Armed Direct Action Units to Arrest Satanists [ITCCS]

The upcoming Satanistic ritual in Dublin and Montreal will be disrupted in order to save would be victims.
The notorious Ninth Circle, a Catholic cult whose appetite for child torture and rape can only be quenched by eventually killing the victim in a ritual officiated for the glory of Lucifer.
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Statement of the Central Command of the Direct Action Units established by the International Common Law Court of Justice, June 1, 2014

Regarding the interdiction of child trafficking and sacrificial rituals by our Command
Communique No. 1 – August 8, 2014, Brussels
Since mid July, our Central Command has operated high grade surveillance and intelligence operations against two child torture networks associated with the catholic Ninth Circle cult, based in Dublin, Ireland and Montreal, Canada.
Since July 10, informants have provided the names of participants in the rituals which were originally scheduled for August 15. The same ritual tortures and killings also occur systematically each month at the new moon at these and other locations, including forest groves near Brussels and Zwolle, Holland. The informants also confirmed the location of the August 15 killings to be at Pro Cathedral in Dublin and Marie Reine du Monde Cathedral in Montreal, within sub-basement crypts in both churches.
The same informants have also confirmed that the children and adolescents used in these rituals are provided through catholic orphanages in the two respective cities and through the Ndrangheta criminal syndicate that works closely with the police and Vatican agents in Canada and Ireland.
Our Command has trained and mobilized two six man Units to intervene and stop these scheduled cult sacrifices on August 15. The Units are trained, armed professionals.
On August 2, a highly placed informant notified our Command that the Montreal cult gathering has been relocated to an underground experimental facility on the grounds of McGill University. This relocation was prompted by the presence of “some very prominent men” at the upcoming August 15 ritual “including (George) Soros, local catholic archbishop Christian Lepine and corporate officials of the Cargill corporation”.
There has been no evidence that the Dublin cult gathering has been moved from its Pro Cathedral venue under the sponsorship of Archbishop Dermot Martin.
Our Command is continuing with its operations at all of these suspected locations on and before August 15, to stop these child sacrificial rituals and detain all of the participants for public trial, employing whatever force is required.
Untrained supporters of our actions are advised for their own safety not to intervene in our operations but to hold public information vigils outside both of these cathedrals during the day and evening of August 15, and to contact it**********@gm***.com for specific instructions.
Issued 8 August 2014
CC-DAU Communique No. 1
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The Hard Truth about the Crime called Canada – and why we need The Republic of Kanata

From ITCCS Canada and the Republican movement:
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Margaret Sepass was raped and then beaten to death by an Anglican priest named John Warner on December 5, 1969, at St. Michael’s Indian school in Alert Bay, British Columbia. Margaret was nine years old. Her burial site is unknown and John Warner was never charged.
On January 5, 1938, Albert Gray was beaten to death by Reverend Alfred Caldwell of the United Church of Canada when Albert took a prune from a jar without permission. Albert was eleven years old. His body was buried in secret behind the Ahousat Indian school and Alfred Caldwell was never charged.
On April 3, 1964, Richard Thomas was sodomized and then strangled to death by Catholic priest Terence McNamara at the Kuper Island Indian school. Richard was buried in secret in an orchard south of the school, and Terence McNamara, who is still alive, was never charged.
Elaine Dick, age 6, kicked to death by a nun, 1964;
Daniel Kangetok, age 4, infected with tuberculosis and left to die, 1971;
David Sepass, age 8, pushed down stairs and left to die, 1958;
A newborn Cree baby, burned alive by a priest at the Catholic Muscowegan Indian school, in May of 1944;
Susan Ball, age 5, starved to death in a closet, 1959;
Agnes Bernard, age 6, gang raped to death at the Shubanacadie school, 1958;
Pauline Frank, age 8, died from medical experimentation, Nanaimo Indian Hospital, 1972;
Albert Baptiste, age 9, died from electric shocks from a cattle prod wielded by a catholic priest, Christmas 1951;
Nancy Joe, age 14, died from involuntary drug testing, Nanaimo Indian hospital, 1967;
John Charlie, age 8, died from a blow to the head by a chain wielded by a catholic priest, 1964;
Lorraine white, teenager, gang raped by United Church school staff and left to die, Port Alberni, 1971;
Eighteen Mohawk children, all under the age of sixteen, shot to death by Canadian soldiers outside Brantford, Ontario, summer of 1943;
Johnny Bingo Dawson, eyewitness to some of these crimes, died of injuries from police beating, Vancouver, December 2009;
Ricky Lavallee, witness to Bingo’s murder, died of a blow to the chest, January 2012;
William Combes, eyewitness to the abduction of ten children by Queen Elizabeth from Kamloops Indian school, killed by lethal injection, St. Paul’s hospital, Vancouver, February 2011;
Harriett Nahanee, first witness to a residential school murder to go public, died after mistreatment in a Vancouver jail, February, 2007;
Nora Bernard, the first aboriginal in Canada to sue the catholic church for residential school crimes, murdered December 2007.
And more than 50,000 others, all of them children.
No-one has ever been charged or tried under Canadian law for any these killings. And the criminal government and churches responsible for this mass murder have been legally absolved of any responsibility for them under Canadian law.
Nothing has been healed. Nothing has been reconciled. Justice has been exterminated as completely as these innocent victims.
Stop the criminal conspiracy known as Canada! Join the Republic of Kanata and bring these genocidal institutions down! Simply, for justice.
re**************@gm***.com /

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3 thoughts on “Armed Direct Action Units to Arrest Satanists [ITCCS]”

    1. I think they want to create panic on the subject prior to, so they can invoke plausible deniability to the cardiac arrest later on.

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