the Spanish Royal Crown and neither the Great Americans but merely the Spanish Filipino mestizos who have vested interest to grab the archipelago.
A further evidence that the archipelago was the property of the Royal Family was written in Sung and Ming dynasty between the year l368 to l644 AD by the Chinese Emperor Yung Lo. As a symbol for the respect and due recognition of the Chinese Empire to the nobility of the King over his land ownership and rulership of the archipelago, the Chinese Emperor gave him a gift of silk cloth and several tons of precious metals like gold and jewels as a token of tribute to the Noble King whose name, King Luisong Tagean, was adapted in the naming of the largest island in his honor, the island of Luzon. Foreign traders regarded him as the sole ruler over the Archipelago; his ownership remained as an historic landmark; he never gained any resistance or opposition of any kind from various tribes of the inhabitants, meaning they directly admitted that the vast land of the archipelago was owned by the Tagean-Tallano Royal Clan, who discovered, rebuilt, glorified and fortified it for thousands of years. The inhabitants of the islands of Visayas and Mindanao acknowledged his rule by paying their share of their harvest from the lands they were tilling for and in behalf of the Royal Family.
King Luisong Tagean died in December 17, 1764 who left of nothing but noble teachings and his bounty of bullion of gold, 720,000 metric tons, as legacies to his royal children and descendants, and to the inhabitants of Maharlika Islands. He died nine (9) months after the issuance of the declaration of said treaty, died in peace and happiness. He died upon learning the positive fruits of his efforts which was the issuance of land title over the archipelago in his honor issued by the British Government embracing 7,169 islands and around 503,877 square nautical miles under OCT No. T-0l-4 and in the name of his grandson, Prince Lacan Tagean on January 17, 1764 and later to l6 year-old Prince Julian Macleod Tallano in 1780.
THE SPANIARDS. When the Spaniards came, full control of the islands remained with the descendants of King Luisong, specifically Raja Lapu-Lapu and his successors for Visayas and Mindanao and Raja Soliman and his successors for Luzon. Like conquerors of all kinds, the Spaniards started grabbing lands and distributed them to favored members of the conquering group, thereafter named Haciendas. Because of the land grabbing activities of the Spanish conquistadores, the descendants of King Luisong brought these questionable activities of the conquering armies of Spain to the attention of the Spanish Queen leading to the setting aside of many royal land grants and the issuance of titulo possessorio to become titulo de compra embracing the whole Philippine archipelago in favor of the Tallano clans.
THE BRITISH. In 1762, the British Royal Armies came to Manila with the purpose of defeating the abusive Spanish armies. Finally, in 1764 the British won over the Spaniards. The British Royal Government then issued a Royal Decree, Protocol 01-4 based on the Laws of the West Indies, amending the property rights of King Philip of Spain over the Philippines and granting ownership of the Philippine archipelago to the Tagean Tallano clans. After the signing of the peace accord between the royal governments of Spain and Britain, the Queen of Spain recognized the property rights over the Philippine archipelago based on the Maura Law.
THE TREATY OF PARIS. With the defeat of the Spanish Armada to the forces of the United States of America in the Battle of Manila Bay, Spain and America concluded the end of the War by signing the Treaty of Paris where the Philippines was sold for $20 Million U.S. Dollars. The winning bidder who paid the said amount in U.S. gold coins was DON ESTEBAN BENITEZ TALLANO, the predecessor in interest of PRINCE JULIAN MORDEN TALLANO. By virtue of the said payment, the Oficina de Cabildo recognized and affirmed Royal Decree 01-4 Protocol and registered as TITULO DE COMPRA in favor of PRINCE LACAN ACUNA ULRIJAL BOLKIAH (TAGEAN) TALLANO.
TORRENS TITLE. With the American administration in the Philippines, the ownership of the TALLANO CLANS was strengthened further by the passage of Act No. 496 which gave rise to the Torrens Title. Land registration proceedings based on the said law were undertaken which affirmed the ownership and title of the Tallano Clans over the Philippine archipelago on October 3, 1904 as Original Certificate of Title (OCT) 01-4. Furthermore, when Cadastral Act No. 2259 of 1913 was passed, again the cadastral court recognized the ownership and title of the TALLANO CLANS over the whole Philippine Archipelago, still as OCT 01-4.
A Torrens title is indefeasible which means it cannot be defeated by any claimant who has no title or whose title is issued later. It is also imprescriptibly which means that it does not prescribe. Even if a person who has no title or a fake title occupies a land duly titled for a million years, the titled owner of the land concerned can drive away any occupant who has no title or a later title over the land.
In the Philippines, there is no titled issued earlier than OCT 01-4.
DOCUMENTS ATTESTING TO THE EXISTENCE AND GENUINENESS OF THE TITLES OF THE TALLANO CLANS OVER THE PHILIPPINE ARCHIPELAGO. The following are the official documents duly certified attesting to and confirming the genuineness and validity of the TALLANO ownership and title over the lands embracing the Republic of the Philippines:
Registration of Decree 01-4 protocol by virtue of the Supreme Order of the Royal Crown of England was done through Case No. 571 of the Royal Audiencia decreeing that PRINCE LACAN ACUNA TALLANO TAGEAN is the owner in fee simple of certain lands known as HACIENDA FILIPINA on January 17, 1764 at 10:45 in the morning, by authority of King George III of the Royal Crown of England, signed by GOVERNOR GENERAL DOWNSSONE DRAKE, British Governor, Philippine Islands.
NUMBER OF ANNOTATIONS: There are about 19 pages of annotations describing the transactions involving the land registered under OCT T-01-4. Other than the ones quoted in the preceding paragraphs you have the following interesting annotations:
Entry ODC-074, S-2-7, 1899 confirms the previous mortgage of U.S. $20,000,000.00 and later paid with the money of General Miguel Malvar who paid the amount of U.S. $3,300,000.00 for the area of Tanauan, Batangas; General Antonio Luna acquired the whole San Miguel and La Paz, Tarlac and paid U.S. $2,000,000.00 for it and giving the land as a gift to his sweetheart Miss Luisita Cojuangco; Don Mariano Tayag acquired 1,500 hectares of Kuliat and Mabiga, Pampanga and paid U.S.$3,300,000.00 for it; Don Francisco Macabulos acquired the area of Sta. Ignacia, Tarlac and paid U.S. $2,400,000.00; Don Juan Ejercito acquired the area of San Juan del Monte Hacienda embracing up to Sitio, Manduluyong consisting of 3,154 hectares for U.S. $3,154,000.00 and the remaining un-acquired areas were retained by Don Esteban Benitez Tallano and paid the amount of U.S. $6,600,000.00 for the remaining balance of the loan. This was inscribed on February 7, 1899 by Benito Legarda, Ad Interin. Land Registrar.
Entry EDC-096, S-1900 Real estate mortgage by Don Esteban Benitez Tallano of a commercial lot of 250 hectares in Centro Intramuros in favor of Banco-Filipino Español for P1,500,000.00 for the establishment of the Manila Daily Bulletin which sum was received by Messrs. H. G. Farris and Carson Taylor Date of document is February 3, 1902 and inscribed on November 13, 1902 by H. K. Sleepper, Land Registration Officer.
Entry PLA-061, S-6-1, 1903. Deed of Assignment made by Don Esteban Benitez Tallano in favor of the Sultanates of Mindanao/Sulu of the direct bloodline lineage of the three Datu-Sultans of Mindanao/Sulu under the 1825 Sulu Sultan Jamalul Kiram-I (father of 1858-1861 Sulu Sultan Pulalun and cousin Maharaja Adinda Taup) heirs, relatives of Don Esteban Benitez Tallano, the whole lands of the provinces of Sulu, Lanao, Cotabato, and Zamboanga to prevent the escalation of hostilities in the South.
There are many more interesting annotations at the back of OCT 01-4 like Entry CLRO-01123, S-1904 regarding the yearly rental paid by the US Government to Don Esteban Benitez Tallano in Baguio City for the site now known as Camp John Hay.
OCT NO. 01-4 was certified true, correct and genuine and existing at the Office of the Register of Deeds of Pasig, Rizal with the caveat that the original document was forwarded to the Office of the Register of Deeds of Manila in 1960 for jurisdictional purpose. The certification was issued by JOSE D. SANTOS, Register of Deeds of the Province of Rizal at Pasig on March 4, 1965.
DERIVATIVE TITLES AND CERTIFICATION OF GENUINENESS AND THEIR EXISTENCE IN OFFICIAL FILES: There are two Transfer Certificates of Title based on OCT 01-4 they are TCT NO. 498 issued in the name of DON ESTEBAN BENITEZ TALLANO on June 7, 1932 by Register of Deeds TEODORO GONZALEZ of the Province of Rizal and TCT NO. 408 issued in the name of DON GREGORIO MADRIGAL ACOP on June 7, 1932 by Register of Deeds of the Province of Rizal, TEODORO GONZALEZ.
Certification issued by LAND REGISTRATION COMMISSIONER ANTONIO NOBLEJAS of the Land Registration Commission on January 3, 1964 in reply to a request of Solicitor General Felix Makasiar certifying that OCT-01-4, TCT Nos. 408 and 498 are in their files and genuine Torrens Titles and all other titles issued after OCT 01-4 and not derived from it are fake and fraudulent.
Certification of Acting Register of Deeds VICTORIANO S. TORRENS of the Province of Rizal dated December 10, 1980 in response to a subpoena duces tecum issued by request of Solicitor General FELIX MAKASIAR in relation to LRC/Civil Case No. 3957-P, before Branch 28 of the Court of First of Pasay City (now RTC Branch 111) stating that OCT 01-4 and TCT Nos. 408 and 498 are in their files, genuine and issued in accordance with law and with probative value.
TAX DECLARATIONS AND TAX PAYMENTS: The Tallano heirs declared the properties indicated in their titles and paid taxes for them, namely: 1) Tax Declaration No. 00111212-69 for OCT 01-4 in the names of Prince (Lacan) Tagean (Tallano) Ul Rijal Bolkiah with Don Esteban Benitez Tallano as Administrator, 2) TD No. 002-4450-69 in the name of Don Esteban Benitez Tallano with Benito Agustin Tallano as administrator for TCT No. 498; and 3) TD No. 003 (illegible) in the name of DON GREGORIO MADRIGAL ACOP. All real estate taxes were paid from 1948 up to 1969 when there was a request for a moratorium due to the pendency of the case.
COURT DECISION AND ACTIONS: There are two cases to talk about – the escheat proceedings, meaning for the government to take back the lands under OCT NO. 01-4 because of the absence of heirs and LRC/Civil Case No. 3957-P. The Government represented by the Solicitor General and the Tallano heirs entered into a compromise agreement. Not being contrary to law, the same was embodied in a decision of Judge Enrique Agana of Branch 28 of the Court of First Instance of Pasay City dated February 4, 1972. The same became final and executory. It was partially executed as shown by a number of sheriffs’ returns.
After a series of motions, Judge Agana rendered a clarificatory decision dated January 19, 1976. The same also became final and executory. On representation of the Solicitor General and some private parties affected by the decision, in 1991 a moratorium of the enforcement of the un-enforced portion of the decision was entered into by the parties to operate within a period of 15 years ending in January 2006.
In the meanwhile, the Pasay City Hall was burned including the records of this case. The Tallano filed for reconstitution. The Solicitor General and the other private parties were represented in the reconstitution case. The Regional Trial Court of Pasay City, Branch 111, decided in favor of the Tallano heirs. The decision also became final and executory because nobody appealed including the government.
Long after the decision became final and executory, the Government, surprisingly represented by the Office of the Solicitor General wants the partially executed decision declared null and void in a case filed before the Court of Appeals under CA-GR. No. 70014. This case is already submitted for final resolution before the said Court.
Considering the foregoing, it must be noted that in the said title, there is an important annotation of encumbrance found therein giving rise to the claim of the undersigned to the part of Maharlika which is reverted back to the undersigned’s forefathers, whom by blood lineage, rightfully belongs to them.
Being the progeny of the three Sultans of Sulu and Mindanao, does the undersigned have a valid claim?
The undersigned’s claim is valid.
The undersigned is the direct descendant of the rightful owner of Maharlika Mindanao/Sulu Negaras tracing his lineage to the Muslim Royal Families descending to Sultan Moh. Fad’lun (Faud Abdulla) known as the 1839-1861 Sulu Sultan Pulalun, who was the son of the 1825 Sulu Sultan Jamalul Kiram-I (Muwalil Wasit) and cousin Maharaja Adinda Taup (father of 1915 Sharif Sultan Imam Ul-Alam Arpa who replaced Sultan Kiram-II), them being the progenies of the three datu Sultans of 1752 Maharlika/Mindanao Sulu.
Sultan Pulalun was childless. Thus, the heir apparent to the Sulu Sultanate was handed down to his cousin, Prince and heir apparent, Maharaja Adinda Taup, who is the father of Sharif Imam Ul-Alam Arpa, the grandfather of the undersigned.
Maharaja Adinda Taup was the son of Brunei’s Nakhoda (Laksamana or Admiral) Sayyid Perkasa Angging who is the grandson of the second Brunei Sultan Ahmad. Sultan Ahmad has a nephew, Seri Ali, who later became the third sultan of Brunei. Although sultan Ahmad has a son, Prince Amir Alatas, the latter did not succeed after his father because they married in Mindanao and Sulu (they were supposedly going to Mecca for pilgrimage but was not able to reach Mecca, instead they settled in Mindanao and Sulu).
Prince Amir Alatas had a son, Brunei’s Nakhoda (Laksamana or Admiral) Sayyid Perkasa Angging. He was the very defender of North Borneo-Sabah, together with his brother, Nakhoda Sangkalang, against the usurper, Sultan Mobin. As recorded in Malaysian and Brunei annuals, because of their feat, North Borneo-Sabah was given to the Sulu Sultanate as a Tribute.
Nakhoda Sayyid Perkasa Angging then became the Maharaja in Sulu and his brother, Nakhoda Sangkalang, is the Maharaja in North Borneo. As Maharaja for Sulu, he maintains his seat of power at Subah Buaya, Siasi Sulu with his official flag bearing the emblem of a twin-headed crocodile symbolizing his twin authority from Brunei. He was known as Maharaja Anddin of Sulu.
Maharaja Anddin begot a son, Adinda Taup, cousin of Sultan Pulalun-Moh. Fad’lun. Adinda Taup then begotted a son, Sharif Imam Ul-Alam Arpa, the grandfather of the undersigned.
In 1915, Jamalul Kiram II signed the 1915 Carpenter Memorandum, surrendering his temporal powers to the American Government in exchange for a lifetime pension and amenities. However, what Jamalul Kiram II ceded was only his temporal power, the high spiritual power over the subjects was retained with the undersigned’s grandfather who became the High spiritual Leader of the Sulu Archipelago.
In 1967, the undersigned’s father, Sharif Carpenter Arpa I, established the Sultanate of Zamboanga (representing Mindanao) and Basilan (representing Sulu) and spearheaded the Royal Houses of Mindanao and Sulu in signing a manifesto for unity ratified by then Defense Minister Juan Ponce Enrile, now a senator.
Having now established his lineage from the Royal family of Maharlika Sulu and being then the direct descendants of the three sultans of Mindanao and Sulu whose ownership over the same was explicitly recognized and recorded in historical documents pertaining to therein, the undersigned has valid claims of ownership over the same and must be duly recognized as such.
To turn a blind eye to this fact is to forget our history. If our history then is forgotten, when our roots are buried in the rough sands of the sea, we cannot have a sense of national consciousness. And when we do not have a sense of national consciousness, we cannot have any identity and emerge as a truly proud nation. It is only when we recognize our past that we can create our future.
Mindanao and Sulu was unfoundedly incorporated in 1946 after WW2 against the Japanese Regime, one of many other countries that Maharlika (strings of sultanates) was under. during those times, Maharlika was still Maharlika and it remains to this day. However, with the establishment of the United Nations Organization in 1945, the latter became the controlling entity to which a sovereign country should be. Since Maharlika became a registered member of the UN Charter as a Republic of the Philippines, then that, if not, is the evolved name of Maharlika, and because a sovereign country being UN Charter member, it could no longer be dissolved even with armed struggle unless by UN resolution and conferment. Sovereignty is then by its government and not by its people. In 1997, the Philippine Republic enacted Republic Act (law) RA-8371 or the Indigenous (not indigent) People Right Act enabling sovereignty upon its people, within the purview of Philippine Constitution. It also enacted RA-7160 or right to self self-government also within the purview of Philippine Constitution. These enable Maharlika to function as a Tribal government upon Indigenous people and/or people once belonging to the latter. In 2007, the United Nations Peoples Right Act was enacted applying to all countries, worldwide, stipulating the same. Maharlika with its central Tribal government functions as like any UN charter member wherein membership is with the government that is actually a UN charter member.
Let us also give respect to the Prince Julian Morden Tallano the subsequent heir of Maharlika Luzon and Visayas, who did won his Cause at the Philippines Courts and now awarded compensatory benefits and position with the current Government.
What particular position and how much was awarded to him?
The existence of the Corporate Republic of the Philippines since 1946 is superseded by the Torrens title of early 1900s. So, what gives this Bogus Republic the authority to award something it doesn’t possess?
The 15 Quadrillion Dollar Vatican-Sultan of Sulu Deal That Would Have Sunk The Planet
June 7, 2014 / Keenan Team
“We are fighting the worst sons-of-bitches that ever existed on the face of the planet.”
Neil Keenan 5/19/14
It is good to remind ourselves and all those aware and engaged in this global conflict characterized by deceit and deception that these are the most perilous times in our collective history. A time in which our freedoms and very survival are at stake. For those who are aware of the depth and severity of what the world now faces, that understanding is both a privilege and a responsibility…
…Most recently the Vatican in collaboration with an entrusted Elder, The Sultan of Sulu, a guardian/holder of The Dragon Family Global Account assets, attempted to steal fifteen (15) Quadrillion dollars from the Dragon Family. Their attempt was thwarted. Had this transaction been allowed to take place, the cabal’s coffers would have been replenished and the results for humanity would have been disastrous! Truly the world dodged a fateful bullet only days ago!
continue reading »
Major confrontations in South China Sea as desperate cabal tries to steal Asian gold deposits
Posted by benjamin
April 23, 2012
Reports from Philippino tribes-people and the White Dragon Society members indicate a major military stand-off is taking place in the South China Sea and the Philippines over control of historical gold deposits in the region. A fleet of 8 US war-ships is being confronted by a joint Chinese/Russian fleet in the region. The Chinese have publicly announced they are willing to go to war over this dispute. The US warships are linked to a mysterious Hong Kong based individual by the name of “Rosenberg” (first name not known), the CIA sources say. Rosenberg is believed to be seeking physical gold to seize on behalf of the Nazi/Sabbatean cabalist owners of the Federal Reserve Board, these sources say. In the Chinese government and Western corporate propaganda news this dispute is described as being a Chinese Philippine dispute over an area, blocked out on Google Earth, known as the Scarborough Shoal by the West and the Huangyan Islands by China.
continue reading »
You may be one neo-Nazi mestizo who is all complaints but does nothing for humankind. You construed the sharing of Maharlika kingdom as intimidating that you felt undermined, cause it is not you that the title applies. If you just come across the fence of fear, perhaps you will know how it feels to be insulted. The Maharlika and Tala Estates have loaned money to the improvised masses of people to gain leverage in the world of deceit and chaos. Gaining a sense of livelihood, Maharlika Tala Estate and of Mindanao/Sulu are proud of our Causes for humanity, much farther than yours, tank you.
Major update on my question whether the Sultan of Sulu is working with the slave drivers of the Vatican:
According to Mr. Keenan, the Sultan of Sulu has already contacted them and to his understanding, the “man is trying to do the right thing.”
Click on the link below for the rest of the interview…
Be forewarn of Karmic Hindrances when undermining the Maharlika-Mindanao/Sulu and Tala Estates, the latter of a Noble Cause for Filipinos.
If we go back in time during our elementary days, children or students were thought anout the fight netween lapulapu and soliman, but never do i recall if my memory serves me right, that no where in the history classes or history books will find out or teach you that lapulapu and soliman are brothers, and for whatever reasons one have to side with the new conqueror magellan to pick a fight with lapulapu. this is a clear indication of misleading young filipino of not being able to trace back its own culture , heritage, and history. Truth or false about this matter is just a small thing compare to what the spaniards did of robbing us of our culture, identity, history, and making us a fool for making our entire race believed in a false misleading fact about our own entire cultural and historical background for the sake of making slaves to the rule of these conquerors, and grabbing the best land for their own interest. this are unbearable and unforgivable sins done to all filipinos. Alas, its all gone now and who else to blame but the early educated politicians who should have thought among themselves, to reveal and make part of our heritage the true history of our race and be proud of the true history of the country. maybe we cant blame them too, for what else would they be doing, being educated in the so called western world. act in the interest of the western culture. Maybe it is high time to go back in time , not for the sake of the Tallanos, but for the sake of teaching our children the true rich historical background of our Motherland, something to be proud of , and maybe , this can awaken our children to become a greater people for a greater nation.
Son. you are speaking for yourself. The Tala Estates and of Maharlika-Philippines had been catering to its people and one of it as our Social Justices that had already been institutionalized. It just bothers you of the fact that there is such ownership of the country that is administered by the Philippine Government. That is why each presidency has only its ADMINISTRATION because it is just as such, an administration. Your statement of Lapulapu fighting with Sulieman and being brothers? that statement don’t make sense. In the government’s resolution, the NBI investigations shows that the two are in fact brothers with records in court of their forefathers and grandfathers. Think you better get your facts straight, would you?
It’s a bogus claim, it contradicts the historical records of other countries like China and Indian. SOMEONE CAN SAY WE OWN THE PHILIPPINES AMD MAKE FAKE DOCUMENTS.
The Tallanos can prove their documents do exist in Pasay Court, a matter of public record » Branch 111, Regional Trial Court, Pasay City and was docketed as Land Registration Court (LRC)/Civil Case No. 997-P.
If you want to verify, you can contact their lawyer, Atty. Homobono Adaza.
Now, it’s your turn to prove they are lying by providing unimpeachable proof that their documents are fake as you claimed. Otherwise, you are just another troll.
People may submit any papers in the court whether it’s true or not. There are different kingdoms in the Philippines like Ma-i and Tondon contrarary to the claims of Tallanos that they rule the whole Philippines, Taiwan, Hong Kong, Hawaii and other Pacific Islands. IT IS NOT ACKNOWLEDGE BY THE CONSTITUTION THAT THE TALLANOS OWNED THE PHILIPPINES. I’m a historian. They claim Genghis was born 4,000 years before Christ? It’s contrary to history, Genghis Khan was born 1,000 years ago during 1100’s not 4,000 years BC.
Give me a line from the constitution that says Tallano are the owners of the Philippines? Any line from the constitution.
The Torrens Title in favor of the Tallanos dates back to 1904. The Corporate Republic of the Philippines was registered only in 1946.
Proof of ownership has been acknowledged by treaties with other countries even before the birth of your Republic.
Even the Treaty of Paris was paid for by the Tallanos, not by the Americans, that’s why Heneral Luna and others revolted against America.
The links to the Tallano legal documents above are sufficient to support their claims. You are just avoiding them.
You are asking the wrong question.
I can also claim that I am a Tagean, and my surname was changed. I can also clan also claim that Lapu-Lapu was my ancestor. I can also manipulate history and mixed it with lies. Moreover someone may file papers in the court to prove ownership it can be true or hoax.
I’m just asking a line from the constitution that says Tallano’s owns the Philippines.
“During the reign of Sultan Bolkiah (1485–1521) the Kingdom of Brunei decided to break the Kingdom of Tondo’s monopoly in the Chinese trade by attacking Tondo and establishing the city-state of Seludong as a Bruneian satellite. This is narrated through Tausug and Malay royal histories, where the names Seludong, Saludong or Selurong are used to denote Manila prior to colonisation”
The Bolkiah owns some parts of the Kingdom in Luzon. I CAN ALSO USE THE NAME BOLKIAH IN MY NAME. TALLANO ADDED THE BOLKIAH NAME.
If we follow your train of logic, then anybody who can write their own constitution will prove ownership of the land.
What if the Oligarchy, i.e. the Spanish Mestizos, the grandsons of the original conquistadores, were able to usurp political authority and did write their own constitution like the 1987 constitution, and by sheer ignorance due to mass brainwashing through ABS-CBN, able to pass the same bogus constitution through a referendum participated in by ignorant majority, would you then consider it as truthful and free of lies?
Surely, the constitution may be a legal document but it is never founded on the Truth. Not everything that is legal is just and truthful.
It is clear that you are just diverting our attention from the fact the you can’t present any evidence to the contrary. Give us the evidence that we don’t have a civilization prior to the coming of the Spaniards, because the Ayala museum, among others, can prove you otherwise.
Again, the unimpeachable Torrens Title in favor of the Tallanos dates back to 1904. The Corporate Republic of the Philippines was registered only in 1946.
We are not Filipinos. We are Maharlikans.
It is high time we recognize the truth from its historical perspective….
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another example of stolen property. we, as individuals with birth certificates are stolen property
Sana ma-pakingan sa radyo ito araw-araw para sa mga katulad ko at iba na kaunti ang nalalaman tungkol sa Lost Kingdom Maharlika.
Mestizos are spit remnants of colonizers who left them behind because being Bastards, they could not be accepted by their father’s countrymen. Mestizos should not be too full of pride as they are also only riding of Maharlikan Modernization and Development. It was the Royal Tagean-Tallano’s 720,000 metric tons of gold whereby Marcos transferred 500,000 metric tons to be loan at the world bank that reap significant interests and dividends to the establishment of the IMF-International Monetary Fund. The IMF loaned Billions of dollars to developing countries for its developments. Said metric tons were later returned as the Philippines’ capital for its loan as well. Loans that aere never decline even if deficits are already in the trillions..
Hello Folks
Wowwww I’m shocked to read, in the Comment Section, of the bitterness that the native people of the Philippines have for their Spanish/USA oppressors. The cut is so deep that it is still raw. This also applies to the notion that a single family (no longer the Marcos family) the Tallanos Family claims to owning the Philippines circa (1904).
One of the Commenters, wrote about Enki and Enlil, Seth and Osiris, Adam and Satan, Eve and Lilith. This injection of Myth into a real world political situation seems absurd, indeed it is absurd. However, knowing the POWER MYTHS of the ancient middle east, Persia (Iran), Pakistan, Syria and the like can be instructive. It matters not that it may be total Bullshit in the factual setting of Real World Politics. Because both myth and fiction… bogus documentation, compete with/against actual history.
I would like to ask the, interested reader, about a more distant conflict, namely that conflict between (blue) Krishna Lord of Gwarda India, and the evil King, who fought in Vimaras. Q. Where did the blue skinned people (Krishnaites) go. Where are they now?
Anthony P Healy.
Like you said, it is not factual setting on real world politics. but if you insist, the said blue skinned people are just like what happened to the Incas. They were taken by ETs who had in the first place, experimentally created them?
The blue skinned people you are referring to is from inside the Earth, they are known as the Lemurians. <a href="" rel="nofollow ugc">
The Lemurians came from planet Lemur, which is part of Sirius star system. They are the pioneers in inhabiting the surface of the planet called Terra (Earth) which have a galactic name called Gaia.
Every planet in the universe are all Hollow inside. Meaning, there’s an interior space ideal for sub terranean living.
The Lemurians occupied the land from Eastern part of Russia and all the way to the Maharlikan land and this includes New Zealand, Fiji, Samoan islands and etc.
Since they were the pioneers in occupying the surface of the Earth they were able acquire vast space of land. At that time, there were no one else on the surface of Earth but them. Also during those times the earth was not yet covered by ocean water.
And since the occupation of the Lemurians on the surface of the Earth was the first of its kind. It was actually an experimental occupation to see if it is possible for living things to live on the surface of a planet. As I have mentioned all planets in the universe their civilization resides inside the Hollow interiors of every planet. This means, ocean water does not exist yet at the time. They setup an ice Canopy that covers the upper atmosphere of the Earth to protect the experiment of life on earths surface from meteors and asteroids.
The Lemurians are the ones who brought the dinosaurs on Earth and that includes all the plants, trees, flowers and animals .
The Hollow interior of the Earth are originally occupied by the Aryanis. But after the war between Atlantis and Lemuria, then the Earth was flooded due to the destruction of the Ice Canopy that became oceans of the world. The Atlantians are the invaders and conquerors who sabotage the experiment and took the Earth by force.
A Greek/Roman mythology story sounds similar to this story and it is the one whereby Pan fights Cupid, he loses the battle and goes underground. Cupid representative of man goes on to what man does best – rip the planet apart!!!
History may be true, however, traditions are truer.
What kind of documents is this? to lure the young generation?
excuse me sir. Real documents during 1900s are written using quill pens and fiber paper. not typewriter and freshly white paper with all the thumb mark and signature of the witnesses.
whosoever you are stop this insanity.
After their invention in the 1860s, typewriters quickly became indispensable tools for practically all writing other than personal correspondence. They were widely used by professional writers, in offices, and for business correspondence in private homes.
There were already polities, kingdom, rajahnates and socites in the Philippines in the ancient Philippines:
1. Rahjanate of Sugbo (Cebu)
2. Rajahnate of Butuan (Supported by artifacts)
3. Kingdom of Maynilad
4. Kingdom of Tondo
5. Kingdom of Namayan
6. Sultanate of Sulu (Under the Empire of Brunei
7. Sultanate of Mindanao
8. Sultanate of Lanao
9. Kedutaan of Madya-as
10. Huangdom of Ma-i
11. Huangdom of Pangasinan
12. Society of Igorot people
13. Society of Ivatan people
Wicked greedy old world from the beginnings of time… might was always regarded as right! A much, much smaller story than the history of the Philippines, I always thing of Diego Garcia — Paradise Stolen — a documentary of John Pilger. Cried my heart out when I watched it — today the few Chagossian islanders left… many died of heartbreak either on the island of Mauritius or the Seychelles…broken nomads without a country … While man is controlled by his senses and not his inner consciousness, there will never be peace in the world.
Thanks for this magnificent effort– and John Lennon’s ‘Imagine’…. so appropriate…. Yes — all this, revealing yet the horrific lies our so-called human history was built on … falsities from beginning to end — of our collective global past perpetrated by the soul-less colonial imperialist robbers… to this day walking amongst us and again rabid for another world war …
It is exactly the way I feel kznwatch…
Okay I can not believe all of this, because in Hawaii the ancient people had their own Kingdom and language. It was the Kingdom of Hawaii, and then American missionaries ended up getting in a fight with them and the US army took over the Kingdom. Long story short the Hawaii Ancient people look nothing like filipino they look like a mix between black and filipino, also there are other islands along there the were the ancient people have afro/asian hair, and also had their own Kingdoms. Look up the kingdom of Hawaii they had their own king and history they wouldn’t accept the Philipinas king, but maybe…..
King Kamehameha of Hawaii was called the Careful King in Sulu. When he left Sulu, he was told to be careful in his ventures, Kamehameha means “Be careful” in Sulu. Sent by his cousin, King Luisong Tagean-Tallano, the Maharlika Paramount King in Luzon.
Now that we know of our true national identity as maharlikan and so the democracy failed to bring genuine independence to our beloved country, we must raised our consciousness and effort to attain renaissance. We must shout loud like a roaring thunder to every barangay and to the whole archipelago, but we will not engage in a word war but reeducate our fellow maharlikans regarding our historical background and protect and preserve our heritage.
We must contribute something for the good and to prevail peace, truth, harmony and freedom from ignorance.
this is such a good read, but its kind of irritating how everyone publishing the same long story about Maharlika in the comments section over and over again, being the histroy nerd that i am, i read eavery single one of them. lol
TERRITORIAL JURISDICTION on Land Ownership of Mother Title OCT 01-4S HACIENDA FILIPINA, the Principality of God’s Ownership of the Universe in the TREATY OF PARIS resolved in Supreme Court Resolution dated November 28, 2012 to Hrh Salvacion Legaspi Y Espiritu Santo (Divine Feminine); the Court de Jure Highest Tribunal Supreme Court of Sovereign Heir supersedes the Supreme Court of the Philippines, thus superseding all World courts.
Land Ownership of Mother Title OCT 01-4 (NO legitimate heirs as Owner had not yet arrived);
C.C. 3957P Decision with Compromise Agreement (Tallano – Madrigal Acop representing interim Republic as Administrator)
February 4, 1972:,%201972%20%20Petitioner%20Don%20Madrigal%20Acop%20and%20Eseban%20Benitez%20Tallano.&content=true&page=latestupdate/toc-displayer.php&loc=cc3957/&display=cc3957.php&name=aa1
JUDGEMENT ENTRY G.R. 171913 Tallano and Madrigal Acop of interim Republic Administrator DISMISSED being in wrong mode of appeal;
September 26, 2006:,%202006&content=true&page=latestupdate/toc-displayer.php&loc=latestupdate/06232013/&display=entrjudgement.php&name=aa1
CEASATION OF THE SEAL AND COAT OF ARMS E.R.D. KFH. submitted by Queen of the South HRM Salvacion Legaspi that made the Court of Appeals of Supreme Court release CA-G.R. SP No. 70014
November 27, 2009:
This Renders the CA.GR.SP.70014 DECISION (Tallano – Madrigal Acop represented by Julian Morden Tallano), NULL AND VOID COMPLETE
February 10, 2010:
Philippine Supreme Court Resolution resolves the Legitimate Heir of OCT 01-4 ENTRY OF JUDGMENT, RESOLUTION, AND L.O.T. FROM THE SUPREME COURT to Christ prophesied (Matt. 12:42) Queen of the South Hrh Salvacion Legaspi Y Espiritu Santo with Holder the Legitimate Divine (Interstellar / Interdimensional Blueprint of God’s Divine Plan) Govt. Kingdom Filipina Hacienda of Grandfather MAHARLIKHAN Tribe, November 28, 2012:,%202012.%20G.R.%20No.%20171913;&content=true&page=latestupdate/toc-displayer.php&loc=latestupdate/02232013/&display=scnotice11282012.php&name=aa1
“ADVISE: Hrh Legaspi or her representative to secure the requested document from the Judgement Division, Judicial Records Office, this Court…”
Requested were Entry of Judgment ng Compromise Agreement, C.C. 3957-P Proceeding
and CA-G.R. SP. No.70014 hand delivered to Queen of the South in Iligan City by PNP official from Manila escorted by NBI.
May 30, 2013:
Case Closed. It is Done.
June 14, 2013:;content=true&page=latestupdate/06232013/remand.php
I don’t care who owns the Philippines, i only care about the truth the real history of the Philippines.
Somehow I find this article a bit misleading. Nevertheless, I still do not close my mind about the validity of this claim. Who knows?
it seems to connect the dots together…
There can be no diplomatic agreement or end of hostilities with an empire, until that empire falls…in which, in that case, it’s a moot point.
As of today, July 25, 2020 ….. The whole world is in pandemic due to a so called virus that started from Muhan, China resultant from a failed experimentation. It is known as coronavirus or Covid-19. The Philippines ever since it earned it’s democracy grew to become an oligarch owned and controlled country. The rich are getting richer while the poor (majority) are getting poorer. To sum up history, the time will come when the rich oligarch will rule and own the world with no poor people to enslave unless they will share their wealth to the poor and rule them again and again…… this is the cycle of reality, hence, realization of past history to resolve the present and future generation helps no consequence at all. Do what you can at your present time and enjoy as much as what you have while still alive. Thinking of making the future better for future generation only burdens your existence ….. for past is past, present is present, and future is written to be what the present has done…… therefore if you enjoy now your gift to the future shall be “joyfulness”. Remember to enjoy the Goodness of Life and not otherwise.
i am a maharlikan i read your articles and very sad as a shift i want to help like me seeking for truth ’till now know about kingdom of maharlika and as a favor if you allow me to copy little content because i make a fb page history of kingdom maharlika i ust want to spread the truth behind this present lies is it ok? if not its ok
We don’t own the history of the Maharlikan people. So, do whatever you deem fit about the information available here.
The comments about spirituality are correct, christianity and islam are indeed control systems to lead humanity down the wrong path. There is no anthropomorphic God or Devil, they are an invention. We all reincarnate and have been doing so for eons, our purpose is learning and evolution, being judged after one life is a complete absurdity that defies common sense. Death bed confessions for a life of evil, again the control system to pay homage to a priesthood.
Only when we realize that we create our own future lives through Karma, will humanity being to move in a more moral attitude of brotherhood. And yes, the Jesuits are always lurking to corrupt us and any that try to open our eyes to reality. Good luck with your fight.