Kevin Under Grave Threat; ITCCS Presses On [UPDATED]

ITCCS continues to apply pressure on the mother of all that is Evil in this world, even if under grave threats from desperate enemies.

ITCCS Delegation and Dignitaries to accompany Rev. Kevin Annett to Rome and London to enforce Annulment Order against the Church of Rome and of England

A Public Communique issued jointly by Rev. Kevin Annett and the ITCCS Executive

Tuesday, April 29, 2014 at 3 pm GMT

ITCCS Delegation and Dignitaries to accompany Rev. Kevin Annett to Rome and London to enforce Annulment Order against the Church of Rome and of England – Events set for “Jubilee Week” , June 30-July 7, 2014 – Decision prompted by “real and dire dangers” to Rev. Annett

Politicians, Common Law court jurists and sheriffs, and a documentary film team will accompany Rev. Kevin Annett to the Vatican and to London during a “Jubilee Week” set of actions from June 30 to July 6, 2014, to enforce the Easter Annulment Proclamation against the Church of Rome and of England.
This action was announced today as part of the Common Law trial against Pope Francis and others for global child trafficking and murder.
“We have learned that Reverend Annett faces very real and dire dangers because of his exposure of Vatican child sacrifice rituals. Kevin is far too vulnerable and valuable to be traveling on his own right now, since he is pivotal to our case and to the work of the Court” said George Dufort for the Public Information Agency of the International Common Law Court of Justice (ICLCJ).
“Against Kevin’s own wishes, we have insisted that a strong delegation accompany him when he enters England and Rome, and that this delegation help him enforce the Easter Proclamation that nullifies the authority of the Vatican and the British Crown. That will occur during the first week in July, during the Court’s summer adjournment.”
Recent evidence submitted by Kevin Annett to the proceedings against Pope Francis and others documents the murderous actions of a Jesuit-run child sacrificial cult known as the Ninth Circle. (see, April 10, 2014). Members of the Ninth Circle are apparently targeting Rev. Annett for elimination.
Reverend Annett is presently in consultation with ITCCS officials in Europe. Further updates will be posted soon.
Issued by ITCCS Central, Brussels
29 April, 2014
source »

Enforcement of Annulment Orders against the Church of Rome and of England will commence in July – Training of Common Law Officers and Sheriffs to begin May 19

Breaking Public Announcement issued by The Public Information Agency of The International Common Law Court of Justice (ICLCJ)

May 1, 2014 – 5 pm GMT

Enforcement of Annulment Orders against the Church of Rome and of England will commence in July – Training of Common Law Officers and Sheriffs to begin May 19

The Easter Maastricht Proclamation of the Court that nullified the laws and authority of the Church of Rome and its corporate subsidiaries will be actively enforced by duly sworn and trained Common Law Officers commencing in the first week of July, 2014.
Assisted by the community, the Officers will enforce the lawful annulment of these corporate bodies in at least nine countries by undertaking:
1. The arrest and imprisonment of the convicted fiduciary officers of the Church of Rome and of England, along with their accomplices and other criminals;
2. The seizure and public expropriation of the property and assets of these churches, and their re-establishment as public space serving the community, and
3. The re-consecration of these former churches as entirely congregational, self-governing bodies under public, common law authority.
Beginning on Monday, May 19, 2014, the ICLCJ and its sponsoring Tribunal will commence a rigorous three week training program for professional peace officers, sheriffs and marshals who will be deputized to enforce this Annulment against these criminal church bodies. The program will be held at private sessions in Canada, the United States, Ireland, England, Holland, Belgium, France, Spain and Italy.
To apply for participation in the Common Law Officers’ Training Program, contact the Secretariat at it**********@gm***.com , and consult the Common Law Training Manual at .
Issued by The ICLCJ Public Information Agency, Brussels
May 1, 2014 – 5 pm GMT

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