The following information comes from a Russian intelligence briefing given at my request in Damascus as the entire US is under a 100% censorship blackout.
VT: Read the whole thing as it rambles a bit. There are things in here that won’t be found anywhere else and of course, this is direct from Russian intelligence. This is what journalism is supposed to be. Thus…we can’t attribute that everything here is true just that “they” said it.
- Trump was our guy all along…just like the FBI told you…. [sic]
- Biden is heading to Saudi to meet with Bin Salman
- He is afraid that Bin Salman will join Russia
- Also Mohammad bin Naif might be dead check this intel
- the Arabs categorically denied Biden an increase in oil supplies.
- He was also denied by Venezuela!
- The US and its allies were very wrong in their sanctions and real opportunities to exclude Russia from their technological and raw material supplies! After that. what the US did to Venezuela, they won’t even talk to Biden there!
- Russian gas and oil are still flowers!!!! Berries will be ahead!
- Russia supplies 90% of palladium for world electronics!
- Russia supplies 80% of sapphire unique substrates for microcircuits – this is a unique Russian technology!
- Russia has more than half of the patents in the Airbus project and half of the supplies of materials!
- Russian steel is the main material for Europe, which cannot replace it with anything! Etc…….
- Arabs will support only their own interests! At the moment they are very satisfied with the price of oil! They will not refuse such a golden rain! The United States has nothing to offer in return for such a gift of fate!
- China is ready to buy all Russian oil and gas! So buyers in Europe are no longer interested in us in principle!
- This military operation will allow Putin to solve a whole range of internal problems!
- The issue with the Central Bank of Russia, which was under the complete control of the US Federal Reserve, will be finally resolved!
- All comprador structures in Russian business will be rendered harmless! Russia will really begin to develop! You can’t even imagine what technologies Russia has that can be developed! The West does not even know how it has moved away from us! They don’t even know how to do it! A completely different technological and scientific paradigm is embedded in most Russian future technologies. The pro-Western policy of our oligarchs will be over!Russia got a real chance to start its rapid and active development!
- The US has officially made it clear that they have a plan to replace Zelensky! He remains with them as a possible sacred sacrifice! They no longer need him – this impotent and clown. who only knows how to play the piano with his penis (there is a video with his number on the stage!)
- A real modern war is a war of TOTAL and lightning-fast destruction and cleansing of the territory! Russia does not set such goals. This is a unique situation when the alleged aggressor considers the civilian population of the country to be his people and tries to protect them as much as possible! Nazi geeks do otherwise – they destroy their own people!
- The US and the West need a new political paradigm and new goals and objectives for the 21st century! Otherwise, they will face complete extinction and degradation. Trump is not one of those politicians. He lives in the 20th century! He has no new ideas and understanding of the real future of the USA and the whole world! It is sad!
- The general partner of financial boutique Matrix Capital Pavel Teplukhin believes that the Russian industry is waiting for even greater prosperity. He comments on the situation this way:
“The high-tech bubble must burst. […] And companies that represent the manufacturing sector should outpace the hype segments in terms of growth. In this sense, having the current structure of the economy, we should also generally be ahead of the developed countries in terms of growth rates, which largely climbed out on a high-tech hype. So Russia will have several years of good economic prospects ahead.”
- The United States imposes a ban on the supply to Russia of electronics produced in any country in the world using American technology. According to preliminary estimates, the largest brands (Apple, Samsung, Xiaomi) will lose about $10 billion a year.
- In response, the Russian government is considering stopping the sale of neon to the West. On the one hand, this gas is just a by-product of the metallurgical industry. But it is needed for lasers in lithographic scanners that produce electronic chips.
- 90% of neon comes to the USA from Ukraine. But there it was only being cleaned. And they “mine” it in Russia.
- The Techcet research group has released a report stating that semiconductor manufacturers are heavily dependent on Russian raw materials.
- Against the background of the current geopolitical situation, the White House urged companies to look for alternative suppliers of materials, including neon. This is reported by Reuters. However, finding them will not be easy. The lines have already lined up for years to come. In addition, many are in China, which is also subject to sanctions.
- The Voronezh plant “TyazhMekhPress” is a leader in the production of heavy presses for the automotive industry. TMP presses – with a force of 4 thousand tons. Their share in the world market is 50-60%.
- In 2013, TyazhMekhPress manufactured the world’s first hot forging press with a force of 16.5 thousand tons. There are only 2 analogues – in Germany and Japan.
- The Forges DE Courcelles plant near Paris purchased 7 TMP presses for stamping crankshafts for Audi, VW, Mercedes engines.
- TMP machines also work at the factories of Renault and Peugeot, Toyota and Mitsubishi, Samsung, Tata Motors.
- Another explosive topic is the fact that a military biological program is being implemented in Ukraine, funded by the Pentagon. As Igor Konashenkov recently reported, the Ministry of Defense received documentation from employees of biolaboratories about the emergency destruction on February 24 of pathogens that cause various diseases – cholera, anthrax, plague, tularemia and others. This was done in order to prevent disclosure of the facts of violations by Ukraine and the United States of the Convention on the Prohibition of Biological and Toxin Weapons (BTWC).
- The Russian media have long been sounding the alarm about the numerous biological laboratories in Ukraine (there are about 30 of them) supervised by the American Defense Threat Reduction Agency (DTRA).
- In connection with their uncontrolled activities in different years in different regions of Ukraine there were outbreaks of atypical diseases, often with fatal outcomes.
- According to a former member of the UN commission on biological weapons, microbiologist Igor Nikulin, the Americans are studying the characteristics of the immunity of the Eastern Slavs and creating new pathogens that are resistant to antibiotics.
- US State Department spokeswoman Victoria Nuland, speaking at hearings in the US Senate, admitted to joint efforts with the Ukrainian side to “prevent any materials related to these studies from falling into the hands of Russian troops.”
- Meanwhile, officials from both Russia and China are demanding an explanation from the United States about the activities of 336 biolabs deployed by the Pentagon in 30 countries. In connection with the suspicion of a clear violation of international norms and the risk of biological threats to the population, Moscow does not exclude the use of the BTWC articles on consultations on these issues.
- The Americans have obviously played too hard, imposing their own unacceptable rules for the free world on others, believing that the law is not written for the “hegemon”.
- Deputy Chairman of the Federation Council Konstantin Kosachev predicts that the hour will not be long when evidence of Western support for neo-Nazi structures in Ukraine will be established.
- This will not be the notorious “tube with powder” (translated from Russian), but facts that can radically affect public opinion and the assessments of what is happening by those in power in the West. To do this, it is necessary to carefully prepare the evidence base and ensure its delivery to the addressees.
- As the special operation to demilitarize and denazify Ukraine advances, the Russian military gets documents that shed light on the far-reaching plans of the Kiev regime, which is closely guarded by Western curators.
- Thus, the Russian Ministry of Defense publicized a document containing a combat order of the National Guard of Ukraine on preparations for an offensive in the Donbass in early March 2022.
- Now it becomes clear why politicians in the West raised all the fuss about the impending Russian “invasion”: they demanded from Russia “to return the troops to the barracks” in order to untie the hands of the Armed Forces of Ukraine and the national battalions in Donbass.
- According to the official representative of the Ministry of Defense, Major General Igor Konashenkov, the special operation of the Russian armed forces launched on February 24 thwarted a large-scale offensive by strike groups of Ukrainian troops on the Lugansk and Donetsk People’s Republics, which are not controlled by Kiev, in March.
- Now it remains to be seen how much the US leadership and its NATO allies, who verbally care about peace in Ukraine, were involved in the planning and preparation of the offensive operation in Donbass.
- The secret has become clear in regard to Ukraine’s plans to create its own nuclear weapons. The Interfax news agency, citing an informed source in one of the competent departments of Russia, reported that “the implementation by Kiev of its extremely dangerous nuclear Ukraine project could become a reality in the very near future.”
- According to the source, Ukrainian specialists were preparing a “dirty bomb” and separating plutonium in the exclusion zone of the Chernobyl nuclear power plant, and the increased radiation background, natural for it, hid these works.
- The key role in the creation of a nuclear explosive device was assigned to the scientific center “Kharkov Institute of Physics and Technology”, which has an appropriate experimental base. As the source noted, Kyiv could secretly acquire technologies for centrifuge enrichment of uranium and laser isotope separation from the West.
- To speed up this work, plutonium of the required quality was obtained at the initial stage, and there is reason to believe that this was not without the participation of Washington.
- As the special operation to demilitarize and denazify Ukraine advances, the Russian military gets documents that shed light on the far-reaching plans of the Kiev regime, which is closely guarded by Western curators. Thus, the Russian Ministry of Defense publicized a document containing a combat order of the National Guard of Ukraine on preparations for an offensive in the Donbass in early March 2022.
- The Russian army may reach the western borders of Ukraine in the next few days. This opinion was expressed by the first vice-president of the Academy of Geopolitical Problems, Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Rocket and Artillery Sciences Konstantin Sivkov.
- The military analyst believes that the purpose of Russia’s special operation is simple. This is the occupation of the entire territory of Ukraine, access to its western borders, knocking out the junta from there, and then carrying out a cleansing of cities. At the same time, the last task will be performed not so much by the army as by the police.
- According to Sivkov, access to the western borders of Ukraine may occur in a couple of days. And after that, the experience of Syria in cleaning up will be used, for example, all the militants will be put on a bus and sent on their way, expert quotes.

Genetic weapon against the Slavs
- Blood sampling from the soldiers was done for the presence of antibodies to the Crimean-Congo hemorrhagic fever virus and hantaviruses. This information became public thanks to an investigation conducted by the Bulgarian journalist Dilyana Gaytandzhieva. She also said that about $80 million had been allocated for the experiments. The program was run by Black & Veatch Special Projects Corp., under the direction of the US Defense Threat Reduction Agency. This is one of the departments of the Pentagon.
- It should be noted that the United States is constantly conducting biological research that puts humanity on the brink of disaster. Thus, to clean up the oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico that occurred in 2010, American laboratories led by Nobel laureate Hamilton Smith synthesized in 2011 at the J. Craig Venter Institute a dangerous artificial organism “Cynthia” (Mycoplasma laboratorium), which in the future is supposedly crossed the Atlantic and caused an outbreak of an unknown infection among the fishermen of Senegal. Several tens of thousands of people suffered from skin abscesses and literally the collapse of internal organs.
- It is in the light of the foregoing that one more message made at a briefing by Lieutenant General Kirillov is especially scary. Its seriousness was not fully realized by the world community. Kirillov spoke about the transfer to the US special laboratory of thousands of blood serum samples of Ukrainians related to the Slavic ethnic group.
- Commenting on the information, it can be assumed with a high degree of probability that we are talking about attempts to create a genetic weapon aimed specifically at people – carriers of haplogroups of the Slavic genotype.
- In fact, the actions of the United States and the Kiev junta directly violate Article 1 of the UN Convention on the Prohibition of Bacteriological (Biological) and Toxin Weapons. In addition, the operation of such facilities in close proximity to the borders with Russia poses a threat to our country. So we are talking about the security of Russia and the health of its citizens.
- Another explosive topic is the fact that a military biological program is being implemented in Ukraine, funded by the Pentagon.
- As Igor Konashenkov recently reported, the Ministry of Defense received documentation from employees of biolaboratories about the emergency destruction on February 24 of pathogens that cause various diseases – cholera, anthrax, plague, tularemia and others. This was done in order to prevent disclosure of the facts of violations by Ukraine and the United States of the Convention on the Prohibition of Biological and Toxin Weapons (BTWC).
- The Russian media have long been sounding the alarm about the numerous biological laboratories in Ukraine (there are about 30 of them) supervised by the American Defense Threat Reduction Agency (DTRA). In connection with their uncontrolled activities in different years in different regions of Ukraine there were outbreaks of atypical diseases, often with fatal outcomes.
- According to a former member of the UN commission on biological weapons, microbiologist Igor Nikulin, the Americans are studying the characteristics of the immunity of the Eastern Slavs and creating new pathogens that are resistant to antibiotics. (End)
- The West’s escalation game is turning into exorbitant prices not only for energy resources, but also for metals, fertilizers, and agricultural products, which are significant items of Russian exports.
- For example, on March 8, the London Metal Exchange was forced to suspend trading in nickel, as its price doubled in two days (to $100,000 per ton) on fears of limiting the supply of metal from Russia. Deputy Prime Minister Alexander Novak warned the West that an embargo on Russian oil could push oil prices up to $300 or more per barrel.
- A number of American experts have warned in The Hill that their country will feel the “shock wave” from anti-Russian restrictions in the form of soaring fuel and food prices.
- Former Assistant Secretary of the Treasury Daniel Glaser is not enthusiastic about the readiness of Western countries to wage an economic war against Russia. Wanting to inflict as much damage on Russia as possible, they neglect collateral damage, “and it’s just mind-boggling.”
Gordon Duff is a Marine combat veteran of the Vietnam War. He is a disabled veteran and has worked on veterans and POW issues for decades. Gordon is an accredited diplomat and is generally accepted as one of the top global intelligence specialists. He manages the world’s largest private intelligence organization and regularly consults with governments challenged by security issues.
Note: Please email the text of this report to all contacts. In the UK and elsewhere, the text is being scrambled by NATO hackers. VT Senior Editor