Russia Bombs 30 CIA, Qatari, Mossad Officers in Secret Allepo Bunker

As the covert hybrid WW3 continues, Russian offensives can be felt both in the diplomatic fronts as well as in the battlefields of Syria.

Just as the Syrian ceasefire collapsed five days ago, Russia moved its primary aircraft carrier to augment the naval forces already in the area. Identified targets in Western Aleppo were then fired upon with Kaliber missiles resulting in the deaths of 30 Mossad/CIA/Qatari intelligence officers managing and supporting the Daesh Aleppo aid convoy attacks which caused the collapse of the ceasefire.

30 Israeli, Foreign Intelligence Officers Killed in Russia’s Caliber Missile Attack in Aleppo

Wed Sep 21, 2016 12:12
TEHRAN (FNA)- The Russian warships stationed in Syria’s coastal waters targeted and destroyed a foreign military operations room, killing over two dozen Israeli and western intelligence officers.
“The Russian warships fired three Caliber missiles at the foreign officers’ coordination operations room in the Dar Ezza region in the Western part of Aleppo, near Sam’an mountain, killing 30 Israeli and western officers,” the Arabic-language service of Russia’s Sputnik news agency quoted battlefield source in Aleppo as saying on Wednesday.
The operations room was located in the Western part of the Aleppo province in the middle of the sky-high Sam’an mountain and old caves. The region is deep in a chain of mountains.
Several US, Turkish, Saudi, Qatari and British officers were also killed along with the Israeli officers. The foreign officers who were killed in the Aleppo operations room were directing the terrorist attacks in Aleppo and Idlib.
Earlier in September, the Syrian army units launched a preemptive strike on the terrorists of the so-called Aleppo Operations Room in their gathering centers near the Castello road in the Northern areas of Aleppo and Mallah farms, foiling their plots to attack the region’s supply route, a source said.
The source said that the army’s artillery units attacked the terrorists’ gathering centers near Castello and Mallah farms in Zahra Abdo Rabbah, Kafar Hamra and Hurayatyn which killed and wounded dozens of militants.
Also, the Syrian air force attacked the terrorists’ supply route in Northern Aleppo towards Hayyan and Adnan as well as the supply roads in Western Aleppo towards the North and smashed the terrorists’ convoys in al-Aratab, Urom Kobra and Ma’ara al-article which thwarted the terrorist plots and forced many of them flee towards the Turkish borders.
Informed media sources disclosed earlier that the Syrian army has continued its advances in the Southern part of Aleppo, and regained control over several strategic areas in the town of Khan Touman.
“A number of key warehouses of Khan Touman are now under the Syrian army’s control,” the Arabic-language media quoted an unnamed informed source as saying.
The source noted that the Syrian air force and army artillery units also targeted the gathering centers and fortifications of the terrorists in Khan Touman.

More CIA terrorist groups operating inside Syria are now in Russian crosshairs.
Defeat is imminent for a mysterious group in Syria
طائرة بدون طيار
All signs indicate that the Syrian army will begin the process of liberalization of Mards City at the earliest. This city is located on the road linking Damascus, Aleppo. And now controlled by the “Jund al-Aqsa” group, a unique group of its kind, is until recently has large numbers of drones and succeeded in courting the United States of America.
It is believed that the defeat will allow to know many new things about the war in Syria. It is noteworthy that this group used large numbers of drones to bomb sites on earth. But no one knows where is this isolated base where basic supply, and aircrafts capable of launching bombing operations in addition to doing the task of surveillance, are channeled from.
Where “Jund al-Aqsa” group got on airplanes? And where the group’s leaders come from? … It is possible to find the answer to solve these puzzles when a covert group of Syrian forces had seized documents.

More naval pieces are also being sent towards the Syrian war zone.
Admiral Kuznetsov Carrier Steps In to Support Russia’s Anti-Daesh Ops in Syria
The Admiral Kuznetsov aircraft cruiser
Russian aircraft carrier Admiral Kuznetsov will be heading to the Mediterranean Sea in order to support the ongoing anti-Daesh military operation in Syria while carrying a full complement of weaponry and military aircraft.
… While en route to the Syrian coast, the group, which will also include a nuclear submarine, is expected to hold a military exercise involving Tu-160 long-range strategic bomber aircraft.
“The entire spectrum of aircraft and helicopters stipulated by the minister’s decision will be deployed on it (the carrier),” Maj. General Igor Kozhin, chief of the Russian Naval Aviation, said.
Russian aircraft carrier Admiral Kuznetsov, officially designated by the Russian Navy as a heavy aircraft-carrying missile cruiser, was built at the Black Sea Shipyard in 1985.
The vessel carries a complement of Su-33 air superiority fighters and Ka-27 and Ka-27S anti-submarine warfare helicopters.
In 2016 however the carrier received a number of upgrades and can now also carry Ka-52K reconnaissance and combat helicopters that were originally designed for operations aboard the French-built Mistral-class amphibious assault ships.
The ship’s armaments also include 12 Granit anti-ship cruise missile launchers, Kortik and Kinzhal air defense systems and depth charge launchers.

It is for these reasons that most geopolitical analysts are in agreement that we are so close to a nuclear war as ever. But this scenario will never be allowed by level headed segments from both sides of the conflict.
What they have done and continue to do instead is to inform the other side where these rogue intelligence operatives are holding up to coordinate their nefarious sabotage operations, and eliminate them quickly.
These covert military operations are being launched in tandem with diplomatic offensives at the UN and in various established fora.
It should be very clear by now that a sizable opposition have been fighting against the Khazarian Imperialists, and the only component that’s missing is the informed participation of the population which directly address the abuses of their own fascistic governments.
Street protests are good for exercising limbs and vocal chords. But, it is long overtime for the people of America and Europe to rise to the occasion, and remove those high profile parasites from all positions of power.
If we can do it here in the Philippines, you too can remove those dominant political parties, and install one of your own in positions of governance.
The decision and action still need to come from you.

19 thoughts on “Russia Bombs 30 CIA, Qatari, Mossad Officers in Secret Allepo Bunker”

  1. News reports are more credible for English readers if free of grammatical errors (should be edited). I’ll be interested in any updates on this counter-RKM thread. Thanks for the news.

    1. Yes because it’s about all about the Grammar, not the message. Don’t you have an order for a skinny Latte’ to fill?

  2. Reblogged this on demetrius13 and commented:
    Street protests are good for exercising limbs and vocal chords. But, it is overtime for the people of America and Europe to rise to the occasion, and remove those high profile parasites from positions of power.
    Spade don’t like it when you call a spade a spade! Make your voice heard!

  3. Russian officials have stated that the missile strike was not intended, but an accident.
    The situation in Syria is very complex on the terrain and it is so hard these days to see the difference between an ISIS rebel, an American Special forces operator, israhellis and a Turk, as they are all coated in the same hypocrisy.
    Russia stated that an investigation is in place and lessons will be learned for the future.

  4. Reblogged this on Mary Carmel News and commented:
    It should be very clear by now that a sizable opposition have been fighting against the Khazarian Imperialists, and the only component that’s missing is the informed participation of the population which directly address the abuses of their fascistic governments.
    Street protests are good for exercising limbs and vocal chords. But, it is overtime for the people of America and Europe to rise to the occasion, and remove those high profile parasites from positions of power.
    If we can do it here in the Philippines, you too can remove those dominant political parties, and install one of your own in positions of governance.

  5. Incidentally….it is UNLAWFUL to make FINANCIAL CONTRIBUTIONS to TERRORIST Organiations and/or to contribute financially to TERRORIST causes.
    US & UK service personnel; emissaries of their so-called “governments” have apparently been DIRECTING TERRORIST ATTACKS in ALEPPO & IDLIB…..according to …..farsnews….
    The ashkeNAZI khazarian US & UK CORPORATIONS posing as “government” are PROSECUTING a TERRORIST OFFENSIVE in SYRIA with monies UNLAWFULLY EXTORTED from TAXPAYERS.
    STOP PAYING TAX…..immediately.

  6. When you see the mainstream silence of this in the West, it can be taken as an admission that NATO countries are indeed the ones behind ISIS. I think much of the public know this but are in denial that their corrupt government can do this. They’ve ALWAYS done this. Israel are paying them to! You don’t have to look to far to discover they lobby (bribe) key politicians in all major political parties, leaving the gullible public to bicker about left vs right.
    That MI6 & mossad et al are all in the same room in Aleppo should leave no doubt our politicians are war criminals. Our politicians are hell bent on dragging us towards WW3, unless we stop them.

  7. Thank you, read this article on Global Research …
    RE-BLOGGED this on ICH, but can only give name of your site and heading of article — no links allowed.
    Will try and re-blog it on Washington’sblog as well … and on a number of other genuine alternative sites — such as Democracy Now (Texas) and also share with all my American friends.

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