Hail Hail The Gang’s All Here [Keenan]

Here’s another update from The Keenan Group for this week…

Hail Hail The Gang’s All Here

By The Keenan Team
At this very moment we are sitting here contemplating what to do with the actions that have been reported to us.
The Clinton Gang has ridden in on their private jets, the Japanese Emperor’s sister has also flown in on her jet, and money transfers have taken place through Bill Clinton’s Arkansas Foundation.  Said funds are illegal, confiscated Colombian drug funds which somehow found their way from Clinton’s Foundation to Indonesia , with the main objective being to steal what does not belong to either the Indonesians, Clintons or the Japanese Emperor’s sister.

We told you long ago that this was the plan, and of course the Japanese Military is on standby.  Should they not be able to purchase, well, you get the message — they will get the funds one way or another!
Get Ready!!!!
Helicopters have been jamming the Wifi Systems between Stamford and Manhattan.  Do not be startled if communications have been disrupted for you seeing that the banking system is making a move which more than likely tells us that Manhattan has become a designated false-flag target once again.
When you see such activity it sounds like it’s time to get out of Dodge or do something about it before things get real messy.  It’s time to wake up.
Neil answers Jean’s “Orwellian” accusation with one simple statement:  the Bank Records will make everything perfectly clear.  With Jean having sole control of the accounts, it would be nice if she would provide everyone with a copy of the Bitcoin Bank Records by posting it on her site.
If not, do not be disturbed — we will have something up on our site shortly to document the Account History.  Neil never received one cent!  Let’s find out where the money went — we all would like to know.
We Have No Choice But to Stop This!
The people of the U.S. and the world need to stand up NOW and stop the actions of their tyrannical governments and the cabal organizations. There is more than enough historical and recent evidence about the actions taken by these psychopaths in executing  their dark agendas.   Our silence only perpetuates the extreme suffering and ultimate extinction of humanity.  They need to stop killing us all by poisoning our land, sea and air and by creating  wars!  Start now, today, with being loud and vocal in letting your representatives and local officials know that you know what is happening!
If no action is taken now, then … it has been nice knowing you.
It is the END GAME and there are no more excuses.

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