The most powerful private financial interests in the world, under the cover of COP26, have developed a plan to transform the global financial system by fusing with institutions like the World Bank and using them to further erode national sovereignty in the developing world.
Continue reading UN-Backed Banker Alliance Announces “Green” Plan to Transform the Global Financial SystemTag Archives: financial tyranny
Another World is Coming
The dogs of war keep on barking, but the caravan rolls on.
More and more people around the world are beginning to realize something must be going on. They are starting to ask the right questions. They have seen the correlation between certain events which before may seem unrelated.
They have seen how the Colorado Dark Knight Shooting was caused by the ongoing Libor Scandal investigations, and their desire to confiscate all guns worldwide through the United Nations.
The recent attempts to start religious wars between Muslims and Christians using high-profile assassinations, publication of doctored videos and deliberate mocking of their prophet Mohammed, will all prove futile as no one in the highest echelon of the Muslim faith is really buying them. They know who stand to benefit in case another medieval crusade will erupt. They know how the game is played and the players currently involved, and why the game is being played in the first place.
In Syria recently, a major component of the Syrian rebels defected back to the government realizing in effect that they were serving the interest not of the Syrian people but the CIA’s agenda in the region.
Even in the hallowed halls of the Pentagon, they know that Israel is “not the victim.”
U.S. Intelligence Community Warns That Israel is a “Rogue State”
Now comes yet another dramatic moment in American and Israeli history. According to the authoritative Foreign Policy Journal, all sixteen U.S. intelligence agencies, including the CIA, the DEA, the NSA, the FBI, and others—have drafted an amazing, 82-page classified report entitled “Preparing for a Post-Israel Middle East.”
Currently being reviewed by the White House and by key Congressional leaders, the report brilliantly analyzes geo-politics and economics in the Middle East and globally. It concludes that Zionist Israel is the greatest single threat to American security and to the American economy.”
The real reason why Netanyahu wants to go to war with Iran is to hide his involvement to the 9/11 WTC Controlled Demolition in 2001, and he should stop playing the “victim” card. In fact, according to Bastin, who spent 40 years as US nuclear weapons designer, Iran is not developing nuclear weapons up to this time and still is not capable of doing so in the foreseeable future.
Here in Asia, both China and Japan hierarchy know fully well the game being played on their behalf. Recently, they are showing the world how the Third World War should be fought.
Japan, Taiwan in disputed isle water cannon duel
Coastguard vessels from Japan and Taiwan duelled with water cannon after dozens of Taiwanese boats escorted by patrol ships sailed into waters around Tokyo-controlled islands.
Japanese coastguard ships sprayed water at the fishing vessels, footage on national broadcaster NHK showed on Tuesday, with the Taiwanese patrol boats directing their own high-pressure hoses at the Japanese ships.
The large-scale breach of what Japan considers sovereign territory — one of the biggest since WWII — is the latest escalation in a row over ownership of the islands that pits Tokyo against Beijing and Taipei.
The intrusion complicates an already volatile territorial dispute with China, which is also locked in a separate row over the strategic South China Sea against claims by several nations including the Philippines.
Adding to the mix is the new epidemic scare of the SARS2 virus which happens to hit the Middle East instead of SouthEast Asia. It seems each region is being allocated with a different kind of mayhem in the run-off to December 2012.
The gruesome results of the recently concluded study indicated that Monsanto’s GMO corn caused tumor in rats and had 600% chances of being killed by chemicals from the twin chemo giants, Monsanto and DuPont.
There is also an ongoing rift between the Jesuits and the Opus Dei inside Vatican according to the latest reports from Ben Fulford.
The scientific finding that there are only 147 corporations, mostly financial institutions, controlling all human economic activities here on the planet, suggesting further that all of them are in collusion to bleed each walking home sapiens dry, indicates the level of human awareness that is only bound to increase further as each ticking of the clock.
The 13 powerful bloodlines that have huge stakes in these 147 corporations, and who decided long ago that 90% of the population is just an excess baggage and must therefore be exterminated, are now in panic mode as to how this massive awakening be mitigated and controlled.
The continuing movement of people across the streets of the world refusing to bow down to their corporate governments’ legislated austerity measures, would surely put their whole lavish existence in jeopardy.
The only thing left undone is for the White Pawns to make the first move.
The Solution is Painful but Necessary
Let it be reiterated here that the real cause of the impending dollar and euro collapse is the cessation of Asia/BRICS140+ participation to the worthless Fiat Financial System of the 13 bloodlines.
When the lawsuit against the Federal Reserve is refiled and the Corporate USA reaches the end of the fiscal year on the 30th of September 2012, all hell will soon start to break lose as the International Common Law Court will begin the trial against Big Pharma, Vatican Church and the Crown of England on the 15th of October 2012.
The economic infrastructure of the West need to be shut down before a new system can be installed. The Fiat Central Banking System is where the 13 bloodlines primarily derive their power to enslave the rest of humanity. Shutting it down is just one of the processes needed to be undertaken before a new meritocratic financial system can serve as the transitional mechanism before a full resource-based economy can be fully implemented. A simple system reboot is simply not an option.
During the financial shutdown, all Western governments will be passing austerity measures to their citizenry and public backlash will become widespread as what is happening now in Greece and Spain. This whole process will serve as a catalyst for grassroots offline awakening to complement the ongoing massive reeducation already experienced by interconnected individuals around the globe.
The people must understand the true extent of what Evil has done so that any compassion and tolerance left should never sacrifice logic, reason and justice.
2012: The End of the World As We Knew It
All these revelations support the view that the year 2012 is indeed the end of all secrecy that held the world spellbound to the mindset of the Dark Ages when religion reigned supreme and free thoughts were effectively suppressed. With the globally distributed, uncensored, informative internet web pages, such draconian control mechanism will never work anymore. Even the sophisticated drones can now be hacked or shoot down if need be.
There is now a freedom to choose the kind of information one would like to consume which would eventually allow the individual to have a peek into the other world of unlimited human possibilities. He would soon realize that which he had come to understand as mere fiction is in fact the Arrested Reality, and all of the things he is seeing about the world right now are in fact just an Elaborate Hoax, mere illusions all of them!
You Are Worth the Evolution
It’s not surprising, nay, degrading to one’s manhood, when you shed a few tears writing article such as this one, for it is only now that I’m beginning to feel how hard life really was, especially for everyone here in the Third World. First World citizens are now beginning to feel the same.
When you haven’t tasted the goodness of a full life from the day you were born, how will you be able to say this is hard life I’m living? Generational brainwashing was so effective, you thought everything is the only definition of your reality and nothing more. We have fully accepted the lie in all its glory.
Yes we did, but not anymore.
The madness will now end. The veil of secrecy is forever lifted.
Oh, the Day of Final Reckoning is indeed here upon us.
The men behind the curtain are beginning to be unmasked and will be hunted down.
Full disclosure of human knowledge will usher a new age of progress and development limited only by our collective imagination.
All the technologies that could push us to the Golden Age are already here right now.
The human mind will be set free and will soar to greater heights of which Infinite Wisdom is the only worthy pursuit.
One of the significant sources of funds for the Cabal is the healthcare industry which registered a whopping $2.7 trillion in 2011, and is projected to soar to $3.6 trillion in 2016, in the US alone. We believe that this is just a conservative figure.
You can join the fight against the Dark Cabal and accelerate its demise just by boycotting Big Pharma. You can effectively do this by downloading “Towards Healthcare Emancipation“, a fully illustrated do-it-yourself instructional eBook that will help you in implementing all eClinik methods that would negate the use of expensive medicine, avoid radioactive diagnostics and treatments in completely defeating cancer, AIDS and all other parasitic diseases. These methods, when faithfully followed, work 100% all the time. Find out more about this here.
Acknowledgment: Images are from my FB friends…
Cabal begins peace negotiations, detailed discussions begin
The cabal that illegally seized power in the Western world and attempted to set up a fascist world dictatorship known as the New World Order is trying to negotiate a peaceful transition to a saner planet. Although there is much we cannot discuss in order not to endanger ongoing negotiations, the talks are focusing on how to smoothly carry out a transition away from fossil fuels and nuclear energy and how to arrange a harmonious rapport between East, West, North and South. It is not clear, however, if the families that own the US Federal Reserve Board are acting too late and offering too little to prevent a revolution against their secret government. It is also worth mentioning that the Bilderberger meeting that just ended has turned into a media distraction to draw attention away from the real secret meetings that are taking place, like the one planned for June 21st.
One of the significant sources of funds for the Cabal is the healthcare industry which registered a whopping $2.7 trillion in 2011, and are projected to soar to $3.6 trillion in 2016, in the US alone. We believe that this is just a conservative figure.
You can join the fight against the Dark Cabal and accelerate its demise just by boycotting Big Pharma. You can effectively do this by downloading “Towards Healthcare Emancipation“, a fully illustrated do-it-yourself instructional eBook that will help you in implementing all eClinik methods that would negate the use of expensive medicine, avoid radioactive diagnostics and treatments in completely defeating cancer, AIDS and all other parasitic diseases. These methods, when faithfully followed, work 100% all the time. Find out more about this here.
Alternative Media Crackdown Intensifies
Update 4/16/2012, 10:32PM GMT+8: The site is now back online. Previously it would redirect you to This is accomplish when the hacker has full control over the nameservers, i.e. domain registrant facility.
An on-going investigation is presently conducted.
“April 14, 2012
Disclose TV shut Down With NWO Notice? Developing story… Updated
Anthony Sanchez (author of “UFO Highway”) who has substantial background as a techie and software developer… investigated and wrote the following:
(1) There is no official “International Website Seizure Act”
(2) There is a “The United States Department of Justice CYBERCRIME TASK FORCE”. I have never heard of the “Internet Security TERRORISM Task Force”. See:
(3) There is no EACO, rather there is an ACO “Allied Command Operations” see:
So… unless we are not being made participants in the above new Groups and Law, this could be real, meaning they are still acting upon private or secret actions to begin shutting sites down. So yes, this could become perilous for all anti-establishment bloggers and websites, anyone who takes on the Iluminati (New World Order ) elitist.
I believe it started a long time ago. And this IMAGE seems to be very different and TOO GOOD in design for the government to have made. Remember the MEGA-UPLOAD image that was posted by the government? That image was quite poor in comparison.
But being CENSORED by an organization names “US Dept. of Internet Security TERRORISM Task Force” and another called the “European Allied Command Operations” just does not seem real at this point.
BUT WE MUST BE CAREFUL and we (all) need to look into this further. Just in case.
Anthony F. Sanchez”
source »»
In a sign of desperation, the Dark Cabal is now trying to shutdown the internet, one alternative medium at a time, to avert the publication of alternative viewpoints and the imminent arrests and disclosures of all hidden knowledge, and most of all the crimes of genocide that have been committed for centuries. The latest victim is, one of the very prominent alternative media that we are familiar with.
As of April 14, 2012 10:14PM GMT+8: Entering in your browser would yield this…
These fools really think they can stop the massive awakening of the “Useless Eaters”.
Lien Claimants Demand 4,638,791,996 kgs. of Pure Gold from Federal Reserve; Prelude to Mass Arrests

The serving of Notice of Cease and Desist to all twelve (12) branches of the Federal Reserve is a very strong indication that the final takedown of the Dark Cabal is about to begin, possibly next week.
That will not be a Martial Law, but a civilian-sanctioned military, federal marshal and police operation.
There could be some disruptions to public services, and the banking system itself. Please take all necessary preparations, and help spread the word out to lessen confusion and panic. The assurance is to minimize these disruptions within three (3) days at most, and the mainstream media will be subsequently taken over as prerecorded DVDs featuring known alternative journalists will be shown to reeducate the sheeples.
A short overview about the massive amount of gold:
- The establishment of the United States as a republic in 1776 was funded by Asian Gold, to serve mutual interests, i.e. for Asian to be protected from the expansionist British and Vatican Empires and for the Colonists struggle for independence;
- Chinese nationals helped in the construction of railroads and bridges, and were not working as slaves or overseas contract workers. Sadly, the mostly masonic Founding Fathers had different agenda; and
- The WhiteHats promised to return all these assets to its rightful owners, while the Asian royal dynasties promised to use the same for massive planetary development: to end poverty, stop environmental destruction, and implement all suppressed technologies for the benefit of every man.
The Golden Age will commence shortly. Until then, be calm, be well, and most of all, be alert.

It has been brought to our attention by Swiss Authorities that Chairman Kaspar Villager of UBS has made attempts to circumvent the lawfully appointed managers and Settlors of the Soekarno Trust — namely Neil F. Keenan and Keith F. Scott.
According to the oversight Guardians of the accounts, on this 8th day of April, 2012, this fraudulent attempt to unlawfully demand payments from the Collateral Accounts was engaged by persons associated with Alex Ling Lee Soon from Singapore.
This agent of Alex Ling Lee Soon, namely Jack Singh, at this very moment of writing, is meeting with Dr. Seno Edy Soekanto — in an attempt to gain control over the Family Heritance Guarantee.
Seno Edy Soekanto failed to collect this Guarantee for over forty years, and the claim was lost on the closing of Seno Edy Soekanto’s Authority in 1998.
Alex Ling Lee Soon, and/or his company, have paid some $2.5 million dollars to Seno Edy Soekanto for books of no worth or value in exercising management control over the Collateral Accounts.
It is furthermore understood that they are trying to wrest the Collateral Accounts, which are under the Group K Ltd. Umbrella, by seducing Seno Edy Soekanto into signing instruments intended to create fraudulent claims.
These claims would then be used as a public excuse to allow them illegal access to the International Collateral Combined Accounts.
This plan is being conducted through mutual arrangement with UBS-AG, even though UBS-AG and Alex Ling both know that such an arrangement is criminally fraudulent.
This is due to the fact that the International Collateral Combined Accounts are under the control of the Soekarno Trust — and the current Settlors of said Trust are Neil F. Keenan and Keith F. Scott.
Seno Edy Soekanto at one time was the holder of the Family Heritance Guarantee — the fund he was supposed to deliver to the people of Indonesia — but he failed in his responsibilities, and this position ended in 1998.
After this time, Seno Edy Soekanto no longer had control of the Family Heritance Guarantee. He was never at any time the controller of the International Collateral Combined Accounts, as he was never at any time Mandated with any such authority.
His signing an agreement with us on the 6th day of November 2011 was not to take control over the Family Heritance Guarantee. It was, in fact, a request for us to assist him in recovering anything and everything that could be salvaged from his failure to obtain that Heritance.
This agreement is valid until 2020. No matter what arrangements Seno Edy Soekanto now makes regarding said Heritance, it is not relevant due to the expiration of his authority, which was dated 1998.
It is furthermore noted that Kaspar Villager, the Chairman of UBS, has previously been placed on notice, along with his bank, to Cease and Desist. Such order was issued from the control authority.
The BIS has furthermore been placed on similar standing by the same control authority as well.
On April 8, 2012, an Employee of Alex Ling Lee Soon entered Indonesia in an attempt to commit fraud on behalf of Mr. Ling and/or his company.
This not only targeted the funds of the Family Heritance Guarantee, but was also intended to create an opportunity to illegally cheat and steal from the collateral accounts — which have nothing whatsoever to do with Seno Edy Soekanto or Alex Ling Lee Soon.
WHEREBY; we, the undersigned, are ordering Alex Ling Lee Soon, Jack Singh, Mr. Chee, Kaspar Villager, and the United Bank of Switzerland to stand down — and to CEASE AND DESIST on this, the 11th day of April, 2012, or face litigation.
Be aware that on the week of the 13th of April, you will be exposed internationally for your wrongdoings.
SIGNED by the Settlors of the Soekarno Trust – otherwise publicly known as the International Collateral Combined Accounts.
A Security (15 USC) A USSEC Tracer Flag Not a point of Law
Affidavit of Obligation
All men and women know that the foundation of law and commerce exists in the telling of the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth.
Truth, as a valid statement of reality, is sovereign in commerce.
An unrebutted affidavit stands as truth in commerce.
An unrebutted affidavit is acted upon as the judgment in commerce.
Guaranteed—All men shall have a remedy by the due course of law. If a remedy does not exist, or if the existing remedy has been subverted, then one may create a remedy for themselves — and endow it with credibility by expressing it in their affidavit.
(Ignorance of the law might be an excuse, but it is not a valid reason for the commission of a crime when the law is easily and readily available to anyone making a reasonable effort to study the law.)
All corporate government is based upon Commercial Affidavits, Commercial Contracts, Commercial Liens and Commercial Distresses. Hence, governments cannot exercise the power to expunge commercial processes.
The Legitimate Political Power of a corporate entity is absolutely dependent upon its possession of Commercial Bonds against Public Hazard — because no Bond means no responsibility, means no power of Official signature, means no real corporate political power, and means no privilege to operate statutes as the corporate vehicle.
The Corporate Legal Power is secondary to Commercial Guarantors. Case law is not a responsible substitute for a Bond.
Municipal corporations, which include cities, counties, states and national governments, have no commercial reality without bonding of the entity, its vehicle (statutes), and its effects (the execution of its rulings).
In commerce, it is a felony for the Officer of a Political/Public Office to not receive and report a Claim to its Bonding Company, and it is a felony for the agent of a Bonding Company to not pay the Claim.
If a Bonding Company does not get a malfeasant public official prosecuted for criminal malpractice within sixty (60) days, then it must pay the full face value of a defaulted Lien process (at 90 days).
Except for a Jury, it is also a fatal offense for any person, even a Judge, to impair or to expunge, without a Counter-Affidavit, any Affidavit or any commercial process based upon an Affidavit.
Judicial non-jury commercial judgments and orders originate from a limited liability entity called a municipal corporation — hence must be reinforced by a Commercial Affidavit and a Commercial Liability Bond.
A foreclosure by a summary judgment (non-jury) without a commercial bond is a violation of commercial law.
Governments cannot make unbonded rulings or statutes which control commerce, free enterprise citizens, or sole proprietorships without suspending commerce by a general declaration of martial law.
A Security (15 USC)
This is a USSEC Tracer Flag
Not a point of Law
It is tax fraud to use Courts to settle a dispute/controversy which could be settled peacefully outside of, or without the Court.
An official (officer of the court, policeman, etc.) must demonstrate that he/she is individually bonded in order to use a summary process.
An official who impairs, debauches, voids or abridges an obligation of contract or the effect of a commercial lien without proper cause, becomes a lien debtor and his/her property becomes forfeited as the pledge to secure the lien. Pound breach (breach of impoundment) and rescue is a felony.
It is against the law for a Judge to summarily remove, dismiss, dissolve or diminish a Commercial Lien. Only the Lien Claimant or a Jury can dissolve a commercial lien.
Notice to agent is notice to principal; notice to principal is notice to agent.
All officials are required by federal, state, and municipal law to provide the name, address and telephone number of their public hazard and malpractice bonding company, and the policy number of the bond — and, if required, a copy of the policy describing the bonding coverage of their specific job performance.
Failure to provide this information constitutes corporate and limited liability insurance fraud (15 USC), and is prim-a-facie evidence and grounds to impose a lien upon the official, personally, to secure their public oath and service of office.
Neil Keenan/Lien Claimant as Settlor for Global Accounts
Keith Scott/Lien Claimant as Settlor for Global Accounts
c/o Notary AcceptorBox 123Ivins, Utah [84xxx]
Eric S. Rosengren/Lien Debtor
dba CEO of Federal Reserve Bank of Boston
600 Atlantic Avenue
P.O. Box 2076Boston, MA 02106-2076(617) 973-3000
William Dudley/Lien Debtor
dba CEO of Federal Reserve Bank of New York33 Liberty Street
New York, NY 10045(212) 720-5000
Charles I Plosser/Lien Debtor
dba CEO of Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia
10 Independence Mall
Philadelphia, PA 19106(215) 574-6000
Sandra Pianalto/Lien Debtor
dba CEO of Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland
1455 East Sixth Street
Cleveland, OH 44114
(216) 579-2000
Jeffrey M Lacker/Lien Debtor
dba CEO of Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond
701 East Byrd Street
Richmond, VA 23219
(804) 697-8000
Dennis P. Lockhart/Lien Debtor
dba CEO of Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta
1000 Peachtree Street, NE
Atlanta, GA 30309-4470
(404) 498-8500
Charles L. Evans/Lien Debtor
dba CEO of Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago
230 South LaSalle Street
Chicago, IL 60604
(312) 322-5322
James B. Bullard/Lien Debtor
dba CEO of Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis
411 Locust Street
St. Louis, MO 63102
(314) 444-8444
Narayana Kocherlakota/Lien Debtor
dba CEO of Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis
90 Hennepin Avenue
Minneapolis, MN 55480
Mail Address: P.O. Box 291
Minneapolis, MN 55480-0291
(612) 204-5000
Esther George/Lien Debtor
dba CEO of Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City
925 Grand Boulevard
Kansas City, MO 64198
(816) 881-2000
Richard W. Fisher/Lien Debtor
dba CEO of Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas
2200 North Pearl Street
Dallas, TX 75201
Mail Address: P.O. Box 655906
Dallas, TX 75265-5906
(214) 922-6000
John C. Williams/Lien Debtor
dba CEO of Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco
101 Market Street
San Francisco, CA 94105
Mail Address: P.O. Box 7702
San Francisco, CA 94120
(415) 974-2000
Other PARTIES/Lien Debtors: John Does 1-20
1. The amount of gold under contract to the Federal Reserve system is 2,420,937,400 kilograms. (2,420,937.4 metric tons.)
2. The lease payments on this gold are payable at the rate of 4% per annum. The total owed, starting in 1961 through 2012, is 4,638,791,996 kilograms of pure gold.
3. Proof of the Federal Reserve Obligation is in the form of Federal Reserve Bonds, series of 1928 and series of 1934.
4. Proof of the interest obligation is further demonstrated by the issue of international currencies that have been issued to the Holders of the Gold Accounts, but against the Federal Reserve Bonds.
5. The gold was acquired through a time when gold coin and gold bullion could not be privately owned, and had to be surrendered to the State.
8. In 1948, under UN Resolution MISA 81704, Operation Heavy Freedom, President Soekarno was appointed as M1, (Monetary Controller), and the entire centralized system was put under his disposal as Trustee.
9. The gold was deposited into the system by a group of Trustees appointed by Soekarno. These Trustees formed an association of Trustees now known as the Amanah, otherwise known as the Mandates.
10. The Mandates have assigned their authority over the accounts to Neil F. Keenan and Keith F. Scott.
11. The owners of the gold and other assets leased to the Federal Reserve system between 1928 and 1968, at a 4% per annum rental fee, have never received substantive payment since 1928 until today. They have been constantly tricked and deceived.
12. All persons from several organizations of persons who consider themselves to be the global elite have illegally used these assets — making fortunes for themselves, or otherwise benefitting from the illegal use of these accounts. Key among these are members of (but not limited to) :-
- The Committee of 300
- Skull and Bones Society
- The Bilderberg Society
- The Trilateral Commission
- Council on Foreign Relations
13. The Federal Reserve System is a privately owned banking system. All debts of that private banking system, beyond the value held in gold, is the obligation of the Federal Reserve System only — and is not a debt obligation of the people of the United States of America.
14. Owners, Shareholders, Directors/Executive Officers and Bonding Companies of the Federal Reserve System are deemed lien debtors — collectively and severally.
Proof of Allegations:
1. The amount of gold in the system is 2,420,937,400 kilograms.
ANSWER: [If no response, allegation is affirmed.]
2. The lease payments on this gold are payable at the rate of 4% per annum. The total owed, starting in 1961 through 2012, is 4,638,791,996 kilograms of pure gold.
ANSWER: [If no response, allegation is affirmed.]
3. Proof of the Federal Reserve Obligation is in the form of Federal Reserve Bonds, series of 1928 and series of 1934.
ANSWER: [If no response, allegation is affirmed.]
4. Proof of the interest obligation is further demonstrated by the issue of international currencies that have been issued to the Holders of the Gold Accounts, but against the Federal Reserve Bonds.
ANSWER: [If no response, allegation is affirmed.]
5. The gold was acquired through a time when gold coin and gold bullion could not be privately owned, and had to be surrendered to the State.
ANSWER: [If no response, allegation is affirmed.]
6. The States combined the bullion into a single, central deposit, whereby all countries would have equitable access.
ANSWER: [If no response, allegation is affirmed.]
7. The gold is actually owned by Governments through their Ministry of Finance.
ANSWER: [If no response, allegation is affirmed.]
8. In 1948, under UN Resolution MISA 81704, Operation Heavy Freedom, President Soekarno was appointed as M1, (Monetary Controller), and the entire centralized system was put under his disposal as Trustee.
ANSWER: [If no response, allegation is affirmed.]
9. The gold was deposited into the system by a group of Trustees appointed by Soekarno. These Trustees formed an association of Trustees now known as the Amanah, otherwise known as the Mandates.
ANSWER: [If no response, allegation is affirmed.]
10. The Mandates have assigned their authority over the accounts to Neil F. Keenan and Keith F. Scott.
ANSWER: [If no response, allegation is affirmed.]
11. The owners of the gold and other assets leased to the Federal Reserve system between 1928 and 1968, at a 4% per annum rental fee, have never received substantive payment since 1928 until today. They have been constantly tricked and deceived.
ANSWER: [If no response, allegation is affirmed.]
12. All persons from several organizations of persons who consider themselves to be the global elite have illegally used these assets — making fortunes for themselves, or otherwise benefitting from the illegal use of these accounts. Key among these are members of (but not limited to) :-
The Committee of 300
- Skull and Bones Society
- The Bilderberg Society
- The Trilateral Commission
- Council on Foreign Relations
ANSWER: [If no response, allegation is affirmed.]
13. The Federal Reserve System is a privately owned banking system. All debts of that private banking system, beyond the value held in gold, is the obligation of the Federal Reserve System only — and is not a debt obligation of the people of the United States of America.
ANSWER: [If no response, allegation is affirmed.]
14. Owners, Shareholders, Directors/Executive Officers and Bonding Companies of the Federal Reserve System are deemed lien debtors — collectively and severally.
ANSWER: [If no response, allegation is affirmed.]
Ledgering and True Bill:
The ledger for this True Bill is based on the rate of 4% per annum of the principal amount of leased gold, which was 2,420,937,400 kilograms of pure gold. The total amount since 1961 to present is as follows:
times .04
96,837,496 per annum
times 51 years
4,638,791,996 kilograms of pure gold
Demand is now made for Lien Debtors, jointly and severally, to deliver over to Lien Claimants 4,638,791,996 kilograms of pure gold.
Any and all accounts, assets, bonds, insurances, securities, profits, proceeds, fixtures and the like, owned/managed by the Federal Reserve Banks at any location under control of Federal Reserve Banks.
I, Neil Francis Keenan, certify on my own full commercial liability that I have read the above affidavit — and do know the contents to be true, correct, complete and not misleading, the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth, and do believe that the above described acts have been committed contrary to law. [see 18 USC 4 misprision of felony].
Neil Francis Keenan/Lien Claimant as Settlor
I, Keith Francis Scott, certify on my own full commercial liability that I have read the above affidavit — and do know the contents to be true, correct, complete, and not misleading, the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth, and do believe that the above described acts have been committed contrary to law. [see 18 USC 4 misprision of felony].
Keith Francis Scott
One of the significant sources of funds for the Cabal is the healthcare industry which registered a whopping $2.7 trillion in 2011, and are projected to soar to $3.6 trillion in 2016, in the US alone. We believe that this is just a conservative figure.
You can join the fight against the Dark Cabal and accelerate its demise just by boycotting Big Pharma. You can effectively do this by downloading “Towards Healthcare Emancipation“, a fully illustrated do-it-yourself instructional eBook that will help you in implementing all eClinik methods that would negate the use of expensive medicine, avoid radioactive diagnostics and treatments in completely defeating cancer, AIDS and all other parasitic diseases. These methods, when faithfully followed, work 100% all the time. Find out more about this here.