Trump Leaving UN-NWO with HR193 American Sovereignty Restoration Act 2017

The Trump administration and some members of the Republican Party continue to impress us.
They are now formalizing the US withdrawal from the United Nations, Inc., aka Khazarian World Order-One World totalitarian government, with the filing of House Resolution Bill No. 193, or the American Sovereignty Restoration Act of 2017.

H.R.193 — 115th Congress (2017-2018)

Introduced in House (01/03/2017)

American Sovereignty Restoration Act of 2017

This bill repeals the United Nations Participation Act of 1945 and other specified related laws.
The bill requires: (1) the President to terminate U.S. membership in the United Nations (U.N.), including any organ, specialized agency, commission, or other formally affiliated body; and (2) closure of the U.S. Mission to the United Nations.
The bill prohibits: (1) the authorization of funds for the U.S. assessed or voluntary contribution to the U.N., (2) the authorization of funds for any U.S. contribution to any U.N. military or peacekeeping operation, (3) the expenditure of funds to support the participation of U.S. Armed Forces as part of any U.N. military or peacekeeping operation, (4) U.S. Armed Forces from serving under U.N. command, and (5) diplomatic immunity for U.N. officers or employees.

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While Donald Trump is doing his thing against the ex-Rulers of the World, the enemies are not taking this lightly at all, and are also threatening his properties, and those under his Trump franchise worldwide, with terror attacks.

Trump properties face global terror risk with presidency

DUBAI, United Arab Emirates (AP) — Businesses around the world bearing U.S. President Donald Trump’s name face an increased risk now that he is in the White House, security experts warn, especially as several are in areas previously targeted by violence.
As Trump remains a brand overseas, criminal gangs or militants could target buildings bearing his name in gold, abduct workers associated with his enterprises for ransom or worse, they say.
“They may kidnap a Trump worker and not even want to negotiate,” aiming for publicity instead, said Colin P. Clarke, a political scientist with the RAND Corporation who studies terrorism and international criminal networks.
Predicting an attack keeps police, intelligence agencies and security experts awake at night around the world — and, by its very nature, it remains speculative.
U.S. brands have been targeted in overseas violence before, but they never belonged to a president. That’s the difference. Trump becoming America’s 45th president presents a unique challenge given the range of his international business interests.
Asked about security issues, the Trump Organization said in a statement it has “extensive protocols in place at our Trump-owned and -managed properties” in the United States and abroad.
“Our team continues to work very closely with local law enforcement,” the statement said. “We are also working in tandem with the local developers at Trump-branded properties worldwide to ensure that all residents, guests and associates remain safe and secure.” The organization did not elaborate.
While Trump has said he will put his business assets in a trust and hand over management control of his company to his two adult sons and a longtime Trump Organization executive, it’s still his name on the projects.

That’s the reason why he’s carefully balancing his acts against Israel and the CIA.

18 thoughts on “Trump Leaving UN-NWO with HR193 American Sovereignty Restoration Act 2017”

    1. Rothschild, & Sorros, Clinton terrorists go your hardest by attacking Trump you will help people see your UGLY Faces, go for it, !!! Ha Ha

  1. That’s the reason why he’s carefully balancing his acts against Israel and the CIA.” This conclusion is a real stretch and has no basis in fact. Gratuitous bullshit.

  2. The quoted article has a mistake: they wrote, ““They may kidnap a Trump worker and not even want to negotiate,” aiming for publicity instead, said Colin P. Clarke, a political scientist with the RAND Corporation who studies terrorism and international criminal networks.”
    Rather than “the RAND corporation who studies…” it should have read “the RAND corporation which CREATES…. terrorism and international criminal networks.” Small oversight I’m sure.

    1. Thank you for pointing out that subtle, (or rather, “hidden”), fact. The mechanism hath indeed an anatomy, and I rejoice that the general consciousness is now carrying enough memes to enable the mass-mind of the nation to consider how deep and dark the mechanism of usurped governmental power actually is.
      A note for curious readers — The gentleman who wrote the history of the Council on Foreign Relations, which I found at the CFR website, also wrote the definitive biography on Allen Dulles, who was the head of CIA under Eisenhower and Kennedy, and whom Kennedy fired (along with Richard Bissell and General Cabal) after catching Dulles and Bissell lying about the air support for the Bay of Pigs operation. The name of the biography is “Gentleman Spy: The Life of Allen Dulles” by Peter Grose. In that book Grose gives note of some papers at Princeton University which explains this matter in detail — and also, in a tangential way, reveals how “the system works”. It is a back-up body of knowledge which validates your assessment of how some parts of Rand Corporation operate (also corroborated by Daniel Ellsberg in his book, “Secrets”).
      I am an old Viet Nam USMC Veteran and am damn glad to see this page — it strikes me as a ray of hope and causes me to want to support President Trump.
      Elias Alias, The Mental Militia dot Net

      1. I like the whole story on anything, and thanks for supplying extra background. It helps keep the jigsaw real

  3. The U.N. lost most of its street cred with the murders of Dag Hammarskjold and Patrice Lumumba. However, many decent people have given their service and some their lives for the cause of diplomacy and peace in the umbrella organization. There must be a forum where the robbed and downtrodden have a voice, where they know the world hears them.

    1. I agree that the poor and oppressed need a forum, but an international organization with an established World Court and World Military which was created by the culprits who dominate the world economy and seeks to destroy American sovereignty is NOT the answer. The UN is not what it bills itself out to be, and the proof in my statement is in their own writings regarding the UN’s Agenda 21 and Agenda 30.
      Elias Alias, The Mental Militia dot Net

  4. Given the mischief SOROS has created and the money hes given for riots and protests to get Clinton the presidency, why isnt he arrested for crimes against humanity.
    Sorus has used his vast wealth to control countries including America,with the sole purpose of destroying them for his own benefit.

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