Payday loans are used by people who need money fast, who often have no other way of borrowing money to cover an unexpected expense. The benefit of these kinds of loans is they enable you to meet your immediate financial obligations. The risk, however, is you are taking on debt and incurring future obligations that require future income to fulfill.
Continue reading The Companies Where Employees Most Often Get Payday LoansTag Archives: Walmart
Walmart‘s 5-Store Wide Closures Fuel China Invasion & Jade Helm 15 Martial Law Speculations
We received an email last night asking what is happening over the Jade Helm 15 targeted areas where Walmart branches are being closed down without prior announcements, leaving contractual workers unemployed without severance benefits.
Continue reading Walmart‘s 5-Store Wide Closures Fuel China Invasion & Jade Helm 15 Martial Law Speculations