Who can forget September 11th, 13 years ago?
Did the Israelis nuked the United States in 2001?
It’s probably the most decisive turning point for humanity for it triggers everyone to question about the real value and meaning of life itself.
The search for answers to these questions has led us to question the official narrative of what had actually happened.
Too Classified to Publish: Bush Nuclear Piracy Exposed
Russia Opens Files on Nuclear 9/11 and Israeli Proliferation
…by Gordon Duff, Senior Editor
The report below is taken from an intelligence dump by Russian sources. As the origin is from an intelligence agency in the form of a “leak,” there are always questions. Thus far, we have found not only is the majority of the material confirmed but several solutions to serious problems involving 9/11 are included.
I have redacted little here. However, this arrived with vast supporting documentation which can, in the future, be uploaded on SCRIBD for access. One key area is that the US had supplied Israel with surplus nuclear weapons. (Editor’s note: We are advised that some of the documentation can never be uploaded or distributed for reasons that will be obvious.)
We have a very solid confirmation on this. Back during the 1980s, Israel showed her inventory of Davy Crockett tactical nuclear warheads to one of our editors, who at the time was a senior NATO intelligence official. These early “micro-nukes” were taken out of US inventory in 1978 and “disappeared.”
This highly classified report is being published unaltered except for bad machine translation errors being repaired. My personal opinion is that this is NOT a disinformation piece but rather represents a significant breakthrough. I believe that this is a rare glimpse behind the curtain.
I am publishing this for the use of those qualified to understand how little of this is really new. Those things that are new are groundbreaking. For those who find this all a bit over their heads, there is little I can do other than to let you know that this is the world “your elders” really live in and that you finally have a chance to look in mom and dads top dresser drawer.
Too Classified to Publish
According to a retired FXX agent specializing in Israeli counter intel: The type of nuclear devices used on 911 were a modified version of the W-54 nuclear artillery shells that were covertly provided to the Israelis between 1988 and 1998 from US surplus stockpiles illegally exported during the Bush/Clinton era.
Chemical analysis done by DOE Sandi was able to identify the chemical/radiation footprint or fingerprint of the warheads based on samples taken after 911 of the fallout at ground zero. (Editor’s note: Nuclear weapon use at ground zero is confirmed from multiple sources)
All plutonium based warheads have a chemical fingerprint that can identify the type of design and where the PU was made and how old it is. This was the 911 blackmail on Bush 1 and 2, the illegal transfer of surplus US nuclear weapons to the Israelis and why the continued cover up, along with the stolen gold and stock fraud that was going on Wall Street etc. According to file ENW57.pdf on page 66. (Editor’s note: Document received and confirmed)
Only a 2 kiloton device was needed to drop the buildings. A 2 kiloton device will produce a fireball of apx 150 to 200 feet in diameter at over 4000 degrees Centigrade. Just large enough to melt the I beams of the central core of the building and drop them in place. The light flash would last less than 1 second and primarily be in the UV light range. Overpressure would only be at 60PSI max and directed upwards with the blast. See underground effect.
Fallout would be minimal and located to within ground zero range only. Radiation would drop to acceptable levels within 72 hrs. after the blast. Most fall out was trapped in the cement dust thus causing all of the recent cancer deaths that we are now seeing in NYC amongst first responders. (Editor’s note: Consistent with site data)
Melted steel and iron oxide or “nano thermite” is a byproduct of the very high gamma ray / Neutron flux induced into the central steel core. The radiation dissolves the steel into iron oxide consuming the carbon and silicone in the steel.
This explains the missing steel columns and the very important clue of the “vaporized’ 20 ton antenna tower atop the south tower. The upward blast of radiation literally vaporized it. Video evidence proves this to be true. (Editor’s note: Tower issue a vital one.)
The total XXOO data file from DOE Sandia on the 911 event is well over 72 MB. P.S. Snowden didn’t have a Q clearance so he missed this one. Carnaberry had a pretty good stash of documents on the subject. (All under the transit stuff.) The entire nuclear nonproliferation story of stolen nuclear material coming from Russia was an Israeli cover story to hide the original source of weapons material coming from the US stock piles. (Editor’s note: Fully confirmed)
Illegal distribution of US nuclear material to foreign allies was not limited to Israel. Virtually all NATO allies were in on this scam too. Dick Cheney was the bad guy on this one. Bush2/Cheney traded nuclear pits to foreign country as IOU’s in order to get what they wanted. Tom Countryman a well-known Israeli operative is curiously now in charge of N.N.P. at the State Department under Obama.(?) He was put there by Ram Emanuel.
It appears that the weapon of choice for the Israelis were the W-54 and follow on series of nuclear pits taken from the Amarillo TX storage dump. This was what Carnaberry was working on for Bush senior in Houston.
A total of over 350 pits were transferred to the Israelis over a 10 to 20 year period of time. The W-54 type of pit design were the most desirable due to the 2 point implosion pit design. This is the easiest to re manufacture and modify as compared to other circular pit designs.
The pill shaped design of the W-54 type weapon contains over 1.5 times more plutonium than a standard pit. This would allow enough Plutonium to be recovered that was still of weapons grade use even after 32 plus years of age. Americium build up in the pit over time eventually makes the Pit unusable as a weapon so they have a limited shelf life based on how fast or slow the Plutonium was produce in the reactor at Stanford.
Usually it was about 150 days max. Irradiation time in the reactor during production determines the shelf life of the pit as weapons grade material. All of the micro nukes used by the Israelis are re-manufactured W-54 type series devices.
These devices were used in the Bali bombing and the London bombing and in Japan on their reactors. (Editor’s note: Nuclear weapon use in Bali confirmed) Also used in Damascus, Iraq and Afghanistan by the US. (Editor’s note: Multiple confirmation including site samples.)
These are stored in most Israelite embassies for ease of deployment. The one’s used on 911 were kept at the Israeli consulate in NYC until put in place. After 911 the FBI now checks all diplomatic pouches with a Geiger counter before entering or leaving the US. The South African weapons were also surplus W-54 artillery shells acquired from Israeli and final assembly and testing was done in South Africa with Israel assistance. (Editor’s note: This explains Pelendaba production issues.)
This was done because the Israelis needed a testing ground in order to make sure that there rebuilt weapons would work as designed. (Editor’s note: Testing on Sept. 22, 1979 multiple confirmations.) The North Korean weapons are also of the 155 mm artillery design as provided by Israel.
The true North Korean nuclear weapons program is based on nuclear artillery use and not missiles. The plan is to use a massive artillery barge on South Korea if war breaks out this include the use of small nuclear artillery shells to counter US tanks rockets and artillery.
The Saudi’s also have a stash of W-54′s acquired from the US under Bush2. (Editor’s note: Confirmed) The Israelis have also provided them to India, Brazil, China, Taiwan, Japan, North and South Korea etc. (Editor’s note: All but South Korea confirmed. Canada had been believed to be the source of Brazilian nuclear weapons.) Dimona is a standard 75 megawatt thermal open top reactor as used in France for their plutonium weapons production program, their version of Stanford (Editor’s note: Probably “Hanford”).
Due to over use as a fast breeder reactor by the Israelis, Dimona suffered a “steam explosion” IE a flash over indecent due to neutron criticality back in the late 1980′s under Bush 1. This shut down its operation for many years until repairs could be made.
It know only operates at very low power levels due to neutron absorption damage to the containment vessel. Now mainly use for isotope production. This forced the Israelis to turn to stolen nuclear stock piles from the US for the continuation of their nuclear program.
The Israelis knowing that the nuclear material that they had acquire only had a limited shelf life left before it was no longer usable as weapons grade then tried to dump it on the surplus market as fast as possible before it was of no use to them. So they dumped it on unsuspecting nations who would only sit on it and not be able to test it. These were the fissile tests in North Korea. (Editor’s note: Confirmed, multiple sources)
When everybody caught on to the scam such as Japan and Korea. (IE the Korean sub sinkings etc) they were angry because they paid big bucks for junk. This started a mini cold war with Israel and her old clients. However with micro nukes even as the plutonium ages it will still fissile producing a smaller size detonation well under 2 kiloton in size.
So they can still be used as small dirty bombs or as very small tactical nukes such as the nuclear artillery strikes on Damascus with rocket assisted W-54′s. (Editor’s note: Confirmed strike, May 4, 2013) On the W-54 pit design it is pill shaped and it is only about 4 inches in diameter and weighs about 24 pounds.
Most of the fuel is consumed in the plasma fire ball when detonated so there is very little plutonium fallout left to escape. If it is salted with other materials the fallout can be even reduced to lower levels such as in an enhanced radiation device or the so called neutron bomb. This is what was used on 911.
The primary purpose of the nuclear weapon used on 911 was to produce a massive Gama ray / neutron flux that would vaporize about 150 to 300 feet of 6 inch thick steal I beams that constituted the central core of the WTC buildings. This created a free fall event as seen on TV that day. (Editor’s note: Critical information here.)
The flash would be hidden from sight due to the underground detonation. Most of the light was in the non-visible light spectrum any way. Over pressure would be reduced to 6 psi due to the blast traveling up the central core and neutron radiation vaporizing the TV antenna at the top of the building as see on TV.
The fallout would be mainly vaporized concrete cement and iron oxide. This is why after 911 they told everyone on TV that the beta radiation burns that people were getting were due to the caustic cement dust and not due to the radiation effects from the radioactive cement fallout. (Editor’s note: Fully confirmed)
The iron oxide found all over the place was what was left of the steel I beams. This was the so called Nano Thermite that was found everywhere. Fallout was limited to a 1 mile area around down town NYC. See charts. (Editor’s note: Received)
Radiation decay was reduced to safe low levels after 72 hrs., (Editor’s note: Fully confirmed) outside of ground zero its self. This is why the area was blocked off from the public for 3 days after the event, in order to let the radiation drop to safe level
Editing: Jim W. Dean
Nuclear 9/11 Revealed: Theories and Disinformation, the Misguided and the Inhuman
DOE Investigators Cite Veterans Today Investigations and Disclosures as Preventing a New 9/11
…by Gordon Duff, and Members of the Dept. of Energy 9/11 Investigation Team
[ Editor’s Introduction: Over the past few weeks, members of the “official 9/11 groups” have come forward — years late, no new ideas, nothing to offer.
The real 9/11 report, initially released by the Russians, now supported directly by both the team that wrote it at the U.S. Department of Energy and the IAEA, have been following the aftermath of their revelations.The text below is theirs.
When they talk of “morons,” these are America’s top nuclear physicists, the people who build the bombs that supposedly keep us safe at night making these observations.
When it is published in Veterans Today, it is here because we are also nuclear weapons officers, NATO nuclear commandos, weapons assemblers and, while VT Editor Clinton Bastin was still with us, the editorial home for America’s top nuclear weapons designer.
We are intelligence agents, nuclear weapons experts, academics, spies, engineers, military officers — all unpaid, all standing against the pattern of deceit, of secrecy and of horrific injustice.For two months now, we have published the most advanced weapons physics papers ever to be made available to the public. We have answered challenges, we have learned lessons ourselves, read Khalezov’s works, basked in his insights, but we have done more as well.In Khalezov, we find the unseen hand of someone working with him.
We see an agenda, and we see both brilliance and great cleverness.Moreover, in groups like Architects and Engineers for 9/11, we see something else. We don’t like it. We see dogma, ignorance, deceit and bullying. We see cheap propaganda, and we see several wolves in sheep’s clothing among them.We have been the victim of a great resurgence of activity on their part — childish attacks, bad science, misrepresentation and time-wasting. As we see it, much of 9/11 is solved.
We use best evidence, best science. and when and if better science comes by, we reassess. After all, we are not insane, we are not incompetent, we are not petty narcissists, we are not amateurs, we are not A and E 9/11.Comments will be reviewed by some of the world’s top scientists. Questions answered. Input is desired. VT has readers with nuclear weapons backgrounds, with advanced experience and their comments are welcomed.One more thing: We are also intelligence professionals. When amateurs try to deceive, we smile. No bread crumb could ever leave a trail so clear, a trail so needed. We thank the thieves, the liars and the fools for their hubris.We also thank Dmitri Khalezov for his efforts and personal sacrifice.]
To answer the sound issue, questions “vital” to A and E 9/11:
1. Where was the sound of the jets hitting the building. How loud was that? 50 floors up, over 500 feet above you and over 1500 feet from the TV cameras.
2. Where was the sound from the cutting charges exploding.
3. Where was the sound from the nano thermite going off.
4. How loud was the sound of the collapsing buildings.
5. If you are over 500 feet below the sound at street level and over 1500 feet away, sound travels up and out. You don’t hear much. The same with the shock wave.
6. All underground explosions took place 50 feet below you and 1500 feet or more from the cameras. You get a shock wave traveling thru the ground, with a dust blast from the over pressure of less than 6 psi for a small 1.5kt nuke. Just as happened.
The air burst above the 50th floor blew out 200 X 200 X 200 square feet of building space, over 20 floors, in less than 3 seconds. Vaporized, gone, What does that? (Root Beer bottles exploding?)
That’s about 8 million cubic feet of space destroyed in less than 3 seconds. 40,000 tons of steel just disappears in less than 3 seconds. What does that? Godzilla or King Kong? Just look at the pictures.
These people are either fakes or total Morons!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ( A scientific observation, not from the VT editorial staff)
7. The smaller buildings were dropped with single nukes placed in the lower level of the parking garages or in the utility tunnels running under the parking garages, as Dmitry said. Building 1 and 2 had at least three nukes planted in them. 1 at or above the 50th floor, as seen in the blast photos that took out over 20 floors, and the second one placed in the sub-basement or parking garage.
8. The third really big one was placed over the air conditioning Freon storage tanks in the utility room, or just under it in the utility pipe gallery, as stated by Dmitry. This one made the giant crater formations left under the buildings foundations and was the cause of the melted steel and thermal effects seen on 9-11.
9. When the 1.5kt nuke went off next to the storage tanks containing 26 tons of liquid Freon, it turned it into Hydrogen Floride (H2F), or in the nuclear weapons industry, it is called Deuterium Fluoride (DF), the stuff that hydrogen bombs are made of. This produced the desired thermal effects needed to vaporize the central core and over half of the twin towers in less than 10 seconds. No other explosive device could do that.
Dmitry was off only on the size of the weapons used, but all other data checks out correctly. He was too correct, so his source was an inside player. This is why D.O.J wants him!!!!
If his story were untrue, then they would not go to this much trouble to keep him locked up in a Thailand jail waiting extradition to the USA. That fact alone tells you something BIG!! Blast Effects. When the 1.5KT nuke went off under buildings 1 and 2, it sucked most of the 26 tons of liquid Freon from the cooling system into the fire ball. Due to thermal heat of 4 million degrees in the center of the fireball and neutron absorption, the Freon was split and then fused into Deuterium Fluoride…
…As in the IVY Mike nuclear Pacific test in 1952 of the first Hydrogen Bomb — producing the massive over yield due to the extra Freon being converted into extra Deuterium. On 9-11, this acted as extra external “Deuterium Boost Gas”, boosting the Thermal Yield of the 1.5 KT weapon at least 10 to a maximum of 100 times. 15 to 150 KT thermal output not in blast energy.
That would put the overall “thermal energy” released between 15KT and up to 150KT at 100% efficiency. Most likely closer to 10% efficiency would be more practical. This is a crude Teller “Lair Cake or Alarm Clock” boosted nuclear fission design only used back in the 1950′s test shots. Dmitry’s claims of 150 KT thermal was a bit too big. However, if the weapon had been twice this size — 3KT vs 1.5 KT — it would have taken out the lower half of Manhattan, including the entire Wall Street financial district, and the fallout would have taken out half of NYC and not by accident!!!! It was designed that way.
Over 90% of this energy is released as fast neutrons and Infrared energy, with accompanying Alpha, Beta and Gamma radiation. Less than 10% was in mechanical blast energy or over pressure. Most of this was absorbed in the ground as shock waves and created the massive cavities left below the buildings. The off-centered large cavity was located just below the Freon cooling plant storage tank location, which is a big forensic clue as to the energy source used on that day.
The mostly unburnt and highly-ionized Deuterium Fluoride gas (Formally known as Freon-12) produced by the blast, (over 20 tons of it) was trapped in the building debris piles and accounted for all of the post 9-11 thermal effects of molten steel, hot spots, and out-gassing of very caustic gasses, ETC. This stuff, due to neutron excitation and very high ionization levels, will stay very hot until the appropriate neutron-absorbing chemicals are added to the ground in order to stop the ongoing low level neutron chain reactions from occurring, similar to what is happening in Japan with their nuclear 911 disaster.
Fukushima was probably done by the same people too, as Dmitry states in his book. The UV light-absorbing chemicals were well documented as being used to cool Ground Zero. They would not have used it unless there was a reason, another forensic clue to nuclear weapons use on 9-11, in order to shut up the “Thermite Sniffers” and the “Audio Blast Dummies” from the “Dictatorial A&E911 Misdirection Group”.
This was a nuclear thermobaric weapon that was used on 9-11 and not a conventional molecular explosive-based weapon (TNT, Thermite) that works by rapidly producing an expanding hot gas at very high velocity. Its blast effects are atomic and not molecular in nature. The physical and mechanical effects are totally different from the use of high explosives. Its purpose is to melt and vaporize as much of the target as possible by thermal radiation effects and not to blow it apart.
It is an underground sub-surface blast that is trapped or channeled up the central core of the building, acting as a directed energy weapon. So over sound and pressure is directed vertically up as shown by the dust clouds produced that day. If you are over 1500 feet away and the blast is 500 feet up in the air, you are not going to hear or feel much due to the direction of the shock wave and its dispersement.
Anyone who has ever been in combat and has been shelled knows this about blast effects. If not, please download and read “The effects of Nuclear Weapons” book available on the internet for free, or you can get a used copy on eBay. Then make you decision as to what was used on 9-11. Was it Godzilla VS King Kong, Batman VS Spider Man, Aliens Vs Predators from outer Space, Directed energy weapons, Thermite, Cutting Charges or Mini-Nukes that did it? Unlike A&E911, you are free to believe whatever you want. We are not here to push a false agenda. We only want to educate the world in the use of nuclear weapons so this can never happen again.
Since 1992, over 50 micro nukes have been detonated around the world, and the same group of state-sponsored terrorists that did 911 did them all. Victor Bout was a key player in this false flag movement that only benefitted Israel and no one else. Since VT Today has disclosed this information and V. Bout is now in permanent US custody, the bombings have stopped.
Coincidence or not — you decide. You have a brain and you can figure it out for yourselves who really did it. Was it a nut in a cave, or a major nuclear state intelligence agency that did it? Unlike other groups, we don’t tell you; we just inform you. That is called Democracy and the 4th Estate (News Media) at work — i.e. Free Press. Without it, there can be no Democracy. The people have a right to be informed and not to be dumbed down by “False Prophets” selling “miracle” vacuum cleaners door to door……..A&E911………. . 14 Attached Images
Fireball 1
Blast Pressure
VT Nuclear Education: History of Mini-Nukes
Introduction by Gordon Duff, Senior Editor
From (somewhat) declassified IAEA docs:
(Editor’s notes: We have been given reams of material from a variety of investigations, much of which literally “turns the world upside down.” This is from multiple sources, not all of it find the same answers. What we have noted is that the original 9/11 investigation, the real one, was a “preliminary,” given to the White House, congressional leaders, the Pentagon and key judges. When follow up work was done, it was stored and not published or presented. They wanted to bury “nuclear 9/11″ as deeply as possible.
Today, we are rewriting history. Each article stands alone, some written when published, some taken from key files and some, how do we say it, “informally” declassified. We have established and proven solid physics that have survived all challenges, we have also established the broad presence of nuclear state terrorism, much of it centered around Israel.
We are also moving closer to a more “multinational” explanation for Israel’s actions as we see them cooperating with others, the US, Britain, France, in weapons technology. Long ago it was established that these three nations pumped, not just technology, but nuclear material into Israel. We have shown exactly who and how that was done in a way no one else has come close to.
Toward that end, this series, published under my name with some articles under Veterans Today, should be reviewed by scholars and scientists, security experts who really take their jobs seriously. We have made it very easy to get material that is no place else. Rooting around VT seems to be difficult for some. We aren’t in the book publishing business nor are we selling snake oil.
I have already been informed by “higher ups” that we have changed the world and that nuclear terrorism is not so attractive now that it is no longer secret. Toward that end, I want to thank those who are horribly offended by the truth and the damage we have done to their campaigns of lies and dissemblance. They have moved the cause of recognizing who our real enemies are forward so much more than they know.)
“It was not long before the scientists realized that in creating the tiny “core weapon” for the hydrogen bomb, they had also created a relatively lightweight micro nuclear weapon that could be carried by a single soldier for various uses against high value targets, including hydroelectric power stations and bridges.
Less than two years later, the first of the SADM [Special Atomic Demolition Munition] series shown at the top of this page was pressed into operational service. The “standard” SADM that evolved would eventually have a core of Plutonium 239 encased in a thin shell of non-fissile Uranium 238 known as a “neutron reflector”.
Plutonium and Napalm flash burns – but can you tell which are which? When the 10-ton TNT equivalence SADM went critical, it obviously created far less radiation than the huge and inappropriately named “Little Boy” at Hiroshima, but still produced dangerously high levels of residual radiation. Most of this came from SADM’s very “dirty” Uranium 238 reflector, which along with its Plutonium 239 core, exploded into millions of particles at the point of criticality.
This same non-fissile Uranium 238 material still causes serious illnesses today, after being fired by American tanks and aircraft as sub-critical Depleted Uranium [DU] shells or missile warheads. Ask anyone in southern Iraq and Kosovo how sick this stuff can make you.
The years rolled by and top-secret projects were initiated in America and Israel to replace the old SADM with its heavy weight and excess radioactivity, culminating in the successful development and testing at Dimona during 1981 of the “new” micro nuclear device. Using advanced nuclear physics, the scientists found a way of detonating the new “suitcase” bomb without the use of a Uranium 238 reflector, and further refined the Plutonium 239 in its core to 99.78%.
These measures resulted in a weapon considerably smaller and lighter than SADM, which also had another enormous advantage. The new Dimona micro nuke was the very first critical weapon that could be used in “stealth” mode. Gone was the dirty Uranium 238 reflector, and up went the purity of the smaller Plutonium 239 core.
Plutonium emits only alpha radiation, which is for all practical purposes “invisible” to a standard Geiger counter. In direct contrast with its more deadly cousins beta and gamma, alpha can travel only a few feet and is incapable of penetrating human skin. Remember that this micro nuke is a tiny weapon in terms of critical mass, with its limited number of particles distributed over a very wide area.
You will have to be within five feet to detect a single particle. Though the alpha particles cannot penetrate the skin, such radiation is extremely hazardous if inhaled because Plutonium is the most toxic substance known to man. If you breathed in a mouthful immediately after the blast you would be dead in less than an hour, perhaps within minutes.”
The following evidence clearly shows a mini yield semi-pure hydrogen bomb existed in 1958 and that it has had 40 years of refinement. The graphic in the upper right corner depicts the only published diagram of an atomic bomb in which public general knowledge of atomic weaponry is known. This is not the bomb that would be required for the WTC demolition. The bomb is a 2nd generation atomic bomb of the ‘hydrogen bomb’ category.
The H-bomb pictured is not a pure hydrogen bomb which is actually very closely related to the already developed ‘neutron bomb’. In reality, this 2nd generation H-bomb is nothing more than a fission bomb used for a trigger with hydrogen fusion used for extra power. This bomb produces the results of which the general public is aware – massive power, radiation and millenniums of radioactive devastation. It is at least 30 to 40 year old, late 2nd generation technology that has been phased out for lower yield 3rd generation atomic weapons which have a longer half life, easier maintenance and an inserted energy source.
Note the use of DU in the weaponry. DU is used as the casing and as the container for the fusion reaction which becomes part of the fissionable material. This is important in the current international 3rd generation H-bomb usage and the hybrid fusion bomb. At first it was believed that the DU casing and the DU fusion container would most likely not be part of the late 3rd generation or 4th generation weaponry used in the WTC demolitions as it is too dirty (long term radioactive residue) for the pure hydrogen bomb needed. However, subsequent information of dust analysis, hybrid fusion, old known facts of pure fusion bombs, early low yield semi-pure warheads, neutron bombs, and knowledge that debris would be removed as classified information makes either scenario viable.
According to Howard Morland, in his article ‘The Holocaust Bomb’, second generation atomic bombs got their start in 1950 and came to fruition in 1956 with Eisenhower’s announcement of a 95% clean bomb. In 1958 the Mk-41C was tested for a 9.3 Megaton yield, 4.8% of the energy was from fission with 95.2% from fusion. Less radioactive (more fusion and less fission energy) or semi-clean H-bombs were known then and were used for testing purposes only. The more powerful, mostly fission bombs were deployed for usage in a cognitive effort to produce maximum destruction on ‘enemies’ for generations and no forethought of the worldwide consequences. Among various other types of hydrogen bomb warheads, the W54 nuke was developed in 1961. The W54 was a micro-nuke that weighed 51 pounds and could be fired from a slightly modified ordinary bazooka. Different versions of the W54 ranged from .01 kt to 1 kt yield. Between the mid 1950′s and the mid 70′s both types (large yield dirty and small yield clean), of 2nd generation H-bombs were refined.
Focused nuclear explosions were envisioned in 1959. The mere directing of the yield was obviously known prior to 1959. Samuel Cohen has stated that a low yield neutron bomb may be tailored to direct yield and proposed the concept more than 35 years ago. An underground detonation causes shaping of the direction of yield as well.
Around 1960, the relatively pure H-bomb was modified for selective effects creating the first 3rd generation H-bomb – the Neutron bomb, Enhanced Radiation Warhead, or a mostly fusion bomb. The neutron bomb’s energy was mostly based on fusion using Deuterium/Tritium with only a small fission component to ignite the fusion reaction.
The neutron bombs are designed to release at least 80% of its yield as neutrons at the expense of blast and heat as compared to previous fission-fusion warheads. It was not until around 15 years ago that the existence of the neutron bomb was noted. It was during this period that a trial regarding Chinese espionage forced the revelation of the neutron bomb.
Shortly thereafter, Reagan deployed the W70 (re-manufactured W-54′s) version with a yield range of 0.8 kt to 1.6 kt. At least 2 years after the neutron bomb had been developed and tested, declassified May 1963, “The mere fact that the U. S. is “interested in pursuing” a program to determine the characteristics of an “enhanced radiation” weapon (neutron bomb).” The standard policy seems to be to develop the weapon, inform congress for development of the weapon and then to inform the public after they have been informed there is a need for the weapon.
Very little has been released about the specific selective refinements of 2nd and 3rd generation weapons in the last 40 years since their development. The fact refinement was taking place is proven by the neutron bomb. EMP effects have been another area of concern and refinement. While these effects were noted in 1950′s testing, there was elevated interest in 1962 with the high altitude (HEMP) detonation producing a massive EMP effect. In November 1972, the following sentence was declassified: “The fact of existence of weapons with tailored outputs, e.g., enhanced x-ray, neutron or gamma-ray output, that we are hardening our weapons to enhanced weapon outputs and that high-Z materials are used in hardening nuclear weapons against high-energy x-rays.” Note – the date is the declassification date, not the development date.
How small can a nuclear reaction be? Through hydrodynamic experiments for triggering fusion, extremely lows yield nuclear explosions have been generated on the magnitude of “several Pounds of TNT.”” As noted above, in 1961 .01 kt was unveiled in 1961. In 1956, the Tamalpais with a yield of 0.072 kt was declassified.
Prior to the demolition of the WTC buildings, the largest imploded building, Hudson’s Department Store was 2.2 million square feet with 33 levels and required 2,728 lbs of explosive. The WTC buildings were significantly stronger than the Hudson’s building, but it is doubtful more than a 0.01 kt bomb would be needed for the 47 center columns designed to hold many times the weight of the buildings.
This program produced (partial list) the following information for a regular 0.01 kt yields, air ignition: Fireball max light radius = 25.4 meters, Max time light pulse width = 0.011 seconds, Max fireball airburst radius = 10.6 meters, Time of max temperature = 0.0032 seconds, Area of rad. exposure = 0.12 sq. miles; Blast wave Effects: Overpressure = 5 lb/sq. inch (160 mph) radius = 0.09 km, 1 lb/sq. inch radius = 0.26 km; Underground ignition: Crater diameter = 56 feet with a Richter magnitude of 3.52.
Thermal radiation damage range is significantly reduced by clouds, smoke or other obscuring materials. Surface detonations are known to decrease thermal radiation by half. A neutron bomb produces much less blast and thermal energy than a fission bomb of the same yield by expending its energy by the increase in the production of neutrons. Even the older neutron bombs produce very little long term fallout, but made considerable induced radiation in ground detonations. The half life of induced radiation is very short and is measured in days rather than years.
Summing up known information, an underground explosion of a pure (most likely) or semi-pure, Minimum Residual Residue direction focused 0.01 kt yield hydrogen bomb with selected enhanced radiation dispersal – most likely neutron since that radiation would be absorbed by the ground and building, and would decrease the blast and temperature effects.
In 1993, Joe Vialls exposes some facts about single explosions that were very similar to the 2001 WTC bombing. The article, “Micro Nukes in London,” notes the sudden usage of massive explosions in business districts by the IRA with a brief mention of the 1993 bombing of the WTC. In the supposed first mega-bombing by the ‘IRA’, an eyewitness stated, “The ground shook under our feet. There was a brilliant white flash and a tall vertical column of smoke.” Significant information about the Special Atomic Demolition Munition (SADM – the general class of the W54 warhead).
While the government was working on the usage of a conventional bomb to the corporate media, there was accidental filming of investigators of the bombing in full radiation protective gear. Description of the crater created by the second explosion reveals a hole 60 feet wide and 40 feet deep. Quotes of physicists’ Galen Winsor, John McPhee and Theodore Taylor are prophetic for the usage of micro nukes. Taylor specifically notes the future usage of an extremely small micro nuke being used in the WTC in the year 1973.
Another crater 22 feet wide and 5 feet deep is noted in the article “Bali Micro Nuke – Lack of Radiation Confuses Experts.” Within 48 hours the Bali government found traces of C4 explosive. Next came the revised explanation of explosives on top of gas containers. After that failed to explain noted facts, the next theory was explosives with napalm.
The final explanation from London quoted a reliable source that an IRA style bomb mixture was used. Still, there were significant problems with the story as the IRA had detonated 1,000 pounds of the mixture and there was no crater produced. The US bomb, BLU-82 – used for clearing helicopter landing zones in the jungles of Vietnam – contains 6.3 tons of high grade military explosive with an aluminum additive for increased heat, but does not create a crater. The 1/4 inch steel encased explosive is parachuted to its target and detonated 1 to 2 feet above ground. Approximately 40 people close enough to be vaporized simply vanished without a trace. Insights on Israel’s .01 kt Dimona nuke are also related in this article. According to the information presented, the bomb uses highly enriched Plutonium 239, 99.78% pure, and only emits alpha radiation which is invisible to most Geiger counters.
Another Vialls’ article dealing with the supposed vehicle bombing of the Australian embassy in Jakarta, “Zionists Nuke the Australian Embassy in Indonesia,” reveals significantly more information on the nuclear attributes of the explosion. A surveillance camera caught the underground nuke explosion and is included in the article. There are pictures of the resultant mushroom cloud compared to a typical nuclear cloud. The crater left by the explosion was 18 feet in diameter and almost 10 feet deep. Pictures and information of the American Special Forces detonation of two trucks loaded with 1,000 pounds of Ammonium Nitrate Fuel Oil (ANFO) compound are shown. Multiple links to Vialls’ special coverage of ‘terrorist’s’ bombings throughout the world are included at the end of his article.
Any terrorist truck bomb with less load capacity than 6.3 tons of explosive that creates a crater is a thermonuclear explosion until proven otherwise.
“It is almost impossible to get a fission reaction going with U-238 except under immense neutron flux, it being, under normal conditions, a FISSIONABLE material, but NOT a FISSILE material, the latter class being capable of spontaneous fission under certain quantitative and kinetic material density increases and other considerations, as is possible with the traditional U-235 and Plutonium-239.
“However, U-238 or so-called “Depleted Uranium”, i.e., U-238 fairly leached of its fissile U-235 content, IS fissionable under heavy neutron flux, which jumps it up into Plutonium 239 when it is deliberately used for the casing on the FUSION aggregate of a thermonuclear weapon (Hydrogen Bomb). LOW-YIELD nuclear weapons, i.e., of (relatively) low energy output, (between a few tons’ and a few hundred tons’ TNT-equivalent) combined with electromagnetic implosion using heavy fields generated by FCGs (Flux-Compression (explosive) Generators), can make even relatively miniscule amounts of Pu-239 fission, and are also much more efficient in the percentage of fissile material they manage to fission when they are initiated, so fallout is low, and the “Neutron Bomb” which is something like a very small nuke, produces a high-density neutron flux which can penetrate armor and also underground facilities and killed, most likely, the Iraqi soldiers in their dugouts in Kuwait, before they were bulldozed over.
In order to blow off the WTC , you would need to control the effect, yield and spreading angle of explosion. In October 2001, an earthquake of Magnitude 3 was registered in Western Pakistan (Near the battlefield of Afghanistan) and it was reported by several media as a possible explosion of tactical nuclear weapon in the form of Bunker Buster bomb. Apparently normal iron bomb cannot cause such earthquake. However, there was no record of higher radiation level in neighboring areas . Thus, it was attributed to the sympathetic detonation of the bombs under the ground. It can cause a Magnitude 3 earthquake and never cause the increasing level of radiation in neighboring areas. If you have already managed to load the bomb inside a Bunker Buster, you can use the same for WTC attack. You can detonate the bomb upward instead of downward. Conventional nuclear Bunker Busters are already developed and its effect and spreading yield can be well controlled. If you use a small nuclear bomb instead of an ordinary one, you can use a small nuclear bomb to demolish the WTC in deep secrecy.
source »
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The Plutonium reactor at Hanford not Stanford. Stanford is a university in California. The Hanford nuclear reactor is in the State of Washington. Correct this or you will lose credibility.
Stanford is funnier.
This audio testimonial, and several others on YouTube, by this author are the “tip of the iceberg” that covers the organization behind this horrific event:
Awareness, education and emancipation is urgently and badly needed in a world full of ignorant morons who live by the TV, controlled by the corrupt corporations. Keep up the good work (and the hard one too)! God bless!
Thank you for this wonderful article and I appreciate somebody else understanding the propaganda behind A&E 911 truth. if you look down at the bottom of their ad “Cooper Union” funds them who owns Cooper Union “Rockefeller” he also owned the Twin Towers he also owns Monsanto IG Farben in Germany .The Chemical Company responsible for doing all that horrific experiments on those prisoners he also owns majority of the oil business ,American Medical Association, American Cancer Society
FDA which was his Chemical Company. in the beginning it was called “division of chemistry ” then it change to the “chemistry Bureau” then changed again to the” Federal drug food cosmetic Act” ( act being the key word). this Chemical Company was to protect his chemical industry. He also owns the CDC “AMERICAN DENTAL ASSOCIATION ” and you wonder why so many dentists push Flouridation
.he Also controls the EPA .
insane right? I’m not done his industrys paid scientists I mean paid off scientist LOl.
Rockefellers German Chemical Company IG FARBEN also patented sodium fluoride in the 18 hundreds a rat poisoning… flouridation in the United States you can give thanks to Rockefeller and his military industrial complex convinced everyone here how safe it was I made a mockery out of scientist who tried to discredit it or killed them with his “organized crime syndicate” …
he also owns the drug trust act which is about 40 pharmaceutical companies under there to include bayer, Johnson & Johnson which for 40 years now has been putting out asbestos in their talcum powder and they knew it and it has caused massive cancer ….there’s big lawsuits going on about that now over this genocide .
Hardly anyone ever mention who owns these companies.. need to start calling these assholes out . He even bought out Encyclopedia Britannica and he funds majority of all the colleges so he controls not only your food ,water, education ,Medical who owns the media to control your mind this is what JFK I was telling you in his last speech “there is a monolithic conspiracy going on in the United States”. I also told you that it wouldn’t be by Invasion that it would be by infiltration who owns your food water medicine and your mind come on time to wake up people we have been infiltrated he also told us if there was a need for increased security that this would be used against us go back and listen to his last speech Rockefeller also is part-owner in the Federal Reserve this is a foreign Bank JFK put out an executive order 11110 to shut down the Federal Reserve that means they were going to take the money from this banking cartel your tax dollars that are being illegally taken from you butt your local government are too fearful for their lives to speak up a lot of us are going to be wiped out but freedom this is where it starts you have got to put your voice is out there the more people that do it the harder it is to Kill Them All right we let it get to this point now we have to fix it no pain no gain follow the money that’s what we’re always tall is follow the money Rockefeller own the Twin Towers he had them built with a purpose 911 emergency was put in place buy this luciferian occult worshipping son of a b**** here is a monolithic conspiracy look on your dollar bill New World Order where does this come from the Federal Reserve Rockefeller funded look at his memoir it says some people say thot I don’t have the best interests of the United States so that I am trying to take over then he admits to it to go and read it that’s not for But you get the gist of it. Geoengineering who’s behind this the military-industrial complex is owned by Rockefeller and Rothschild of course this is your weapon of mass destruction that in my American Magazine it says that the military-industrial complex will own the weather by 2025 when you can make it rain hail flood in a hurricane and tornadoes this is called a weapon of mass destruction Rothschild is one of the largest stockholders in this geoengineering Rothschild is also the largest stockholder in Monsanto United Nations was put together by Rockefeller he owns the land World Health Organization I need this list goes on and on this is just skimming the surface start doing your homework and we have gotta wake up this is why the mayor of New York City Bloomberg wants to prevent citizens from owning a geiger counter unless you register it through the police department why not only for control but because they know there’s radiation at Ground Zero and what does the word Ground Zero mean they used it the morning of as soon as the explosion took place in the tower it is a military term for where the nuclear bomb hit look it up they went back and changed it because they know they screwed up when they said this it still says it but they just Incorporated a little differently and they try to use it a lot more so it’s not so evident they use actors to play judges and those judges are the ones that are convicting the so-called criminals that are also actors or terrorists that are also actors we have been so duped how the hell this got out of hand like this is insane but now it is out and it is becoming viral good luck stay safe stay away from dairy products they have geoengineering the fermentation bacteria used in Cheese’s cultures called lactococcus lactis if you know anything about microbiology anything Cocci is a pathogen Gram-negative is e.coli and pneumonia gram positive is syphilis and gonorrhea this pathogen destroys your beneficial bacteria and takes over your body This Is How They know there’s going to be an abundance of cancer in the year 2025. Does pathogen can withstand Heat up to 212 degrees this is the reason why they started to ultra pasteurized milk because its dirty and would go bad before they could get it on the shelves .
it’s being said even after Ultra pasteurization because the inside of these industrial dairies is so filthy that these pathogens are everywhere and they end up back in the milk after it has been ultra pasteurized . I placed a call to “Cabot dairies” they do not use this nasty stuff “lactococcus lactis ” at all they use lactobacillus which is the normal good bacteria and they do not use “natamyosin” in majority of their products except for shredded cheeses so stay the hell away from this natamycin is an antifungal that they have started putting in most all dairy products and even Bakery products .start knowing what’s in your food because most of it is poisous chemicaks from rockefellars chemical companies. designed to keep you sick and weak.
this will destroy your beneficial bacteria if you do not have beneficial bacteria you are opening yourself to Major infections 70% of your immunity is in your gut protect yourself good luck… sorry for the damn story book .
I’m very passionate about humanity and our health.
The way I discovered this article was looking up the legislation they’re trying to pass in New York over these Geiger counters or I would have never found this article ..
there’s a reason for everything…
I just have to say thank you,and one question, how do we stop this
Why did they do this
I have not been able to get these articles out of my head all day,can someone please offer a theory as to why 911 was carried out? Will or could the info. Offered ever lead to prosecution or even execution of 3000 peop!le
All part of the elite 1% less than 10 families, part of their plan for NWO, AND part of our evolution as a species, “One must study our past to see our future” – Dr. T. C. Saxe, DD
I asked retired nuclear physicist Charles Bigelow who installed the SAIC Tesla Project nuclear power generation device in the WTC during the power outage the weekend before 9/11 and he said:
“Dr. Melvin Laney PhD MD DO, Esq. was in charge of the installation and demonstration
“He offered me the job to be the Program Manager for the project. My boss Dr. Anupam N. Shah PhD urged me to get with the program. He then showed me the two page centerfold advertisement for the Tesla Project demonstration. The advertisement called for a million witnesses to see this amazing technology.
“The Tesla Project system could even convert radioactive waste into non radioactive chemically inert substances.
“The advertisement was also shown to me by Nelson Mensch who had a clipping of it..
“Dr Barry L Butler PhD also briefed me on the project. Barry told me about attending the secret meetings on energy that Dick Cheney was holding.
“I need to track down old magazines with the two page centerfold advertisement. I believe Anupam showed me the advertisement in Time Magazine. East coast printing.
“Trying to reach a million witnesses to see the demo at the WTC. Powering a skyscraper with a power plants the size of refrigerators.
“Newsweek may have also carried the advertisement 2000-2001
“Squire and Saunders Law firm Washington DC is representing SAIC behind the scenes.
“Melvin Laney explained the fail safes in place in case anything went wrong. 3 levels of fail safes. Last one – demolition.
“My boss Dr. Anupam N Shah was personal friend with Dr. Bob Beyster PhD CEO SAIC. University of Michigan alumni.
Dr. Shah developed TCP/IP for DARPA… true father of the internet
“$1000 dollar reward for magazine with the centerfold two page advertisement. I have not taken the time to look on eBay. I bet it can be found and purchased
“Please share far and wide. I want a hardcopy of 20 year old magazine with the Tesla Project demonstration advertisement.
“Researching Dr. Melvin Laney yields lots. He calls himself the Son of Joseph, leader of the lost tribes of Israel. I have preserved a power point recovery file he accidentally left at university of Baltimore website over years ago. The ppt has been shared with USSS in 2012…
“The power point is about his family history. Megalomaniac. Lots of esoteric stuff.
“I also have a hard copy reprint of 1997 Forbes Magazine article about SAIC my boss Anupam gave me. The difference between online archive and hardcopy is immense. Errors of omission in the online archives. 50% missing
“The hardcopy mentioned their first contract for nuclear reactors and bombs…
“No mention online …
“Mr, Clyde DeWitt, retired Army LTC. Inspector General confessed to me that he was involved in dialing in codes to drop the demonstration tower. Blew up his own buddy…
“I saw his 406 phone equipment on a basement shelf and called him out on it. Got him drunk and he told me his buddy called and said “i am going to try and turn off the equipment, if you do not hear from me in 15 minutes, do it”
“The reactor demonstration was for a third form of atomic power. Not fission or fusion.
“I call it a heavy noble gas breeder reactor. Solid matter converted into krypton and xenon gases.
“Glenn Forbes informed me 13 cities wired for Mutual Assured Destruction. Towers also rigged for demolition… if the towers were blown up. Big boy bumper hydrogen bombs would be destroyed… potential source of tritium. We detected alpha emitters after 911 with our radiation meter. Heavy radioactive stuff.”