Tag Archives: Shackeleton

Inner Earth Theory Confirmed

For a time I’ve been itching to write about the Inner Earth theory which personally fascinates the child in me. Like every new subject that comes to my attention, I didn’t readily hop into the idea that we are standing above continents with civilization in them that is totally independent from our own. In fact, it was easier for me to conclude that there are intelligent lifeforms out there than in here.

Before anything else, I would like to clarify the use of “inner” instead of “hollow” Earth as most literatures do. Hollow Earth suggests an empty earth. If there’s something there as big as a thriving civilization then it should not be hollow.

My first exposure to this theory was the documented adventure of Admiral Byrd. He is said to have flown into the inner realm quite accidentally as he lost control over his plane flying over what he presumed to be the North Pole. Later on, he found out that there is a great civilization in there that is more advanced and more civilized than we are. And he noticed that these men were gigantic and was told that most of them reach age in hundreds.

The photos below are actual excavations of the remains of giants, but what we can’t answer right now is where did these men came from. Are they one of those that Admiral Byrd mentioned in his log?

The above photos are not enough to suggest that Inner Earth does exist. What if these were our ancestors from distant past? This question had been left hanging until this video taken from a space station came along…

ARVE Error: need id and provider

So, we will dissect this theory properly.

One of the immediate questions that comes to mind, with regards to the plausibility of this theory, is the “location” of the center of gravity (COG). With reference to the above drawing, the Inner Earth theorist (IET) postulated that the actual location of the COG is midway through the mantle. This fact cannot be explained convincingly by using our conventional view of gravity, i.e. the force exerted by a larger body pulling a smaller body.

What is the real of nature of gravity?

To understand what gravity really is, we must start by asking what it is in space that makes this planet afloat. To answer that question is to look at what makes a ship made of metal afloat and more importantly, to which medium it is floating. It floats in water through displacement. So, first there’s the water and there’s displacement. And displacement creates pressure between the two bodies, i.e. the ship is being pushed inwards by the water from all directions.

Is there an “invisible” water in space that makes this planet afloat? Is this invisible water exerting pressure upon the earth from all directions which resulted to our sensation of being pulled towards the ground wherever part of the planet we are standing? These questions should make it clearer why the “new location” suggested of the COG in the inner earth should at least be plausible, i.e. the space inside the earth should be pressing anything towards the ground. But, is the existence of “invisible water” that made up space, also plausible?

What is space?

Space is not a vacuum of nothing. It is not a place of emptiness. If space is empty, then:

  • Light could not pass through it
  • Radio waves could not be transmitted between cellphones, space stations and satellites
  • Heat of the sun could not have supported life on this planet

There must be something in space that made all of the above possible. To understand space is to understand varying densities of matter. The states of matter are determined by their densities, the twin property of energy aside from wave frequency:

  • Solid is denser than liquid
  • Liquid is denser than gas
  • Gas is denser than space
  • Space is denser than something
  • Something is denser than something, ad infinitum

This thought experiment is just to illustrate that one’s thinking should not be limited to what one has been told. If they say this is how it is because there’s no other way this should be, you should ask “but why?” if they say “bow down” to the Second Law of Thermodynamics, you should ask “why so”?

Yes, Mainstream Science is replete with rigid, immutable laws and constants. Anybody who would violate these laws is subjected to ridicule, reputation maligned, scientific journals are off-limits, and discoveries are suppressed.

The problem is, there are no constants as there is no zero in nature. Everything is in perpetual motion. Constants are put there as an easy way out from the inadequacy of thought. All misunderstandings we have started when zero was introduced into our mathematical thinking. Zero and constants could not exist in nature.

Space is a sea of energy – energy in its most fundamental form, i.e. electromagnetic waves (EMW). EM waves propagate in space at certain frequencies. These frequencies dictate its form. Consider doing the experiment shown in the video below:

ARVE Error: need id and provider

The white salts assume its varying patterns depending on the frequency of the flexible platform when they are interacting with space. This clearly indicates that space is not full of nothing and is not an inanimate medium. The vibration of the platform alone could not have produced these beautiful patterns.

The properties of energy, i.e. frequency and density, indicate duality which is replete throughout nature. The electromagnetic wave itself displays this duality, i.e. electric and magnetic. Other examples of dualities found in nature are:

  • Male and female
  • Night and day
  • Attraction and repulsion

Our body is approximately 80% water and 20% carbones (Schauberger’s term to mean carbon and other minerals). In death, our carbones return to earth, oxygen evaporates up to the ozone layer, and hydrogen travels into space and suck into the sun to be redistributed back in the form of solar flares and storms. Sunlight kissing the Earth, of course, gives her life. This is the never ending cycle of life.

Energy is what we are all made of. Energy is what nature is made of. Energy is what life is made of. Energy is never created nor destroyed. Energy can only be transformed. We can only be transformed. Death is just a transition from one form into another or a possible rebirth. Energy is in constant motion owing to the interaction between its electric and magnetic character.

Energy is eternal. Life is eternal. Nature is eternal. So, why do we need to invent a word “god” when nature could have been enough? Nature could not have been created by another entity for the simple reason that if it is then how do we call that place which envelops the two?

If god, a separate entity, created this world, in what place is the creator and the created are sitting into right now? If it is the place we call heaven then where is hell? The thing is, even those who promoted these concepts don’t even have the slightest idea what this is all about. Because if they did, they would not have caused all that is evil in this world.

Nature is all there is, for it is already complete, by and in itself.

“Nothing is created; nothing is destroyed. Everything were just transformed.”

– Heraclitus

Nature was never created. Nature exists for all time. In nature, time and space is nonexistent. Nature only sees itself. Nature is the totality of everything. There is nothing outside from it. There is nothing that could influence it.

Nothingness could not exist in nature. Even nature did not start from nothing, and will not end in nothing. Nature just keep on transforming.

How the Central Sun is formed?

Without a sun, life in the inner earth would be impossible, so the theorist should design the whole thing completely with a sun. The question on the table now would be how the inner sun was formed? The literatures so far I’ve read do not address this very important question, or if there is, this writer may have just overlooked.

To postulate with a high degree of plausibility how the central sun was formed is to look at the works of Viktor Schauberger and Marko Rodin. First we will look at Marko Rodin’s unique mathematics.


As you begin to glide through this explanation of Marko Rodin’s fantastic discoveries, please understand that you must set aside many commonly held belief systems of the way the world works in order to fully comprehend the completely new truths that are embodied in this discovery.

This math truly explains everything that ever was, is, and ever will be in the universe, perfectly, with no omissions. As Russell Blake, senior researcher from Microsoft, has said of Marko’s work, “This fantastic coherence has existed since the beginning of time but has yet to be harnessed by mankind and the potential is truly mind-boggling.” Thus, we invite you to charge forward with all your mind, heart and soul into the enchanting realm we like to call The Rodin Experience.

Learn about:

  • A particle that does not bend, but causes everything in the universe to curve around it.
  • The three toroidal number patterns that are the basis to all mathematics (the pattern of numbers traversing the toroidal surface in, out, and around).
  • The universe as an ecological system of renewal.
  • Your body being made out of countless stars of the past.
  • Proof of an omniscient supreme being.
  • Making a coil that produces unlimited free energy.
  • A number grid that shows the underpinning geometry of the universe.
  • How everything is a torus.
  • Making a propulsion source that can take you anywhere in the universe.
  • Artificial Intelligence based on a binary triplet.
  • The Aetheric Template in DNA that guides evolution.
  • The repeating number pattern that solves pi and demonstrates it to be a whole number.
  • A mathematics in which numbers do not move, but the functions move instead.
  • How numbers form a 3D solid geometric object.
  • The secret of a gyroscope — why it vertically lifts itself upright.
  • Wormholes, nested vertices, portals, and doorways.
  • Why Dimensions are a result of how things move through space.
  • The preferred frame of reference to the universe is based upon the fixed constant number 9.
  • Number crunching and encription compression done through cross addition.
  • The labrynth maze of the Doubling Circuits where they invert in the center.
  • World boundary conditions and inversion seams of nested vortices.
  • The bilateral symmetry of the decimal system resulting in polar number pairs having parity by being perfect mirrors of one another.
  • The zero is always in the center in the form of the vortex hole.
  • Multiplication series are unbroken rings from cross sections of the torus.
  • A number cannot be created or destroyed and zero does not exist on a number line or in any multiplication series.
  • The number 9 is the node and represents Spirit.
  • The numbers 3 and 6 represent the Yin and Yang in the form of magnetism and the number 9 is the S curve.
  • The base ten numerical counting system is triangulated.
  • Infinity has an epicenter.
  • The powers of ten occur by halfing.
  • The torus skin models harmonic cascadence.

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Viktor Schauberger came from an Austrian family of foresters. The family’s tradition is to learn from nature, and he took this by heart. He studied how a trout could stand against a gushing river current without making an effort. he also was able to understand how the same trout manages to climb 60 feet of waterfalls behind it. He also observed how a snake traverses the same river in a spiral pattern at considerable speed.

These and other observations led him to conclude that our mechanical designs are faulty because they don’t conform to natural laws. Nature uses spiral in all its “creations”, i.e. from sea shells, human body, solar systems, and galaxies. They are all in spiral forms. Even climatic activities are moving in spirals. He designed his machines in conformity to what nature prefers such that when a critical rotation threshold is achieved it can run by itself. This led him to call them as biological machines.

Read patents and extensive discussion here: http://www.rexresearch.com/schaub/schaub.htm


The most notable of all is Viktor’s discovery of UFO technology just by studying the behavior of water.

Viktor Schauberger, an Austrian forester who observed the effects of nature- especially of water, privately met Adolf Hitler in 1934 to discuss the fundamental principals of agriculture, forestry, and water engineering. While Hitler was impressed by Schauberger’s radical ideas for utilizing water power in new and dynamic ways, he was also displeased that Schauberger was not willing to participate in work for the Third Reich.

Subsequently and unfortunately for Schauberger this meant that once Austria was annexed in 1938 and war broke out in 1939 the SS would come searching for him and his ideas based on his patents for an “air turbine”, “procedure for lifting liquids and gases” from 1935, and the “warm-cold” machine built for Siemens in 1937 which was, however, destroyed in an unauthorized test.

In 1940, Schauberger began construction of the Repulsin(e) discoid motor in Vienna with help of the Kertl company. He patented his idea on March 4, 1940 in Austria under patent 146,141. But very soon afterwards he was reported by the Viennese Association of Engineers to the SS who placed Schauberger in a mental hospital in Mauer-Ohling. Schauberger was then forced to work with Messerschmitt on liquid vortex cooling systems and Heinkel concerning applications of water towards aircraft engines. At this point Heinkel received reports on the early Repulsin A.

Early Heinkel “T” (Taifun/Typhoon) flying cigar design study for possible use with Schauberger Repulsin vortex motor.

Note lack of detail of engine except for ‘turbine” description.

No prop engine nor centrifugal/axial-flow turbojet either… just a gaping inlet, ring turbine and fuselage-wide open shaft to exhaust port.

Schauberger-type disc designs for a Flugscheibe showing vortex action

Nature is not served by rigid laws, but by rhythmical, reciprocal processes. Nature uses none of the preconditions of the chemist or the physicist for the purposes of evolution. Nature excludes all fire on principle for purposes of growth; therefore all contemporary machines are unnatural and constructed according to false premises. Nature avails herself of the bio-dynamic form of motion through which the biological prerequisite for the emergence of life is provided. Its purpose is to ur-procreate [re-create the primary, the essence of] ‘higher’ conditions of matter out of the originally inferior raw materials, which afford the evolutionally older, or the numerically greater rising generation, the possibility of a constant capacity to evolve, for without any growing and increasing reserves of energy there would be no evolution or development.

This results first and foremost in the collapse of the so-called Law of the Conservation of Energy, and in further consequence the Law of Gravity, and all other dogmatics lose any rational or practical basis.

~Viktor Schauberger (From “Implosion” no. 81 re-printed in Nexus magazine Apr-May 1996)

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Both the vortex-based mathematics of Marko Rodin and the implosion technology of Viktor Schauberger which have been tested rigorously and in use in black budget projects, could explain the shape of this planet and the existence of the sun within. The spiral movement of space (energy) resulted in the spiraling display of galaxies. The same centripetal rotation transformed a portion of space within the inner earth into a coherent concentration of energy that becomes the sun. The flow of this energy is very perceivable from the video posted above.

These are among the reasons why we, my son and I, finally decided for him to stop going to school for good and study at home with the internet as the primary resource for uncensored scientific materials. Not doing so would be just a complete waste of his valuable time. The earlier a child is exposed to the truth, the better would he become. And between a diploma hanging on the wall and potent brain cells securely tucked inside his skull, the choice is very clear. We have been preparing for this decision for years now, and we are pretty sure that this is not something we would regret but celebrate in the future.



One of the significant sources of funds for the Cabal is the healthcare industry which registered a whopping $2.7 trillion in 2011, and is projected to soar to $3.6 trillion in 2016, in the US alone. We believe that this is just a conservative figure.

You can join the fight against the Dark Cabal and accelerate its demise just by boycotting Big Pharma. You can effectively do this by downloading “Towards Healthcare Emancipation“, a fully illustrated do-it-yourself instructional eBook that will help you in implementing all eClinik methods that would negate the use of expensive medicine, avoid radioactive diagnostics and treatments in completely defeating cancer, AIDS and all other parasitic diseases. These methods, when faithfully followed, work 100% all the time. Find out more about this here.


Photos: www.theorionconspiracy.com » note: this site is a disinfo site where the goal is to discredit the 95% truth by injecting 5% lies. Its assertion that Roswell did not happen is a major disinformation as it is one event that is fully documented including the murders that followed. Also watch Mr. X interview at Project Camelot.

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