For those who have understood and have subscribed to the eClinik mindset, they need not entertain this. But for those who have no idea what this Ebola Nightmare is all about, read on.
Here at eClinik we have dealt this type of fear a long time ago. The “incurable epidemic” scare has been eliminated from our mindset even before we started this blog. We have proven to ourselves that all diseases can be cured decisively for good.
Before going any further, download your own Ebola Patent courtesy of the US Government here . Yest, the United States CDC owns the patent for this biowarfare.
One of the foundations of our thinking is this patent from 1991, courtesy by Dr. Kaali, which proves that the best treatment for any viral disease is electric current. Electricity does not discriminate any type of parasite.
It doesn’t matter what label would you assign to it, CRE, SARS, H1N1 or SHIT, electric current neutralizes them all!
So every time the Cabalist World Health Organization releases “fearsome” bulletin of any viral epidemic, we just ignore it.
And if spreading ebola is the best they can do at the moment, i.e. recycle old material for bioscare tactics, then we can confidently say that they’ve run out of cards to play.
We don’t need these people. It’s time to get rid of them once and for all.
Please support us by downloading our Towards Healthcare Emancipation – Premium Edition, a fully illustrated eBook about how you can implement a low cost but extensive and decisively effective healthcare system in the comfort of your own home.
With this eBook you can easily defeat cancer, AIDS and all other parasitic diseases for good. Find out more about it here. The proceeds from this book will be used to fund our next project, Towards Energy Emancipation. The aim is to make the subject of free energy more understandable for the layman so that anybody could replicate and install his own power plant and be completely living off-grid.
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