More details related to the circumstances surrounding the ill-fated Russian flight 7K9268 are slowly trickling in.
Families of two dead US intelligence agents are resorting to GoFundme platform [here, and here] to raise enough funds to allow themselves to transition to their new situation as the US government decided to disavow their husbands who could be deeply involved in the October 31st plane crash above Sinai Peninsula.
Three Americans are now dead under mysterious circumstances, two killed in Jordan and the other while in detention in Yemen. All operatives below were said to be under SVR-Spetsnaz surveillance, captured in Yemen, interrogated in Moscow, and released back to Yemen:
- John Hamen – a former Communications Observer at the US Special Operations Command Air Force Base in Florida and to which the State Department deny any further knowledge. “Yesterday around 5:30 pm a few people from different agencies came to our home to notify us that John had died while in detainment and then was taken to a hospital,” Jen Hamen wrote.
- Lloyd Fields, Jr. – since 2006 as military advisor in Iraq connected with DynCorp, “USA-based private military contractor.[7] Begun as an aviation company, the company also provides flight operations support, training and mentoring, international development, intelligence training and support, contingency operations, security, and operations and maintenance of land vehicles.[8] DynCorp receives more than 96% of its more than $3 billion in annual revenues from the U.S. federal government.[1][9]”
- Damon Creach – another employee of DynCorp and one of two Americans killed in an attack Monday at a police training center in Jordan.
To be killed inside own’s place of work, in this case a soldiers’ training center that should be secured at all times, only mean one thing.
“Damon Creach, 42, a former Virginia Beach police officer working as a law enforcement instructor in Jordan, was killed when a Jordanian police captain opened fire in a dining hall.
The motive is still not clear, but five people including the gunman were killed. Six more were wounded.”
U.S. State Department spokeswoman Elizabeth Trudeau said: “We’re aware of those reports. Due to privacy considerations, I’m not going to comment on them.”
The link of these people to the CIA can easily be established as we can see from the above backgrounds. The Russian interrogation is plausible given the alliance between Russia and Iran, a country that is wielding a great influence in Yemen’s Houthis.
For families of two of the disavowed agents to resort to crowdfunding is proof enough that all agencies that have to do with these covert agents are abandoning them and their families for reasons that cannot be disclosed even to them.
[This is a translation of an article that appeared in Al Akhbar [Arabic] a few days ago. Link below.]
Ansar Allah detain two Americans on Espionage Charges
Two Americans have been under surveillance who have regularly visited the site that is the current temporary residence of the UN team. The UN are based in the Sheraton Hotel in Yemen’s capital Sanaa.
This hotel had been used previously by the US diplomatic mission until it’s evacuation from Sanaa early 2015. The U.S. Diplomatic Mission allowed the UN to work from these premises temporarily until it could be considered safe for the Mission to return to Yemen once the hostilities had ceased.
The UN does not pay anything for the use of the facility and is not responsible for the maintenance of the premises that belong to the US Foreign Affairs Ministry but events over the last two weeks reveal that perhaps the UN repays Washington in more ways than one for the use of these premises.
The UN mission in Yemen operates with a very small staff, probably less than a hundred, consisting of Yemeni nationals, non-Yemeni Arab nationals and foreign nationals.
These UN staff members travel between Yemen and Djibouti on UN-chartered private planes. Djibouti is now the only gateway to the world for Yemenis who are under an internationally supported blockade.
The two Americans who were under surveillance were transported using UN vehicles despite the fact that UN law prohibits the use of their vehicles for the transportation of any non-UN staff regardless of the situation, in order to maintain its neutral status.
On the evening of the 20th of October, a private UN plane arrived in Sanaa, from Djibouti, on board were two American citizens, Mark McAllister and John Hamen, who were ostensibly working for a maintenance company, Al Rafideen, contracted by the US Mission to provide services to their now vacated offices in the Sheraton Hotel, Sanaa.
At this point, Yemen National Security moved in and arrested the two men, taking them to an unknown location.
Attempts were made by the chief of staff of the UN mission in Sanaa to intervene and secure the release of the two Americans. The UN engaged in direct talks with the Yemeni government and Ansar Allah. The response from the Yemeni side was curt and to the point stating that this was not within the UN’s jurisdiction and the UN has nothing to do with the two men in question.
The UN official confirmed to the local government and AnsarAllah that the two men were working for a company now contracted by the UN and had been invited to Sanaa by the UN to maintain premises [that they do not pay for and where the UN is not responsible for maintenance – edit] Unsurprisingly all UN efforts to secure the release of McAllister and Hamen have been unsuccessful.
The UN was then informed that one of the two men was recognised as a “security agent” who had been working with the U.S. Diplomatic Mission in Sanaa prior to their departure. The UN was informed by the relevant local Yemeni authorities that the UN’s involvement with any foreign intelligence is in direct violation of its fundamental principles and lawful activities in Yemen. This puts the UN in a very precarious and embarrassing position in Yemen.
“Al-Akhbar” asked the official spokesman on behalf of the UN Secretary General whether UN staff members were facing any hardships in Yemen:
“Yes, we face hardships due to the security situation and we are unable to distribute relief aid to Yemenis as we would be able to under normal circumstances.”
Responding to the question of whether or not the UN is in communication with the Saudi-led coalition, the UN official stated
” As in the case of every war-torn area, the UN maintains communication with all factions involved in the conflict to guarantee UN convoy security.”
“Al-Akhbar” also asked the UN official why the UN had allowed two non UN operatives, now in Yemeni & AnsarAllah custody, to travel to Yemen in a UN privately chartered plane. This contravenes all internationally agreed upon protocols that strictly prohibit the use of UN transportation for non UN staff. The seriousness of the situation is intensified by the fact that Yemen authorities have accused both men of being Washington intelligence agents.
The UN official responded cautiously, stating that he is aware of the two men whom he believes to be UN contractors. He is aware of their situation but has no update on the incident. He added that the UN would not have transported any such operatives into or out of Yemen without using the proper channels of communication. He reiterated the official line that the two men are likely to be service contractors brought in to carry out maintenance on the adopted UN premises. [my edit: despite the UN not being responsible for the premises]
The incident is highly sensitive. It does not only involve McAllister and Hamen, still in custody, but raises the uncomfortable question, what role is the UN playing in Yemen and for that matter, in other war torn countries in the region?
Yemeni citizens working for the UN have expressed their frustration at not being allowed to implement solutions to the dire humanitarian situation in their country, and have complained of having their movements and activities closely surveyed.
Yemeni security have informed the UN directly that this particular case violates the sovereignty of their country and its security.
A local security official informed the UN in Yemen that such actions will have serious repercussions upon their activities within Yemen. Initial investigations into the two Washington assets in custody have shown that both men are linked to activities suspected to be espionage and investigations have exposed one of the men as a Washington intelligence agent who had already worked with Yemeni agents and who was well known to Yemen’s security officials.
The second man is an officer in the US Marines who has served in Iraq, Afghanistan and Yemen.
The naturally concerned Yemeni authorities have informed the UN that the UN has no jurisdiction over these two men and should not interfere in Yemen’s security matters.
As a consequence, all UN vehicles are being carefully and systematically inspected in the capital Sanaa. UN drivers are being checked and all passenger passports demanded for verification. This is now routine both at the airport and on the streets of Sanaa.
The matter was further complicated when a shot was fired at a UN vehicle and the bullet penetrated the car on October 22 2015 while it was travelling towards Sanaa airport. No casualties were reported but its quite possible that this was a warning shot across UN bows.
What is certain however, is that both Ansar Allah and the General People’s Congress party in Yemen are highly displeased with UN Peace Envoy Ismail Ould Cheikh’s recent role in siding with the Saudi-led coalition and disregarding all the points agreed upon in the Muscat talks.
Both parties are also understandably enraged by Washington’s role in supporting the Saudi-led coalition’s aggression on Yemen that is devastating the country. Washington has provided direct support to the Saudi coalition by supplying weapons, intelligence information, air surveillance and logistic support for air strikes. This support has been widely documented in the media.
Yemeni officials in Sanaa are on high alert regarding any intelligence network that could provide support to the Saudi-led coalition air strikes that have predominantly targeted civilians. This, despite continuous UN communications with the Saudi coalition’s operations room in the Saudi capital Al-Riyadh informing them of the co-ordinates of the UN location and areas of work.
Riyadh however, does not seem to be overly concerned with that information as was clearly seen when the Sauds directly targeted and bombed the UN Development Project in Aden. UN Secretary General Ban Ki Moon expressed criticism of Riyadh’s disregard and called for an investigation into the strikes but to date no such investigation has been instigated.
Riyadh came under criticism again for the disregard it showed by directly bombing the World Food Programmes’s storage facility, and several hospitals operating under international organizations directly affiliated with the UN.
Translated from an article in Al Akhbar Arabic.
“U.N. spokesman Stephane Dujarric wouldn’t confirm the contractors’ nationality but said they arrived on a U.N. aircraft from Djibouti on Oct. 20 and were detained by “the authorities at the airport in Sanaa.”
He said the two “are not U.N. contractors” but work for the company that manages the facilities that the U.N. is using in Sanaa.
The U.N. offices are at the U.S. embassy, the officials said.”
It’s critical to understand that Russia has already published its knowledge about all of the above stipulations and that it is ready to deal its enemies with the right response when the time comes.
- Russia Leaks “Assured Unacceptable Damage” Weapon System to Warn NATO
- The Real Reason Why Russia Leaked “Ocean Multipurpose System: Status-6”
With these developments, both the White House and the secret government known as the CIA need to project a powerful message that Russia can’t get its will imposed on the Cabal everywhere without a corresponding collateral damage.
Another attack on civilians must be unleashed to give them the pretext to put boots on the ground in Syria purposely to sabotage Russian operations against Islamic State.
Update :
they IS dead meat when “We The people’s of the globe Join Russia & China Against the IsIs” !
Ahmad, In God’s Name, I can only speak & share Truth to his peoples. Pray pray many more of Gods peoples & children, will speak up & Demand honest truth so all these horrific tragedies will be stilled!
Demand the evil & violence will STOP !
This world belongs to God, NOT IsIs, not Zionist Israel, NOT to any Zionist Nazi Israelis or their global Zionist Nazi Lackeys, period, Certainly Not the Zionist IsIs Americans & All their traitors to the American People’s & their children or their Sons in their Armed Forces !
Deliver Back to the Globe Zionist Nazi Criminal Israel & Zionist IsIs all the Lands that aRE Palestine – All the lands & Peoples that are not yours!
Return the United States of America & turn yourselves in as the Traitors & Betrayers & killers you are !
Here Is a post to the peoples of the globe:
We the peoples know all about you & who you really are & stand for.
You are without Friends because of All your acts Of criminality & harm purposely to all ages and communities all ages since you claimed you were the “chosen peoples of Israel”.
We ALL know from this earth, this IS an evil lie & offers the peoples of such a lie of eternal damnation.
Since you know you are headed for hell we want you to know, “we the peoples” of our globe, will stand together in 100% Togetherness in fighting you against every point of evil & criminality!
We also will stand together against all that your Criminality does to our Peoples & Nations!
The Nations & Peoples will not allow Greed, evil, or your actions of Death in any form to harm us!
God Remains Our Father & truth for us his Peoples, will always remain our way of Life.
In over 2,000 years our way of life, our book of Life has never changed our choice for life or our guide to life.
Unfortunately, the road & choice YOU Zionist Nazi IsIs YOU Chose to take is in volumes of ongoing hate, greed, punishing peoples all ages, forcing them into slavery & murdering them without understanding. You Zionist Israel & Your global Lackey Zionist IsIs army members in Israel and as well locally have been stepping away from the life of Judaism for many centuries.
The world’s peoples can no longer support or trust you for any in your country or Any of your peoples.
Be forewarned, the peoples of the globe & in all probability will be Blockading you for everything of Evil Criminality you stand for.The globes Armies I’m quite sure will be joining forces together to stop you in every way of your being. Fini ! On this plane and in the next world, you ARE Fini !
I’m sure this post will also be shared globally for it is our choice to help together in every way all you stand for across all borders & for GOD you ARE Fini !
“TRUTH Walking In honest TRUTH Forever” !
It Is Our wish as Gods Peoples that Hell find you soon enough & keep you always, & Eternally ! I
Share Please Global Peoples ALL Ages For Truth
Yup, isIs knows
I agree with President Assad & the Courageous Syrian Peoples ! Now that I have two beloved members of my family there I am just as determined to stay in support with the French Peoples !
As I have been sharing for years as people’s of the earth we know right from wrong, evil from good & definitely must “as people’s” of the earth “Carry the Majority of the vote” as to if we join with others to take down evil !
Since so many lackeys of Zionist Israel “actually joined created IsIs with Zionist Israel, in being Zionist’s to fool the globe, & Zionist Nazi Americans, as well Zionist Londoners, & others around the globe, including, funding them, offering first-aid, lodging them,
Then why are we allowing these Fugitives & Criminals to do whatever they want including to tell Free Nations & People’s Governments what to do whenever they want including robbing & taking whatever they want nationwide, as well lying without letup” ?
Assad Is Right, President Putin IS right, China IS right, the Peoples of The Earth ARE Right, the evil Zionist NAZI Warlords of the State of Israel ARE totally WRONG, PERIOD !
The Global World NOW sees exactly what the Syrians have been under by the Zionist Criminals of & From the State of Israel! Pure Evil of Zionist Nazi Torture mentally, emotionally, psychologically, physically, religiously & spiritually & as a people’s! This Zionist State of Israel has gone way past any standard of Evilness & or Madness!
Even a Doctor cannot post phone when a patient with evil intentions & must be put away for life. YOU Dear Global Friends MUST decide quickly!
For any sane minded human being—– NOT to see all the evil ongoing Issued & with NO let up must tell you from Inside your hearts, we must put a final stop to their mentally ill & crazed warped schizophrenic world of thinking S we harm & killings!
Remember, they m, isis have already taken Prisoner, Palestine for over 50 years as well other countries as America, & other countries through their Evil Banking & nefarious criminal crazed Industries, including Nazi law enforcement, globally.
It truly IS important for the globe to become 100% Truly involved !
So, Dear Global Friends of Freedom & Liberty, how long is it going to take you to get involved global citizen together with a global plan to protect your lives, your children’s, friends, cities ‘ not these Criminal people’s paid off by Rothschild’s & NOT their murdering Criminal global Thugs ?
Please, look at this as Valid & a Number one priority global people’s !
Are you looking for a way to clean up evil ?
Will you citizens of the globe really start looking to make a real change where Global Lives are involved all ages ?
Write back, please….
We all are waiting for your response.
what is happening here is complete confusion, what we all really need to do is forget the present chaos, and the different factions of religious and militaristic that it has broken up into, and try to remember where this all began and who started it, and who is still funding it, you do not need a fortune teller to see what is obvious, lets first look at what we can see, okay there are 1500 US military bases around the world, WHY, there are US nuclear missiles pointed at RUSSIA from five different countries in Europe, WHY, which country is trying to implement a new world order for the elites only answer the USA, WHY, which country has betrayed or made war with nearly 95 percent of the world answer, the USA, WHY, which organisations does the US DONKEY WORK, answer NATO and the EU, WHY, which country has blackmailed and threatened the leaders of eight European Nations answer the USA, WHY, and 99 percent of all sabotage is done by the CIA-MOSSAD, WHY, RUSSIA is not enemy, but AMERICA, BRITAIN and ISRAEL are.
Saudi Arabia must be included as an enemy along with America, Canada since Steven Harper has been beside the USA since the beginning and has undermined all Canadians making decisions without even as much as a discussion in Parliament as well as Justin Trudeau who went as far to say that Russia is dangerous of course Russia is dangerous anyone who was going to expose the reality of the Middle East was labelled dangerous, Britain, Israel and I am questioning the Imperialism of France. ISIS was trained on Saudi Arabia Soil by America, we cannot trust the UN or NATO and FEMA for that matter, we have a broken system globally and I am not sure the Catholic Church or the Illuminati should be considered as worthy or trustworthy influence on one world Government since to date they have done nothing to rectify the damage including environment with all the Chemtrails if they cared about humanity and consider themselves to be also “Elite” and powerful why did they not interject? I do not buy into their so called priority to protect humanity. I trust Russia & China and it is my opinion that those two countries should influence the future governance of our world. If we are to have One World Government it should start with trust and we cannot really trust the rest of the world at this stage it will be God, Russia and China if we are to succeed in a viable future for all living things. It is my understanding the new currency has already been printed?? it should also be that the Federal Reserve Bank as well as the US Treasury be removed from the monetary system completely and banned from trading for eternity, there is no way these two banks will ever function in favor of anything but themselves and history has proved that over and over again. Arrests should be made on the so called “Elite’s” it is not acceptable they are able to walk away from their crimes against humanity nor the crimes against our environment and all other living things. Accountability is mandatory especially when fake terrorism was created to commit horrific crimes in this world. The current President of the United States Barack Obama, and the past President George Bush as well as Hilary Clinton should be charged with treason for the crimes they have committed on the US Citizens and their own Soldiers & Marines as well as ignorance to their Veterans. Steven Harper must also be investigated as well as Justin Trudeau since already in his first month as Prime Minister he sent ground troops to support the US, NATO and UN which means Trudeau was already aware of and supporting the crimes adding to the crisis situation in the Middle East while portraying Canada as “peace keepers”.
Brilliant research, thanks for highlighting to me! Yemen is fast becoming the new control centre with Syria in disarray but the Resistance is aware and steps are being taken to prevent the same level of NGO power complex establishment and CIA Israeli intel infiltration.