Update 11:44 AM GMT+8 25jan2013: From the same Youtube Channel, Alang Jr, showing details of the Global Settlements. These videos prove, once and for all, that the funds known as Collateral Accounts that would eliminate global poverty in 3 months and usher a Golden Age for humanity, do exist.
Update 7:37PM GMT+8: This video is the subject of Djon’s comment below. After the statement about payments and distribution schedule, photos of actual cash, gold/silver coins, bonds and gold bullion are shown.
INFINITE BANK STATEMENTS from The World Bank can be viewed/downloaded here. For those who are new to this blog, you can have a good background as to the story behind this document here.
Unlike earlier versions of this document, this one does contain Obama’s signature, among others in his administration, as well as the signature of Pope Malevolent XVI.
Obama’s signature was supposed to be required for the Global Settlements to push through. Now that it’s already done, the redistribution of wealth should begin any day from now.
Some of the red flags written on that document are the following:
- That nobody are Allowed to Open, Deal, Transact and Negotiate said above mentioned accounts except King ASM, US/Philippine Government Designated Officer and the Host Government and its Duly Designated Government Officer/Employee anybody who are going to interfere and/or claim as claimants without the approval of all above mentioned Government Officers/Employee and King ASM shall be immediately net and imprisoned with a maximum penalty of International Law against them. | Comment: This requires that the US/Philippine Corporate Governments must be restored first to their being republic. Otherwise, the same politicians will block these funds as they have always done before in the case of the Philippines.
- That all above mentioned accounts are subject forever for clearance to the Committee of 300 leveling from United Nation Organization down to US Federal Reserve and only US Federal Reserve Board are only Authorized and Allowed by the World Trade Organization and World Bank Group to conduct Fiscal Trading and US Federal Reserve Board are Authorized by the World Bank Group to keep and care all information list of above mentioned accounts; | Comment: “to” instead of “from”… we need to ask for clearance forever from the same institutions that put us in Hell even before the day we were born.
- That the Committee of 300 unanimously Recognized GROUP OF FAMILIES IN SACRED BLESSINGS, INC. with Philippine Securities and Exchange Commission Reg. No. CN201200127 as Local and Legal Affiliation of ASBLP Group in the Philippines. | Comment: Who are these families? Does this include the Dragon Families that Ben Fulford represents or this is another group altogether? There are at least three groups claiming ownership/authority over the accounts. One of them commented elaborately on this subject while being discussed on this blog. Who gave them the Sacred Blessings? The illustrious signatories on the the last page?
- That all Interesting Parties and the Host Governments are Disallowed to Use funding originated from ASBLP Accounts to Extend and Source Tool for Military Power … | Comment: Deliberate misspellings again, or unintentional as English is not the native language of our brothers in Indonesia? The Federal Reserve Notes or FRNs issued to owners of the gold bullion they “borrowed” have deliberately misspelled texts on them and the rationale forwarded was that they are going to be used to detect authenticity. As it turned out, the discrepancy was used to deny claims in its favor. The issuer has no intention of paying what was owed from the very beginning. In short, it was the biggest swindle in the whole history of finance and banking. However, if the misspellings in the above document are not deliberate, it would mean that the document was prepared by Indonesians and as such may give us some level of assurance that the whole thing is indeed above board, unlike the version of the document issued in 1988 and signed by ex-Philippine President Ferdinand Marcos obviously under duress.
The biggest red flag of all is the fact that the present Philippine Government is visibly controlled by the Jesuits, and 90% of the population are brainwashed Christians. Sorry, but they include the rest of my own family, too.
As far as that document is concern, the road ahead is still not paved with good intentions. We all need to be vigilant. We’ll find it very soon if this is another attempt to hijack the revolution.
It’s exactly 5:00 AM GMT+8. Can hardly open my eyes but I can’t wait another minute to share with you the latest financial intel from China through Drake and perhaps from Keenan.
As with all posts before, this page will be updated from time to time. So, just look for the [UPDATED] tag. Also, remember, Drake dropped the date 23rd January, as the ultimatum day for those who promised him the “action” to take place. Otherwise, he will drop the names of these people in the military hierarchy giving false intel.
by Drake
Financial Intel
HUGE assets and MONEY from the imperial families are in Hong Kong and Taiwan. Specifically, China, Japan, Indonesia.
The new China Government is to change it all in 8 weeks time (?) so people are moving stocks…
JP Morgan is having a huge issue as all their customers are moving their Gold (AU) now QUICKLY…
All the families mentioned above and Morgan included are very nervous because everything they have falls under the Xing Dynasty.
The Real Buddha, The Empress of the Xing Dynasty Empire is nearing return and showing all parties that the thievery must stop now!
She is responsible for the rightful arrests of those in Hong Kong involved in the outright theft of the Xing Dynasty Royal Assets and the firing of many top Chinese Officials.
She is very fair in her ways and she is going to take the course that her ancestors took of assisting the people of the world. She will stand strong and be unshakeable against those who test her will.
Finally Asia will get rid of the demons they have allowed in and those inside that have become evil themselves.
The assets JP Morgan is trying to dump now in Hong Kong are well known and belong to the Xing Dynasty. They are watching every move they make and with whom.
The traders, players, and frauds think they have eight (8) weeks left (?) to play and get rich but get this, BUT, there is no eight (8) weeks, as it has already begun.
The Empress is on her way to her rightful home now, to arrive before you expect it… HSBC close your 13th floor right now they are watching you after hours because they know this is when you do your illegal trading.
Things have started.
~ Drake
Drake | January 22, 2013 at 1:20 pm | Categories: News | URL: http://wp.me/p2tRr3-Ft
Thanks to the following for continuing to support this humble endeavor:
- Alison vG, $40
- Ryann M, $10
- Sandra B, $20
- Hahn E, $25
- Steven K, $15
- Sharon dS, $10
- Penny P, $7
All for the month of January 2013.
We will try to post a list of all last years’ donors as time permits. Thank you for all the love and support you have given us since 2011. We appreciate it very much.
In case you haven’t notice it yet, we are making donations to the Red Book as optional since last week of November 2012. This is to give everyone the opportunity to have access to practical solutions to all forms of cancer /immune disorders.
Xi Jinping is Reinforcing Deng Xiaoping’s Open Policy as opposed to the Jesuit-Maoist Principles
Only a few weeks ago, CCTV broadcasted for the first time the highly subversive “V for Vendetta” video to the stunned millions of viewers across China.
Now, China is moving ahead with the removal of her highly condemned labor camps.
Chinese ‘re-education’ labor camps set for abolition: official
China’s hugely controversial “re-education” labour camps are set to be abolished this year, state media Monday quoted a senior legal official as saying.
It is another signal that the widely criticised system — where people can be sentenced to up to four years’ “re-education” by a police panel, without an open trial — is coming to an end.
The comments come after the Communist Party’s new leader Xi Jinping said the party recognised as a “pressing problem” that it was “out of touch with the people”.
About 60,000 people are detained in the camps, officials say, most of whom serve from six months to a year.
Opponents say the camps are used to silence government critics and would-be petitioners who seek to bring their complaints against officials to higher authorities.
Earlier this month reports emerged briefly that the system — known as laojiao — would be abolished. But they were swiftly deleted and replaced with predictions of reforms, with few details and no timetable.
Chen Jiping, deputy director of the China Law Society, was quoted by the China Daily as saying that a key meeting had agreed tightly to limit use of the system until it could be scrapped by China’s rubber-stamp parliament, the National People’s Congress (NPC).
It added in reported speech that he described laojiao as having “made its contribution at a time when the Communist Party of China was consolidating the republic and rectifying social order, but now China has well-established legal systems”.
“Ending the system requires the approval of the top legislature which originally endorsed laojiao in 1957,” the paper said. The annual session of the NPC is due to be held in March.
Currently, people sentenced under the laojiao system are forced to perform manual labour such as farm or factory work, but do not receive a criminal conviction.
Authorities will need to replace it with alternative punishments for those accused of petty offences, the paper added.
Geithner Leaving Treasury on Friday
We been expecting this to happen any day after he was said to have shared vital information that would bring down the Dark Cabal in exchange for his immunity.
US Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner, who steered the administration of President Barack Obama through the financial crisis, will step down from his post Friday, a source told AFP on Tuesday.
Geithner had said he would leave the department after the conclusion of Obama’s first four-year term. The president was sworn in on Sunday for a second term.
Obama has nominated longtime Washington insider Jack Lew, his current chief of staff, to succeed Geithner. His nomination requires Senate approval.
Deputy treasury secretary Neal Wolin is to serve as acting secretary pending Lew’s confirmation.
One of the significant sources of funds for the Cabal is the healthcare industry which registered a whopping $2.7 trillion in 2011, and is projected to soar to $3.6 trillion in 2016, in the US alone. We believe that this is just a conservative figure.
You can join the fight against the Dark Cabal and accelerate its demise just by boycotting Big Pharma. You can effectively do this by downloading “Towards Healthcare Emancipation“, a fully illustrated do-it-yourself instructional eBook that will help you in implementing all eClinik methods that would negate the use of expensive medicine, avoid radioactive diagnostics and treatments in completely defeating cancer, AIDS and all other parasitic diseases. These methods, when faithfully followed, work 100% all the time. Find out more about this here.
for highly financial movements look at here : http://americankabuki.blogspot.com/2013/01/when-oppt-shoe-dropped-evidence-that.html
Thanks, Djon.
Hi! I’ve been following this also for some time and I’ve emailed you once before where I gave you a link which can probably answer some of your questions in the red flags you meticulously raised above but I’m still encountering some disconnect. I’m hoping we can probably bounce some ideas and materials if you’re open to it thru email perhaps?
Everybody can communicate with us thru Click to decode. To finish the decoding make sure that JavaScript is enabled in your browser.">Click to decode. To finish the decoding make sure that JavaScript is enabled in your browser.">ec*******@gm***.com
Thank you for your concern, Jaypee.