Previously, Putin branded GMO pushers as terrorists. Now, it’s China’s turn to reject renewal application for growing GMO rice and corn in its country.
This is a huge slap to Monsanto, and Big Agri in general, considering the size of the Chinese population.
The use of GMO does not increase yield, nor it improves the variety. Its sole purpose is to privatize the seeds, the complete control of the basic raw material for food production.
All seeds of destruction must be completely eradicated from the face of the planet.
“Food is one of the principal tools in our negotiating kit.”
“If you are looking for a way to get people to lean on you and to be dependent on you in terms of their cooperation with you, it seems to me that food dependence would be terrific.”
– USDA Secretary Earl Butz told the 1974 World Food Conference in Rome
End of the line: GMO production in China halted
In a surprise U-turn, China’s Ministry of Agriculture has decided not to continue with a program which developed genetically-modified rice and corn. Some environmentalists say public concerns about GM crops played a key role in the decision.
On August 17, when these permits were up for renewal, the Ministry of Agriculture decided not to extend them. In 2009, the ministry’s Biosafety Committee issued approval certificates to develop the two crops, rice and corn.
Developed by the Huazhong Agricultural University, near Wuhan, it was hoped that the GMO strains would help to reduce pesticide use by 80 percent, while raising yields by as much as 8 percent, said Huang Jikun, the chief scientist with the Chinese Academy of Sciences, told Reuters in 2009. It is illegal to sell genetically-modified rice on the open market in China.
However in July, GM rice was found on sale in a large supermarket in Wuhan, which is just across the Yangtze River from the Huazhong Agricultural University, where the product was developed, which caused a public outcry.
“We believe that loopholes in assessing and monitoring [GMO] research, as well as the public concern around safety issues are the most important reasons that the certifications have not been renewed,” Wang Jing, a Greenpeace official based in Beijing, wrote in an email to ScienceInsider.
According to the South China Morning Post, state television commissioned tests on five packets of rice, which were picked at random, and found three contained genetically-modified rice. It is illegal to sell or commercially grow GM rice in mainland China. The safety certificates issued in 2009 only allowed the rice to be planted for research purposes, but never for sale on the open market.
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Moscow Outlaws Monsanto. “Russia puts GMO Genie back in the Bottle”
Many Countries and Localities Ban GMO Crops, Require GE Food Labels
Case Adams, Naturopath
The Monsanto Corporation, the world’s largest purveyor of genetically modified food seeds, is combating a growing worldwide opposition to GM foods.
Can Monsanto change? Can Monsanto be prodded into another business strategy? And if so, will other GMO seed sellers such as Dupont follow suit? Businesses are typically in it to make money:
Even businesses that develop products that ultimately hurt people or harm the planet. It may take some concerted efforts among consumers and legislators, but eventually, especially among larger publicly-held companies like Monsanto, when the customers stop buying their goods, they can lose control over the market and be forced to make strategy changes.
This may be precisely what has prompted Monsanto to acquire companies that utilize natural cross-breeding methods. Contingency planning may become more vital to Monsanto as growing genetically modified crops face partial or complete bans in the following countries:
Germans have banned the growing of all GMO crops.
GMO crops have been banned from growing in Ireland, and Ireland has a voluntary GM food labeling system.
Austria, Greece, Hungary, Luxembourg and Bulgaria
These countries have banned GMO crops and have banned the sale of GM foods in their countries.
France has banned the growing of GM crops. As of May 16, 2012, France has re-instituted its ban on Monsanto’s MON810 GM corn from being grown in the country. A high court in France overturned a 2008 ban last year, but growing sentiment in France pushed the French minister of Agriculture to reinstate the ban this past May of 2012.
The island country off of Portugal banned growing GMO crops in 2010.
The Swiss banned the growing of all genetically modified crops, as of 2005, and this ban has been extended through at least 2013.
As of October 2013, the Twelfth Federal District Court ordered the Mexican government to ban the planting of all genetically modified maize (corn), as well as halt all commercial pilot test plots. As to whether this will translate to a complete ban of GMOs in Mexico remains to be seen.
Japanese law bans the growing of any genetically modified seeds or crops in Japan. However, Japanese food manufacturers are actively importing “Roundup Ready” GMO canola grown in Canada primarily to manufacture canola oil. As a result, scientists have found that the GMO canola variety is now growing wild along roadsides and ports that have been the supply line for canola importation.
Australians have been successful in banning GMO crops from being grown in South Australia and in Tasmania.
New Zealand
Kiwis have banned the growing of any GMO food in the country.
Venezuela’s 1999 Constitution Article 127 prevents patents of the genome of any living organism. Since then the country has been active in preventing the growing of GMO crops within the country. In 2014, the Venezuelan government passed legislation updating the Law on Seeds, Products for Animal Production and Biological Inputs. This revision has effectively banned the cultivation of genetically modified seeds within the country.
Brazil is a big producer of GMOs but smaller growers have been pushing to ban GMOs. In 2012, a high court in Brazil ruled that Nestle – one of the largest brands in Brazil – must label any food with more than 1% genetically modified ingredients as a GMO – containing product. By virtue of the ruling, GMOs must be labeled in Brazil.
India’s cotton farmers experienced a disaster with their 2007-08 crop of cotton when they used Monsanto’s GM cotton seed. Over 125,000 Indian farmers committed suicide because their crops were so bad that they lost their farm and homes to banks.
In 2010, the government instituted a ban on GMO eggplant due to this tragedy and further information provided by scientists and agricultural experts. The Bt Brinjal variety was banned due to concerns of the seeds contaminating other self-sustaining crops.
The Monsanto seeds are also “terminator” seeds, which require the farmer to purchase the seeds – at a price 1,000 times the price of a normal seed – each year from Monsanto. With natural seeds, farmers often produce their own seeds to plant the next year.
After GMO papayas began to contaminate other cropland in field trials, Thailand has been working to reduce their use of GMO crops. Japan then banned the importation of Thailand papayas (as well as papayas from Hawaii – which are now predominantly genetically modified).
In December of 2013, the nation of Georgia passed a law banning the importation of genetically modified seeds into the country without a specific license to do so. The country’s Environment Minister Khatuna Gogaladze stated:
“The purpose of the bill is to create a single state system of bio safety that will regulate the use of living genetically modified organisms.”
United States of America
In the United States, several states have attempted to ban GMO crops or require labeling for GE foods but have faced legal opposition, with many having backed down from legal pressure – some say from Monsanto’s lobbyists and lawyers. Some states, such as California and Washington, have put GMO labeling on ballot initiatives.
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Apocalypse of the “Happy Meal”: The Cathedral of Cholesterol
Thursday, 21 August 2014 00:00 By Brian Moench, Truthout | News Analysis
(Image: Nevit Dilmen)
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All meat, especially beef, has much higher levels of pesticides and industrial chemicals than any plant food. The chemicals given to commercially raised livestock, and added to their meat, are a toxic stew; most grains fed to livestock are GMOs, meaning they’re soaked in pesticides.
Also see: Apocalypse of the “Happy Meal”: Worshiping the Golden Calf
No one needs to eat livestock to survive. Yet meat is almost universally the focus of the Western diet. When you go to a restaurant and the waiter asks you what you’ll have, you respond with the meat or fish entree. You don’t say, “the asparagus” or “the rice” or the “mixed veggies.” Everything else on the menu is known as a “side dish,” or is even regarded as an afterthought. Arby’s even advertises “Mega Meat Stacks” and “Meats Upon Meats Upon Meats.” And this is pure insanity – on a global scale.
The average American eats between two and five times more protein than they actually need. Basically, we eat animals because we want to, or because we’re duped into it by the Big Ag Empire.
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