DUMB Disclosure

To the Sheeple the possibility of living underground for the long term is nil. Yet, the corporatist Bloomberg just disclosed that it’s not only real, but more economical, too.

This answers the question whether the Denver International Airport Deep Underground Base and thousands of other military bases and underground cities really exist or not.
Adolf Hitler was known to have stashed gold bullion, gold teeth fillings and works of arts into abandoned salt mines all over Germany and neighboring countries.
More than that, do the glass tunnels in Mars proof of human existence in that red planet?
It wouldn’t be too farfetched to say that the lost gold at Fort Knox are already in these bases, although the shill known as Cobra would like us to believe that these hard assets are taken by his ET friends for safekeeping.

Welcome to SubTropolis: The Massive Business Complex Buried Under Kansas City

More than 1,000 people spend their workdays in SubTropolis, an industrial park housed in an excavated mine the size of 140 football fields
Journey to the center of the earth—or at least, to EarthWorks, an educational program that schools students on the Midwest’s natural habitats in a 32,000 square-foot space in SubTropolis.
SubTropolis is down the road from an assembly plant at which Ford manufactures F150 pickups. This has attracted companies such as Knapheide, shown here, which manufactures steel bodies that get rigged onto Ford trucks.
The underground industrial park known as SubTroplis opened for business in 1964 in an excavated mine below Kansas City, Mo., attracting tenants with the lure of lower energy costs and cheap rents. The walls, carved out of 270-million-year-old limestone deposits, help keep humidity low and temperatures at a constant 68 degrees, eliminating the need for air conditioning or heating.
Tenants have reported saving as much as 70 percent on their energy bills, says Ora Reynolds, president of SubTropolis landlord Hunt Midwest. Rents run about $2.25 per square foot, about half the going rate on the surface. “It’s also a question of sustainability,” says Joe Paris, vice president at Paris Brothers, a specialty foods packager that employs about 200 workers underground. In addition to Paris Brothers, 51 tenants have rented nearly 6 million square feet of space. Others include LightEdge Solutions, a cloud computing company that uses the mild climate to help cool servers, and an underground archive that contains the original film reels to Gone with the Wind and Wizard of Oz.
The U.S. Postal Service keeps hundreds of millions of postage stamps in an underground distribution hub at SubTropolis. There’s still plenty of space here, with about 8 million square feet of land to develop—almost 10 times the floor area of Kansas City’s tallest building. To reach capacity, Hunt Midwest may have to consider additional uses. Underground real estate has been used to grow mushrooms in Pennsylvania and vegetables in London. “We’ve talked about that,” says Reynolds. “We’ve talked about fish, too. For now, we’re trying to stick to what we’re good at.”
Patrick Clark
Photographs by Connie Zhou/Bloomberg Business

source »

If you want to be updated about Subtropolis just follow them at https://twitter.com/subtropolis

Deep Underground Military Bases [DUMBS]

 Martian Tubes

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3 thoughts on “DUMB Disclosure”

  1. I am not against living underground however I am against living in a big community that is underground! The possibility of someone saying ‘close the doors and turn on the gas’ would be very big and particularly if the whole show is organized by the Cabal. No thanks! DUMB!

  2. This article is an obvious decoy. So you want us to believe the cabal built the dumb’s in the 60’s and now all of the sudden are now renting the space to the general public? The back stabbing comment on “cobra” is also clear sign of this articles hidden purpose. People look within yourself and see the where the real truth lays… its not here.

  3. From Cobra’s portal:
    “In February 2012, the Resistance Movement [ETs] removed all that gold from the hands of the Cabal. This is the reason Fulford can not find real proof of any current gold vaults anywhere in Asia.”
    RE DUMB Decoy, here’s the REN-TV documentary about them:

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