There can be no doubt now that the global Khazarian crime syndicate is being dismantled by white hats in the US and Europe along with their BRICS allies. This can be seen in the many extraordinary events that have been taking place both in public and in secret.
Perhaps the biggest, and hardest to deny, indication that something has changed has been the British governments’ decision to join the China initiated Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank as a founding member. What this means is that the British, and the City of London Financial, district have split with the US financial oligarchs who own the Federal Reserve Board, the IMF and the World Bank. The other thing is that, starting on March 20th, the British bullion banks will cede control of the daily gold price fix to regulators, paving the way for control of the gold market by the BRICS. This means that London, Singapore and Hong Kong financial markets are moving to the new financial system. This leaves only two of the world’s major financial markets, Tokyo and New York, under Khazarian control. As you will see below, Tokyo too is about to break free.
The Germans have also openly split with NATO and the US over the Ukraine. Furthermore, there were public announcements last week that the IMF was giving the Ukraine money to pay for its gas bills to Russia. However, it is the Chinese, not the crooks in New York and Washington, who provided the money, according to Japanese military intelligence. What this means is that French and the Frankfurt based German financial oligarchs have also split with the New York and Washington based Khazarian Mafiosi. In other words, Europe has joined with the BRICS.
Another, perhaps equally big change, was the announcement by Pope Francis last week that there would be a jubilee year starting on December 8th. The jubilee will be “dedicated to mercy” according to Pope Francis.
This seems to be a request for forgiveness by ordinary people once they learn of the enormous crimes perpetrated against them by the Khazarian cabal. However, Vatican P2 freemason sources say this jubilee will also involve
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One of the sources of funds for the Cabal is Big Pharma. It also serves as the weapon of mass destruction via vaccine tainted with live virus it is supposed to protect us from, and the deadly chemicals used to treat our diseases that they caused through our GMO / pesticide contaminated food supply.
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