Dozens of Canadian Communities have declared Canada as a sovereign nation, and not as subject to the Crown of the Vatican or England.
Canada is Proclaimed a Sovereign Republic: Crown authority is nullified, Common Law established as supreme authority
For information : ,
Time Line for the New Republic
A Time Line for the Establishment of the Republic of Kanata and its Common Law
Thursday, January 15, 2015: The Republic is formally proclaimed and a High Court of Justice is established under common law. This provides the legal basis for common law courts and Citizen Grand Juries to operate under the new jurisdiction of Kanata.
Monday, January 19: Local common law courts and Grand Juries are established. Republican sheriffs are appointed to serve and enforce the Revocation (stand down) Orders to former crown agents.
Monday, February 16 – March 16: District Conventions are summoned to elect delegates to the first General Congress of the Republic, to be convened on Tuesday, June 30, 2015 in Winnipeg.
District One: Columbia
District Two: The Plains
District Three: Ontario
District Four: Quebec
District Five: Atlantic
District Six: The North
June 30 – July 3 , 2015: The first General Congress of the Republic convenes. The Constitution of the Republic is debated and adopted, and a Legislative and Executive branch is elected and ratified by the High Court of Justice.
Friday, July 3, 2015: The Government of the Republic of Kanata is officially established. Kanata Day is proclaimed as the first legal holiday of the Republic.
Issued 9 January 2015 by the Provisional Council, Winnipeg
Colin Sullivan, Secretary
Debts, taxes nullified in new Republic of Kanata
Canada is now under Common Law Jurisdiction:
A National Moratorium is declared on all Debts, Mortgages and Income Tax
A Proclamation issued under the authority of the Republic of Kanata and its High Court of Justice
That under the Proclamation of Sovereignty of January 15, 2015 that abolished ties between Canada and the Crown of England, all previous laws, statutes and regulations are nullified; all bills and notices from the former “government of Canada” are to be returned marked “Nullified by Claim of Right”; and all of the agents of the same former government have been order to stand down from their office, as their authority is now lawfully revoked.
Common law courts of the new Republic are operating in your region. Sworn sheriffs of these courts have the power to ensure the public peace.
You have the power now to take back your country. Do it by swearing loyalty to the new Republic of Kanata, and reclaiming the land, the wealth and the future for all of us.
Issued by the Provisional Congress of the Republic of Kanata in Winnipeg ,
Canada is now under Common Law Jurisdiction:
“Crown” authority is revoked as a new government is established
A Proclamation issued under the authority of the Republic of Kanata and its High Court of Justice
That under the Proclamation of Sovereignty of January 15, 2015 that abolished ties between Canada and the Crown of England, all governmental authority now resides in an elected Congress and Office of the President, and other delegated bodies to be established by the Sovereign People.
All former officials of the “Crown” and the “Dominion of Canada” have been ordered to stand down, as their authority is now revoked. They will be replaced by newly elected and recallable governmental bodies in every community, based on a general franchise of every man and woman sixteen years and older.
You can ensure the establishment of this new democratic Republic by swearing loyalty to the Republic and serving as one of its officers. Common law courts and their sheriffs are active in your community to ensure the peaceful transition to the Republic of Kanata.
Issued by the Provisional Congress of the Republic of Kanata in Winnipeg ,
Kevin Annett’s 2015 New Year’s message
We can help bring down the Cabal and defeat the Depopulation Agenda
Big Pharma is one of the sources of funds for the Cabal. It also serves as the weapon of mass destruction via vaccine tainted with live virus it is suppose to protect us from, and the deadly chemicals use to treat our diseases that they caused through our GMO / pesticide contaminated food supply.
We can avoid using drugs, defeat any viral attack and scaremongering easily by knowing how to build our own comprehensive antiviral system. Find more about it here.
I have been on a journey to claim my sovereignty , and all I get is agents telling me I can’t . but there lies push me even harder.. how can I get involved with kanata