“I’m going to defeat the Illuminati with my bare hands” | Putin 2016

Russian President Vladimir Putin is said to have uttered these bold words in front of a recent gathering inside the Kremlin. This statement is a response to Jacob Rothschild’s calling him a “traitor to the New World Order.”

Born and raised within the sphere of political influence, Putin is a bonafide member of the New World Order.. As a KGB agent he is exposed to the ways of the underworld.
But he is foremost a Russian who when called to save his country by a repentant Boris Yeltsin, he obliged so with flying colors.

He forced the migration of oligarchs into Rothschild’s City of London after the latter were found to have been leeching Russian resources in favor of the Khazarian Mafia. He has kicked out embedded Nazionist agents cloaking as NGOs through strict legislation and enforcement.
Companies like McDonald’s are being required to improve their products and services or be kicked out from his motherland. He has rallied the nation to withstand the effects of economic sanctions by strengthening domestic resources like organic farming and repel the deliberate attacks on the ruble and gas prices by purchasing tons of gold bars and sealing the biggest energy deal with China.

Judging from all his geopolitical decisions and actions so far, we can safely say that he’s definitely on the right track especially in Syria and Iran.
By convincing Syria to destroy its chemical arsenal with a commitment of protecting the Arab country at all cost, Putin has averted the globalist plan to lay a pipeline across Syria that would further empower the enemy of humanity.
Just yesterday, 1,093 more terrorist camps including those “housing experienced instructors” were destroyed via 302 air force sorties.

By forcing Iran and Washington to sit on the negotiation table, Israel’s Likud Party and the rest of the Nazionist factions are put on a defensive corner of geopolitics.
Of course, these BRICS leaders still want to exercise some level of control on their population, but they are not deterring anyone on the road to individual freedom either. They are just laying the groundwork for a collective effort to a better future, something that the next generations can build upon.
A level playing field in the realm of economics and geopolitics is what they are aiming for. It is up to us to remove the motivation for human exploitation completely.
Those who have redefined the word Illuminati from being enlightened to “exceptionalists”, i.e. the privileged few who believe that certain rules don’t apply to them, must be fully neutralized.
One of the significant sources of funds for the fascist Nazionist Jesuit Khazarian Mafia is the healthcare industry which registered a whopping $3.09 trillion in 2014, and is projected to soar to $3.57 trillion in 2017, in the US alone.
We can help take down the Dark Cabal by avoiding drugs, defeat any viral attack and scaremongering easily by knowing how to build our own comprehensive antiviral system. Find more about it here.

56 thoughts on ““I’m going to defeat the Illuminati with my bare hands” | Putin 2016”

        1. It’s not how you communicate but what you communicate that is of most importance. If that is how one decides credibility, how perfect the prose, then perhaps you should still to writing poetry.

  1. If I can do anything to support Mr Putin in his efforts to defeat the likes of jacob rothschild and his cronies I would be only too happy to assist.

    1. Do you think Putin is genuine with what he’s saying or is he telling us what we want to hear? I hope he’s real as I’m starting to like him, surely there’s some countries against NWO/illuminati that we can stand with? I’m starting to like Putin but cannot 100% trust a guy that speaks out against NWO when he must be with them to get where he has

      1. hiya jayne jordan! I completely resonate with your comment!! i too have recently been coming to see another side of Putin that I had never known before and I like it! But like you, I have reservations about being duped yet again! But then i thought, yes he is/was a part of that world, but i think it’s hard not to be when you’re playing at that level of power, whether you want to be connected to it or not. I remind myself, what counts is what he’s doing now with the information he has and it looks like he is fighting back, for all of us, and that fills me with hope! And it’s ok to feel hope 🙂 Not sure if you saw the press bit about how he reacted to a recent meeting with world powers and particularly the Queen of England! In fact, if was that initial bit of news that had me look deeper into him, when he couldn’t believe what he saw with his own eyes! Anyways, hope you’re out there living a good life! � PeeCe

    2. Do you think Putin is genuine with what he’s saying or is he telling us what we want to hear? I hope he’s real, surely there’s some countries against NWO/illuminati that we can stand with? I’m starting to like Putin but cannot 100% trust a guy that speaks out against NWO when he must be with them to get where he has. I’m confused? You can never be sure….

      1. He kicked out the illuminati from russia I believe. But He is aware as I am (I’m British) that we need them out for good, they plan to take over all countries to create the NWO. So they need us all, which is why i was ecstatic for Trumps victory as America is the mother base of the elites, My country did Brexit so hoping we stick to it! and Russia kicked them out, France is on its way I believe. This is a good time to be alive, Putin is a man of his word, the globalists kept trying to make up nonsense in order to attack Russia, my guess is because of his opposition to them which serves as a threat. With Putin now allies with Trump, and Trump against Illuminati, we are going to smite them!

  2. The people failed to understand what the Illuminati is about. Why do you think there are secret societies? And why do you think there are world governments with Central banks? All established by the Illuminati ordained by the Master of Wisdom, since the creation history.

    1. Well “Carpenter Y.Arpa V” you sound like you are one of them! That being the case why don’t you enlighten some of us as to why these criminals are here and justify their miserable existence. Many of us know, but there would be some who don’t and to hear your reasons would at least be amusing!
      I can assure you there are many here who know what the Illuminati is about and fully understand their agenda.

  3. I believe that we have to take it a stage further that Iceland, we do not have to be violent, but we can eliminate all the Rothschild families including all the ROCKERFELLERS, all the elite families and put them on a prison colony, and STERILIZE them so that they will never breed anymore, and that means all who are in anyway related to them, take everything that they have ever stolen from humanity, that means all the gold and wealth and distribute it among all of humanity.

      1. Who gives them life;that is the breath of life,then whomever gives them that allows them that duration of time until it removes it; their last breath.They will die.

    1. And just how are you going to do that? A bit unrealistic, don’t you think?

    2. They wanted to destroy the world. We should put them all on a space shuttle to the moon with only a one ticket out of here. Every last one of those greedy tycoons. Then distribute all of their mpney equally to every family. They siffened our money in everyway imaginable. In truth their money is our money. We could clear alot of land and grow crops and raise enough on our own countries resurces so that all countries would flourish again.

  4. Totally agree with you, tony. These are criminals who also need to be fully exposed, arrested and tried by the public. Before the world, because they are cause for nearly all world suffering. They are common criminals on an unimaginable scale. Ruling by secrecy and deception. Totally service to self. The world will awaken when these misdeeds are fully exposed. And, then we the people can move on in peace.

  5. NICE DISINFO just like benjamin fulford illuminati is UN freemasonry ,chabad zionism
    Putin and Zionism: A Complex Relationship
    Just as between 1917 and 1939, between 1991 and 1999 [under Boris Yeltsin] the reigns of power in Russia were firmly in Jewish hands, and in both cases, with truly catastrophic consequences. The big difference is that if in the early 20th century the Jews in power were ideological opponents of the Anglo Empire, [for public consumption-Makow] in the late 20th century, the Jews in Russia were practically an extension of the AngloZionist EmpirePutin inherited a system created by and for the AngloZionist Empire. He was a compromise candidate between two radically opposed parties and it took him years to first get rid of most of the the Russian (Jewish) oligarchs and then, very gradually, begin cleanup process in which slowly, step by step, the Zionists were booted out of their positions of power. just like USA
    he oligarchs: when Putin ridded Russia of the semibankirshchina [Jewish oligarchs, bankers] he did not really crack down on all the oligarchs as such. He only only got rid of those oligarchs who, like Khodorkovsky, had tried to basically stage a coup against Putin by buying the entire Duma. The oligarchs were told “stay out of politics and I will leave you alone”. The deal is still on today.
    This is the most logical article I have seen on Putin, his actions and his lack of actions. Russia will NEVER win against the Rothschild cabal until they toss the phony debt as money lie that almost all nations now live with as the cabal grabs ever more wealth through it. As well as having stolen over 90% of all wealth, world wide, they also own the best part of EVERY national debt, so-called, on these totally phony loans of nothing at usury instead of an honest real monetary medium of exchange. The world’s worst crime in all history. It causes more grief than mass murders because it is that as well as every other economic crime combined with it.

  6. Putin and Zionism: A Complex Relationship
    This is the most logical article I have seen on Putin, his actions and his lack of actions. Russia will NEVER win against the Rothschild cabal until they toss the phony debt as money lie that almost all nations now live with as the cabal grabs ever more wealth through it. As well as having stolen over 90% of all wealth, world wide, they also own the best part of EVERY national debt, so-called, on these totally phony loans of nothing at usury instead of an honest real monetary medium of exchange. The world’s worst crime in all history. It causes more grief than mass murders because it is that as well as every other economic crime combined with it.
    Doesn’t he know that Israel is the #1 source of terror (along with the CIA and MI-6)? In a long article published today, “The Saker” explains that Putin has to play stupid. There is a balance of power in Russia, and to a certain extent Putin’s hands are tied. Jewish globalist financial interests are still powerful.
    Just as between 1917 and 1939, between 1991 and 1999 [under Boris Yeltsin] the reigns of power in Russia were firmly in Jewish hands, and in both cases, with truly catastrophic consequences. The big difference is that if in the early 20th century the Jews in power were ideological opponents of the Anglo Empire, [for public consumption-Makow] in the late 20th century, the Jews in Russia were practically an extension of the AngloZionist Empire.The oligarchs: when Putin ridded Russia of the semibankirshchina [Jewish oligarchs, bankers] he did not really crack down on all the oligarchs as such. He only only got rid of those oligarchs who, like Khodorkovsky, had tried to basically stage a coup against Putin by buying the entire Duma. The oligarchs were told “stay out of politics and I will leave you alone”. The deal is still on today.
    The economy: even in his last speech Putin had to declare that he fully supports the Central Bank and the economic Ministers of the Medvedev government. Considering that literally ALL Putin allies openly and vocally are screaming bloody murder about the way the Russian economy is mismanaged, this is clearly a coerced statement and not something he believes in. This is the most logical article I have seen on Putin, his actions and his lack of actions. Russia will NEVER win against the Rothschild cabal until they toss the phony debt as money lie that almost all nations now live with as the cabal grabs ever more wealth through it. As well as having stolen over 90% of all wealth, world wide, they also own the best part of EVERY national debt, so-called, on these totally phony loans of nothing at usury instead of an honest real monetary medium of exchange. The world’s worst crime in all history. It causes more grief than mass murders because it is that as well as every other economic crime combined with it

    1. Hello sword person. You talk like you know it all. You also act like you know Putin well. Can you show proof of any personal information on Mr. Putin? Anything the world doesn’t know? Trying to convince or confuse others to lose interest in seeing the cabal fall. You’re a pretty damn good disinformant. Ask your handler to pay you more. You’re not convincing me enough. I don’t follow trolls. I follow truth and self reliance with self knowledge. The cabal has already fallen, you just don’t comprehend the ways to see it gradually disintergrate.
      No hate to you my brother or sister that writes this disinformation.
      Only love eternal.

  7. The assets of the Rothschilds are no different to those of say Pablo Esobar or John Gotti. When they are all finally arrested, their assets should be seized like any criminal’s assets are and should not be a birthright to future generations since it was nearly all obtained via deception, mass murder and fraud.

  8. If you check global research site you will find a post about how the globalists infiltrate not only state countries but also underworld criminals.

  9. A President, CEO, Head of Household and/or any top Bosses have the implied powers, authority to run his reign and jurisdiction thru managing truth, guidance, manipulation and deception for his Cause. Said Cause shall also depend on the loyalty of his people. When a number of his people knows what he really is, his person, inherent disrespect and disloyalty arises because people compares themselves as an equal being without the realization that the Boss created what they are. A saying goes, “We know God of what He isn’t, than what He really is”. Do you really think man will have sustained respect knowing what our Boss really is, a person who eats, sleeps and have human feelings just like us, and is in higher position? Enviousness is always there whether we know him or not. Since we have an unseen, unreachable and unspeakable God, Why do you think man tries to play God upon others as us.
    Knowing the truth is hard to accept because of man’s Mind-Set of what the were used to believe. Who do you think is the Master of the World? and who do you think is the Master of wisdom, and whose idea was Monotheism. Believe me the truth really always hurt because of our mind set of things.

  10. Only the Illumined understands things. Understands who are expendables, such as the derelicts, the unfaithful, the treacherous and the kinds. However, the truth could never be disclose but one may only discover and/or realized setting aside its mind set. Even members of Fraternal Brotherhood Societies took time to such realization within ranking system.

  11. I believe that Putin fight against Iluminati, but, where’s proofs that Putin say this? please.

  12. Reblogged this on demetrius13 and commented:
    Putin is someone I admire because he shines brightest when judged by his actions. They can malign him all they want in the controlled media, but he must ultimately be judged by his actions.

  13. Putin actually came from a simple poor family. He was a run of the mill type KGB agent, which meant that he was not close to anything elite ever and was never exposed to corruption in Soviet power. Only KGB agents trusted by the Soviet mob would be allowed to know. Him coming to power was a pure fluke that enraged all the traditional power monger types. Guys like Putin can’t be bought out, ever. That’s why he’s so important for Russia and the world, our only hope of a light spirit with a strong hand =-)

  14. Mr. Putin , I will see you at the finish line. My Intel is a gift from the divine. We soon will be free of this evil and the archon. I hope what I read is true. Thank you.

  15. Mr Putin is a gentleman I Admire. I believe he can deal with the idiots who think they can deceive us eternally.like octopus they have their members allover the world busy looting the p
    eople eg piliticians in Nigeria.revolting against them violently is the only solution to free humanity from their satanic manipulatiions.
    But,first we must seek God before we can do that.

  16. Speaking from a illuminati satellite city of Singapore, the way MNCs and politically affliated businessmen and politicians leeches of 90% of our currency is disgusting.
    Amassing human slaves like tsunamis, followed by the construction new flats with a cell tower built for every one of them. And of course, the daily intake of fluoridat water, the usual PC/TV/Cell and media propaganda we have always been the lab rat for human mind control experiment.
    Our citizens have been reduced to mindless zombies living a life of caged animals. I’ve watched videos on animal cruelty but the most shocking part was not at the violence nor the painful angry screams, it was the familiarity in our actual living environment and how desensitized we have become.

  17. Much Much Love!! Im from Romania but I SOwish I wasnt right now.
    Our stupid Coward Run Governement bought Sold our Country and peolle to Satan Americans
    There are few who thinkbthis way here, or people leave. Only Thiefs and traitors stay.
    Go Mr Putin , Americans Cabbalist Satan worshippers SUCK

  18. If you are going to use a single term to associate zionists with nazis then use zionazi it is much easier to vocalize than nazionist.

  19. Are questions allowed?
    Did the Illuminati play a key role in getting Putin to order George Soros to allow Trump to win, and to restrain the Obama, Putin, Kim Jong-un, Xi Xinping scheme to inflict an EMP attack on the U.S. for good consideration from Trump?

  20.  Putin and Trump have  got the NWO Illuminati running scared, which is why they are in propaganda overdrive, They will not get there own way anymore with trump and putin uniting. Thats why it was so important to have the worlds 2 great super powers to be on the same page. Hillary would of continued there agendas with her supreme court picks and corruption. The NWO illuminati were using islam to start  world war 3 and obama and clinton were there draw cards. This is the reason why many voted for Trump he says the truth and like Putin is not ruled by political correctness but the media hides it and lies to us all, we the people know the truth now. Trump is leading his country because he could see what was happening and the path it was going down. And trump united with putin is logical and a terrific thing and a major set back for the NWO. Dont believe the Democratic controlled media believe your heart. Trump has a great team behind him he will make america great again just give him a chance. Obama did so much damage in his eight years and divided a nation he was controlled by the globalists and there agendas.Putin has a great record as president with a 90% approval rating who is standibg up against terror groups and christianity as trump will do. Trump picked men like mike flynn,  james mattis, tom price, ben carson, trey gowdy, are all anti obama and the establishment thought mentality. Trump knows exactly what he is doing he will prove all the doughters wrong, have faith trump winning was an act of god to save america and the world. Trump and Putin are not what the bias media portray they are both strong leaders on a mission and they will achieve there goals to unite the world.

    1. I think that Trump has shown with such issues as the indictment of Assange and his promotion of the mRNA vaccines, that he might be in the proverbial Trojan Horse. Any person who is willing to allow the NWO folks to treat a human being like they have done Assange, does not care about his fellow man. Don’t give me the justification for the means argument. I hasn’t worked yet.

  21. WE MUST SPEAK UP AND NOT BECOME A POLICE STATE WE NEED STRONGER LAWS FOR TERROIST OFFENDERS. To many polititions and people, seem to think it must be easier to go after the people like hanson, or bernardi than after certain jihadis. That way, critics of these leaders can also pose as “heroes” while ignoring the real threats to all of humanity. Critics of Muslim extremists get numerous death threats from some people in the West because they courageously oppose the grave human rights violations — forced marriages, honor killings, child rape, murdering homosexuals and female genital mutilation (FGM), among others.
    Why do we even call criticism of such horrific practices “courageous”? It should have been the most normal and ordinary act to criticize crimes of this nature. But it is not.ITS POLITICAL AGENDAS. Political correctness draconian laws like 18c is a tool to keep us in the dark so we stay silent and dumb through intimidation. This civilization jihad is being promoted by those who want the crisis in order to establish crisis response through a police state. The Un is just a front to remove national sovereignty worldwide, promote globalism under the “authority” and bloated, Orwellian bureaucracy of the UN.In australia Turnbull and Bishop, backed by the Labor/Greens, are just misleading us into believing that what they are up to is good for us. They will tell you that we have responsibility to play a major role in financing those broken 3rd world dictatorships so as they can become part of one big happy world-wide family who will all live in a prosperous harmony where there is no crime, no poverty, no tribal/racial/religious tensions, where every child has an education that continues from cradle to grave and where everyone has a job and we all sing Kumbia and live happily for ever after. Agenda 21; a United Nations action plan which aims to depopulate the nation, impose a world government and usher in the return of Communism

  22. TRUMP AND PUTIN UNITING WILL BEAT THE NWO AND BE KNOWN AS THE GREATEST LEADERS OF ALL TIME** The plan of deception can be exposed. You can see how close you were to destruction or you can be destroyed. The NWO Plan that has manipulated every aspect of your life can be destroyed if you want it to be? America has been hijacked and run by multi-national banks. That’s why every time they get exposed they say Russia is supposedly running america, Russia is under globalist economic attack and paramilitary attack with asymmetrical warfare all across their borders. America are under attack by the very same New World Order as Russia. , If America got along with the Soviet Union that is a terrific achievement. Unity creates strength. Then that strength can be utilize to defeat common enemy “Radical Islam” It makes great sence if both countries are on the same page for the right cause. Better to work with than to fight with anyone. But always stand for what is right. That is the NWO’S worst fear for the 2 great superpowers to unite they hate unity.
    Political correctness is a tool to keep you in the dark. The school systems and Hollywood and media have been destroying the moral structure and the exceptionalism of the American way of life, one nation secured by rights given to us by God that secures our freedoms. A plan to remove God so the state becomes god. When the state becomes god you have slavery. Marxism. Just look at how far we have gone? Look at the moral decay? It was the Luciferian and 33 level freemason Albert Pike who explained, in order to create the utopia, you build the city. You remove what is not needed, you destroy the city then rebuild it with what is left. Let your work be square the master mason says. Babylon was built into a perfect square. You remove family, you destroy the moral structure, you create crisis and crisis response to lead to despotism where blind sheep accept any shepherd. When you remove God and replace God for liberalism, moral relativism and secular humanism, then you become sheep guided by the ego. You feed on ridicule and are blinded by a false sense of superiority. The media and the modern school system uses secular humanism and concupiscence to stroke the ego. It is done to down grade man into the sensual world taking his mind off of the gift of the eternal soul. A gift that has requirements. Sin is separation from God and ego is insanity and blinding to higher truths. We are here for less than a blink of an eye compared to eternity it keeps you focused inside that blink. You are not building your perfect city. You are building your own prison. What has been going on in America is a conditioning for world government. It is removing American exceptionalism and unity and replacing it with a global mindset. The eternal soul has no color. The Trilateral Commission and Council on Foreign Relations are who are truly in charge of our trade deals, not our politicians in General. These groups have one goal. To destroy the city. NAFTA was not created to benefit America. The Federal Reserve was not created to benefit America. The lie of differences between Democrats and Republicans and Collusion with the media is being exposed. TPP is not simply another trade deal. It is the next step to global government. Most wars start with propaganda, lies to justify the war. Syria has a huge propaganda machine in place. This war is not about protecting the people of Syria, it is about a 50 year old plan to run a natural gas line through Syria that would benefit Europe, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Turkey… Who does the Clinton Foundation receive the most money from? Those who benefit from the pipeline and those who supported the coup in the Ukraine. The Clinton foundation is in collusion with the State Department, CIA , Muslim Brotherhood, Qatar , Saudi Arabia, Turkey, interests in Europe, as the largest regime change gun running war machine in the history of this country. It can bring down our Government and start wars. It has caused untold death and destruction around the world. Only 6% of the known funds that pass through it go to charity. Pulitzer prize winner Seymour Hersch believes that the sarin gas attack on children in Syria was fabricated as part of the propaganda plan and Hillary was involved. It was created to push us into war. Benghazi was a gun running operation through Qatar to Libya and Syria in order to supply hard line salifists supported by our Government and Saudi Arabia, to take down the non sharia countries of Libya and Syria who also had working relationships with Russia.If we intervene and cause regime change we are supporting freedom. When Russia intervened the propaganda machine calls it acts of aggression. Russia was welcomed onto Syrian soil, US were not.
    It has been much harder to take down Syria, a lot harder than Ukraine, Tunisia, Egypt, Libya because there is no faction again Assad in Syria. Almost 100% of the non sharia Muslims and Christians who have lived in Syria support Assad. The war has been created by Al Qaida backed by European interests the United States, Turkey, Qatar and Saudi Arabia, Israel. Our special forces are getting fed up because they know they are training Al Qaida. We have placed sanctions on Syria that are starving their people. Intelligence reports showed the progress of Al Qaida in Iraq and how it would develop into a Caliphate. General Flynn said our policy when it came to Syria led to the creation of ISIS. We along with other interested parties knew what was going to happen and assisted it in order for there to be an opposition force against Syria. But the Koran says those who migrate for the cause of Allah receive the same reward as the mujahedeen the fighters. The cause of Allah is world wide sharia and Caliphate. The Koran calls Muslims who do not follow sharia law and fight for the Caliphate hypocrites who will go to hell. It was easy to get hard line salifists to take down the hypocrites. Tunisian, Egypt, Libya, Syria. Syria has some of the strongest human rights laws in the middle East. Before the regime change it was a middle East vacation spot and Riviera. It had universal health care and free schooling and non sharia Muslims are friends and supporters of Christians. It is all about the Bankers, the money and power. Millions have died. We need to stop the endless cycles of wars. It starts by being energy independent and separating from the NWO. This is why establishment Republicans are attacking Trump. They are totally invested in this NWO. TPP unites with the European superstate trade agreements and agenda 21 in world trade and environmental court systems destroying sovereignty and taking over every aspect of your life. The ruthlessness of ISIS has led to migration of sharia following Muslims who do not love our country and as long as they follow sharia will work toward destroying it. This civilization jihad is being promoted by those who want the crisis in order to establish crisis response through a police state. Soros who controls Hillary’s foreign policy and donates millions to Hillary, also works to push the migration agenda and even gives millions to marxist subversive groups like Black lives matter to increase the insurrection by race wars. Black lives matter is being funded and controlled by a white communist who has a history of taking down countries. NAFTA is removing close to a trillion dollars a year from our economy. Not becoming energy independent is causing regime change and wars around the globe. Receiving our fuel from countries who want to destroy our way of life simply gives them more power to do so.
    General William Boykin, Admiral ( Ace) Lyons, Lt Colonel Tony Shaffer, Frank Gaffney assistant director of defense under Reagan and head of the Center for Security Policy, CIA intelligence specialist and instructor Clair Lopez, Pulitzer prize winner Seymour Hersh, Andrew McCarthy who prosecuted the blind sheik in the 911 trial, DHS Whistle blower Philip Haney intelligence counter terrorism officer…All believe and have presented facts to support, that at Benghazi we switched sides on the war on terror and the Muslim Brotherhood has infiltrated every level of our Government. I have presented the foundation. They are counting on you being lazy and not doing the research to see the entire elephant for yourself. Do the research. If Hillary had become President America as you know it would of been doomed. Trump has thrown a wrench in the spokes and is up against the NWO. They cannot buy him off or intimidate him. They created an entire image of him different than from whom he really is. It took a miracle and an act from god for him to become president. Even Constantine had serious flaws but God can even use the worst of us for great things. It starts by simply reversing everything that was done to bring down this country. It starts with focusing on the eternal soul, humility , love and unity. It is in humility that the gift of wisdom is found. The Un is just a front to remove national sovereignty worldwide, promote globalism under the “authority” and bloated, Orwellian bureaucracy of the UN.In australia Turnbull and Bishop, backed by the Labor/Greens, are just misleading us into believing that what they are up to is good for us. They will tell you that we have responsibility to play a major role in financing those broken 3rd world dictatorships so as they can become part of one big happy world-wide family who will all live in a prosperous harmony where there is no crime, no poverty, no tribal/racial/religious tensions, where every child has an education that continues from cradle to grave and where everyone has a job and we all sing Kumbia and live happily for ever after. The Global warming is a total scam to keep the focus away from Agenda 21; a United Nations action plan which aims to depopulate the nation, impose a world government and usher in the return of Communism.

    1. Domenic, I was surfing the web and came across this post. I have not seen or read anything more spot on than this piece you have written. Very well done!!! Have you done any research on all the false flag incidents i.e. Boston bombings, Sandy Hook, 911, Colorado, and many more? Also, taking this even more sinister… The deaths of Prince, Michael Jackson, Whitney Houston. The death of Prince was played out several years ago on the Simpsons and also the Boston Bombings, the election of Trump.
      And yet another issue is the ADHD drugging of children and how many of these murders were carried out by children who have been on these psychotropic drugs for so many years ( lab rats).
      If you have as great of knowledge as you did on this post, can you educate us on these very serious issues?…. Thank you!

  23. Forget about this world and get your hearts and minds on God’s plan through Jesus Christ. Enter into His rest through the finished work on the cross and be at peace. It is good that you are exposing the truth about the power elites of this world, that they may be ashamed. But you cannot physically defeat them in this age of the Antichrist. God will have the last say and Satan will be throne into the pit. Selah

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