Here’s a very comprehensive update from The Tribunal…
Report from the Joint Consultation of the Directorate of the International Tribunal into Crimes of Church and State (ITCCS) and the Common Law Court of Justice Held in Brussels and New York City August 20-24, 2014
Issued to all Common Law Court groups and their affiliates, including the Provisional Council for the Republic of Kanata and the Covenanted Congregationalists
Overview and Synopsis
The Tribunal and Court Directorate, its staff officers and Field Secretaries met in Brussels and New York this past week to review its work and plan the coming year’s actions.
With the successful prosecution of its second litigation against top church and state officials for crimes against humanity ( 19 July, 2014), the Court has established a Permanent Commission of Inquiry into Child Trafficking and Ritual Sacrifice that will convene on September 1, 2014. All affiliates are urged to work actively with the Commission to continue the prosecution of culpable individuals and institutions.
The attempted arrests of convicted felons Jorge Bergoglio (aka “Pope Francis”), Adolfo Pachon and Justin Welby, and the successful disruption of their Ninth Circle sacrificial ritual in Montreal, Canada on August 15, has compelled the upcoming resignation or removal of Bergoglio: the second deposing of a pope indicted by our Court since February, 2013.
The August 15 disruption has yielded hard evidence of the Ninth Circle sacrifices and their participants: evidence which is presently being analyzed by our Court and will be published as part of our ongoing Commission into ritual sacrifice. The Montreal cult member who has agreed to work with our Court has already identified the locations and dates of other upcoming rituals, which will be targeted and disrupted by our Direct Action Units, and their participants arrested and held for prosecution.
Since February 2013, and building on these successful convictions and actions, affiliated common law courts and common law education groups have been established now in nine countries: Canada, the USA, Ireland, England, Belgium, Holland, Germany, New Zealand and Australia, under the coordination of three Field Secretaries: Kevin Annett (North America), George Dufort (Western Europe) and Cameron Mottus (Asia and Australia-New Zealand). Over 800 people are now active in these local groups.
These courts have commenced the indictment of government, church and corporate officials in their respective countries for human rights violations, mortgage fraud, criminal conspiracy, child trafficking and murder, and betrayal of their oaths of public office. Some of the more successful common law groups, such as in Coventry, England, have gathered hundreds of people in conferences and public actions.
In the USA, where over one third of our volunteers are based in 31 states, five serving county sheriffs and their deputies are active with us in establishing and safeguarding common law courts.
In Canada and England, nation-wide movements have been established under our auspices to depose and replace “crown” law and authority, through the creation of Constitutional Republics that can serve as the lawful basis for common law courts. The Republic of Kanata will be lawfully proclaimed in Winnipeg, Canada on October 31, 2014, after a delegated Convention adopts a new Constitution for the nation. A similar development is expected in England and Australia during 2015.
It has been noted by our Field Secretaries that most of the local groups are absorbed in the details of organizing courts and are missing the broader vision and basis for the courts themselves. In particular, the majority of our local common law groups in Canada, England and Australia-New Zealand have failed to grasp that without such a replacement of so-called “crown” jurisdiction by a Republican constitution and nation, there can be no lawful basis for de jure common law courts in their respective countries.
It is therefore ordered that every common law group in these “commonwealth” countries affiliate and link their work to the Republican movements, and to the practical effort to bring about constitutional Republics to replace the law and authority of the “crown”, including by participating in the constitutional Republican conventions.
In this regard, a brief organizational report from the Provisional Council for the Republic of Kanata is included, below.
Finally, it is noted and welcomed that alongside the political deposing of the criminal body known as the “Crown of England” has emerged a synonymous movement to spiritually depose the Vatican and corporate Christendom. This movement has coalesced under the general banner of Covenanted Congregationalism, or The Covenanters, which is seeking to rally Christians under a new allegiance separate from the crimes and perversions of the church of Rome and its affiliates. Our Tribunal is working actively with this movement, which is based in the USA, Canada and England. (see the American movement at
New Directions and Procedures
The disappearance and assumed murder of one of our Court’s key investigators on July 3, the harassment and arrest by Belgian authorities of politicians sympathetic to our work such as Belgian M.P. Laurent Louis, and an apparent “kill order” issued against Kevin Annett and other key Court officials by the Ndrangheta criminal syndicate, have compelled new procedures.
Kevin Annett, a prominent public spokesman for our movement, will be travelling across Europe during September, but according to a new, tightened security protocol. Henceforth Kevin will travel accompanied by a party of trained security personnel, media groups and advisers, and will conduct only by-invitation gatherings with the core organizers in each region and country. His itinerary will include Ireland, England, France, Belgium, Holland, Germany and Italy. Invitations and requests for Kevin must be addressed only to and approved by the central ITCCS office at .
The Central Command of our movement will continue to operate anonymously and independently of all of our public sections. Media interviews will not be granted by any member of the Directorate or the Court. Our acting Field Secretaries will have the sole authority to speak publicly on behalf of the entire movement, with the approval of the Directorate.
The key evidence that convicted all of the felons in both of our Common Law trials, and the evidence gathered by our August 15 “take down” of the Montreal sacrificial ritual, will be available in a screened form no later than September 15, 2014. Copies of this evidence can be obtained through the Central Office, with the approval of the Directorate.
Finally, a central operational fund has been established by the Tribunal to pay for the travel and daily costs of our Field Secretaries and the most active local groups. Requests for such funding along with a detailed budget may be submitted to .
In closing, the daily organizational work of every local group must now be systematized under the direction of one local Convenor who is a liaison with the central office or the appropriate Field Secretary. The Convenor must issue a monthly report to us and involve all local members in joint weekly public actions and organizational meetings.
It is the task of the Convenor to ensure that our work to stop crimes by murderous institutions becomes continual and effective in local communities. Only the most dedicated and clear minded man or woman can fulfil this key operational command role in our movement.
May all of our members and activists take their own initiatives and audaciously prosecute criminals of church and state, and their corporate allies, in the months ahead. The world is watching us.
Issued jointly by the ITCCS Directorate and the Common Law Court of Justice
25 August, 2014
Organization Report from the Secretariat of the Provisional Council of the Republic of Kanata
August 25, 2014, issued by Colin Sullivan, Secretary to the Council (
There are now twenty four local branches of the Republican movement in Canada, embracing nearly two hundred sworn members. (See details below)
To organize our work systematically and prepare for our upcoming Constitutional Convention to found the Republic, it is advised that each branch undertake the following routine:
1. Public actions involving all local members, such as protests, leafletting and recruitment rallies, must occur twice each week, on a weekday and a weekend (say Friday and Saturday).
2. Local branch meetings – to touch base, share resources and experiences, and plan local events – must occur every week, preferably on a weekend to allow maximum participation.
3. Each branch must organize the following committees: a) a Direct Action Unit, to provide enforcement, security and intelligence, and organize a local Republican militia; b) Membership and Education, to recruit new members, train and integrate them into the movement, collect membership dues and conduct regular internal and public education programs; c) Reclamation, to conduct land and property seizures, establish alternative economies and work jointly with the DAU militia; d) Common Law Court, to create and maintain local courts under the jurisdiction of the new Republic, and e) a Local Executive, to coordinate all the work and report to the Provisional Council.
4. The Local Executive shall be chaired by a Convenor, who is the personal liaison with the Council and who retains copies of all of the documents, insignias and resources of the movement.
5. Every member of the movement is required to do the following: a) Take an Oath of Allegiance to the Republic of Kanata, b) pay monthly membership dues, and c) work actively under the direction of at least one local committee.
6. Delegates to the October 27, 2014 Convention in Winnipeg must be elected no later than October 1 on the basis of one voting delegate for every five sworn local or at-large members. Other members are encouraged to attend the Convention, where they will have speaking but not voting privileges. At present, our 191 pledged members may elect a total of 38 voting delegates.
The movement is presently organized into five districts consisting of the following branches:
District One: West Coast
1. Nanaimo-Vancouver Island
2. Vancouver- Lower Mainland
3. Abbotsford-Hope
4. Kamloops-Central Interior
District Two: Prairies
1. Calgary-southern Alberta
2. Edmonton-northern Alberta
3. Brandon-western Manitoba
4. Winnipeg
District Three: Ontario
1. Thunder Bay
2. Sault St. Marie-Sudbury
3. North Bay
4. Toronto
5. Kingston
6. Hamilton
7. London
8. Picton-KIngston
9. Ottawa
District Four: Quebec
1. Montreal
2. Quebec city and eastern townships
District Five: Maritimes
1. Halifax
2. Cape Breton
3. New Brunswick
4. PEI
5. Newfoundland
A website ( and a facebook site are presently under construction. A monthly Membership Bulletin is also being prepared.
Finally, a special Indigenous Advisory Council consisting of elders from the Mohawk-Six Nations, Miq Maq, Algonquin, Anishinabe, Cree, Metis, Nuu-chah-nulth and Squamish Nations is now working with the Provisional Council to draft our Constitution and lay the basis for a truly federated Republic of equal nations. These elders are recruiting indigenous members for the Republic.
We look forward to a Convention that will issue a shot heard around the world!
In service to the Republic,
Colin Sullivan, for the Provisional Council
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