Xi & Putin Warn Against History Distortions

Mainstream accounts of our history are already distorted and we are only beginning to learn the real story. Presently, there are also flagrant attempts to discredit the almost unilateral contribution of the Russians to the downfall of the Nazi expansionist regime late in the 1930s and onward.

China, for its part, has always raised the issue of Japan’s willful denial of its past crimes against the Chinese especially during the Rape of Nanking, 1937-1938. At least 300,000 thousand lives were lost by the Chinese and 100,000 lives were lost in the Philippines.
Let it be understood that all the troubles in Asia were caused by skillful machinations of the Jesuits. These Vatican Assassins controlled both sides of the conflict as manifested by the deafening silence of the Vatican during the entire duration of the war and as can be seen by the photographs below:

Putin echoes Chinese President, warns against “distorting history”
March 18, 2015, 6:57 am

Ahead of visits by Chinese President Xi Jinping and North Korean leader Kim Jong Un, Russian President Vladimir Putin on Tuesday spoke out against “attempts at distorting the events” of World War II.
“Their goal is obvious: to undermine Russia’s power and moral authority, to deprive it of its status of a victorious nation, with all the ensuing international legal consequences, to divide peoples and set them against each other and to use historical speculations in their geopolitical games,” said Putin at a meeting of the organizing committee of the Victory celebrations. The Russian President had earlier last year signed a law making the denial of Nazi crimes and distortion of the Soviet Union’s role in the World War II a criminal offence.
Chinese President Xi Jinping and North Korean leader Kim Jong Un will be attending the commemoration events in Moscow in May.
Putin and Xi have both, in recent months, warned against “distorting history”.
Chinese President Xi Jinping said at a war commemoration event in December that “forgetting history means betrayal and denying the crime means committing it once again.”
Putin, on Tuesday, ordered the organizing committee, established for the 70th anniversary celebration of the victory of the Anti-Fascist War on May 9 in Moscow, to effectively counter worrying attempts to “rewrite history”.
“This is a very important work to involve the young people in preserving historical memory about the events of the Great Patriotic War, about the key role of the Soviet Union in the victory over Nazism,” a Kremlin statement quoted Putin.
More than a dozen countries are sending their military units to take part in the victory parade at the Red Square in Moscow on May 9th, which marks the 70th anniversary of the end of the war.
26 countries, including China, Greece, Vietnam, Netherlands, Egypt, have confirmed their attendance at the celebrations in Russia.
Russian and Chinese Presidents will exchange state visits to mark the 70th anniversary of the end of World War II this year.
“As two of the main battlefields in Asia and Europe during World War Two, China and Russia will hold a series of celebrations, and state leaders will attend commemorations held in each other’s country,” said Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesperson Hua Chunying in January this year.
China’s War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, led to the death of some 20 million Chinese, according to Beijing’s estimates. It ended with Tokyo’s World War II defeat in 1945.
On May 9, Russia commemorates the sacrifice of the millions who fought and died to bring down the Third Reich and end Hitler’s expansionist whims.
Although most Western historians believe that 22 million Soviets died in the Great Patriotic War, Russian sources put the number higher – at 27 million people.
Russia’s Red Army lost 8.5 million troops – a figure comparable only with German losses. Another 18 million were civilians who died as a result of Hitler’s genocide.
Oliver Stone’s massive  documentary about the real WW2 story consciously omitted the Jesuits’ actions during the war which led many to suspect he’s another Jesuit stooge just like conspiracy theorist Jesse “Jesuit” Ventura.
Those Nazis who were subjected to the Nuremberg Trials were not the cream of the crop. Most of the high-ranking SS agents were scattered throughout the Americas through the Vatican Ratlines.
One family even made it to the White House twice. The same family is aiming for a third.

We can only scratch a thin surface of a story in one article. It is therefore prudent for any truth researcher to expand his awareness on the subject beyond what’s been discussed here.
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5 thoughts on “Xi & Putin Warn Against History Distortions”

  1. Why is the holodomor not mentioned? Why are the Bolsheviks omitted from the above “history”? What an irony that an article intended to convey a warning about history distortions … this article contains key omissions of historic facts. The Bolshevik holodomor information paints a very different picture than where this article intends to take us.
    Who are we conditioned not to criticize that brought communism to Russia? Who would like to pin blame on “the Vatican”–and avoid accountability? We can discover who. Here is how: http://911JusticeCampaign.org

    1. The entire history cannot be satisfied with just one article. Even VT’s article below did not mention the Jesuits… but it does talk about the Bolsheviks that we “omitted” in the article here.
      The link you provided also omitted the Jesuits/Vatican, only talks about small fish like Rudy Giuliani.
      The Rothschild KM pre-staged and engineered the Russian Revolution by using its central banks to pay for the Bolshevik infiltration of Russia and their Revolution on behalf of the Khazarian Mafia (KM).
      The Bolsheviks were actually created and deployed by the Khazarian Mafia (KM) as the essential part of their long planned revenge on the Russian Czar and the innocent Russian people for breaking up Khazaria in about 1,000 AD for its repeated robbery, murder and identity theft of travelers from countries surrounding Khazaria. This little known fact explains the extreme violence taken out on Russia as long standing revenge by the Rothschild controlled Khazarian Mafia (KM).
      In an well-planned savage and inhuman bloodletting that stunned the world, the Bolsheviks were unleashed in full fury on behalf of the KM to gain revenge on the Russians. This had been planned since the destruction of Khazaria.
      The Bolsheviks, at the direction of the Rothschild KM, raped, tortured and mass-murdered approximately 100 million Russians, including women, children and infants. Some of the torture and bloodletting was so extreme, we are not going to mention it here in this article.
      But readers who want to know can do some in depth internet research on the “Red Terror” or the “Bolshevik Cheka” or watch the classic movie “The Checkist” which is available on http://www.youtube.com.

  2. No nation leader is innocent, they are all evil to greater and lesser degrees (Matthew 10:18). Chinese leaders sold out their populace to become a trading partner to the USA (Federal Reserve-led Nixon China policy); Putin got into office on the back of false flag bombings he blamed on Chechnya, but which bombings were carried out by the Russian secret police. The Vatican is the empire of Jew Pharisees, and if one believes Christ, the Vatican is carried by the Beast of Revelation (Rev. 17:7). FACT, not mere belief, is that Pharisees went to Gentiles with a doctrine that declared worship of God requires kneeling before church altars and paying money to church rulers (Paul’s gospel), and the Pharisees’ churches became the Roman Catholic church empire, the only church that existed until the rise of the Ethiopian church in the 4th century A.D. Russia is hated by the Vatican because less than 1% of Russian population is Catholic, the Russian Orthodox church is an affront to the rule of the papacy in the world. No church altar is of God, the Orthodox, Ethiopian and Protestant churches are the harlots of the whore of Revelation, harlots and whore being founded solely on the gospel of Pharisee Paul. The New World Order, Fourth Reich Nazism, Zionism, Christendom is Vatican-led, with Switzerland in tow as the knights templar protectors of the Vatican, furthering papal rule over the world. Time Magazine (2/13/15 edition) declared Nazi SS Switzerland to be ‘perpetual neutral’, Freemason owned Time, Inc. A Swiss General, with four other Swiss military and five Swedish military, stand guard at the Korean DMZ. Switzerland trains North Korean soldiers, just recenlty dropping their policy of paying NK soliders to be trained by them. The world is fast approaching the time of Daniel 11:14 – the robbers of God’s people (Christendom Vatican, 4th Reich Nazi NWO) seek to establish their world domination vision, but shall fall in the process. They have their high-tech military equipment in Antarctica, Denver, Colorado set up as the NWO government to take over when they carry out UK Telegraph Blackjack. Conrad Black, former president of Nazi-founded Biilderberg, was former head of Telegraph. China, to this day, remains largely un-Christianized, and though current alleged war criminal pope Bergoglio cries for a crumb from the Chinese, Beijing still refuses the Vatican’s overtures – still no diplomatic relations between Beijing and the Vatican.

  3. No nation leader is innocent, they are all evil to greater and lesser degrees (Matthew 10:18). Chinese leaders sold out their populace to become a trading partner to the USA (Federal Reserve-led Nixon China policy); Putin got into office on the back of false flag bombings he blamed on Chechnya, but which bombings were carried out by the Russian secret police. The Vatican is the empire of Jew Pharisees, and if one believes Christ, the Vatican is carried by the Beast of Revelation (Rev. 17:7). FACT, not mere belief, is that Pharisees went to Gentiles with a doctrine that declared worship of God requires kneeling before church altars and paying money to church rulers (Paul’s gospel), and the Pharisees’ churches became the Roman Catholic church empire, the only church that existed until the rise of the Ethiopian church in the 4th century A.D. Russia is hated by the Vatican because less than 1% of Russian population is Catholic, the Russian Orthodox church is an affront to the rule of the papacy in the world. No church altar is of God, the Orthodox, Ethiopian and Protestant churches are the harlots of the whore of Revelation, harlots and whore being founded solely on the gospel of Pharisee Paul. The New World Order, Fourth Reich Nazism, Zionism, Christendom is Vatican-led, with Switzerland in tow as the knights templar protectors of the Vatican, furthering papal rule over the world. Time Magazine (2/13/15 edition) declared Nazi SS Switzerland to be ‘perpetual neutral’, Freemason owned Time, Inc. A Swiss General, with four other Swiss military and five Swedish military, stand guard at the Korean DMZ. Switzerland trains North Korean soldiers, just recenlty dropping their policy of paying NK soliders to be trained by them. The world is fast approaching the time of Daniel 11:14 – the robbers of God’s people (Christendom Vatican, 4th Reich Nazi NWO) seek to establish their world domination vision, but shall fall in the process. They have their high-tech military equipment in Antarctica, Denver, Colorado set up as the NWO government to take over when they carry out UK Telegraph Blackjack. Conrad Black, former president of Nazi-founded Biilderberg, was former head of Telegraph. China, to this day, remains largely un-Christianized, and though current alleged war criminal pope Bergoglio cries for a crumb from the Chinese, Beijing still refuses the Vatican’s overtures – still no diplomatic relations between Beijing and the Vatican. Switzerland, Luxemborg join BRICS bank, just part of their plan to destroy the USA dollar, their member bank’s currency, the EURO dollar to be destroyed too, and also sabatoge the Chinese too (and Russians). China joins the NWO, which means opening itself up to the Vatican and agreeing to let Switzerland BIS, the head bank of the western nation central banks, through the BIS’ IMF, set the exchange rate for all currencies of the world (IMF SDR’s) and if China refuses to voluntarily submit, then China is set to be destroyed by the Fourth Reich NWO. The NWO wants most of the world killed off regardless, the Georgia Guidestones being the NWO’s manifesto calling for a world population of less than 500 million.

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