Tag Archives: dick cheney

Major Events are Imminent; Get Ready, Avoid Panic

Last Monday’s Fulford update talked about a possible black swan event which is very positive. Others are speculating different scenarios which we all need to be prepared of.
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Germany Files War Crimes Against Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld et al

If President Obama won’t do it, someone else will. Thankfully, a human rights group in Berlin, The European Center for Constitutional and Human Rights, has begun the process of indicting members of the Bush Administration by filing criminal complaints against the architects of the Admin’s torture program.
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George Bush Pedophile Sex Ring and Blackmail of Congress

The Franklin Cover Up is only the tip of the Iceberg
George HW Bush is a known evil pedophile, who ran a Congressional Blackmail Child Sex Ring during the 1980s known as “Operation Brownstone and Operation Brownstar”, and later to become known as “The Finders or The Franklin Coverup”. U.S. Vice President George HW Bush would sneak children over to Senator Barney Frank’s condo, known as a “Brownstone” to their famous cocktail parties, where U.S. Congressman and U.S. Senators — some willing and some unwilling participants — got a taste of the “Voodoo Drug” in their drink.
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The US dollar is now backed by gold but the war criminals remain free

It is now clear that the internationally traded US dollar is backed by gold. The evidence for this is the fact that recently the dollar has changed in value against a basket currencies in a way that closely tracks how gold performed against these currencies.
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The Beginning of the End

This article appears in the December 19, 2014 issue of Executive Intelligence Review.


The Beginning of the End
of the Post-9/11 Era

[PDF version of this article]
The Dec. 12, 2014 LaRouche PAC weekly webcast marked the beginning of the end of the post-9/11 era. The publication, by Senate Intelligence Committee Chair Dianne Feinstein (D-Calif.), of the previously classified material on the Bush/Cheney Torture Program, opens the door to finally ridding the United States of the Bush family dynasty.
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10 most shocking facts we found in CIA torture report

The so-called “torture report” released by the Senate this week contains only a fraction of the findings on how the CIA aimed to gather intelligence from detainees through interrogation. Still, it contains more than a few shocking revelations.
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