As in any other false flag terror attacks, the first clue would always come immediately after the orchestrated attack. A false flag operation need not be without actual victims. But it is important to evaluate the initial “reactions” or “countermeasures” a government is taking after the event.
In the case of France, the initial reaction is to close the border, declare state of emergency and put boots on the ground. Who would benefit, or lose, from such measures?
Before getting into the possible answers to the first question we need to have a list of possible suspects of who actually launched these multisite attacks against France, like so:
- Islamic State – this is the first suspect that the government would like us to believe. In fact, somebody was reported to have shouted “Allau AkBar” and “This is for Syria” to project this motive. Is it really possible for real terrorists disguising as refugees able to gather enough arms and explosives to launch any such elaborate attacks on multiple targets from and inside France without being detected by its intelligence agencies? For France to have launched aerial attacks against Islamic State some time ago and for it to experience this attack right after, would that make a good script to drive home the notion that France, like US, is really running after the terrorist group in Syria which is really contrary to the reports from the field?
- CIA & MOSSAD – Russia already know who shot down its flight 7K9268 and is already pointing fingers on the CIA sponsored rebels in Syria [here]. Is the Paris Attack meant to divert everyone’s attention on the matter? Hey, Russia, we have nothing to do with your plane crash. Can’t you see we are under attack, too, you know… with Kalashnikovs?
- France’s Hollande Government – Does the incumbent administration of France have the right motivation to kill its own citizens just to save its own tenure by declaring national emergency, impose a curfew to restrict everyone’s movement except the bad guys, of course, and put boots on the ground all over France?
If one would notice, there’s now a developing trend out of Europe where the incumbent Cabalists are being knocked out of power, one by one, by progressive parties with the direct participation of the awake and aware segment of the European society.
Leftist, socialists, and even nationalists are gaining political foothold in Britain, Portugal, Spain and France itself, and suspects #2 and #3, not only have the capabilities to launch such attacks, they are also highly motivated considering their loses across the Middle East and at home.
The present French government is under threat from Marine Le Pen’s National Front Party, and the national economy is deteriorating since 2013…
“The euro crisis no one is talking about: France is in free fall
A deeper look shows that France is mired in no less than an economic crisis. The eurozone’s second-largest economy (2012 GDP: 2 trillion euros) is suffering more than any other member from a shocking deterioration in competitiveness. Put simply, France’s products — its cars, steel, clothing, electronics — cost far too much to produce compared with competing goods both from Asia and its European neighbors, including not just Germany but even Spain and Italy. That’s causing a sharp and accelerating fall in its exports, and a significant decline in manufacturing and the services that support it.
The virtual implosion of French industry is overlooked by analysts and pundits who claim that the eurozone had dodged disaster and entered a new, durable period of stability. In fact, it’s France — not Greece or Spain — that now poses the greatest threat to the euro’s survival. France epitomizes the real problem with the single currency: The inability of nations with high and rising production costs to adjust their currencies so that their products remain competitive in world markets.”
It’s not only France’s economy that is in free fall, it’s the whole Eurozone, as per latest data:
Finally, we would like to ask about some of the conflicting details of the attack:
- How many assailants exactly were there considering the already conflicting numbers being broadcasted from several attackers now progressing to a lone gun nut;
- Certainly, the security of the country is on heightened alert for at least four (4) reasons: the ongoing influx of refugees, the UN “climate change” summit, the fallout of the Charlie Hebdo false flag, and the recently concluded “The Shared 21st Century International Mission” featuring CIA Director John Brennan, former UK MI6 Chief John Sawers, Director of the French Directorate for External Security Bernard Bajolet [see video below]. Hmmmn, what a concidence, right?
- Are the gunmen still in “police custody”, “or are they all “dead”?
- How many were the actual victims? The numbers keep on changing by the minute.
The French Government, CIA and MOSSAD intelligence agencies are our prime suspects. At the very least, the French government is yet to come clean on Charlie Hebdo false flag operation, participated in by military shaven crisis actors [here], before this particular event could be considered a real terrorist attack.
Will there be another “unity march” soon?
There should be one on a very exclusive street in France as this is a much “bigger attack”.
No, all they need is to light up landmarks around the world to the color of the French flag. Did they change the lighting fixtures beforehand?
Solidarity with France #ParisAttacks
— Colby Smith (@colbyLsmith) November 14, 2015
How about the Syrian flag? They have to endure Islamic State terror for 5 years as opposed to a few minutes in France and yet no country is lighting up with the Syrian colors. We don’t see the Russian colors as well right after the plane crash. Is the life of one race much worthy than the others? But that’s not really the point, right?
Now, everybody is hypnotized!
Yes, the Sheeples are now moving according to the path laid out for them by the management. They have forgotten all other relevant issues of the day, e.g. TPP, CISA and upgraded global surveillance system that they will be imposing soon. The regular dose of fear’o’mycin is working. Still, these are not the only objectives.

Another Paris False Flag Attack?
Paul Craig Roberts
At 7pm on Friday 13th we do not have much information about the “terrorist attacks” in Paris other than that Paris is closed down like Boston was after the “Boston Marathon Bombing,” also a suspected false flag event.
Possibly believable evidence will be presented that the Paris attacks were real terrorist attacks. However, what do refugees have to gain from making themselves unwelcome with acts of violence committed against the host country, and where do refugees in France obtain automatic weapons and bombs? Indeed, where would the French themselves obtain them?
The millions of refugees from Washington’s wars who are overrunning Europe are bringing to the forefront of European politics the anti-EU nationalists parties, such as Pegida in Germany, Nigel Farage’s UK Independence Party, and Marine Le Pen’s National Front Party in France. These anti-EU political parties are also anti-immigrant political parties.
The latest French poll shows that, as a result of the refugees from Washington’s wars, Marine Le Pen has come out on top of the candidates for the next French presidential election.
By supporting for 14 years Washington’s neoconservative wars for US hegemony over the Middle East, establishment European governments eroded their electoral support. European peoples want to be French, German, Dutch, Italian, Hungarian, Czech, British. They do not want their countries to be a diverse Tower of Babel created by millions of refugees from Washington’s wars.
To remain a nationality unto themselves is what Pegida, Farage, and Le Pen offer the voters.
Realizing its vulnerability, it is entirely possible that the French Establishment made a decision to protect its hold on power with a false flag attack that would allow the Establishment to close France’s borders and, thereby, deprive Marine Le Pen of her main political issue.
Some people are so naive and stupid as to think that no government would kill its own citizens. But governments do so all the time. There are an endless number of false flag attacks, such as Operation Gladio. Operation Gladio was a CIA/Italian intelligence operation that relentlessly bombed innocent Italians, such as those waiting in a train station, murdering hundreds, and then blaming the violence on the European communist parties in the post-WW II era in order to block the communists from electoral gains.
A president of Italy revealed the truth about Operation Gladio, and you can read the sordid detail in a number of books and online. The bombings were not done, as was widely reported in the corrupt Western media, by communists. The bombings were done by Italian intelligence aided by the CIA. In one of the Italian investigatory hearings, a member of Italian intelligence said that the sites to be bombed were chosen in order to maximize the deaths of women and children, because these victims were most useful in discrediting the communists.
Considering the Western World’s long tradition of false flag orchestrations, the “terrorist attacks” in Paris could be the most recent manifestation.

Another French false flag?
By Kevin Barrett on November 13, 2015
It happened on Friday the 13th (commemorating the massacre of the proto-illuminati Templars) in the 11th month, in Paris’s 11th district. It’s going to be remembered as “11/13” or “Friday the 13th.” Illuminati numerology or coincidence?
…by Kevin Barrett, Veterans Today Editor (just back from Paris)
I left Paris Friday at noon. As my plane landed in Chicago at 3:15 p.m. local time (9:15 p.m. Paris time) the media was screaming “Terrorists kill dozens in central Paris; hostages taken.” The French military was occupying the City of Lights. It looks like another Charlie Hebdo situation, only bigger and bloodier.
By an eerie coincidenced – at least I hope it was a coincidence – I spent Thursday evening walking around central Paris being interviewed about January’s Charlie Hebdo false flag attacks. Little did I suspect that in less than 24 hours an even bigger terror attack would rock the city.
Filmmaker Vincent LaPierre of Egalité et Reconciliation filmed me at the Fontaine St. Michel, in front of the Notre Dame cathedral, and in various Left Bank locations as well as at E&R headquarters with leader Alain Soral. As I pontificated to the camera about false flag terror in general and Charlie Hebdo in particular, passersby looked on with interest; one customer at the outdoor café table next to us told us she loved what she was hearing and appreciated the work we were doing.
Since we now know the Charlie Hebdo attack was a Gladio 2 false flag by the usual suspects (NATO hardliners and Zionists), can we safely make the same assumption about these new Friday the 13th Paris atrocities?
I think we can. Almost every really big, spectacular terror attack turns out, after extensive critical examination, to have been the usual state-sponsored false-flag stuff. There is no reason to think this one will be any different.
The first question, as always, is: Who gains? And the answer, as always, is: Authoritarian insiders. Zionists. Militarists. Islamophobes. New World Order-Out-Of-Chaos freaks.
Speaking of which, the order-out-of-chaos thing is going into overdrive. Between the destruction of several Middle Eastern countries, refugees flooding Europe, preparations for World War III vs. Russia and China, and ongoing false flag terror, it seems the “creative destruction” people are staying busy.
The authorities will surely use these new attacks in the same way they used Charlie Hebdo: As an excuse to shut down critical thinking and dissent. They may even try to prevent me from returning to Paris on December 11th to present a paper exposing the Charlie Hebdo false flag at a mainstream academic conference.
After all, I was already prevented once from entering Canada to give a talk on We Are NOT Charlie Hebdo: Free Thinkers Question the French 9/11. France’s president Hollande has attacked Charlie Hebdo “conspiracy theorists” in harsh terms, and his think tank, the Jean Jaurés Institute, named me as one of the world’s top five “conspiracy intellectuals” to watch out for.
If I were a truly paranoid conspiracy theorist, or conspiracy intellectual, or whatever, I would think somebody staged these new attacks just as I was leaving Paris and planning to return one month later because…well, because they’re afraid that my book We Are NOT Charlie Hebdo is picking up steam and threatening to expose the state-sponsored crimes of last January. According to this paranoid interpretation, the Charlie Hebdo high perps are “fleeing forward” into even bigger chaos and an even bigger crackdown on freedom…especially the freedom to seek the truth about false flag terror.
This new attack may throw a monkey wrench into my efforts to get We Are NOT Charlie Hebdo translated into French–which was one of my items of business in Paris.
It may also impede efforts to save Mohamed Boutiche, a witness to the fact that the Kouachi brothers, the designated Charlie Hebdo patsies, were intelligence assets. I just got word that Boutiche has been jailed and will be audited for trial on November 23rd. The authorities will undoubtedly use the new wave of terror hysteria to try to railroad Boutiche and keep a lid on his Charlie Hebdo revelations.
And let’s not forget that the EU just instituted mandatory labeling of products from the Occupied Territories; the Zionists are throwing a gargantuan hissy-fit…just like right before the Charlie Hebdo attacks. Beware of Zionists throwing hissy-fits.
So the least that can be said is that the timing seems extremely suspicious.
Then again, maybe it’s all just coincidence. Maybe this is an actual attack by angry Muslims. Maybe there is no state sponsorship. Maybe this time, for once, it actually ISN’T a false flag.
But what would “radical Muslims” gain? It’s already being blamed on ISIS; yet that makes no sense, since Russia, not France, is fighting ISIS in Syria. And ISIS, of course, is a fabricated synthetic-terror group, not a real Muslim group, anyway.
To believe the official “Muslims did it” stories of the big terror attacks starting with 9/11, you’d have to think of the ostensible Muslim perps as complete idiots, utterly incapable of strategic thinking, desperate to hand the Zionist neocons exactly the kind of PR they want.
Sure, there are undoubtedly some stupid angry Muslims out there. But they’re likely to be patsies, not orchestrators.
So although it’s too early to say for sure, I think we can tentatively assume that this Friday the 13th massacre in Paris is just the latest in a long series of false-flag spectacles. And if we let the perps get away with this one, as they’ve gotten away with all the others, we can expect more of the same.
CIA Chief Breenan and French Counterpart Attended Intelligence Conference Prior to Paris Attack on Friday 13th
Published on Oct 29, 2015
“Panel on “The Shared 21st Century International Mission” featuring CIA Director John Brennan, former UK MI6 Chief John Sawers, Director of the French Directorate for External Security Bernard Bajolet, and former Israeli National Security Advisor Yaacov Amidror. Moderated by David Ignatius, Columnist at the Washington Post. Held as part of the 2nd Annual Ethos and Profession of Intelligence Conference, co-hosted by the Central Intelligence Agency and the George Washington University. Held on October 27, 2015.”
Assorted terrorist passports, i.e. Syrian, Egyptian and French passports, were also found beside “dead” bodies of suicide terrorists so they could be properly identified as such.
Honestly, let’s not kid ourselves. Even if we accept the mainstream narrative, the ISIS claim is also a giveaway, unless you still don’t get it and do believe ISIS as an independent terrorist organization from the biggest terrorist organization of them all.
Hollande will then declare Friday 13th attacks from “acts of barbarism” to “acts of war” that will become the springboard for NATO to act accordingly, but against whom?
This would surely give NATO the pretext to put boots on the ground in Syria to sabotage Russia’s highly effective operation against CIA-backed IslamicState.
And yes, you got it right… against everyone, just like 9/11 “War of Terror”.
Here’s one more proof of US / NATO’s investment on Islamic State…
this has all the make up of the CHARLIE HEBDO and London transport bombings, and the several places at once which would be an typical ISRAELI MOSSAD piece of sabotage, so if everybody said MOSSAD they would have only a one percent chance of being wrong, because 99 percent of all sabotage is done by CIA-MOSSAD around the world.
Oh sure, the French Government pre arranged a terrorist attack on Paris and hired Islamic Terrorists to kill 160 of their own innocent French Citizens, just so that Hollande could use it as a pretext to action somewhere else in the Middle east??? Yes that makes utter sense to anyone with a sensible mind???? Its Rubbish and people who believe such nonsense are sick in the head!
You are sitting at home with your loving children; you are watching TV in peace and quiet. Suddenly 4 Islamic terrorists burst into the room, spraying bullets everywhere. One of your children, your 4 year old daughter, is shot in the head before your very eyes; she collapses in a pool of blood. You scream in horror and in desperation and with fear. One terrorist grabs your remaining child and begins to rape her, after this she is then also shot in the head, and you begin to wonder if this is really happening, but unfortunately it is all too real. It is not a dream, it is reality. You are the only survivor; you are left alone in a daze and in confusion and you wish that you were also dead, rather than having to face the horror of what has just happened. You later discover that similar atrocities have been inflicted upon many of your neighbours also, who were also indiscriminately singled out for torture and death, along with many of their poor children. The final death toll is 150 innocent people.
If this scenario were to happen to you, how would you feel? Suppose that others, even those that you thought were your friends, started to come out of the wood work and started to somehow justify this Islamic terrorist outrage by saying that they had their reasons for killing your children? They would say that due to USA and British interference in the Middle East, that the death of your children was the logical result and response of evil Terrorists to the meddling of the west, in what they say, are ‘their affairs’? Would such ridiculous explanations help to make you feel better? No! Rightfully so you would feel deep guttural outrage! Anyone that tries to mitigate or lessen the gross actions of terrorists in any form, by telling you that they had their reasons… are lunatics and nut jobs, and yet that is what some of you are doing, you have become apologists for terrorists, by your giving them viable excuses to do what they do, murder, rape, behead, slaughter and maim.That is what you are doing!
The outrage in Paris should be condemned, by all, for what it truly is, and that is a totally evil act of inhumanity and of abhorrent profanity on a civilised world, it cannot be justified one little bit, not one jot, it is pure evil! You should be standing 100 percent with the people of Paris and with all the French people, there should be nothing less. And yet to my deep consternation I now observe the maggots, the nut job conspirators, the “false flag” idiots, who are presently telling us that what occurred in Paris was an ‘inside job. That it was all planned and the French government and their allies don’t really mind murdering their own citizens. If you believe this Bullshit, then you are spitting on the memory and on the graves of all those poor innocents that were slaughtered in Paris! If you have one jot of sympathy for what these terrorists have done, by diverting and lessening their responsibility for their desperate, despicable attack, then you are compounding what they have done. Nothing, I repeat, NOTHING, can justify what these Islamic terrorists have done, NOTHING! Not even U.S. foreign policy and its interference in the Middle East can justify it, just as the loss and the slaughter of 2 children while they were peacefully watching TV within the privacy of their own home with you, their loving parent, can be justified.
Those of you out there that are muddying the waters by stating that such evil terrorist actions were as a result of foreign policy are basically making yourselves apologists for their actions, by doing this you are mitigating the wicked actions of terrorists. You are to some degree giving them an excuse in the murder of your OWN children, because IF they were to murder your children, because of foreign policy, then in effect you must be agreeing that they would have had grounds to murder your children, that logically follows, does it not? Then you would sympathise somehow with terrorists in that action would you, in the slaughter of your own offspring!!! But of course we all know that if such were to happen to you and your kin, that you would quickly condemn the killers TOTALLY! You have to realise that nothing, NOTHING, can justify what these Islamic Nutters have done in Paris…. Nothing! ISIS have claimed full responsibility for the Paris attack, do not sympathise with them by giving them some ridiculous excuse or unjustifiable reasons for what they have done. Just condemn their actions 100%, DO NOT condone them by giving them a way out of their evil by blaming it all on foreign policy. Don’t dare! Have some respect for the dead that have been wrongly, unjustly annihilated in Paris. I say…Je Suis Charlie.
You are sitting at home with your loving children; you are watching TV in peace and quiet. Suddenly 4 Islamic terrorists burst into the room, spraying bullets everywhere. One of your children, your 4 year old daughter, is shot in the head before your very eyes; she collapses in a pool of blood. You scream in horror and in desperation and with fear. One terrorist grabs your remaining child and begins to rape her, after this she is then also shot in the head, and you begin to wonder if this is really happening, but unfortunately it is all too real. It is not a dream, it is reality. You are the only survivor; you are left alone in a daze and in confusion and you wish that you were also dead, rather than having to face the horror of what has just happened. You later discover that similar atrocities have been inflicted upon many of your neighbours also, who were also indiscriminately singled out for torture and death, along with many of their poor children. The final death toll is 150 innocent people.
If this scenario were to happen to you, how would you feel? Suppose that others, even those that you thought were your friends, started to come out of the wood work and started to somehow justify this Islamic terrorist outrage by saying that they had their reasons for killing your children? They would say that due to USA and British interference in the Middle East, that the death of your children was the logical result and response of evil Terrorists to the meddling of the west, in what they say, are ‘their affairs’? Would such ridiculous explanations help to make you feel better? No! Rightfully so you would feel deep guttural outrage! Anyone that tries to mitigate or lessen the gross actions of terrorists in any form, by telling you that they had their reasons… are lunatics and nut jobs. And yet out there, on-line, that is exactly what the crazies are doing! They have become apologists for terrorists by their offering to them, what seems to them, viable excuses that make little sense, for ISIL to do what they do best, murder, rape, behead, slaughter and maim. No amount of what may be considered ‘bad foreign policy’ (exhibited by the West) can be used to excuse the evil done by the Islamic Terrorists, not anymore it can’t!
The outrage in Paris should be condemned, by all, for what it truly is, and that is a totally evil act of inhumanity and of abhorrent profanity on a civilised world, it cannot be justified one little bit, not one jot, it is pure evil! You should be standing 100 percent with the people of Paris and with all the French people, there should be nothing less. And yet to my deep consternation I now observe the maggots, the nut job conspirators, the “false flag” idiots, (and we never went to the Moon types) who are presently telling us that what occurred in Paris was an ‘inside job’. That it was all planned and the French government and their western allies don’t really mind murdering their own citizens to accomplish some hidden secret agenda. If you believe this bullshit, then at the same time you are spitting on the memory and on the graves of all those poor innocents that were slaughtered in Paris. You gainfully choose to mitigate, with the use of fairly tales, the factual actions of terrorist atrocities and obstinately fail to hold them directly responsible for the evil they perpetrate, but you offer them a way out of this. If you have one jot of sympathy for what these terrorists have done, by diverting and lessening their responsibility for their desperate, despicable attack, then you are compounding what they have done. Nothing, I repeat, NOTHING, can justify what these Islamic terrorists have done, NOTHING! Not U.S. Foreign policy and its, (as some believe) ‘interference’ in the Middle east can justify it, just as the loss and the slaughter of two children, while they were peacefully watching TV within the privacy of their own home with you, their loving parent, can in any be justified.
Those of you out there that are muddying the waters by stating that such evil terrorist actions were as a result of foreign policy are basically making yourselves apologists for their actions, by doing this you are mitigating the wicked actions of terrorists. You are to some degree giving them an excuse in the murder of your OWN children, because IF they were to murder your children, because of foreign policy, then in effect you must be agreeing that they would have had grounds to murder your children, that logically follows, does it not? Then you would sympathise somehow with terrorists in that action would you, in the slaughter of your own offspring!!! But of course we all know that if such were to happen to you and your kin, that you would quickly condemn the killers TOTALLY! You have to realise that nothing, NOTHING, can justify what these Islamic Nutters have done in Paris…. Nothing!
ISIS have claimed full responsibility for the Paris attack, do not sympathise with them by giving them some ridiculous excuse or unjustifiable reasons for what they have done. I ask you all to justly condemn their actions 100%, DO NOT condone them by giving them a way out of their evil by blaming it all on foreign policy. Don’t dare! Have some respect for the dead that have been wrongly, unjustly annihilated in Paris. I say…Je Suis Charlie.
you are a sheep…
You are the sheep, you live in a dream world of your own making, You are uneducated, We did not land on the Moon guy. Sure you are a dreamer and you can’ wake up out of your delusions. Try and sympathise with the dead in Paris, it was all an inside Job you know? Brought about by CIA, MOSAD, green men from Mars too, hahhahha, sure, and the moon is made of cheese!
You are sitting at home with your loving children; you are watching TV in peace and quiet. Suddenly 4 Islamic terrorists burst into the room, spraying bullets everywhere. One of your children, your 4 year old daughter, is shot in the head before your very eyes; she collapses in a pool of blood. You scream in horror and in desperation and with fear. One terrorist grabs your remaining child and begins to rape her, after this she is then also shot in the head, and you begin to wonder if this is really happening, but unfortunately it is all too real. It is not a dream, it is reality. You are the only survivor; you are left alone in a daze and in confusion and you wish that you were also dead, rather than having to face the horror of what has just happened. You later discover that similar atrocities have been inflicted upon many of your neighbours also, who were also indiscriminately singled out for torture and death, along with many of their poor children. The final death toll is 150 innocent people.
If this scenario were to happen to you, how would you feel? Suppose that others, even those that you thought were your friends, started to come out of the wood work and started to somehow justify this Islamic terrorist outrage by saying that they had their reasons for killing your children? They would say that due to USA and British interference in the Middle East, that the death of your children was the logical result and response of evil Terrorists to the meddling of the west, in what they say, are ‘their affairs’? Would such ridiculous explanations help to make you feel better? No! Rightfully so you would feel deep guttural outrage! Anyone that tries to mitigate or lessen the gross actions of terrorists in any form, by telling you that they had their reasons… are lunatics and nut jobs. And yet out there, on-line, that is exactly what the crazies are doing! They have become apologists for terrorists by their offering to them, what seems to them, viable excuses that make little sense, for ISIL to do what they do best, murder, rape, behead, slaughter and maim. No amount of what may be considered ‘bad foreign policy’ (exhibited by the West) can be used to excuse the evil done by the Islamic Terrorists, not anymore it can’t!
The outrage in Paris should be condemned, by all, for what it truly is, and that is a totally evil act of inhumanity and of abhorrent profanity on a civilised world, it cannot be justified one little bit, not one jot, it is pure evil! You should be standing 100 percent with the people of Paris and with all the French people, there should be nothing less. And yet to my deep consternation I now observe the maggots, the nut job conspirators, the “false flag” idiots, (and we never went to the Moon types) who are presently telling us that what occurred in Paris was an ‘inside job’. That it was all planned and the French government and their western allies don’t really mind murdering their own citizens to accomplish some hidden secret agenda. If you believe this bullshit, then at the same time you are spitting on the memory and on the graves of all those poor innocents that were slaughtered in Paris. You gainfully choose to mitigate, with the use of fairly tales, the factual actions of terrorist atrocities and obstinately fail to hold them directly responsible for the evil they perpetrate, but you offer them a way out of this. If you have one jot of sympathy for what these terrorists have done, by diverting and lessening their responsibility for their desperate, despicable attack, then you are compounding what they have done. Nothing, I repeat, NOTHING, can justify what these Islamic terrorists have done, NOTHING! Not U.S. Foreign policy and its, (as some believe) ‘interference’ in the Middle east can justify it, just as the loss and the slaughter of two children, while they were peacefully watching TV within the privacy of their own home with you, their loving parent, can in any be justified.
Those of you out there that are muddying the waters by stating that such evil terrorist actions were as a result of foreign policy are basically making yourselves apologists for their actions, by doing this you are mitigating the wicked actions of terrorists. You are to some degree giving them an excuse in the murder of your OWN children, because IF they were to murder your children, because of foreign policy, then in effect you must be agreeing that they would have had grounds to murder your children, that logically follows, does it not? Then you would sympathise somehow with terrorists in that action would you, in the slaughter of your own offspring!!! But of course we all know that if such were to happen to you and your kin, that you would quickly condemn the killers TOTALLY! You have to realise that nothing, NOTHING, can justify what these Islamic Nutters have done in Paris…. Nothing!
ISIS have claimed full responsibility for the Paris attack, do not sympathise with them by giving them some ridiculous excuse or unjustifiable reasons for what they have done. I ask you all to justly condemn their actions 100%, DO NOT condone them by giving them a way out of their evil by blaming it all on foreign policy. Don’t dare! Have some respect for the dead that have been wrongly, unjustly annihilated in Paris. I say…Je Suis Charlie.
Clues to the bigger picture can be found here:
It’s modern day colonialism. It gives them an excuse to invade the Middle East. They did it then and they’re doing it now. Why is that hard to believe? When someone finds conspiracy theories hard to believe, why bother reading articles about it? Some people..
Likely the most intelligent comment I’ve ever heard. Is modern day colonialism based on greed and black gold? If so, I shake your hand for being macro bold.
CIA-Mossad is the mastermind.
Actually, probably more like the Dancing Mossad troop, and CIA guests, warning up for the next 9/11 on the American west coast.
Zion?! Is that you?
Everything is scripted like a stage play. Shakespeare everyone?
A vendor or typical income earner is appreciated.
You are sitting at home with your loving children; you are watching TV in peace and quiet. Suddenly 4 Islamic terrorists burst into the room, spraying bullets everywhere. One of your children, your 4 year old daughter, is shot in the head before your very eyes; she collapses in a pool of blood. You scream in horror and in desperation and with fear. One terrorist grabs your remaining child and begins to rape her, after this she is then also shot in the head, and you begin to wonder if this is really happening, but unfortunately it is all too real. It is not a dream, it is reality. You are the only survivor; you are left alone in a daze and in confusion and you wish that you were also dead, rather than having to face the horror of what has just happened. You later discover that similar atrocities have been inflicted upon many of your neighbours also, who were also indiscriminately singled out for torture and death, along with many of their poor children. The final death toll is 150 innocent people.
If this scenario were to happen to you, how would you feel? Suppose that others, even those that you thought were your friends, started to come out of the wood work and started to somehow justify this Islamic terrorist outrage by saying that they had their reasons for killing your children? They would say that due to USA and British interference in the Middle East, that the death of your children was the logical result and response of evil Terrorists to the meddling of the west, in what they say, are ‘their affairs’? Would such ridiculous explanations help to make you feel better? No! Rightfully so you would feel deep guttural outrage! Anyone that tries to mitigate or lessen the gross actions of terrorists in any form, by telling you that they had their reasons… are lunatics and nut jobs. And yet out there, on-line, that is exactly what the crazies are doing! They have become apologists for terrorists by their offering to them, what seems to them, viable excuses that make little sense, for ISIL to do what they do best, murder, rape, behead, slaughter and maim. No amount of what may be considered ‘bad foreign policy’ (exhibited by the West) can be used to excuse the evil done by the Islamic Terrorists, not anymore it can’t!
The outrage in Paris should be condemned, by all, for what it truly is, and that is a totally evil act of inhumanity and of abhorrent profanity on a civilised world, it cannot be justified one little bit, not one jot, it is pure evil! You should be standing 100 percent with the people of Paris and with all the French people, there should be nothing less. And yet to my deep consternation I now observe the maggots, the nut job conspirators, the “false flag” idiots, (and we never went to the Moon types) who are presently telling us that what occurred in Paris was an ‘inside job’. That it was all planned and the French government and their western allies don’t really mind murdering their own citizens to accomplish some hidden secret agenda. If you believe this bullshit, then at the same time you are spitting on the memory and on the graves of all those poor innocents that were slaughtered in Paris. You gainfully choose to mitigate, with the use of fairly tales, the factual actions of terrorist atrocities and obstinately fail to hold them directly responsible for the evil they perpetrate, but you offer them a way out of this. If you have one jot of sympathy for what these terrorists have done, by diverting and lessening their responsibility for their desperate, despicable attack, then you are compounding what they have done. Nothing, I repeat, NOTHING, can justify what these Islamic terrorists have done, NOTHING! Not U.S. Foreign policy and its, (as some believe) ‘interference’ in the Middle east can justify it, just as the loss and the slaughter of two children, while they were peacefully watching TV within the privacy of their own home with you, their loving parent, can in any be justified.
Those of you out there that are muddying the waters by stating that such evil terrorist actions were as a result of foreign policy are basically making yourselves apologists for their actions, by doing this you are mitigating the wicked actions of terrorists. You are to some degree giving them an excuse in the murder of your OWN children, because IF they were to murder your children, because of foreign policy, then in effect you must be agreeing that they would have had grounds to murder your children, that logically follows, does it not? Then you would sympathise somehow with terrorists in that action would you, in the slaughter of your own offspring!!! But of course we all know that if such were to happen to you and your kin, that you would quickly condemn the killers TOTALLY! You have to realise that nothing, NOTHING, can justify what these Islamic Nutters have done in Paris…. Nothing!
ISIS have claimed full responsibility for the Paris attack, do not sympathise with them by giving them some ridiculous excuse or unjustifiable reasons for what they have done. I ask you all to justly condemn their actions 100%, DO NOT condone them by giving them a way out of their evil by blaming it all on foreign policy. Don’t dare! Have some respect for the dead that have been wrongly, unjustly annihilated in Paris. I say…Je Suis Charlie.
Not all Arabs are violent, if it where, we would not have hearing Casey Kasem, the voice of Shaggy, or St. Jude’s hospital founder, Danny Thomas, the actor, James Stacy (Maurice William Elias), Haggar slacks, Jamie Farr (the actor of the highest rated sitcom finale in TV history), Vic Tayback from Alice on television.
Also, not all Pakistanis are violent, and if if where, we would not have seeing Martin Bashir (a Pakistani-American) on television.
Also, not all Pakistanis are violent, and if if where, we would not have seeing Martin Bashir (a Pakistani-British man) on television.
Not Arabs are violent and if it were, we would not see the Colorado Attorneys on television, George Sawaya and Franklin D. Azar. Sawaya and Azar are of Arab origin.
Also, not all Turks are violent and if it were, we would not see the Turkish physician, Mehmet Oz, Turhan Bey, the actor, and the founder of Atlantic Records, Ahmed Ertegun and Cenk Uygur the radio performer. and David Chokachi, the actor.