Tag Archives: house of lords

WhiteHats: House of Lords, it’s time to perform

On February 16, 2012, Lord James of Blackheath made history by being the first public official anywhere in the world to expose the criminal enterprise being run by and through the Federal Reserve.  Known as “White Thursday”, four months have passed since this historic event without any apparent effort by highly paid regulators, Agencies or Government officials to rigorously investigate.  For the Mother of Parliaments, this is inexcusably lax conduct. Leader of the House, Lord Strathclyde, when will you investigate, as history will show this happened on YOUR watch, making you solely responsible for the directed actions or lack thereof.  We gave the Lords a chance to show their exemplary leadership, and unfortunately due to the same politics that has overcome the United States, a block to the investigation has been put in place.  The one action you did provide was a poorly thought-out decision to cut off information to the media who desperately wanted to report the news and the assumed progress in good faith.  The leadership of the world and the British citizens who trusted you deem this unacceptable!   Only the most explicit answers to these very troubling questions are acceptable. And answers are not forthcoming.  Again, it’s on YOUR watch!

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