“There is never a decay of organized religion. When one church falls, another is built. During the 20th century, the new church was Science—in particular, Medical Science. It was constructed to extract the maximum amount of compliance from the population. This is what all orthodox churches do. So in addition to the countless numbers of diagnoses and drugs, there was the element of mind control: ‘Follow our orders. We know the truth and we are giving it to you for your own good; we love you and care about you, unless you rebel; then we consign you to Hell.”
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Tag Archives: organized religion
Unready to be Unplugged
This week, we decided, will be for emails, and there are a lot that are worth sharing….
Name: Jim ***** Email: ****.com Comment: I read with interest your free pdf titled "Emancipating Healthcare." I already knew many of the concepts and facts kept from many such as cancer cures, free energy, and other discoveries kept hidden by a select few by my own personal research. These sections are indeed very useful. What I have to disagree with is the section called "The Greatest Deception," in which you basically tried to show that Christianity was a lie. In discovering all this hidden knowledge, I think you were hoodwinked in believing these lies directed toward the Christian religion, in particular the Catholic Church. You shouldn't believe everything you read but consider and weigh all the facts. First, your basis for that section relied mostly on the writings and teachings of Jordan Maxwell. If you did further research, you'll find out his claims have been debunked several times, and you can find those videos on Youtube. He's a follower of Helena Blavatsky, whose occult mysticism teachings has influenced Nazi ideology and the New Age movement. So there goes Maxwell's credibility. Second, you mentioned a quote from Thomas Paine, that said something about the Christian religion is a "parody" of the worship of the sun. Again, if you did your homework thoroughly you would know that Thomas Paine was a Deist, not a Christian or even believed in any organized religion. He believed that his mind is his "own church." Just a quick check at Wikipedia should have alerted you to this and his prejudice. While I found the rest of the pdf file a very good read and very useful, I can't help but be disappointed by the fact that it would contain lies and disparaging comments again Christianity and the Catholic Faith. Especially since it seems that you or the people who authored it and running the website are Filipinos like myself. They could have been easily avoided if one is cautious in examining facts and doesn't possess a bias or resentment in religion in the first place. It would be to your edification to check, double-check, and weigh all claims and their sources, especially those that seem to cast aspersions against the Faith, objectively before believing and disseminating such information as facts to the public. Just because a white man said it convincingly doesn't necessarily mean it's true. This is just another variation of unconscious "colonial mentality" which many Filipinos to this day seem to still suffer from. Just to let you know that what I pointed out doesn't take anything away from the very helpful information that you provide in the rest of the pdf, for which I'm grateful for and find quite helpful. Sincerely, Jim Time: March 12, 2014 at 9:08 pm
I responded…
Thank you very much for contacting us, Jim.
For as long as the White Pope is sitting on a Golden Throne amidst global hunger, and the Black Pope is sowing divisions across the globe, etc. no sane mind would believe in them.
On 3/12/2014 9:08 PM, Jim *** wrote:
Name: Jim ****
Email: ***.com
Comment: I read with interest your free pdf titled “Emancipating Healthcare.” I already knew many of the concepts and facts kept from many such as cancer cures, free energy, and other discoveries kept hidden by a select few by my own personal research. These sections are indeed very useful.
What I have to disagree with is the section called “The Greatest Deception,” in which you basically tried to show that Christianity was a lie. In discovering all this hidden knowledge, I think you were hoodwinked in believing these lies directed toward the Christian religion, in particular the Catholic Church. You shouldn’t believe everything you read but consider and weigh all the facts.
Jesuit priests in snappy Nazi salute, how should we interpret that?
First, your basis for that section relied mostly on the writings and teachings of Jordan Maxwell. If you did further research, you’ll find out his claims have been debunked several times, and you can find those videos on Youtube. He’s a follower of Helena Blavatsky, whose occult mysticism teachings has influenced Nazi ideology and the New Age movement. So there goes Maxwell’s credibility.
His message resonated with my own understanding of where does religion came from. But i agree with you, that it is easier to shoot the messenger.
Second, you mentioned a quote from Thomas Paine, that said something about the Christian religion is a “parody” of the worship of the sun. Again, if you did your homework thoroughly you would know that Thomas Paine was a Deist, not a Christian or even believed in any organized religion. He believed that his mind is his “own church.” Just a quick check at Wikipedia should have alerted you to this and his prejudice.
I practice Common Sense. I analyze the argument. If it is based in sound logic then it stays.
The shape of the so called Holy Eucharist, representing the body of Christ, is of the Sun.
In short, the Church agrees with Paine.
While I found the rest of the pdf file a very good read and very useful, I can’t help but be disappointed by the fact that it would contain lies and disparaging comments again Christianity and the Catholic Faith. Especially since it seems that you or the people who authored it and running the website are Filipinos like myself. They could have been easily avoided if one is cautious in examining facts and doesn’t possess a bias or resentment in religion in the first place.
We are not entertainers, Jim. The country has more of that already.
And we are not Filipinos, too. We are your fellow human beings, trying to make life worth living.
It would be to your edification to check, double-check, and weigh all claims and their sources, especially those that seem to cast aspersions against the Faith, objectively before believing and disseminating such information as facts to the public. Just because a white man said it convincingly doesn’t necessarily mean it’s true. This is just another variation of unconscious “colonial mentality” which many Filipinos to this day seem to still suffer from.
We don’t subscribe to believing without seeing. We adore the most Supreme Being of All because we see and appreciate all the things we are blessed with every moment… We’ve come to know who the Almighty really is, through Science, and not through religion. And we don’t need to imagine what it looks like. We see her everyday.
Just to let you know that what I pointed out doesn’t take anything away from the very helpful information that you provide in the rest of the pdf, for which I’m grateful for and find quite helpful.
We appreciate your time and feedback, Jim.
He then responded rather quickly…
Thanks for your reply, Ed.
On Wed, Mar 12, 2014 at 5:13 PM, eClinik <ec*******@gm***.com> wrote:
Thank you very much for contacting us, Jim.
For as long as the White Pope is sitting on a Golden Throne amidst global hunger, and the Black Pope is sowing divisions across the globe, etc. no sane mind would believe in them.
On 3/12/2014 9:08 PM, Jim *** wrote:
Name: Jim ***
Email: ***
Comment: I read with interest your free pdf titled “Emancipating Healthcare.” I already knew many of the concepts and facts kept from many such as cancer cures, free energy, and other discoveries kept hidden by a select few by my own personal research. These sections are indeed very useful.
What I have to disagree with is the section called “The Greatest Deception,” in which you basically tried to show that Christianity was a lie. In discovering all this hidden knowledge, I think you were hoodwinked in believing these lies directed toward the Christian religion, in particular the Catholic Church. You shouldn’t believe everything you read but consider and weigh all the facts.Jesuit priests in snappy Nazi salute, how should we interpret that?
First, your basis for that section relied mostly on the writings and teachings of Jordan Maxwell. If you did further research, you’ll find out his claims have been debunked several times, and you can find those videos on Youtube. He’s a follower of Helena Blavatsky, whose occult mysticism teachings has influenced Nazi ideology and the New Age movement. So there goes Maxwell’s credibility.
His message resonated with my own understanding of where does religion came from. But i agree with you, that it is easier to shoot the messenger.
Second, you mentioned a quote from Thomas Paine, that said something about the Christian religion is a “parody” of the worship of the sun. Again, if you did your homework thoroughly you would know that Thomas Paine was a Deist, not a Christian or even believed in any organized religion. He believed that his mind is his “own church.” Just a quick check at Wikipedia should have alerted you to this and his prejudice.
I practice Common Sense. I analyze the argument. If it is based in sound logic then it stays.
The shape of the so called Holy Eucharist, representing the body of Christ, is of the Sun.
In short, the Church agrees with Paine.
While I found the rest of the pdf file a very good read and very useful, I can’t help but be disappointed by the fact that it would contain lies and disparaging comments again Christianity and the Catholic Faith. Especially since it seems that you or the people who authored it and running the website are Filipinos like myself. They could have been easily avoided if one is cautious in examining facts and doesn’t possess a bias or resentment in religion in the first place.
We are not entertainers, Jim. The country has more of that already.
And we are not Filipinos, too. We are your fellow human beings, trying to make life worth living.
We don’t subscribe to believing without seeing. We adore the most Supreme Being of All because we see and appreciate all the things we are blessed with every moment… We’ve come to know who the Almighty really is, through Science, and not through religion. And we don’t need to imagine what it looks like. We see her everyday.
Just to let you know that what I pointed out doesn’t take anything away from the very helpful information that you provide in the rest of the pdf, for which I’m grateful for and find quite helpful.
We appreciate your time and feedback, Jim.
Time: March 12, 2014 at 9:08 pm
Telling people that they have been lied to by the very institution they have trusted since the day they were born is not an attack on the victims, or the beliefs that were forced on them through centuries of lies and deceit.
The healthcare eBook, “Towards Healthcare Emancipation,” was written to help people gain healthcare freedom. But how can one help them do so if their mind is completely controlled by the same Cabal running the healthcare industry and the mind-numbing organized religion?
We have to free the mind first before we put something new upon it.
If you can’t see the link in all aspects of our existence, in all things comprising what we call Nature, or that between all of those institutions that they’ve created, then you are a victim of the greatest illusion of all — the illusion of separation.
There’s no separation between politics, healthcare, education, mass media, entertainment, and religion. They are all run by priests.
It’s all a priesthood, and each of them uses rituals, ceremonies and dogmas designed to protect and sustain its existence, and not to serve the very purpose for which the people understood them to be.
Nobody can expect a priest to relinquish his privileged position just for the sake of public service. They are all trained to justify their lies, and hide their crimes, even those against the sanctity of the human body itself, if only to protect the institution on top of all other institutions on the planet that they ultimately owe their lavish lifestyle from.
Jesuit Extreme Oath of Induction
The following is the Jesuit Extreme Oath of Induction given to high ranking Jesuits only. This oath is taken from the book Subterranean Rome by Carlos Didier, translated from the French, and published in New York in 1843.
“When a Jesuit of the minor rank is to be elevated to command, he is conducted into the Chapel of the Convent of the Order, where there are only three others present, the principal or Superior standing in front of the altar. On either side stands a monk, one of whom holds a banner of yellow and white, which are the Papal colors, and the other a black banner with a dagger and red cross above a skull and crossbones, with the word INRI, and below them the words IUSTUM, NECAR, REGES, IMPIOUS. The meaning of which is: It is just to exterminate or annihilate impious or heretical Kings, Governments, or Rulers…
My son, heretofore you have been taught to act the dissembler: among Roman Catholics to be a Roman Catholic, and to be a spy even among your own brethren; to believe no man, to trust no man. Among the Reformers, to be a reformer; among the Huguenots, to be a Huguenot; among the Calvinists, to be a Calvinist; among other Protestants, generally to be a Protestant, and obtaining their confidence, to seek even to preach from their pulpits, and to denounce with all the vehemence in your nature our Holy Religion and the Pope; and even to descend so low as to become a Jew among Jews, that you might be enabled to gather together all information for the benefit of your Order as a faithful soldier of the Pope.
You have been taught to insidiously plant the seeds of jealousy and hatred between communities, provinces, states that were at peace, and incite them to deeds of blood, involving them in war with each other, and to create revolutions and civil wars in countries that were independent and prosperous, cultivating the arts and the sciences and enjoying the blessings of peace. To take sides with the combatants and to act secretly with your brother Jesuit, who might be engaged on the other side, but openly opposed to that with which you might be connected, only that the Church might be the gainer in the end, in the conditions fixed in the treaties for peace and that the end justifies the means.
You have been taught your duty as a spy, to gather all statistics, facts and information in your power from every source; to ingratiate yourself into the confidence of the family circle of Protestants and heretics of every class and character, as well as that of the merchant, the banker, the lawyer, among the schools and universities, in parliaments and legislatures, and the judiciaries and councils of state, and to be all things to all men, for the Pope’s sake, whose servants we are unto death.
You have received all your instructions heretofore as a novice, a neophyte, and have served as co-adjurer, confessor and priest, but you have not yet been invested with all that is necessary to command in the Army of Loyola in the service of the Pope. You must serve the proper time as the instrument and executioner as directed by your superiors; for none can command here who has not consecrated his labors with the blood of the heretic; for “without the shedding of blood no man can be saved.” Therefore, to fit yourself for your work and make your own salvation sure, you will, in addition to your former oath of obedience to your order and allegiance to the Pope, repeat after me—
The Extreme Oath of the Jesuits:
“1, _ now, in the presence of Almighty God, the Blessed Virgin Mary, the blessed Michael the Archangel, the blessed St. John the Baptist, the holy Apostles St. Peter and St. Paul and all the saints and sacred hosts of heaven, and to you, my ghostly father, the Superior General of the Society of Jesus, founded by St. Ignatius Loyola in the Pontificate of Paul the Third, and continued to the present, do by the womb of the virgin, the matrix of God, and the rod of Jesus Christ, declare and swear, that his holiness the Pope is Christ’s Vice-regent and is the true and only head of the Catholic or Universal Church throughout the earth; and that by virtue of the keys of binding and loosing, given to his Holiness by my Savior, Jesus Christ, he hath power to depose heretical kings, princes, states, commonwealths and governments, all being illegal without his sacred confirmation and that they may safely be destroyed. Therefore, to the utmost of my power I shall and will defend this doctrine of his Holiness’ right and custom against all usurpers of the heretical or Protestant authority whatever, especially the Lutheran of Germany, Holland, Denmark, Sweden, Norway, and the now pretended authority and churches of England and Scotland, and branches of the same now established in Ireland and on the Continent of America and elsewhere; and all adherents in regard that they be usurped and heretical, opposing the sacred Mother Church of Rome. I do now renounce and disown any allegiance as due to any heretical king, prince or state named Protestants or Liberals, or obedience to any of the laws, magistrates or officers.
I do further declare that the doctrine of the churches of England and Scotland, of the Calvinists, Huguenots and others of the name Protestants or Liberals to be damnable and they themselves damned who will not forsake the same.
I do further declare, that I will help, assist, and advise all or any of his Holiness’ agents in any place wherever I shall be, in Switzerland, Germany, Holland, Denmark, Sweden, Norway, England, Ireland or America, or in any other Kingdom or territory I shall come to, and do my uttermost to extirpate the heretical Protestants or Liberals’ doctrines and to destroy all their pretended powers, regal or otherwise.
I do further promise and declare, that notwithstanding I am dispensed with, to assume my religion heretical, for the propaganda of the Mother Church’s interest, to keep secret and private all her agents’ counsels from time to time, as they may entrust me and not to divulge, directly or indirectly, by word, writing or circumstance whatever; but to execute all that shall be proposed, given in charge or discovered unto me, by you, my ghostly father, or any of this sacred covenant.
I do further promise and declare, that I will have no opinion or will of my own, or any mental reservation whatever, even as a corpse or cadaver (perinde ac cadaver), but will unhesitatingly obey each and every command that I may receive from my superiors in the Militia of the Pope and of Jesus Christ.
That I may go to any part of the world withersoever I may be sent, to the frozen regions of the North, the burning sands of the desert of Africa, or the jungles of India, to the centers of civilization of Europe, or to the wild haunts of the barbarous savages of America, without murmuring or repining, and will be submissive in all things whatsoever communicated to me.
I furthermore promise and declare that I will, when opportunity present, make and wage relentless war, secretly or openly, against all heretics, Protestants and Liberals, as I am directed to do, to extirpate and exterminate them from the face of the whole earth; and that I will spare neither age, sex or condition; and that I will hang, waste, boil, flay, strangle and bury alive these infamous heretics, rip up the stomachs and wombs of their women and crush their infants’ heads against the walls, in order to annihilate forever their execrable race. That when the same cannot be done openly, I will secretly use the poisoned cup, the strangulating cord, the steel of the poniard or the leaden bullet, regardless of the honor, rank, dignity, or authority of the person or persons, whatever may be their condition in life, either public or private, as I at any time may be directed so to do by any agent of the Pope or Superior of the Brotherhood of the Holy Faith, of the Society of Jesus.
In confirmation of which, I hereby dedicate my life, my soul and all my corporal powers, and with this dagger which I now receive, I will subscribe my name written in my own blood, in testimony thereof; and should I prove false or weaken in my determination, may my brethren and fellow soldiers of the Militia of the Pope cut off my hands and my feet, and my throat from ear to ear, my belly opened and sulphur burned therein, with all the punishment that can be inflicted upon me on earth and my soul be tortured by demons in an eternal hell forever!
All of which, I, _, do swear by the Blessed Trinity and blessed Sacraments, which I am now to receive, to perform and on my part to keep inviolable; and do call all the heavenly and glorious host of heaven to witness the blessed Sacrament of the Eucharist, and witness the same further with my name written and with the point of this dagger dipped in my own blood and sealed in the face of this holy covenant.”
Final Exorcism
Some of us have graduated from organized religion a long time ago. Others continue to embrace this nonsense because they have not found any better alternative, or worse, misconstrued it as a path to greater understanding of one’s Spirituality.
Nevertheless, they are very committed to better the system they are still in.
We are looking forward to the day when all man-made institutions that limit the human potential crumble through its own irrelevance.
A “Peoples’ Apostolic Decree” defies Pope Francis, Prepares for “Final Exorcism” and New “Jubilee” Regime on September 22
Dublin – A multinational coalition of clergy and spiritual elders released their own Apostolic Decree yesterday that unseats the spiritual authority of Pope Francis and the Vatican, and establishes a new “Jubilee regime” within the church.
The Decree was read publicly in catholic churches in nine countries.
Based on the Jubilee Laws of divine renewal and social equality, the Decree is “a “Biblical and a peoples’ response to the criminal and unlawful authority of Rome”, according to one of its architects, Ciaran Ui Neill, a clergyman in County Wexford, Ireland.
“Human courts have found the papacy guilty of horrible crimes. But the court of God came to that verdict long before now. We are acting on our faith and reclaiming our church from a clique of deceptive criminals tied financially to organized crime” said Ui Neill in an interview today.
“So it’s unimportant what this new pope says or does. God has pronounced sentence on his false church and has disestablished its authority. And faithful Christians must now re-establish their church according to God’s word, which says, I am against the false shepherds and have destroyed them, for I alone will govern my people now.”
Ciaran is one of the founders of Not in Our Name, a coalition of catholic and protestant clergymen formed in 2010 that helped draft the Decree. It urges humanity to pray and fast for the next twenty one days to prepare for an historic “Spiritual Assembly and Convergence” in Rome and elsewhere on Equinox Sunday, September 22.
“Through a public collective exorcism of the foul spirit of the false church, we will be spiritually launching our new Jubilee congregations on that day, in the company of countless souls all around the world ” explained Ui Neill.
The Decree also invokes the radical program of the Jubilee Laws by calling for an end to all debts and interest, a collectivization of the land and of wealth, and a release of all prisoners.
According to Not in Our Name member Reverend Kevin Annett,
“We recognize that politics and spirituality are really one and the same thing, and that the Divine or Natural Law is simply about restoring justice and the earth to all of God’s people. We’re putting the Jubilee into practice, like every prophet and Jesus himself tried to do. And like them, we’re doing so against the established rulers, the bankers, and the religious authorities of the world.”
A complete transcript of the Jubilee Apostolic Decree follows, and can be downloaded. It is requested that copies be read in churches everywhere; and that people occupy and reclaim catholic churches on Sunday, September 22 and thereafter.
Not in our Name and its Jubilee Reclamation Movement can be reached at th***********@gm***.com .
Issued by the International Tribunal into Crimes of Church and State (ITCCS)
2 September, 2013
A Jubilee Pronouncement: God’s Rule is Established as all Things are Made New
An Apostolic Decree Issued Sunday, September 1, 2013
Commencing twenty one days of prayer and fasting prior to the Final Global Rite of Exorcism and Reclamation on the Equinox Sunday, September 22, 2013
The rulers of this world and the false church of Rome have been disestablished under the common law of mankind, because first, they have been dissolved by God present among us.
Do not remember the former things, of what has been. For behold, says the Lord God, I am doing a new thing, and now it emerges. Can you not see it? – Isaiah 42:18-19
For thus says God, I am against the false rulers and shepherds, who feed only themselves. I alone will rescue and rule my people … I the Lord God will strengthen the weak and feed them with justice, and the fat and the powerful I will destroy. -Ezekiel 34:10, 16
Set yourself against the holy places and prophesy against their wicked leaders, o son of man. For I the Lord God am against them and will draw my sword to destroy them and make them desolate. I will cut down both the righteous and the wicked, to make way for my new covenant. For my sword is drawn and it will not be sheathed again … Then remove the turban and take off the crown. Things shall not remain as they are. Exalt that which is low, and bring low that which is exalted. A desolation and ruin I will make, by the one who brings my judgment. -Ezekiel 21: 2-5, 26-27
On the Day of Judgment, you shall sound the trumpet throughout all the land, and proclaim liberty to all its inhabitants, for it is a Jubilee and holy to you. You shall neither sow nor reap, for the land shall rest … You shall not wrong each other, but fear God. The land shall not be sold, for it is mine, says the Lord God. Whatever has been taken from a man shall be returned to him … If your neighbor is poor you shall provide for him, that he may live alongside you. Take no interest or profit from him. You shall not lend him money at interest, and his debts shall all be cancelled … You shall not rule one over another but set all the captives and prisoners free. – Leviticus 25: 9-40
On August 4, 2013, the corporate entity calling itself the Church of Rome was lawfully disestablished and publicly declared to be a global criminal body, without standing or authority.
On Equinox Sunday, September 22, 2013, the same criminal entity will be spiritually disestablished, declared abomination, anathema and anti-Christ, and banished from the world.
The Bishop of Rome, his Cardinals and all other officials of the Vatican have no authority in the eyes of God and among all lovers of Christ and enlightened humanity. At Equinox, these false shepherds will be forever removed from their office, and a new spiritual order shall be established.
This new way will be expressed in the free and independent witness of true lovers of Christ within their own self-governing Jubilee congregations, free of the corporate tyranny of Rome.
Likewise, the fallen social and economic global order instituted historically by the corporation of the Church of Rome is similarly disestablished according to the Jubilee Leviticus Laws of Renewal and Equality.
All debts and interest are cancelled, the land shall rest and be held in common, and all prisoners are set free.
These acts are done freely and justly in the sight of God and according to the Divine Law, to rid creation of the false church and anti-Christ spirit that has violated the innocent and the Holy Spirit, and warred against God and humanity.
May the living presence of Yahweh God, Source of all creation and truth, fill all people and make of them again the one body of love in which they were formed. For only God-in-us can bind up our wounds and break the power of evil.
In these times of trouble, as the earth bleeds and our people cry out for justice and receive none, God-in-us is the sword that cuts down what is wrong and clears the way for life in all its fullness. May that living law in us bring to ruin the corrupt and violent rulers of church and state, to show them and to establish that God alone is the sole legitimate law and authority on earth.
We love the truth of God that is the fire at the core of our being, for in the time of our misery and despair, that light alone answers us with a true word and the judgement of righteousness. May we turn back to that source now, away from the lies and corruption of those who have ruled us and raped us in God’s name. Let us hasten from the Babylonian captivity of false religion and false laws, and gather into the great assembly of light, where truth and justice alone hold sway.
May our hearts and actions be true to the sacred purpose of restoring the world and the Natural Law to all people, and planting that law forever within our very core so that never again will be be misled and destroyed by evil men.
May we prove brave and worthy of this, God’s own purpose, so that as new men and women we may reclaim the earth and its wealth, and hold all things in common for ourselves and our children. Let us become a living and imperishable sign of this new age of freedom and equality, come fully adorned into the fallen world of men, so that all mankind may be leveled into the one and imperishable body of love we were created to be.
As we are all good and equal in the sight of God, may we see and act as God does, so that we may-4
Go now in the fire of Christ to overthrow the world with love, and to break open the hard soil of men’s hearts to receive God’s rule come among us.
Prepare your own hearts to bear witness with your life to the end of all false laws, all false religion, and all false governments.
May the ever living God who breaks the spears of war and returns the world to the just make you worthy vessels of his peace. Hold yourselves in readiness for the end and the beginning, for the last made first, and the first made last.
This Pronouncement is issued and read in nine countries on this First Sunday in September in the year 2013. Please read it in your places of worship and among your families for the next twenty one days, and occupy and reclaim catholic churches everywhere on Sunday, September 22 and thereafter.
Presented by The Leveler’s Fellowship and Not in Our Name – a coalition of clergy, shamans and spiritual elders at th***********@gm***.com
source »
We have just released the Second Edition of Towards Healthcare Emancipation eBook. The proceeds from this book wil liberate ourselves from the tyranny of one man lording over another through violence, greed and superstition.
We pledge this in the name of the living and present God and of his son Jesus, who makes the first become last and the last become first, and in whose spirit we live and breathe and have our purpose. Amen.
For in those final days, God will pour out his spirit onto every servant and handmaid, and all people will share equally in that spirit. -Joel 2:29
Do you see? I am in a new way with my people, says God. Not in the former way is this new relationship. For this shall be the way: I and my people will become one and the same. I will pour my justice into their very heart and being, and it will become their mind and will. They will all know me and the true Law. We will become for each other ultimate authority and purpose.
And so no longer will one person teach another or have authority over others, saying, this is the way; for every man and woman shall know the way and the true Law, from the least of them to the greatest. For the old corruption and division is gone, and I will remember it no more. -Jeremiah 31
Behold! The realm of God is with humanity, for God dwells with them, and they are his people. God has wiped away every tear, for there is no more death or pain or suffering. The old order of things has passed away. -Revelation 21:3l be used to fund our next project, Towards Energy Emancipation.
The aim is to make the subject of free energy more understandable for the layman so that anybody could replicate and install his own power plant and be completely living off-grid.
If you haven’t done so, please like our FB page to encourage others to learn more about our work.
Thank you very much for your valuable support.