The Khazarian corporatists working behind the scenes in Brazil succeeded in dividing the nation in their favor by installing a Wall Street friendly Vice President Michel Temer at the helm. This covert coup should allow them access to vast energy resource that is until now controlled by the government of Brazil.
This successful coup should also affect the integrity of the BRICS Alliance.
The upper class in Brazil consented to this change in government. They thought President Dilma Rousseff is not good at handling government affairs at all.
We are viewing this as the classic escape from the frying pan into the fire.
Sputnik reports,
On Wednesday, Brazil’s Senate completed a 20-hour debate before voting 55 to 22 to suspend President Dilma Rousseff for 180 days pending an impeachment trial. The head of the country’s Workers Party and the winner of four consecutive elections, Rousseff was stripped of her powers on Thursday and faces the specter of a full impeachment within six months. The Senate will need to assemble a two-thirds vote, 54 of 81 senators, to permanently ban her from office.
Vice President Michel Temer, of the center-right Brazilian Democratic Movement Party, ascended to the presidency on Thursday despite recent polling showing that less than 2% of Brazilians intend to vote for him in the 2018 election.
Temer announced that his transition government will form a coalition with the country’s right wing parties and will move rapidly to privatize the country’s natural resources while implementing unpopular austerity measures. The beneficiary of the impeachment vote, which many are calling a coup, claims these measures are necessary to lift Brazil out of its worst recession in decades.
Rousseff Suspension Viewed as Illegitimate Following Bizarre Events
“The saddest day for Brazil’s young democracy,” was how one Brazilian Senator described Wednesday’s vote to suspend Dilma Rousseff. The chamber voted on Wednesday after a debate that featured props, gangrene comparisons, and the Senate president’s tooth falling out of his mouth on live television.
An international audience looked on in disgust as nearly every one of the 81 senators took the maximum allotted time to speak, not to call for the impeachment of Rousseff, but to talk about their own candidacy for reelection.
The reality-show atmosphere of the Senate rivaled only the debate in the Lower House in April, as legislators dedicated votes to gods and grandchildren, with reports that lawmakers accepted bribes in return for a vote to impeach. Some commented that the Brazilian political power play made the American electoral convulsion look like an exercise in decency and propriety.
The impeachment effort was manufactured by Michel Temer’s two Brazilian Democratic Movement Party allies, deposed Speaker of the House Eduardo Cunha and President of the Senate Renan Calheiros. Cunha was dispatched from office last Friday by order of the Brazilian Supreme Court as he faces corruption charges traced to 23 Swiss bank accounts and Panama-based shell corporations.
For a moment last week, it appeared as if rationality had washed over Latin America’s most populous country, when acting Speaker of the House Waldir Maranhao, installed to replace Cunha, announced that the April 17 vote by the Lower House would be annulled, citing procedural irregularities. Less than 24 hours later, however, Maranaho revoked his earlier condemnation of the April 17 vote, after pressure from political allies and resistance by the Brazilian Senate, which paved the way for Wednesday’s impeachment vote.
In light of the rampant confusion and corruption engendered by the impeachment proceedings, with over 60% of those voting to impeach Rousseff themselves facing corruption charges, Brazil’s Attorney General Jose Eduardo Cardozo issued an emergency petition to the country’s Supreme Court calling for an injunction against the proceedings and an annulment of the entire process. The Supreme Court ruled against Cardozo’s petition and the vote proceeded on Wednesday without further interruption.
Impeachment or NSA Supported Coup?
Brazilians have taken to calling the impeachment a US-sponsored coup, citing the source material that started the circus. In 2014, WikiLeaks revealed that the NSA had undertaken surveillance efforts against the Brazilian government and state-owned oil company PetroBras, including directly spying on the communications of President Rousseff. The incident created a significant diplomatic row between Brazil and the United States, but also set into motion the first act in the impeachment imbroglio.
The NSA surveillance data was provided by an unnamed source to a rural Brazilian judge, who took up the so-called Car Wash investigation, focusing on kickbacks between government officials and PetroBras. The first person caught up in that investigation was Workers Party founder and former President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva. Rousseff moved to insulate the popular Lula da Silva from prosecution by installing him as her Chief of Staff, and granting him diplomatic immunity.
Ancillary to the investigation, it was discovered that Rousseff, during her most recent reelection bid, inflated government economic data to provide the appearance that the country’s economy was recovering. The hazy, but not necessarily illegal accounting practices undertaken by Rousseff, which her supporters offer has been a common practice by previous Brazilian leaders, is the charge for which she faces impeachment.
On Friday, Loud & Clear’s Brian Becker sat down with Latin American politics expert Dr. Francisco Dominguez to discuss the fallout and response now that Michel Temer has seized power.
Will ‘Social Convulsion’ and Violence Erupt Following the Impeachment?
“Brazilians are really angry and fed up with the situation,” said Dominguez. “They are taking actions throughout the country – organizing sit-ins at the universities, burning tires, planning boycotts, and engaging in mass demonstrations in the street.”
“The social movement in Brazil is absolutely gigantic, and remember that people like Lula actually have experience organizing mass resistance against the military dictatorship back in the 1980s, so they have every possibility of making an impact,” explained Dominguez. “The other crucial consideration is that the Temer government has no legitimacy, and now they want to make a coalition with the right wing which means they are going to implement neoliberal policies that reverse the social progress.”
Dominguez explained that although Rousseff oversaw the country during a major economic downturn and was hardly a popular politician, the Brazilian people trusted that she was standing up for them against outside forces that wanted to push austerity measures that would strip the popular social safety net.
With Rousseff gone, Dominguez says that the people of Brazil now live in fear. “They are very frightened now that they will lose their houses, their protection under the social security system, lose the possibility of accessing the university free of charge, and lose access to medicine and Cuban doctors free of charge – the very protections that the right wing government plans to strip away,” explained Dominguez.
Dominguez explained that under Rousseff’s government the country established 25 additional universities to cater to the country’s large population, ensuring that people would have increased opportunity for education. Dominguez suggests that the people will stand up to having these hard-won resources taken away.
The expert expressed that the situation remains somewhat contained in Brazil, as many suggest that the Workers Party will regain power in the 2018 elections, with the popular Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva planning to run. Dominguez offered that, if the government moved to bar Lula da Silva from being a candidate, through “trumped up legal charges,” the country could erupt.

Reblogged this on Puppet Master's Slave Market and commented:
This is how they punish nations that pull away from the tentacles of the Zionist banking cabal.
and this going on for 103 years against germany and other european countries. See Libya, Syria etc. with the same problems all over the world.
We all agree, but this is the single biggest clue of all:
This is how they punish nations who dare to pull away from the Zionist banking cabal Puerto Rico got Zika virus, Canada got fires in Alberta, Japan gets Tsunamis and nuclear attacks, and Iran and Russia get threats of Nuclear attacks.
It is not surprising that the KM are trying to get back.
That will not work as we know too much now of how the Cabal work.
Their days are counted and they either adapt or otherwise we have to eliminate them.
It is very important that the Khazarian maffia is put under maximum pressure at all locations at the same time worldwide. Reveal their covert actions to the public, isolate them and disarm them block them and isolate them. It has been enough and the people are sick of them. It is them or we.
Maybe it is a short victory to remind us that we have to fight them much harder to get rid of those thugs.There mustn´t be an inch of mercy against them if humanitiy wants to survive.
All poor people has to fight against RKM!
before jumping into conclusions, maybe the BRICS are not in danger, check out Temer’s visist to Russia in november 2015:
Temer, like FHC used to be, is an US asset! Check this:
they have no idea what they have done, by excepting the bribe of the US TERRORIST NETWORK, YOU WILL NEVER AGAIN SEE HER LIKE, her replacement will bring your country down, and now you have lost your chance of climbing out from under the control of the US like many other countries are doing all around the world.
Reblogged this on demetrius13 and commented:
They’re trying to destroy Brazil. Not on our watch!!!
Dilma put the Armed Forces in Congress (or Lower House), Senate and at the Federal Superior Court. Do it! Clean the three houses from mercenaries and traitors. It’s a capital crime anywhere in the World!
I don’t see proof of a ‘Khazarian Cabal’ here, especially when the Khazars were Turkic, not Jewish.
Second, isn’t it the least bit ironic how you condemn these little cabals yet form your own by hawking bad medicine? You say it’s outside the realm of ‘good science’, but it’s the kind of cheap medicine that kills people.
Not sure who the real usurers are.
I suggest you research more info about WHAT the “Kazarian’s” ARE.
They are the ones in Control of what is FALSELY called “Israelites/Jews”…They are NOT the ORIGINAL Jewish people…NOT EVEN THE SAME RACE.
Do research of the ORIGINAL JEWISH PEOPLE.
Almost ALL those people occupying Israel are CONVERTS…NOT THE ORIGINAL BLACK JEWS.
LAUGH!!!! THEY “THINK” THEY WERE SUCCESSFUL…There is a TITANIC difference between THINKING Something worked, and the REALITY of What is ACTUALLY happening.
The “Khazarian Mafia is PART of the LUCIFERIAN/VATICAN/ZIONIST arrangement…witch is DESTINED to FAIL….and even “THEY” Know this and explains their MADNESS THEY ARE CREATING…FOR NOW.