We’ve written about the potential dangers from Usurpers of the Revolution before. In light of new observations, we are compelled to write another.
In one of the episodes of Jesse Ventura’s Conspiracy Theory, he tackled about the issue of Time Travel. From an article in Exopolitics, we understand that it is the most closely guarded secret of the Cabal because it wields so much power as to allow one to alter the future.
Both the military and the Church obviously exercise great interest on this technology. For the former, they could coordinate the precise deployment of the troops and armaments to avoid defeat in any theater of battle. For the latter, they could predict future events to project their close relation with their God, thereby enhancing their credibility in the eyes of the Sheeples. If they so desire, they could also alter events in their favor, such as eliminating their potential enemy right before or after birth.
But how did Ventura treated this topic after featuring foremost authorities on the subject namely Alfred Lambremont Webre of exopolitics.org and Andrew Basiago have delivered their statements supporting the above “theory”?
Ventura’s facial expression said it all.
In the concluding portion of the episode on Time Travel he said the following:
“Do I believe Andrew Basiago really traveled back in time to Gettysburg? Do I believe he showed up in George Washington’s tent?
C’mon, I tell you one thing though, I think Andrew Basiago believes it. And from the evidence we uncovered, I think he was used as a guinea pig in some kind of government black ops program whether it was time travel or whether his memories were implanted. He’s another victim of the covert operations we pay for even when it’s used against us.
Time travel? Yeah, we found out the government experimented with it. It’s a conspiracy that reaches back years. And if they were successful, into the future, too. “
Dissecting this concluding statement reveals how debunking is done with subtlety:
- “from the evidence we uncovered” ß these evidence were not shown in this episode; purely an arbitrary statement; in contrast, Basiago’s statement is supported with clear evidence that he was made to wear a bigger shoes matching that in the photograph of the boy in Gettysburg 1863; another evidence to support Baisago’s claim is the canister he’s holding near his breast, said to contain written instructions to the Secretary of the Navy at that time, to assist him in case of unforeseen problems;
- “his memories were implanted” ß again, that’s a conclusion without the necessary evidence claimed;
- “He’s another victim of the covert operations” ß another personal conclusion in agreement to the real motive of the show;
The problem with this episode is that, it never explored the veracity of the technology itself. It never tried to understand the science of it. How could they? They’re not qualified to do it. Such superficial and myopic treatment of the subject under consideration would negate the factual existence of the “theory” even prior to the actual interviews of relevant resource persons. What’s funny is that these resource persons are primemovers of the “theory” being discussed.
The usual consequence predictably is the effective debunking of such “theory”, and the public humiliation of the primemover, i.e. resource person. The resource person’s only consolation is the mere fact that at least the topic had been discussed primetime; it is now up to the public to make up their own minds.
However, debunking wasn’t always the object. There are other episodes that did show some confirmations on the theory, but only when they can pinpoint or blame it to lesser important players, e.g. Bush, Rockefeller. That was the case with HAARP. But when it comes to the possible involvement of the Church, the Jesuits in particular which are experts in the art of mind reprogramming, and 13 bloodlines higher than this military organization disguising as a religious order, Jesse Ventura is mum about it, just like his best friend Alex Jones.
We may also look at the new members of this high profiled debunking group. First, is his son and the other is Oliver Stone’s. But who really is Oliver Stone?
Stone did several multi-awarded films about Vietnam, JFK, and the Untold History of America. But did any of these films ever mention the men behind the Nazi operation in the CIA? Have you ever heard him say the “J” word?
Well, just like Jesse Ventura and Alex Jones, he is also a Jesuit Coadjutor. This trio, among others, may have been assigned to put all the blame on the puppets to avoid exposing the puppet masters. The methods and formula used are mostly the same, i.e. 95% truth, 5% silent lie.
In the case of the Untold History of America, he’s just repeating what have been told before by Soviet “historians”…
“Stone, it turns out, has been engaged in some false advertising. For what he has produced, at least so far, might be better entitled “A Twice-Told Tale” — because the narrative he presents was told first by official Soviet “historians” and their fellow-travelers in this country, albeit without the hi-tech enhancements and prominent platform available to Stone. And if you think this is just cheap red-baiting, then go on over to Digby’s site and watch chapter one.”
- http://original.antiwar.com/justin/2012/11/27/oliver-stones-untold-history-a-twice-told-tale/
Both Jesse Ventura and Alex Jones are guilty of not telling the critical 5% of the story. Their names floated during the last US Elections.
“People like Alex Jones and Ron Paul, while claiming to offer an alternative to American corruption, are strangely silent when it comes to the agency that is historically most culpable. While ostensibly defending our Constitution; they say nothing of the organization that has opposed it the longest. “None of these self-styled ‘freedom fighting’ conspiracy theorists expose the real power behind all the conspiracies at work,” writes Seventh-day Adventist layworker, Roland Temple.
“Alex Jones is hiding the biggest part of the NWO. He’s hiding all this and it’s not by accident,” says (non-Adventist) Christian activist, Thomas Richards. “A lot of the things he covers have a direct connection with The Vatican, but he never mentions it.” That’s suspicious, say some, because the Commander of InfoWars.com seems very well informed about everything else that’s going on behind the scenes, almost as if he’s got a back-stage pass.
Jones may have rock-star appeal, but he doesn’t have a degree. A doctor of political philosophy, however, author John Robbins has well documented Rome’s surreptitious role in global events. Then there’s Jesuit Malachi Martin’s Keys of This Blood, “the untold story behind the Vatican’s role in today’s winner-take-all race against time to establish, maintain, and control the first one-world government.”
Unwilling to debate these claims, Jones just writes them off as “mental cases,” deferring instead to the wisdom of one such as Representative Ron Paul. Like Alex, this fellow Texan seems to have some good ideas about restoring our rights, but has a stunning disconnect when it comes to the Vatican. In a 2005 letter, the Congressman praises the “commitment to human dignity” of a Pope who shamelessly covered for pedophile priests.
Mail-carriers have known for years that the best way to keep a dog off their trail is to give them a bone to chew on. The “alternative media” may serve this function, occupying listeners with unsatisfying bones of contention—stripped of real meat. “The conspiracy theorists actually tend to point the finger away from the Babylon of the Three Angel’s Messages,” writes Temple. These messages, say Seventh-day Adventists, not only provide a solid Scriptural basis for the conspiracy, but point people to the One who can deliver them from its clutches. ”
- https://web-beta.archive.org/web/20160503230755/http://www.examiner.com/article/alternative-media-hard-on-us-soft-on-rome
How about Drake Bailey? Weeks ago, he supplied the links to the videos of Untold History of America by Oliver Stone. Has anyone heard him say the “J” word yet?
For anyone interested, try reading Vatican Assassins by Eric Jon Phelps as your basic lessons in history as the Jesuits have virtually written it.
The Philadelphia Experiment
Again, time travel is the most closely guarded secret of the Vatican, and the 13 bloodlines behind that elaborate facade. It’s understandable that any mainstream discussion regarding the subject is designed to weakened the theory, not strengthened it.
The Philadelphia Experiment is said to be dealing primarily with cloaking, but the result went far beyond this intention. The device transported the entire ship USS Eldridge from Philadelphia to Norfolk instantly. We know that space and time are very closely related, if not two sides of the same coin, i.e. if one could manipulate space or teleport in an instant, then one could also travel through time using essentially the same high-powered device shown below.
Here are some photos of the Philadelphia Experiment, showing actual “send off” of the naval destroyer escort.
The last two photos could be the mammoth power plant used, or same like it, to generate the required amount of power that tore the fabric of space and time, both of which are just made of the same electromagnetic waves that manipulated them, i.e. the low energy wave perturbed by the same, yet ultra-high, energy wave.
Have you noticed The Fuehrer himself?
Of course, Hitler was still alive after WW2 as Otto Skorzeny, his personal bodyguard, confessed in his deathbed in December 31, 1999. Below, is a post-war photo of him and his daughter, Angela Merkel.
In the early years of the experiment, and with the non-cooperation of Nikola Tesla, countless Navy personnel serving as guinea pigs suffered from multiple side-effects, the worst of which was when the whole crew melted into the metal deck of the ship. The agonizing pain compelled some to shot themselves and others to death.
Where Are We Now?
The fact that we are still here at this time suggests that we are already navigating into another timeline separate from that of the apocalypse scenario. At this time we can rest assured that another world war will never happen. We can also go to bed every night knowing that any morning from now we would wake up to the long awaited, carefully planned, redistribution of the planet’s wealth for everyone to benefit from.
The only problem left is when those groups promoting themselves to have done some actions, legal or otherwise, to regain freedom, will claim credit for the release of these massive prosperity funds. Already, some of these groups are spreading sophisticated variations of their religious bad taste.
The revolution should therefore be perpetual. We shall never go back again to ignorance.
Hi, love reading your site & I’m looking forward to the next post. hopefully it will have some positive news which seems to be much needed at the moment. Knowing the reality of the world & trying to inform people of that reality is difficult &
daunting, some people you couldn’t wake up with a cattle prod & a starting gun!
It seems we are indeed in very trying times. Sad to see the difficulties at the Presscore site is it possible for the two of you to collaborate & keep that info out
there? Best wishes again.
Thanks for being there, Steven.
We will post any reliable good news as soon as it is available. The promise is that it won’t take 8 weeks for it to happen. Let’s see if this materializes.
Time travel – not good for credibility.
Why not stick to the financial tyranny and deal with aliens and time travel later.
You are losing viewers.
We are not engaged in a popularity contest, Afro.
We respect everyone’s opinion, too. Feel free to drop by again