Bringing Down the House of Saud

There’s an ongoing daylight genocide in Yemen by the House of Saud using Western supplied arms and ammunitions, which the mainstream media tried to ignore until now.

Yemen At War: Is the world catching on to Saudi Arabia’s crimes?

by Catherine Shakdam

Yemen At War: Is the world catching on to Saudi Arabia’s crimes?
Yemen At War: Is the world catching on to Saudi Arabia’s crimes?

Yemen has entered the third year of a conflict that has claimed well over 10,000 people, saw millions of civilians displaced, and endangered the lives of countless communities across the country.
For all intents and purposes Yemen has been decimated by a military onslaught of gargantuan proportion – one of the poorest nations on the planet versus an alliance of several superpowers. Western capitals have bought themselves several dark chapters in the history books … how they will be remembered, and one may hope judged, will very much depend on how they proceed moving forward.
There are still crimes the world will not stomach without offering resistance. Resistance as it were, is what has animated Yemen for the past two years, and pushed a nation on the brink, to manifest a movement that saw the bending of the might of imperialism.
In this military embrace, Yemen’s rights to think itself sovereign and independent were forfeited so that Saudi Arabia’s hegemonic folly could be quenched. But no matter, Yemen’s story has yet to be written. It would not be the first time a minority came to overpower the multitude majority, Alexander the Great comes to mind.
Let us remember here that it was the kingdom that unilaterally chose to invade Yemen’s skies, and from the comfort of its war rooms rain death on unsuspecting civilians.
However loudly Riyadh will posit that Yemen’s war is righteous and fair, reason … and hopefully decency, dictate we frown before the slaughtering of a nation whose crime was to argue democratic reforms at the court of a tyrant.
Yemen was earmarked for utter annihilation for it dared speak political self-determination in the face of Saudi Arabia’s grand Wahhabist complex – that monster Western capitals insist on turning a blind eye to so that money could flow freely to its coffers.
I recall how back in September 2015, only five months into this conflict the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) rung the alarm and compared Yemen to Syria – in hindsight I would say that the parallel was uncanny. “In just five months, the country is crumbling into a ‘Syria-level crisis,” read a statement.
After all, like Syria, Yemen has been the victim of wholesale terrorism; only in the case of Yemen, terror was rationalized by the arm that bore it – Saudi Arabia. I will remind readers that slapping a flag and a national anthem on fascism – if we can label Wahhabism under such term, does not legitimize its ideology.
A country interrupted by war, famine, abject poverty and altogether despair, Yemen forever remains the one bleeding scar in the Middle East few media have dared shine a light onto for fear of challenging Saudi Arabia’s media blackout.
It is impossible today to look upon Yemen and pretend that abominable war crimes have not been perpetrated in all impunity. I would personally argue, like many others that impunity in this particular case should be understood as a euphemism for amoral cover-up.
Soraya Sepahpour Ulrich, an independent researcher and author from Irvine, California, put it quite brilliantly in her interview with Tasnim News agency this March when she noted: “What is undeniable is the fact that those who ‘promote human rights’ are the perpetrators of the most heinous crimes, including the genocide in Yemen. To deny their complicity is to deny humanity.”
But there may be light at the end if this tunnel. Hope lies in those truths that are now rising to the surface so that the world could be told Yemen’s war from the perspective of the people.
The conflict has devastated Yemen’s economy and spurred a humanitarian crisis, with civilians unable to afford shelter, food or medicine, and aid groups powerless to reach vulnerable communities,” writes CNN.
Hope lies in speaking Yemen’s pain out loud so that the reality of Wahhabism – this abomination born in the burning sand of the Nejd (homeland of the House of Saud) could finally be looked upon as the root-cause of terrorism in the world.
Hope lies, bear with me, in identifying those enemies of humanity who, in the name of control, built a terror that’s shadow stretches over the Greater Middle Eastern region today. Yes, I am pointing a very angry finger at Riyadh and its cohort of hate-induced sectarian exclusionist for whom political stability rhymes with genocide.
Hope lies finally in admitting to Yemen’s war reality and the litany of war crimes 26 million souls were made to endure. Dr Riaz Karim, founder of the Mona Relief Organization confirmed to me this March over 18,000 men, women, and children in northern Yemen, have been slain since March 2015.
Whatever tally the United Nations has admitted to pales in comparison to reality. Reality is harsh in Yemen … much harsher than we can fathom if we consider that seven million people stand today at death’s door on account of famine,” he said.
But the world is catching on at last. At last mainstream media has proven able, and somewhat willing to lift a corner of that proverbial veil, so that, you, the public, be made to connect those dots.
The Mirror writes: “Saudi Arabia’s extreme interpretation of Sharia – Islamic law – is so extreme that it has actually been compared to Islamic State. In fact some commentators pick on the black uniform of Islamic State and the white robes of Saudi-and say the only difference between the two is one if black and the other is white.
And yes I grant you this commentary was made with the London terror attack in mind but nevertheless.
Terrorism is terrorism wherever it may lie, hide or operate. Whether in the streets of the Old Continent or in Yemen, it is Saudi Arabia’s Wahhabism that has draped nations in suffocating fear. It is Saudi Arabia again that has hold a faith ransom and forced 1.6 billion Muslims to think themselves in negation of one another and beyond the world altogether.
Saudi Arabia’s behavior in Yemen is the very definition of terrorism. Can we please catch on already?

Catherine Shakdam is a political analyst, writer and commentator for the Middle East with a special focus on radical movements and Yemen. A regular pundit on RT and other networks her work has appeared in major publications: MintPress, the Foreign Policy Journal, Mehr News and many others. Director of Programs at the Shafaqna Institute for Middle Eastern Studies, Catherine is also the co-founder of Veritas Consulting. She is the author of Arabia’s Rising – Under The Banner Of The First Imam

After the US Congress allowed any American to file a lawsuit for damages against the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia for its alleged financial support to the attackers of WTC 911 in 2001, the mainstream media have also started to talk about the ongoing genocide in Yemen.

To its credit, the UN was already condemning the deaths of non-combatants Yemeni women and children, much earlier on.
The Trump administration, for its part, has also commended the “successful covert operation” in the country, even though it led to the a number civilian deaths, yet failed to acquire critical intelligence which was the purpose of such a raid, in the first place.
Of course, we already know that all armed interventions of the US are not designed to end any conflict it, or its ally, has started.
Nevertheless, the infighting within the Khazarian Mafia stronghold is forcing King Salman and Co. to seek refuge in other Muslim countries, e.g. Indonesia and Malaysia, and relocate their $750 billion worth of investments in the US to Asia, now that the West has begun treating them as the convenient scapegoat.
It’s our understanding that the House of Saud has been designated as the “culprit” behind all terror attacks against the West from the very beginning. That’s why all of UK’s financial support to these false flag terror attacks were done through the Saudi Arabian bank accounts.
The House of Saud knows that if they resist the Western diktats it will suffer the same fate as Iraq, much earlier on. This doesn’t mean that Wahabbism is anything better at all, as it is designed to serve only the purpose of preserving the Saud Empire.
What this all means is that no single country could ever defeat the Khazarian Globalists which try to impose their own standards to people of different cultures, i.e. those same set of standards which the Globalists they are not in compliance with.

So, while the West is in the process of bringing down the House of Saud for its own “Pivot to East Asia,” i.e. increasing engagement with China, Southeast Asia and Japan, could we accelerate the process of eliminating the Khazarian Mafia from all of its power centers inside Western governments and institutions for good?
Or, do we need only to wait for another Rockefeller, or a Rothchild this time around, to just flattened out with cardiac arrest?

6 thoughts on “Bringing Down the House of Saud”

  1. Reblogged this on Satu Insan – Malaysia and commented:
    Terrorism is terrorism wherever it may lie, hide or operate. Whether in the streets of the Old Continent or in Yemen, it is Saudi Arabia’s Wahhabism that has draped nations in suffocating fear. It is Saudi Arabia again that has hold a faith ransom and forced 1.6 billion Muslims to think themselves in negation of one another and beyond the world altogether.

  2. Former USArmy PsyOps officer, Scott Bennett, documented that the CIA funds ISIS-ISIL via Swiss bank accounts in his “My Story”, available on-line. Several articles published by veteranstoday(.)com document that ISIS-ISIL is commanded by agents of Judaism´s MOSSAD.
    The question arises, Is severing the umbilical chord between the “House of Saud” and Tel-Aviv a required, basic function of neutralizing the “House of Saud”?

  3. Saudi Arabia König- Familie ist total verdorben halten von Islam nichts.Sie nutzen Islam nur aus um an die Macht zu bleiben und dafür ist Wahabismus da für diesen Job.Geld erhalten die Wahabiten als gegen Leistung und totale Kontrolle über die Gesellschaft,kein Macht haben die Wahabiten über Resourcen,Armee und Sicherheitsorgane. Die Saud’s Familie is am Zerfallen moralisch und degneriert,bald werden Sie ein schreckliches Schicksal erleben wenn das Geld zu Ende ist und der Schutz de Westens über Sie aufgehoben ist.

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        1. Ja, größtenteils Märchen von Merkel, die aus Tel Aviv oder D.C entstanden sind. Ein ausgezeichnetes Beispiel war das Märchen im münchner TZ, 1/2 April, S. 36. Angeblich neue Fotos vom FBI sind veröffentlicht wurden. Sie wiederholten das Märchen dass Flug AA77 in den Pentagon am 11-Sep-01 krachte. Eine enge Überprüfung enthüllt dass die Fotos verfälscht sind. Eine Video ist in den USA veröffentlicht worden, zig mal wiederholt, die ein US Tomahawk zeigt als es dem Pentagon nähert und zusammenstoß.
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